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Oct Revolution's UE Diary

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  • Oct Revolution's UE Diary

    Hi Niddy and fellow UE friends,

    I’ve been reading the posts/diaries on this site for a few weeks now (previously on MSE) and have come to the conclusion I too must go down the UE route.

    Briefly, I’d never missed a payment to my creditors (although only ever min. payments) but high interest rates were crippling me; I was then made redundant and found myself robbing Peter to pay Paul; my debts just grew and grew with the min payments not even covering the next months’ interest charges. So I finally sat myself down and faced my debt problem. I contacted NDL who advised my best option was to offer £1 payments to my creditors with a view to going BR.

    Before I could go BR I would need to save up for the fees, so I began paying £1 token offers to all creditors last year but the majority have now defaulted me and passed me onto DCA.

    One creditor offered me a F&F settlement of 35% - which I could not afford to pay – but got me thinking what would be the lowest offer they would accept, so I posted on the MSE site to see if anyone had any previous experience or knowledge. The final reply on my thread was from “Never-in-Doubt” asking me to have a look into UE and his previous posts. If I was going BR then I had nothing to lose.

    So since then I’ve been reading the posts on both MSE and this site and have primed myself to go for UE with your help Niddy (and others).

    I have today sent off for my credit file from the 3 CRA and will post again when I get them back with my details for help and advice.

    Thanks in anticipation,

    October Revolution
    Oct Revolution

    Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED

  • #2
    Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

    Best of luck - post back when you get your credit files.....
    I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

    If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


    • #3
      Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

      Good luck - we all started off in the same / similar position to you - I know I certainly did & soon stopped paying the token payments once I came round to Niddys way of thinking.
      You have taken the biggest step & I know it is scarey but it gets better,quite quickly - believe me.
      Stick with it & you will learn how to deal with it with the help of Niddy & others on here.
      Remember - its only numbers on bits of paper & when you sit down and work out what you have paid to date - they have mosst likely already had their money back.
      It will be a massive load off your shoulders & mind.
      Good luck!


      • #4
        Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

        Wise words - cheers Matty....
        I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

        If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


        • #5
          Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

          Thanks for that MattyA,

          Still waiting for my credit reports, but I'm gathering as much info as I can at the moment so will be ready to post again soon with all my details.
          Oct Revolution

          Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


          • #6
            Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

            Welcome ;Hi
            good luck .it scared me witless but now SOD UM ;-y
            if you do it today and you like it you can always do it again tomorrow

            I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

            If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


            • #7
              Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

              sod um eh? Great use of the English language lol
              I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

              If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


              • #8
                Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                OK I've now received my credit report from 2 CRA with 1 still to arrive.

                I have enough info to now post my details (only info I have not got is for Barclaycard, but I can get that from my own records).

                I will work through them and post soon.

                Just for further info ALL creditors/DCA are currently accepting token payments of £1 a month with no contact from them by post or phone (at thr moment), just the odd statement now and again.
                Oct Revolution

                Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


                • #9
                  Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                  ACCOUNT 1

                  First Direct (Metropolitan Collection Services)

                  Account: Credit Card
                  Commenced: 2003
                  Balance: 22k
                  Date of Last full payment: 11/2009
                  Start of £1 token Payment: 12/2009
                  Date of Last £1 token payment Oct 2010
                  Acc Status: Defaulted 2/2010
                  Acc Owner: DCA (in-house DCA)

                  Further info/details: Agree to accept £1/month. Last contact July 2010 letter asking for an increase in payment terms. Advised them can only afford to pay £1/month. No interest or fees being added.

                  6/10/10 - CCA Request sent
                  22/10/10 - letter rec'd from MCS "not in a position to respond to my request; once we are will respond with relevant documetation."

                  10/12/11 - After almost 15 months of no contact I've finally heard from Metropolitan Collection services: "....we enclose a copy of your executed agreement inc. terms and conditions....consequently we now require your offer of payment....". All they have provided is a one page application form and nothing else. The copy is a really bad one too. NID says copy is illegible so as it stands it's UE. Ignore and see what happens next.

                  19/01/12 - Letter rec'd from METROPOLITAN: "....agreement to hold this acc has now expired and you have failed to contact us....we now require must telephone us to avoid possibility of legal action....we now require your offer of payment....failure to contact us in 7 days will result in continued recovery action...." I2D says send CCA Query - Application Form Received - Letter sent.

                  08/03/12 - Same letter as above rec'd from METROPOLITAN - will ignore.

                  24/03/12 - Letter rec’d from Metropolitan: “…disappointed not been able to come to agreement…call us immediately to discuss proposals…may agree discount…repayment or settlement proposal…contact us today…”. I will IGNORE

                  17/04/12 - letter rec'd from Metropolitan: " have failed to make payment as alternative but to take further action...may involve doorstep proceeding...CCJ...bailiff visiting...attachment of earnings...further legal fees added to us to arrange payment...". Advised to send "Creditor refusal to accept UE" letter.

                  01/05/12 - Letter rec'd from Metropolitan: " response to last letter...CCA is enforceable....burden lies with borrower to demonstrate to the court that the Bank has failed...any further costs will be met by you...we require your payment proposals in next 14 days...". I will IGNORE and see what they send next.

                  08/05/12 - Letter rec'd from Metropolitan: "...we are referring your acc to DG Solicitors who will contact you direct...they have been selected to help/understand your circumstances...where possible agree an affordable re-payment plan...". Will wait to see what DG Solicitors send next.

                  12/05/12 - Letter received from D G Solicitors: "...We act for HSBC...despite demand payment has not been made...we may be instructed to take legal action...obtain avoid pay within 14 days or make arrangements for re-payment...please contact us...". Niddy says send "Threat of litigation" - Letter sent.

                  02/0612 - Letter rec'd from DG Solicitors: "...IMPORTANT YOU RESPOND TO THIS COMMUNICATION...please call us within 24 hours...if you DO NOT it may NOT be possible to avoid legal action...". I will ignore and see what they do next.

                  11/06/12 - Letter rec'd from DG Solicitors: "......despite a number of attempts to contact you...disappointed we have not rec'd payment proposals...our client is willing to agree reasonable repayment proposals...please call to discuss...". Niddy says send a cover letter saying "see attached" and send a copy of the last letter, ie the threat of litigation from earlier in may (12th?)- letter sent

                  21/06/12 - Letter rec'd from DG Solicitors: "...despite previous demands you have failed to pay this debt...unless immediate payment is made we have been asked by our client to instruct DCA to is possible there may be another solution...our client is willing to offer a discount of 20% to the amount outstanding and accept this sum as F&F as long as paid in 10 days...if you can pay this discounted sum contact us to arrange payment..." NID says send "CCA query - Creditor refusal to accept UE" - letter sent.

                  02/07/12 - Letter rec'd from Metropolitan: "...your acc is being transferred to our CENTRAL DEBT RECOVERY UNIT...they will contact you to arrange payment...". I will file and see what I get next from them.

                  04/07/12 - Letter rec'd from Central Debt Recovery Unit (as promised above!): "...debt referred to us for immediate collection...we specialise in debs where normal methods of recovery have proved bring this matter to a conclusion pay the full amount in next 7 days...if you cannot pay you must telephone us...".
                  I2D says to send "Account sold whilst in dispute" - letter sent.

                  18/07/12 - Letter rec'd from Central Debt Recovery Unit: "...WE WILL BE REVIEWING YOUR ACCOUNT FOR FURTHER ACTION...if you wish to prevent this call us...". I will ignore and see what they send next as they have not responded to my last letter.

                  28/07/12 - Letter rec'd from Central Debt Recovery Unit: "...we understand you are experiencing financial difficulties...our client is prepared to offer 30% discount as FFS...upon receipt in 14 days of payment we will mark file with CRA as satisfied...if unable to accept this offer we are prepared to accept £50 per month...please contact us...". I will file and see what they send/do next.

                  24/08/12 - Letter rec'd from Metropolitan: "...your acc is being transferred to Wescot Credit Services who will contact you in next 14 days....". I will file and await their letter

                  31/08/12 - Letter from Wescot (as expected): "...been instructed by our client to collect outstanding avoid further action you should pay the debt in full OR contact us...". I2D says to send "account sold whilst in dispute" template letter - letter sent.

                  12/09/12 - Letter rec'd from Wescot: "...FINAL NOTICE...our latest enquiries are that you are resident at this no reply to our previous letters we now require full payment in 10 days...failure to do further collection activities will be taken...may result in legal action being taken against you...or refer debt to doorstep us immediately...". I2D says send "Threat o gram before action letter"

                  20/09/12 - Letter rec'd from Westcot: "...acknowledge you have a query on account...we will investigate and get back to you...may take several weeks...all collection activities will stop whilst being investigated...". I will file and see what they come back with next.

                  15/10/12 - Letter rec'd from Wescot: "...we have contacted our client who say have sent you many responses to this query as you have had advised not received any...we believe dispute is now resolved...full balance or agreed monthly insalment is now required...please contact us...". I will ignore and see what happens next.

                  08/11/12 - Letter rec'd from Westcot: "....DOOR STEP COLLECTION NOTICE....we know of no genuine reason not to repay this debt....instructions will now be provided to our agent to visit your home to agree payment have a final opportunity to avoid this by contacting us IMMEDIATELY to arrange repayment....". I2D says to send "Doorstep Visit" template - letter sent.

                  06/12/12 - Letter rec'd from Metropolitan: "...your account is being referred to Buchanan Clark & Wells who will contact you within 14 days...they have specialist teams and a range of plans specially designed to meet your needs...". I will file for now and await contact from them.

                  08/12/12 - Letter rec'd from Buchanan Clark and Wells (as expected but quicker than I thought !): "...our clients have informed us they see no legitimate reason for non-payment...we have been granted access to your financial information held with CRA and will be monitoring this along with data from other sources to assess your ability to solve this matter...imperative you contact us...we are able to offer support...please do not ignore this matter...". "account sold whilst in dispute" letter sent

                  19/12/12 - Letter rec'd from Buchanan Clark & wells: "...we regret to note balance is still outstanding...please contact us...we will be able to offer you support, advice and be sympathetic to your circumstances...all we ask is you contact us...please do not ignore this matter, we are ready to help...". Their letter is dated 12th December so I'm assuming it's crossed with my "acc sold whilst in dispute letter". I will file and await their reply.

                  20/12/12 - Letter rec'd from BCW in response to my "acc sold whilst in dispute" letter: "...we have undertaken substantive investigation and refute your claim...we act in good no time were we advised account was in dispute by our client...your comments are noted but would not consider our actions to be as you describe nor contrary to legislation you quote....we have requested a copy CCA from our client and will cease collection until you receive...upon receipt of CCA if you wish to further dispute account please furnish us with details and documentation...otherwise contact us to discuss payment options...". I will sit tight and await for the said copy CCA to arrive and then take it from there for the next course of action.

                  05/02/13 - Duplicate statement of account rec'd - out of the blue - and not sure who it is from. Just a 2 page computer print out of "historic statement" detailing when the account was closed and passed to a DCA and showing zero balance. Envelope is handwritten and no covering letter or compliment slip enclosed. I will just file and see what happens next.

                  21/02/13 - Received call from Buchanan Clark & wells - which I answered !! - I don't normally answer the phone to numbers I do not recognise but this one came up as a local call with local dialing code!! so I answered. Caught off guard. They didn't seem well versed they kept putting me on hold. The upshot of it all was that they asked when I could make payment and I said I'm waiting for CCA as per their letter of 20/12/12 -said they will have to get back in touch with their client and put the phone down on me..................! Anyway will wait and see what they send or do next.

                  25/02/13 - Letter rec'd from BCW: "...we are here to help...make us an offer...once payment plan is in operation we will not phone or write to you for a minimum of 6 months...please contact us...". I will file for the time being and see what happens next.

                  27/02/13 - Getting 3-4 calls a day now from BCW - but not answering. Will send them the "Telephone Harassment" template and see what comes of it.

                  05/03/13 - "Telephone Harassment" letter delivered yesterday and also received a call from them - Referred them to their letter of 20/12/12 and asked why on the one hand they are saying collection activity will cease but on the other hand they are harassing me. I advised them to stop harassing me with 4-5 calls a day and asked for my number to be removed from their system and that I would only communicate in writing.

                  08/03/13 -Letter rec'd from BCW: "...we write with regard to recent communication...confirm your concerns have been noted on our system and are being investigated...I can confirm a "cease all action" instruction placed on account...". I will file and see what they do next.

                  30/03/13 - Letter rec'd from BCW: "...we have noted your comments...removed your telephone number from our not consider our actions as harassment...can confirm HSBC have instructed us to withdraw from the matter...we have closed our file and returned to HSBC therefore no further contact from ourselves...". I will file this letter for safe keeping.

                  03/05/13 - Letter rec'd from HSBC: "....acc has now been assigned and transferred to MKDP LLP who have appointed MKRR as their servicing agents....all contact/payments should be directed to MKRR....". Also in same envelope letter from MKDP stating they have bought interest in account and are now legal owner; have appointed MK Rapid Recoveries to manage account.....". I will file for now and await further contact from MKRR.

                  16/05/13 - Letter rec'd from MKRR: "...further to recent communication we have not received your offer of payment...we want to help you...please call to discuss ways we can help...until we reach agreement we will continue to contact you by phone/letter so we advise you contact us...". "acc sold whilst in dispute" sent plus telephone harassment letter.

                  31/05/13 - Letter rec'd from MKRR: "...regardless of our attempts by telephone and letter we still have not received your offer of payment...we want to help you...until you contact us we are unable to help and may need to take further action...". As they have not replied to my "acc sold whilst in dispute" letter of 16/05/13 I will ignore and see what they send/do next.

                  03/06/13 - Letter rec'd from MKRR: "...thank you for your recent communication... unable to resolve your query at present...we will be conducting a review...we will be in contact with you regarding resolution...". I will file and see what they send/do next.

                  12/07/13 -Letter rec'd from MKDP: "...apologise we are unable to resolve your query...we are currently liasing with the original creditor and will contact you when we receive a response...". I will file and see what they send/do next.

                  15/07/13 -Same letter again - as last - from MKDP: "...apologise we are unable to resolve your query...we are currently liasing with the original creditor and will contact you when we receive a response...". I will file and see what they send/do next.

                  27/09/13 - Same letter again: "...apologise we are unable to resolve your query...we are currently liasing with the original creditor and will contact you when we receive a response...". Which I will ignore.

                  BUT ALSO

                  27/09/13: Another letter from MKDP dated same: "...accept this letter as final response...understand you believe acc is in dispute...we have contacted oC and they have confirmed they have no record of unresolved response on do not regard acc in disput and normal collections will begin in 14 days...if you still believe you have genuine dispute please provide documentation within 14 days...". I will ignore and see what they do next.

                  30/10/13: Letter from MK Rapid Recoveries: "...FINAL you have not taken up our offer of help and as a legal requirement we are informing you that we are instructing our pre-legal dept to review your acc for further action...they may commence litigation which may increase amount is not too late to resolve this matter us immediately...". Deepie says send "Threat o gram - letter before action" - letter sent.

                  15/11/13 -Letter rec'd from MKRR: "...despite previous communication from us...full payment or arranged payment plan as not been agreed...we have no option but to refer your account to Keynes Collections for litigation us within 7 days or the escalation team may take appropriate further action...". I will ignore and see what they do next/await contact from Keynes Collections.

                  20/11/13 - Letter rec'd from Keynes Collections (as expected): "...NOTICE OF INTENDED LEGAL have failed to respond to previous correspondence or agreed a payment plan...we are instructed to collect balance...the amount is now due...this letter constitutes demand for payment and is in accordance with Practice Direction - Pre-Action Conduct of the Civil Procedure Rules...this letter requires your immediate attention...unless payment/plan agreed in 14 days, legal action to recover the debt may be taken...we suggest you give this matter your urgent attention and seek independent legal advise...".
                  Threat by Creditor - To Commence Litigation letter sent

                  10/12/13 - Claim form rece'd from Northampton County Court Bulk Centre: MKDP LLP are now claiming for the full balance to be paid. "You have a limited time in which to reply to this claim form".


                  05/09/14 - Update: MKDP's application has been "struck out" because they had no documents. The solicitors and MKDP are finalising the details then I'm told I should receive a letter from solicitor saying "that's that". Although, if they do come across docs at a later stage they can try again - although after 4 years and no docs I'm hoping they still can't find/locate them. Many thanks to Niddy, Deepie and Andrew (in the early stages) without whose help I would not have reached this position. Thanks everyone !

                  11/12/15- Letter rec'd from MKDP: "your account has now been sold to Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 will shortly receive a Notice of Assignment confirming new account number and who to contact about your account...". Then on

                  18/12/15 - letter rec'd from Robinson Way along with NoA from Hoist. The Robinson Way letter goes on to say: "...we act as collection agents for our client...we offer a flexible approach to repaying your account...please contact us by 25/12/15 to let us know which payment option is best for you...we are aware that legal activity has previously been taken in respect of this account. Our clients solicitors, Howard Cohen and Co, will be applying to the court to change the name of the claimant to Hoist and they will write to confirm.....". I will wait and see if Howard Cohen and Co get in touch.

                  07/01/16 - Letter rec'd from Robinson Way (dated 30/12/15): "...above account remains outstanding...need to agree affordable payment plan based on circumstances...please contact us before 10/01/16 to tell us what YOU can AFFORD...". I will ignore for now and see what happens next.

                  23/01/16 - Letter rec'd from Robinson Way: "...we want to work with you and agree an affordable arrangement - please complete attached financial statement detailing your income/expenditure and proposed repayment......". I will not be filling in and returning the financial statement and I think the best option is to ignore for now and see what happens next.

                  07/04/16: Letter rec'd from Howard Cohen Solicitors: "...we write further to advise Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 (HPH2) are now the legal owners...we are instructed on their behalf to act in all litigation matters and send this letter for information do so we have submitted an Application to the court to substitute the claimant detais from MKDP to HPH2, because our client are now the legal owners and the Order further confirms that we are on the court record and acting on it behalf...we request you continue to deal with our clients agent Robinson Way....". I assume this is for information purposes, as Howard Cohen state, and is just telling me that the account/debt as been assigned from MKDP to HPH2. And that I do not need to do anything. Planb says original claim "dead in the water" so will be IGNORING for the time being.

                  11/05/16 - Letter rec'd from Robinson Way: "...your account still remains outstanding, we want to help you...Our client will accept 50% settlememt to clear the balance in one payment...If unable to pay lump sum we can arrage monthly instalments or tell us what you can afford to pay...". Looks like they may be getting desperate as the months tick away to SB and its been to court once before and struck out. Ignoring for now.

                  11/11/16 - Letter rec'd from Robinson Way: "...we have contacted you on several occasions but not heard from you...we want to help you clear this debt...typically, when a customer does not contact us we may consider the following options...1. refer to client's solicitor to issue CCC, which could resist in court judgement...2. report to CRA as unpaid (if less than 6 yrs since default date...3. try to contact you by phone using all numbers on record including work numbers to discuss....these options are a last resort...please contact us within 7 days.....". I won't be contacting them as I'm ignoring and will wait to see what happens next.

                  28/11/16 - Letter rec'd from Robinson Way: "...affordable payment plan ... to help you manage your account here are some affordable payment plans for you to consider...". They then go on to offer 3 payment options - I will ignore and see what they send next.

                  16/12/16 - Letter rec'd from Robinson Way: " minimum payment - pay what you can afford ... unfortunately your account remains outsatnding despite us trying to contact you ... take the first steps today and get in touch to discuss your payment plan that could benefit you ...". Errrrr, no thanks, can't see how it will benefit ME when the account has been to court and struck out and is also SB. I will ignore and see what they do next.

                  19/01/17 - Letter from Robinson Way "...are you worried about contacting us? us so we can help work out best wat to deal with this...1, agree affordable payment plan; 2, agree a reduction in amount owed and reduced settlement plan; 3, if in financial difficulties discuss support solutions; 4,any queries contact us and we can help...". I will file and ignore.
                  Last edited by Oct Revolution; 15 February 2017, 17:13.
                  Oct Revolution

                  Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


                  • #10
                    Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                    ACCOUNT 2

                    Citibank (Collect Direct UK) Now with Opus

                    Account: Credit Card
                    Commenced: 2005
                    Balance: 2k
                    Date of Last full payment: 11/2009
                    Start of £1 token Payment: 12/2009
                    Date of Last £1 token payment Oct 2010
                    Acc Status: Defaulted 7/2010
                    Acc Owner: DCA

                    Further info/details: Agree to accept £1/month. Last contact August 2010 (statement). No interest or fees being added.

                    6/10/10 - CCA Request sent to Collect Direct DCA
                    6/11/10 - Letter from DCA asking me to contact OC direct for CCA
                    9/11/10 - "DCA declining CCA request" letter sent back to DCA
                    1/12/10 - Another letter from DCA asking me to contact OC direct for CCA. Will now send CCA request to OC (Citicard) as per NID's instructions.

                    14/12/10 - CCA request sent to OC (Citicard)
                    05/01/11 - Above letter not delivered yet; according to Royal Mail Track and Trace letter being re-directed !
                    06/01/11 - Letter from Collect Direct "payment arrangement revoked - must contact them within 5 days to arrange alternative or may advise client to take legal action". Ignored last letter.

                    14/01/11 - Letter from Collect Direct: "URGENT NOTICE. Must make a payment or contact them to discuss payment arrangement or will advise client to issue court proceedings.

                    17/01/11 - "Threat O Gram before court action" letter sent sent to Collect Direct.
                    19/01/11 - NID's says shouldn't have sent last letter - too late now as letter received - see what happens next.
                    19/01/11 - Nid says send CCA reminder to Citi.

                    20/01/11 - CCA reminder sent to Citi.
                    24/01/11 -
                    Letter from H L Legal "we act on behalf of Collect in next 7 days or will recommend legal action.... a claim for associated cost and interest will be made......hope course of action can be avoided by contacting client to make arrangements to pay" - NID says ignore.

                    17/02/11 -
                    Letter received today from Opus: “we are sorry you have reason to complain….we should be able to send you a full response within 8 weeks” Will file and see what happens next

                    01/03/11 - CCA received from Opus; Nid says send CCA Query T&C's supplied template. Letter sent.

                    03/06/11 - Letter from Cabot Financial: "....we have recently bought acc from Opus/Citi....please call to arrange payment...." Nid says send "Account sold whilst in dispute" template. Letter sent.

                    11/06/11 - Letter from Cabot: "....looking into complaint....will respond in 20 days...."

                    07/07/11 -
                    Letter from Cabot: "....still looking into complaint....will require a further 20 days to respond...."

                    21/07/11 - Letter from Opus in response to my letter of 01/03/11 "...we have provided CCA which complies with CCA the moment we are unable to trace copy of signed application form....however we confirm our procedure has always been to obtain customers sig such we are confident CCA is enforceable....failure to make payments will result in collection activities...." Will ignore for now.

                    01/08/11 - Letter from Cabot: "....still looking into complaint....will have to contact Opus for further info....will contact me again when info received...." Will file and ignore for now.

                    21/09/11 - letter from Cabot: "....have received info from Opus who have forwarded relevant info which was previously provided to yourself....upon reviewing docs I can clarify Opus have provided a recon true copy of your CCA which complies with CCA request....will not send acc back to Opus....a CCA request is not a method for the avoidance of the us in next 14 days to discuss if not acc will be escalated within our collections procedures...." Nid advises send "CCA Query - Letter Previously Confirming No CCA" with a copy of letter from Opus received on 21/07/11. Letter sent.

                    12/10/11 - Letter rec'd from Cabot: " continue to claim agreement is unenforceable....information provided by OPUS is sufficient to meet CCA....enforcement constitutes obtaining Judgement at court....we are not seeking to initiate have been misinformed in relation to arguments you continue to raise....account is now payable - please contact us to arrange payment plan...." In2Deep says ignore.

                    24/10/11 - E-mail received from Cabot: "....according to our records debt still remains us urgently....failure to do so your account will be escalated to next stage of our collections process...." NID/In2Deep say to ignore.

                    17/11/11 - another e-mail from Cabot: "this is last chance to agree a suitable payment plan before we move acc to our Pre Litigation us now....". In2deep says send "Threat o gram before action letter" - letter sent.

                    25/11/11 - Letter from Cabot in response to my "threat o gram before action" letter: "Our Final Response To Your continue to claim agreement is unenforceable....information provided by OPUS is sufficient to meet CCA have been misinformed in relation to arguments you continue to raise....recommend you seek legal advice....account is now payable...." NID says ignore

                    06/12/11 - E-mail from Cabot: "your acc has been escalated to our PRE-LITIGATION DEPT....we may issue a claim for County Court Judgement....may insruct external DCA or Legal Agency to call on you....most important you contact us to stop further action....". I2D says ignore.

                    13/12/11 - yet another e-mail from Cabot: "IMPORTANT - PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE....your acc continues to be in default....despite previous requests you have failed to settle....outstanding balance is payable immediately....if you do not take positive action to settle acc we will either forward acc to External DCA or commence legal action....further costs may Cabot immediately...." NID says ignore but next e-mail I receive send "This email address is no longer active - please resort to an alternative method of contact" message back.

                    09/01/12 -
                    another e-mail from Cabot : "....our offer to you....we can offer you a 40% discount to your outstanding debt....if paid in next 30 days....we will close acc and mark as settled with us now....". I will ignore and see what happens next.

                    15/02/12 - Yet another e-mail received from Cabot (last letter I had from them was 25/11/11), which I am unable to read, other than the subject line, which says ...."External Agent Notification". I have sent a reply e-mail back just saying the following: This email address is no longer active - please resort to an alternative method of contact.

                    22/02/12 - Letter rec'd from Financial Investigations and Recoveries (Europe) Ltd (F.I.R.E): "....NOTIFICATION OF INSTRUCTION TO COLLECT....our client Cabot have instructed us to recover full amount....PAYMENT REQUIRED us....". I2D says to ignore

                    27/02/12 - E-mail rec'd from F.I.R.E: "....make us a reasonable final attempt to resolve and stop further action....will consider reasonable offer as F&F or payment us in next 14 days....". I will ignore, other than sending this e-mail back to them: "This email address is no longer active - please resort to an alternative method of contact." and will await their next reply.

                    17/03/12 - Letter rec'd from FIRE: "....PRE-VISIT NOTIFICATION....debt referred to us from must contact us in 48 hours to pay in full or arrange repayment....failure may result in....our client taking LEGAL PROCEEDINGS against you or a DOORSTEP AGENT us now....". I2D says ignore

                    25/04/12 - Letter from FIRE: "...previously advised if debt not paid we would take further action...been instructed by our client to instruct debt recovery agent to collect us immediately or we will pass acc to Doorstep us now...". I will IGNORE

                    09/06/12 - Letter from Cabot: " we have not come to a mutual agreement your acc is being passed to Clarity Credit Management for collection...Then in the same envelope letter from Clarity: "...insrtucted by Cabot to arrange payment...we can offer 25% us now...". I2D says "Account sold whilst in dispute" - letter sent

                    18/06/12 Letter rec'd from Clarity: "...this acc has now been returned to our client...further communication to you will come directly from them...". I will file and see what happens next.

                    04/11/13 - Letter rec'd from Scotcall: "...IMPENDING DEBT COLLECTION VISIT...we are authorised to collect above debt...important you make payment within 7 days to avoid escalation which involves a HOME VISIT...should you ignore, your case will be referred to field based debt collectors who will visit the above address...". "account sold whilst in dispute" and "threat of doorstep visit" letters sent.

                    11/11/13 - Letter rec'd from Scotcall (as expected): "...please find enclosed paper work relating to this acc which we are no longer dealing was returned to our client Cabot Financial Credit...please contact them...". I will file and ignore.

                    27/11/13 -Letter rec'd from Cabot Financial: "...the Cabot Credit Management Group has recently bought your account from is now vital that you contact us...if you fail to do so we will have to move your account to the next stage of our collection process...". Cabot already OWN this account and they have had previous contact from me (see above). I will wait and see what their "next stage" is?

                    10/05/14 - Over the last few weeks I've been recieving calls from Cabot which I have ignored and today received a letter from them stating:"we've tried to contact you...please contact us to discuss options available to you...we want to help you...if we do not hear from you account will be reviewd for next stage of collections...". I will ignore and see what they do next!

                    20/06/14 - Letter rec'd from Cabot: "...this letter is to notify you tht acc now passed to Robinson Way...letter enclosed from Rob Way with all their contact details - please call to arrange re-payment...". I will sit and wait until I'm contacted directly from Robinson Way then send account sold whilst in dispute.
                    Last edited by Oct Revolution; 9 September 2016, 10:24.
                    Oct Revolution

                    Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


                    • #11
                      Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                      ACCOUNT 3

                      Tesco Personal Finance

                      Account: Credit Card
                      Commenced: 2001
                      Balance: 4k
                      Date of Last full payment: 11/2009
                      Start of £1 token Payment: 12/2009
                      Date of Last £1 token payment Oct 2010
                      Acc Status: Defaulted 2/2010
                      Acc Owner: original Creditor

                      Further info/details: Agree to accept £1/month. Last contact August 2010 (statement). No interest or fees being added.

                      06/10/10 - CCA Request sent
                      05/11/10 - CCA rec'd (e-mailed to NID for advice)
                      09/11/10 - NID syas :UE "T&C's rec'd" letter sent
                      16/11/10 - Letter rec'd from Tesco in reply to last: Stating "CCA is true copy; consider account not to be in dispute; will pursue for full payment; will not enter into further correspondence over alleged CCA breaches" - NID says bog standard letter to ignore.

                      08/01/11 -Letter rec'd from Tesco (dated 20/12/10) “as you have failed to respond to banks previous demands, we have no alternative but to commence further proceedings for recovery…….we urge you to call to resolve this matter……..failure to do so may result in account being passed to external DCA without further warning or delay”. Ignored last letter.

                      20/01/11 - Letter rec'd from TRITON
                      "Tesco have placed your account with us for immediate avoid further action forward cheque for full amount by return...or pay by credit card over the phone.....if unable to make payment call office immediately......" NID says send "account sold whilst in dispute of CCA request" letter.

                      21/01/11 - Above letter sent.

                      24/01/11 - Calls received daily from Triton - Ignoring/Not answering.
                      04/02/11 - Letter rec'd from
                      Triton: “disappointed that you’ve failed to make payment or repayment proposals… alternative but to consider further action…may be appropriate to request a debt recovery agent call on you to discuss repayment…would prefer not to take this action so call to discuss outstanding balance”

                      10/02/11 - NID says send "harassment/doorstep visit" template. Letter sent.
                      12/02/11 - Letter rec'd from Triton:
                      “..we remain disappointed you have failed to settle debt/make repayment proposals….we have now recommended to Tesco that solicitors be instructed to commence court proceedings which you would be liable for costs……" NID says send "Threat by Lender/DCA - To commence Litigation".

                      14/02/11 - Above letter sent.

                      19/02/11 - Letter from Tesco received in response to my “Threat o gram – to commence litigation” letter sent to Triton:“ we do not consider acc to be in dispute….have fully complied with CCA request….indebtedness remains due and payable and will pursue for full repayment….this is our final response…if dissatisfied with this final response you may refer concern to FOS…..” NID says their final response so ignore.

                      22/02/11 - letter rec'd from Tesco in response to my Threat o gram "doorstep visit" letter, in which they say "can not uphold my complaint as acc still remains unpaid and acc is enforceable". I will file and ignore and see what happens next.

                      01/03/11 - Letter rec'd from Tesco (which is exactly the same one as I received on 08/01/11): “as you have failed to respond to banks previous demands, we have no alternative but to commence further proceedings for recovery…….we urge you to call to resolve this matter……..failure to do so may result in account being passed to external DCA without further warning or delay”. Nid says send Threat by lender/DCA to commence litigation. Letter sent.

                      30/03/11 -
                      Letter rec’d from Green & Co Solicitors: “….instructed by our client Triton/Tesco….despite formal demand, amount remains unpaid….we are likely to be instructed to commence court proceedings….” NID says send "Threat o gram - before action". Letter sent

                      14/04/11 - Letter from Triton in response to my last letter: “….write with ref to recent correspondence ….our records show Tesco complied with your CCA request with all relevant docs….further to this Tesco issued a letter saying had complied with CCA 1974 and payment is due….and finally issued you a further letter with a final response again confirming all above and that acc is not in dispute….Therefore the balance is due for immediate collection…. contact us within 7 days to discuss repayment proposals….failure to comply will leave us no alternative but to take further action without warning or delay….”. NID says ignore and see what happens next.

                      20/05/11 - Rec'd a yellow card (in an envelope) from Allied International Credit (UK) Ltd: "....our client has informed us a Formal Demand has been made....payment of full balance must be paid immediately....if you want to discuss acc contact us...." NID says ignore for time being.

                      29/06/11 - Telephone harassment letter sent.

                      05/07/11 - The letter has worked as calls seem to have stopped for now.

                      13/08/11 - Rec'd letter from AIC: ".... early settlement offer of account remains unpaid we are reviewing your acc to consider if further action is warranted....please contact us.....failure to do so may result in a recommendation to our client that proceedings should be initiated...." NID says ignore.

                      13/09/11 - rec'd letter from AIC - similar to last one (I wonder if they will send one every month !) - Will ignore.

                      23/11/11 - Letter rec'd from Fredrickson International:
                      “….instructed by Tesco to collect outstanding balance….you have failed to pay outstanding balance despite repeated requests….full payment now due to avoid further action….contact us IMMEDIATELY to discuss this matter….payment should be made to Fredrickson International LTD….” NID says to IGNORE

                      02/12/11 - Letter from Fredrickson: "LETTER BEFORE ACTION....this debt must be paid in full in next 7 days otherwise we will take immediate action now being considered....further additional costs will be added....bailiff may call....judgement would affect future now...." I2D says send "Threat o Gram letter Before Action" - letter sent.

                      10/12/11 - Yellow Letter rec'd from Fredrickson: "CONFIRMED RESIDENT....acc seriously in have failed to correspond or make payment despite trace enquiries showing you live at this us.... failure to arrange payment your acc will be passed to solicitors with authorisation to proceed with immediate proceedings against you...." I2D says ignore as its crossed with my last letter.

                      16/12/11 - Letter from Fredrickson in response to my "threat o gram before action" letter:
                      ".....we have referred matter to client....will revert to you when instructions rec'd....acc placed on hold....". will file and see what happens next.

                      23/12/11 - Letter from Fredricksons: "....we have been in contact with informed us information in respect to this debt was incorrect....we provided details of dispute to our client who now state debt details are correct....we would like to discuss matter with you....please call us in next 7 days....". NID says wait and see what their next move is

                      06/01/12 - Letter rec'd from Bryan Carter Solicitors: ".....payment must be made in next 14 days....failing we will recommend to client that proceedings be issued without further notice....additional charges will be added....before we refer acc for litigation you have an opportunity to contact Fredricksons with payment proposals...." NID says send "threat to commence litigation" - letter sent

                      24/05/12 - Letter rec'd from Westcot (new DCA for this acc): "....we have been instructed by Tesco to collect outstanding avoid further action pay debt in full or contact us....failure to do so will result in further recovery action...." I will IGNORE and see what their next move is.

                      02/06/12 - Letter rec'd from Westcot: "....FINAL NOTICE ....our latest enquiries confirm you are resident at this us in next 10 days or further collection activities will begin....please do not ignore....we or client could take legal action against you....or refer debt to a door step collection is very important you take IMMEDIATE action to resolve this us...." I will IGNORE and see what they do next.

                      14/06/12 - Letter rec'd from Nelson Guest & Partners: "....we are instructed by Westcot as a final attempt to avoid further action to offer you a period Westcot....if no settlement agreed we will continue to recover full amount...we may be able to offer a realistic payment plan....if no contact in next 10 days further recovery action will be Westcot....". I2D says IGNORE

                      05/07/12 - Letter rec'd from Nelson Guest & Partners Solicitors: "....instructed by Wescot....willing to consider realistic payment proposals....cannot remain outstanding....if full payment/proposals are not made within 10 days further recovery activity will be prevent call Westcott urgently...." I2D says to send "Account sold whilst in dispute" - letter sent.

                      16/07/12 - Letter rec'd from Westcot: "....DOOR STEP COLLECTION NOTICE....we know of no genuine reason not to repay this debt....instructions will now be provided to our agent to visit your home to agree payment have a final opportunity to avoid this by contacting us IMMEDIATELY to arrange repayment....". I2D says to send "Doorstep Visit" template - letter sent.

                      1/07/12 - Letter rec'd from Westcott: "...when you signed your contract it stated acc may be passed to a third party to deal with...please contact us to arrange payment...". I will ignore and see what they send/do next.

                      23/07/12 - Letter rec'd from Westcot: "...acknowledge you have a query on account...we will investigate and get back to you...may take several weeks...all collection activities will stop whilst being investigated...". I will file and see what they come back with next.

                      03/08/12 - Letter rec'd from Westcot: "...refer to your recent communication...we have contacted our client who have advised they have no record of a CCA request for this account...dispute now resolved and full balance or monthly payments now required...please contact us...if you still believe you have valid dispute contact us in 14 days otherwise acc will be returned to our recovery team...". Not sure what to make of this as my CCA request was sent on 06/10/10.

                      09/08/12 - "Creditor refusal to accept UE status" letter sent

                      22/08/12 - Letter rec'd from Westcot: "...acknowledge you have a query on account...we will investigate and get back to you...may take several weeks...all collection activities will stop whilst being investigated...". I will file and see what they come back with next.

                      25/08/12 - Letter rec'd from Wescot: "...we have contacted our client who have provided the documentation you requested..see attached...we believe dispute is now resolved...full balance or agreed monthly insalment is now required...please contact us...". Nid says send CCA query missing PT's - letter sent

                      14/09/12 - Letter rec'd from Westcot: "...acknowledge you have a query on account...we will investigate and get back to you...may take several weeks...all collection activities will stop whilst being investigated...". I will file and see what they come back with next.

                      03/10/12 - Letter rec'd from Wescot: "...we have contacted our client who have provided the documentation you requested...we believe dispute is now resolved...full balance or agreed monthly insalment is now required...please contact us...". I will sit tight and see what they do next.

                      27/02/16 - Letter rec'd from Tesco: "... your account as been asigned to HOIST Portfolio Holdings 2 Limited (HPH2) who have appointed Robinson Way to manage your may be contacted by Robinson Way to discuss your circumstances and agree suitable repayment plans...". I will ignore for now until I hear from Hoist or Robson Way and then take it from there.

                      01/03/16 - Didn't take Hoist/Robinson Way long to get in touch: Letter from Hoist stating they now own account and have appointed Robinson way to manage account. In same envelope letter from Robinson Way: "...helping you to clear your account...please contact us now to help find a suitable solution...". As none of the letters are threatening and the Rob Way letter does not give me a timescale in which to reply by/get in touch, I will hold fire on sending the SWID letter and wait for their next letter to see what to do next, all the while the SB clock continues to countdown.

                      15/03/16 - Letter from Rob Way: "...we have a range of payment options....which is the best for you? us within 7 days to discuss....". I will ignore and await the next communication.

                      24/03/2016 - Letter from Robinson Way: "...Settlement Offer Available - important you get in touch to tell us about your situation. If we don't hear from you we will have to make a decision on what happens next: whether to advise our client to instruct Howard Cohen & Co solicitors to commence legal action, OR continue with collection activity, letter and calls. Alternatively, our client will accept a 25% reduction in the balance outstanding to clear the debt in one payment.....please contact us...". As no threat is mentioned I think the best course of action is to ignore for the time being and see what happens next.

                      16/05/2016 - Letter from Robinson Way: "...above acc remains outstanding and we need to agree an affordable payment plan based on your circumstances...please contact us to discuss and take control today...". No threats and just seems a run of the mill letter so will file and ignore and see what happens next.

                      31/05/16 - Letter from Robinson Way: "...WHY HAVE YOU NOT CONTACTED US...we do not currently have a payment plan or agreement...please contact us to discuss your circumstances...". As no direct threats are mentioned I will file, ignore and see what happens next.

                      10/06/16 - Letter rec'd from Robinson Way: "...our client has advised they will accept 66% settlement to clear the balance in one payment...please contact us..." As no direct threats are mentioned I will file, ignore and see what happens next.

                      04/08/16 - Letter rec'd from Robinson Way: "...Pre-legal assessment...acc remains unpaid and is now being considered for legal action...your acc may be transferred to Howard Cohen & Co in 10 days...the best way to understand your circumstances is to contct us to agree affordable payment plan...if acc transfereed to HC&C and court action is taken costs and interest may be us..." Advised to send SWID letter - letter sent.

                      20/08/16 - Letter rec'd from Robinson Way in response to my SWID letter of last week. They acknowledge the dispute/query and will make necessary enquiries, in the meantime all collection activity will stop. I will await the outcome of their enquiries.

                      19/12/16 - Letter rec'd from Robinson Way in response to my SWID letter of 4/8/16: "...your recent request...still not received a response from original creditor....we are continuing to seek an update...all action on your account temporarily stopped while we await resolution...". I will file and await their further response.
                      Last edited by Oct Revolution; 5 October 2017, 13:22.
                      Oct Revolution

                      Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


                      • #12
                        Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                        ACCOUNT 4

                        MBNA (Experto Credite)

                        Account: Credit Card
                        Commenced: 1994
                        Balance: 11k
                        Date of Last full payment: 11/2009
                        Date of Last £1 token payment Oct 2010
                        Start of £1 token Payment: 12/2009
                        Acc Status: Defaulted 7/2010
                        Acc Owner: DCA

                        Further info/details: Last contact September 2010 agreeing to repayment schedule of £1/month. No interest or fees being added.

                        06/10/10 - CCA Request sent

                        31/12/11 - Letter rec'd from Experto Credite along my CCA. Niddy says and to blag for moment and see what happens !!!

                        03/01/12 - Telephone harassment letter sent.

                        20/01/12 - Letter rec'd from Experto Credite (in response to my last letter):....we are happy to deal with this matter in writing....we will keep your telephone number on record should our letters remain unanswered....level of contact from us complies with guidelines....look forward to payment/repayment proposals within 14 days....". I will ignore and see what happens next.

                        12/03/12 - Letter rec'd from AKTIV KAPITAL: ".... we have recently purchased your debt....please contact us to pay outstanding balance....". I2D says to send "account sold whilst in dispute". Letter sent

                        24/03/12 - letter from Aktiv Kapital in response to my last letter: “…we will contact OC to resolve this matter…acc is on hold and removed from collection process whilst we await requested info…”

                        04/04/12 - Letter received from AKTIV KAPITAL along with a copy of my CCA (the CCA is the same copy as received by Experto Credite on 31/12/11 which Niddy deemed ) The letter says: "...refer to previous communication...please find enclosed copy of CCA ... further documentation will be sent upon receipt...". I2D says send "CCA Query - missing perscribed terms" - so continuing to BLAG - letter sent.

                        19/04/12 - Letter from Aktiv Kapital: “…refer to your last letter…you have suggested docs are not adequate…we do not agree…only a court can decide this…we do not anticipate issuing proceedings at this time…negotiated settlement is our preferred option…in view of this contact us in next 21 days to arrange payment proposals…” I2D says IGNORE and see what their next move is.

                        11/05/12 - Letter rec'd from Aktiv Kapital: "...we have cross referenced your CCA with various legislative/regulatory rules you quoted...find no grounds that CCA is not enforceable...CCA contains all prescribed terms...we have fulfilled our obligations and court would be rule in our favour...not our policy to recover debt through courts unless forced to do so...leave us no alternative but to consider this...we are committed to assisting you if current financial circumstances prevent from paying...please consider content of letter carefully and receive in spirit it is intended...if you disregard...leave us with no alternative...further action may be considered...". I2D says send "Threat o gram before action". Letter sent.

                        25/05/12 - Letter received from Aktiv Kapital: "...can not comment on your suggestions that there has been breaches of S77-S79...even if breach did occur it has now been remedied with documents supplied...similar documents have been accepted by courts as evidence of an agreement and unpaid debt... if you feel docs supplied are not true copy i would invite you to provide me with particulars...why do copies not correspond with agreement you entered into...court would not accept without supporting evidence...unreasonable to accept your point on bare allegations...we look forward to hearing from you...". I will wait and see what they do next.

                        15/06/12 - Letter rec'd from Aktiv Kapital: "...we refer to our letter of 25/05/12 and note we have had no reply... in the circumstances we shall consider this line of correspondence closed....". I will ignore and see what happens next.

                        23/01/15 - Letter rec'd from PRA Group who say they "have been assigned the above account...are entitled to the monies owed...and the right to continue with any actions. Akiv Kapital changed its name to PRA Group on 6 Nov 2014. Your existing payment arrangements are not affected.....if you have any questions contact us....". As they are not asking for anything and the letter is for information purposes I will just file and see if anything happens next.

                        22/10/15 - Letter rec'd from PRA Group offering me a "20% voucher if I pay the remaining outstanding balance in full before the end of the month". I will ignore for the moment and see what happens next. Although, I am blagging this one!

                        20/11/15 - Letter rec'd from PRA Group: "your account is being managed by our Investigations and Litigation Department to look at your outstanding debt for possible Litigation recover.......We want to work with you and clear your balance in an affordable manner.....if we do not hear from you within 14 days we will be forced to undertake further investigations to gain an insight into your ability to pay....through information that is available to us......please call today to see how we can assist...". Will ignore and see what they do next.

                        05/12/15 - Letter rec'd from PRA Group: "...disappointed to see you have failed to respond to out attempts to contact you...our account managers will now look into the or tllowing to assess your personal circumstances....your credit file; searches to assess home ownership; investigate any other assets and affordability...we can only assist if you get in us within 14 days otherwise no alternative but to consider what action would be appropriate to collect debt in full....". I will ignore and see what happens next.

                        18/12/15 - Letter received from PRA Group: "...we have now carried out our investigations into your personal circumstances to determine best course of action. Based on the information, we will consider are next course of action, which may be either 1. legal action to recover balance; 2. passing your acc for a home visit by a debt collector to agree a suitable payment plan. In the event of legal action a claim for the outstanding balance plus costs and interests will be sought. to avaod contact us in 14 days...". I will ignore for the time being and see what happens next.

                        04/02/16 - Letter rec'd from PRA Group: "...we are disappointed you have not responded to our you have not responded your account will now be passed to Credit Security Ltd... However, before we do we will give you a final opportunity to avoid this by offering you a 65% discount on the balance outstanding as a settlement offer...if we do not hear from you within 14 days we will ask Credit Security Ltd to contact you". I will ignore for now and await contact from Credit Security Ltd.

                        29/11/16 - Annual statement rec'd from PRA along with a request to contact them to arrange affordable payment plan - Ignored and filed.
                        Last edited by Oct Revolution; 29 November 2016, 13:08.
                        Oct Revolution

                        Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


                        • #13
                          Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                          ACCOUNT 5

                          Barclaycard Visa (Mercers/Calders)

                          06/10/10 - CCA Request sent to Mercers
                          22/10/10 - letter rec'd from Barclaycard - "acknowledge my CCA request and will respond asap".
                          18/02/11 - letter rec'd from Barclaycard VISA:“As you have not complied with recent Default Notice, the outstanding balance is due in full and we demand payment immediately…balance will accrue interest….if we do not receive payment in 7 days a Debt Collector may call upon you for repayment or we may proceed with legal proceedings". I still have not received my CCA for this account.

                          19/02/11 - CCA received from Barclaycard Visa; It just looks like old and new T&C’s.
                          22/02/11 - Nid says send CCA Query "T&C's supplied" template.
                          22/02/11 - Above letter sent
                          02/03/11 - Letter from Barclaycard VISA in response to last letter sent. Briefly says: "That the agreement is enforceable; quotes the Judge Waksman QC in Carey v HSBC case; what they do and don't have to supply; not in dispute with regards OFT guidelines; believe agreement to be enforceable; will continue to pursue debt; please consider this to be our final response". NID says ignore.

                          26/03/11 - Letter rec’d from Calder Financial offering: “A Settlement opportunity …. Our client has agreed to accept settlement offer in payment of outstanding debt…." I will ignore for now.

                          30/03/11 - Letter rec’d from Calder’s: “IMPORTANT NOTICE: …we are still dealing with your account….is still overdue….we have instructed local debt collector to visit you at home to arrange payment….”. NID says send Harassment & Threat of Doorstep-Visit Template. Letter sent.

                          28/04/11 - Letter rec'd from Calder Financial: "PRE LEGAL NOTICE - we have not received any reply or payment. If you fail to contact us we may take one or more of the following actions: Visit your home to obtain payment; Try to obtain a charge on property; Court order to deduct debt from wages; Seizure and sale of personal belongings" NID says send Threat o Gram before action.
                          Letter sent.

                          07/05/11: - letter from Barclaycard Visa ref my last letter to Calders on 30/03/11: “can not uphold my complaint….do not agree doorstep visit will breach any laws or regulations….Calder will use all available means to contact you…." NID says ignore.

                          09/05/11 - Letter from Barclaycard Visa (again) in response to my letter to Calders on 28/04/11: “….see from our records we have sent Final Response….we have right to instruct 3rd party to act for us and will continue to contact you by phone, letter or personal visit….docs we have supplied are in accordance with CCA….do not consider to be in dispute….allegations it is not will be opposed….your agreement is enforceable….”. NID says send "Enough is Enough" template. Letter sent.

                          13/05/11 - Letter from Calder: “Final opportunity to Settle Your Debt….our client has agreed by way of concession to accept settlement offer….contact us….if you fail to call within 7 days offer will be withdrawn….acc returned to Barclaycard….could be sold or placed with another DCA….”. NID says ignore.

                          21/07/11 - Letter rec'd from Barclaycard: "....acc has now been assigned and transferred to MKDP LLP who have appointed MKRR as their servicing agents....all contact/payments should be directed to MKRR....". Will ignore for now.

                          24/08/11 - Letter received from MKRR:
                          “…writing in regard to outstanding balance, with objective of finding resolution of debt….ignoring letter will make situation worse….we can offer payment arrangements….if you ignore we are left with no option but to continue collections activity….” in 2 deep says send "Account sold whilst in dispute". Letter sent

                          06/09/11 - Letter rec’d from MKRR in response to my “Acc sold whilst in dispute” letter:“….at this time unable to resolve your concern….we will need to liaise with Barclaycard and will contact you as soon as we receive response….we are unable to return acc to Barclaycard as the acc was assigned and transferred to us which means we are the effective owners….”. I will ignore and see what happens next.

                          05/11/12 - Letter rec'd from MKDP; "...we write further to our letter of acknowledgement and apologise we are still unable to resolve your query...we are still liasing with Barclaycard and will contact you soon as we receive a response...".Wow they are taking their time - last I heard from them was 14 months ago (06/09/11) - I can only assume they are unable to locate my CCA. I will file and wait to see what happens next.

                          22/03/12 - Letter rec'd from MKDP: "...please accept this as a Final advise account is in dispute as Barclaycard have not provided CCA...we raised concerns with B/card who say request was complied with in September 2012...we no longer regard account in dispute and will continue with collection activity...please contact us...". Not sure where they get the response from Barclaycard in September 2012 as the last I heard from B/card was 21/07/11 and last letter from MKDP was 05/11/12 saying they are unable to resolve my query. I2D says to send "Final Response - UE General". - Letter sent 25/03/13

                          27/03/13 - Letter from MKDP: "...we apologise as we are still unable to resolve your query...we are liaising with Barclaycard and will contact you if we receive a response...". which has obviously crossed with the one I sent on 25/03/13. So from them stating only 5 days ago "Barclaycard had complied with request in Sept 2012 (which they didn't) and account was no longer in dispute and collection activity will commence" to today saying "unable to resolve query and are liaising with Barclaycard. Nice to know they don't know what they are doing. I will file and see what they send back in response to my "Final response UE" letter of 25/03/13

                          11/04/13 - Letter from MKRR: "...further to our letter offering help we have not received your offer of payment...without your cooperation we can not help...we may need to take further action to recover debt...please contact us...". Well not rec'd any letter from MKRR since 06/09/11 saying they are in contact with Barclaycard so why they think I should contact them is beyond me. I will file and ignore.

                          12/04/13 - Yet another letter from MKDP (in response to my letter of 25/03/13 "Final response UE") in which they state: "...we can confirm a final response was issued to you on 22/03/13 and no new info has been provided...complaints procedure now advise you require original signed copy of CCA and do not agree with one provided by remain liable for the outstanding balance...we request you contact us to arrange payment...". I will ignore nd see what they send next.

                          01/05/13: Letter, as expected from MK Rapid Recoveries: "...FINAL you have not taken up our offer of help and as a legal requirement we are informing you that we are instructing our pre-legal dept to review your acc for further action...they may commence litigation which may increase amount is not too late to resolve this matter us immediately...". I2D/Niddy say send "Threat o gram - letter before action" - letter sent.

                          16/05/13 - Letter rec'd from MKRR: "...FINAL you have not taken up our offer your acc now past to pre-legal dept... acc transferred to Raven Recoveries to resolve on our behalf...may involve applying for a CCJ...this is your final opportunity to avoid this happening...we do not want to take legal us immediately...". I will ignore for now as they have not responded to my "Threat o gram - letter before action" letter sent to them on/around 3rd May.

                          14/06/13 - Letter rec'd from Raven Recoveries: "...having not paid MKRR we are instructed to collect outstanding balance...payment in full required unless you can give a reason for us to re-pay...failure to do so in 7 days may assess your acc for further action". Niddy says send Creditor Refusal to Accept UE Status - allaboutDEBT UK letter sent.

                          25/07/13 - Letter rec'd from Raven Recoveries: "...despite numerous letters you have not paid...full payment is required upon receipt of this letter unless you can give us a reason for not us today...". I will ignore and see what they send next or if they reply to my previous letter (which I think they will not as it's now been over a month).
                          Last edited by Oct Revolution; 31 July 2013, 11:40.
                          Oct Revolution

                          Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


                          • #14
                            Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                            ACCOUNT 6

                            Barclaycard Mastercard (Mercers/Calders)

                            Account: Credit Card
                            Commenced: 1988 (ish)
                            Balance: 10k
                            Date of Last full payment: 11/2009
                            Start of £1 token Payment: 12/2009
                            Date of Last £1 token payment Oct 2010
                            Acc Status: Defaulted 4/2010
                            Acc Owner: DCA (in-house DCA)

                            Further info/details: Agree to £1/month payments. Last contact June 2010 (statement). No interest or fees being added.

                            06/10/10 - CCA Request sent to Mercers
                            22/10/10 - letter rec'd from Barclaycard - "acknowledge my CCA request and will respond asap".
                            18/02/11 -
                            letter rec'd from Barclaycard MASTERCARD: “As you have not complied with recent Default Notice, the outstanding balance is due in full and we demand payment immediately…balance will accrue interest….if we do not receive payment in 7 days a Debt Collector may call upon you for repayment or we may proceed with legal proceedings". I still have not received my CCA for this account.

                            22/02/11 - CCA received from Barclaycard Mastercard; It just looks like old and new T&C’s.
                            22/02/11 - Nid says send CCA Query "T&C's supllied" template.
                            22/02/11 - Above letter sent
                            04/0311 - Letter from B/card MASTERCARD in response to last letter sent. Briefly says: "That the agreement is enforceable; quotes the Judge Waksman QC in Carey v HSBC case; what they do and don't have to supply; not in dispute with regards OFT guidelines; believe agreement to be enforceable; will continue to pursue debt; please consider this to be our final response". NID says Ignore.

                            04/03/11 - BUT also rec'd a letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery Limited saying: "act as agents for B/Card MASTERCARD.... you've not complied with Formal Demand....balance is due....interest will be charged at 1% per month....may affect credit file....if not paid in 7 days a Debt Collector may call upon you or County Court proceedings may be issued .....". NID says send "Debtors Final Response - CCA Received".

                            08/03/11 - Above letter sent.
                            21/03/11 - Letter rec'd from Moorcroft (dated 10/3/11) as follows: “IMPORTANT INFORMATION – POSSIBLE LITIGATION….to prevent send payment in 7 days….if not we have no alternative but to recommend to our client that solicitors issue legal action against you….may incur further costs…contact us as we nor our client want court proceedings….”. Will ignore as crossed with my last letter of 8/3/11

                            31/03/11 - Letter rec’d from Moorcroft: “We refer to previous correspondence and confirm at this time our client is currently unable to prove a signed copy of the agreement relating to this account....there remains an obligation to honour original agreement….balance of account remains due.... credit file will reflect this….account is on hold ….please call to arrange a discounted agreement….” I will keep this letter very safe

                            21/04/11 -
                            Letter rec’d from Moorcroft: "MONTHLY INSTALMENT OFFER: ….to stop our recommending to our client that solicitors commence legal proceedings we are prepared to accept £***.** per month….". NID says send CCA Query - Letter previously confirming no CCA. Letter sent.

                            09/05/11 - Letter rec’d from Midas Credit Services: “LITIGATION WARNING ….We are part of Moorcroft Group....are aware you have failed to reach a repayment plan….we are reviewing acc prior to any possible legal action by external solicitors….to prevent contact us….failure to do so within 7 days may mean that a decision to proceed with legal action will be made….”. NID says send "CCA Query - Letter previously confirming no CCA" to Midas along with copy letter. Letter sent.

                            20/05/11 - letter rec'd from Moorcroft - Home Collections Division - "...records show despite previous letters no payments have been made....your acc has now been passed to our HOME COLLECTION DIVISION for action....may involve local rep calling at your ....if you prefer contact us to arrange repayment....if no agreement made with us/local rep you may leave us no alternative but to recommend to our client that solicitors commence legal proceedings..." Nid says send "Enough is Enough" template plus copy of letter from Moorcroft from 31/03/11 advising no CCA. Letters sent.

                            01/06/11 - Letter rec'd from Moorcroft in response to my last letter: ".... it is our understanding that you advised this acc remains in dispute as you have not rec'd your CCA....our records show that we sent you a letter advising our client was unable obtain a copy of your CCA....we have now asked our client to check their records to provide a CCA if possible....we are awaiting our clients assured that our position is that we would be happy to seek to agree a sensible/affordable payment plan to ensure this debt can be paid....acc. is on hold until we can revert back to our clients response ...." I will file this letter very carefully with my other one and see what happens next.

                            29/06/11 - Letter rec'd from Moorcroft: “….we advise your acc has now been closed and returned to our client….you will receive no further contact from us….further recovery action now lies with our client and we ask you to contact them….”. Nid says file/ignore and see which DCA gets it next !

                            21/07/11 - Letter rec'd from Barclaycard: "....acc has now been assigned and transferred to MKDP LLP who have appointed MKRR as their servicing agents....all contact/payments should be directed to MKRR....". Will ignore for now.

                            24/08/11 - Letter received from MKRR
                            “….writing in regard to outstanding balance, with objective of finding resolution of debt….ignoring letter will make situation worse….we can offer payment arrangements….if you ignore we are left with no option but to continue collections activity….” Sent CCA Query - Letter previously confirming no CCA with copy letter from Moorcroft.

                            08/09/11 -Letter rec’d from MKRR in response to my “CCA Query - Letter previously confirming no CCA” letter: “….at this time unable to resolve your concern….needs further investigation with Barclaycard .... will contact you as soon as we receive response….” I will ignore and see what happens next.

                            20/02/12 - Letter rec'd from MKRR: "....Barclaycard are currently unable to provide copy of CCA....are unable to should continue to pay the debt .... we will take any action short of enforcement.... obliged to seek payment....MKRR are now legal us to arrange payment plan....". I will keep this letter very safe with my other letter from Moorcroft stating similar.

                            20/03/12 - Letter rec'd from MKRR: "...FINAL not taken up our offer we must now inform you we are instructing our pre-legal dept. to review your acc for action....may commence is not too late to us...". NID says ignore

                            30/03/12 - Letter rec'd from MKRR: "...FINAL not taken up our offer acc is now with pre-legal option but to transfer to Raven Recoveries to resolve on our behalf...may involve CCJ and all what that will opportunity...we can not want to take legal us to avoid this option..." I2D says send "Threat by creditor to commence litigation". Letter sent.

                            17/04/12 - Letter from MKRR: " receipt of last letter ...will contact Barclaycard for further investigation...". I will file and await their investigations.....

                            27/04/12 - Letter rec'd from Raven Recoveries: "...having not paid MKRR we are instructed to collect outstanding balance...payment in full required unless you can give a reason for us to re-pay...failure to do so in 7 days may assess your acc for further action". I will IGNORE for now.

                            09/06/12 - Letter rec'd from Raven Recoveries: "...despite numerous letters you have not paid...full payment is required upon receipt of this letter unless you can give us a reason for not us today..." I2D says send "CCA query - letter confirming no CCA" along with copy letter from Moorcroft on 31/03/11 - letters sent.

                            23/06/12 - Letter rec'd from MKDP (in response to mine of 09/06/12): "...please accept this letter as final response...understand you believe we are unable to seek payment as Barclaycard have failed to comply with stated previously Barclaycard are unable to provide CCA...and cannot enforce...but will continue all action short of enforcement...we are obliged to seek payments to outstanding balance and will continue collection activities...". I will just ignore and see what they do next.

                            16/07/12 - Letter rec'd from Raven Recoveries: "...despite previous have not made option to pass to Keynes Collections for litigation reach acceptable outcome please contact us in 7 days...". Will ignore and wait for contact from Keynes Collection

                            27/09/13 - Letter rec'd from Keynes Collections: "...NOTICE OF INTENDED LEGAL have failed to respond to previous correspondence or agreed a payment plan...we are instructed to collect balance...the amount is now due...this letter constitutes demand for payment and is in accordance with Practice Direction - Pre-Action Conduct of the Civil Procedure Rules...this letter requires your immediate attention...unless payment/plan agreed in 14 days, legal action to recover the debt may be taken...we suggest you give this matter your urgent attention and seek independent legal advise...". Threat by Creditor - To Commence Litigation letter sent.
                            Last edited by Oct Revolution; 9 September 2016, 10:26.
                            Oct Revolution

                            Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


                            • #15
                              Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                              ACCOUNT 7


                              Account: Flexi loan/Budget card
                              Commenced: 2002
                              Balance: 11k
                              Date of Last full payment: 11/2009
                              Start of £1 token Payment: 12/2009
                              Date of Last £1 token payment Oct 2010
                              Acc Status: In arrears
                              Acc Owner: Original Creditor

                              Further info/details: Agree to £1/month payments. Last contact September 2010 (statement). No interest or fees being added.

                              06/10/10 - CCA Request sent
                              06/11/10 - CCA rec'd (e-mailed to NID for advice)
                              09/11/10 - NID says :UE "T&C's rec'd" letter sent
                              15/11/10 - Letter rec'd from Santander in response to last - "are looking into my complaint and I should hear from them shortly"

                              26/11/10 - Another letter from Santander similar to last but also stating "if account complained about still has an oustanding balance CCA remains in force and payments should continue; that missed payments will be shared with CRA; remain on file for 6 years - may affect credit status"

                              04/12/10 - Letter rec'd from Santander "it is our belief that we have fully complied with CCA and copy of Terms and Conditions support this and the agreement is fully enforceable." Niddy says ignore.

                              13/04/11 - Letter rec'd from Santander: "....understand you are still experiencing financial difficulty and would ask you to continue to make payments through your appointed 3rd party adviser as advised we are informing you of our intention to submit default information to CRA....default will remaim on file for 6 years....". NID says ignore last.

                              10/05/11 - Letter rec’d from Santander: “….our records show proposed payments have not been made for some months….important you contact us to advise current financial situation/establishing why payments are not being made….failure will result in us resuming collection and recovery on your acc….”. NID says ignore

                              11/05/11 - Default Notice rec'd from Santander. Will file.

                              19/05/11 - Been receiving 2-3 calls daily from Santander for the past month, but not been answering. Have sent "Harassment By Telephone" template and see what comes of it.

                              01/06/11 - Letter rec'd from Santander. "...we have looked into your complaint and have removed your telephone number from our sytsems and will only communicate in writing...". A result I think

                              31/03/12 - Letter rec'd from Santander: "...while your complaint was investigated all collection activity was complaint is concluded collection activity will stop this please pay in next 14 days...we are here to us...". Niddy says IGNORE

                              17/04/12 - Letter rec'd from Santander: "...we have noted that there is a sum outstanding...please pay in next 14 days...we are here to help...please contact to arrange payment..." I will IGNORE and see what happens next

                              28/04/12 - Letter from Santander: "...your acc is in arrears please pay immediately...will affect other facilities with us...we will report to CRA...". I will IGNORE.

                              17/05/12 - Letter rec'd from Santander: " have broken terms of agreement...above sum must be paid us to pay...if you fail to comply take this letter as notice of our intention to register default with will be registered for 6 years...failure to take action will result in acc being placed with Management Recovery Services...". I will IGNORE and file.

                              02/07/12 - Statement rec'd from Santander showing a zero balance and that outstanding amount has been transferred. I assume they have sold acc to DCA. I will file and see what happens next.

                              07/07/12 - Letter from Santander (as expected passed to DCA): "...your acc has been passed to Moorcroft Debt Re covey Limited who are our agents for managing your account...will take steps to arrange amicable payment arrangement...". I will file and see what they send me next.

                              10/07/12 - Letter rec'd from Moorcroft : "...instructed by santander to collect requirement to send notice of intended litigation... we believe this letter fulfills this... to prevent us recommending to our client that legal proceedings should be issued please contact this office with your payment proposals...we remind you CCJ will affect your credit us...". I2D says send "acc sold whilst in dispute" - Letter sent.

                              18/07/12 : Letter rec'd from Moorcroft: "important information - possible us in next 7 days to avoid". As it's crossed with my "Acc sold in dispute" letter above I will ignore and see what they do next.

                              25/07/12 - Letter rec'd from Moorcroft: "...we are communicating with our client ref your query...all collection activity will stop...we will be in touch shortly with outcome of investigations...". I will file and see what they send/do next.

                              26/11/12 -Letter rec'd from Santander: "...your acc has now been referred to or agent Wescot...they are responsible for managing your acc...all communication should be directed to them...". I will file for now and await contact from Wescot.

                              28/11/12 - Letter from Wescot (as expected): "...been instructed by our client to collect outstanding avoid further action you should pay the debt in full OR contact us...". "account sold whilst in dispute" letter sent.

                              07/12/12 - Letter rec'd from Wescot: "...FINAL NOTICE...our latest inquiries are that you are resident at this no reply to our previous letters we now require full payment in 10 days...failure to do further collection activities will be us immediately...". I think I will IGNORE for now as it has crossed with my last letter "acc sold whilst in dispute", and see what they come back with.

                              15/12/12 - Letter from Wescot: "....looking into your complaint...all collection activity suspended...may take several weeks...we will contact you in due course...".I will file and see what they come back with next.

                              18/01/13 - Letter rec'd from Santander: "...thank you for contacting us about your concerns...we will investigate complaint and contact you again when complete with a final response...". I will file for now and see what happens next.

                              01/02/13 Letter rec'd from Santander: " have contacted us to complain about receiving letters with regards to arrears for the above account...and that the account is in dispute as you have not rec'd a also state we are in breach of CC act and harassing you...after looking into the matter I can confirm we issued you with a copy CCA in October 2010 (further copy enclosed)...while we understand your circumstances and you dispute arrears we are keeping in touch with you to inform you of status of you can see from CCA you have clearly signed it and have accepted T&C's...for this reason unable to waive arrears and close account...hope I have explained reasons for decision and that it offers a fair resolution...". Seems like a final response so I will file and see what they send/do next.

                              22/04/13 - Letter from Wescot: "....looking into your complaint...all collection activity suspended...may take several weeks...we will contact you in due course...".I will file and see what they come back with next. Received same letter from them on 15/12/12 to which nothing as happened since. So I will file for now and see what happens next.

                              11/05/13 - Letter rec'd from Santander (out of the blue) "...thank you for your data request...please find enclosed Data Access Information you requested...". Then they have provided me with 31 pages of print outs (on Santander letterheaded paper) showing lots of account log ins/offs; contact info, balance and payments; blah blah blah........Not sure why they have done this as I have not requested it. !!!! I will file for now and see what happens next.

                              31/07/13 - Letter rec'd from Wescot: "thankyou for your recent communication and dispute raised...we are still awaiting frurther info from our client before issue can be resolved...thankyou for your patience...". As the last letter from Wescot was dated 22/04/13 in which they were still looking into my complaint I will file and see what happens next.

                              01/08/13 - Another letter recieved today from Wescot: "...we recently wrote to you...unfortunately, due to an error, this was was sent incorrectly as we had previously issued a response regarding your dispute...payment is now due...". I will ignore for the time and see what they come up with next.

                              08/10/13 - Letter rec'd from Clarity "...notification of instruction...we have been appointed to make payment arrangement with you...this requires your urgent attention...please contact us to discuss...". "acc sold whilst in dispute" template letter sent.

                              16/01/14 - Letter rec'd from Clarity in response to my letter of 08/10/13: "...apologise for the late reply...we have asked our client for the information you requested...we will be in contact again once rec'd...". I will file for now and see what they come back with.

                              24/05/14 - Letter rec'd from Clarity: "...further to our letter of 14/01/14 we can confirm that the above account has now be returned to our client"
                              Last edited by Oct Revolution; 9 September 2016, 10:27.
                              Oct Revolution

                              Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED

