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  • Dharmadad
    started a topic Joint Owned. Mortgage in both names.

    Joint Owned. Mortgage in both names.


    I (nor anyone else for that matter) has seen of heard from my ex partner (not married) for nearly 8 years.

    I have since re-married and have a child with my wife - we've been married for 6 years.

    I understand from Landmark that I can do nothing without my...
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  • InvisibleMan
    started a topic Invisible Man's UE diary

    Invisible Man's UE diary

    Background to how I got into this mess:

    Around 10 years ago I had a well-paid job and a top notch credit score. I had a few credit cards I hardly used, but no outstanding debt. I went into a lone business venture for a pension pot. I borrowed heavily through bank loans. They couldn’t...
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    Last edited by InvisibleMan; 11 June 2017, 19:44.

  • wilfred
    started a topic National Hunter and Cfas issue

    National Hunter and Cfas issue

    Before i get into the full story can anybody clear up three points for me please? I have read some conflicting information about how long an NH marker stays active. I thought it was six years but Im sure I read somewhere on here that it was rolling 13 months assuming no other issues were flagged to...
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  • shaun196809
    started a topic Link Financial

    Link Financial

    Hi there,

    Have an outstanding debt of £4k with Link Financials.

    I requested a copy of my credit agreement on the 24th April and they responded on the 27th April to state that they didn't hold the information but would request from Barclaycard. They stated that this could...
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  • alfie
    started a topic Remortgage Equity Release

    Remortgage Equity Release

    Good evening.
    My query is if anyone knows off hand about remortgaging an existing equity release which provided an initial lump sum then a monthly payment. The sticking point is that it appears that the monthly payment cannot be stopped unless the whole existing amount is redeemed. The wish...
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  • Start of my unenforceabilty journey

    So, in February I sent out CCA requests to all of our creditors. So far two have responded with copy agreements: Both are...

    Credit cards
    One commenced in 1994 and one in 2006 (my husbands)
    Mine has about £1700 (the 1994 one), husbands has about £7200
    Last full payments...
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  • marypoppins
    started a topic Mint - Wescot

    Mint - Wescot

    Hi everyone,

    I'm looking for anyone's experience with Wescot.

    Long story short - this is my husbands cc and had a balance of approx £9k and because we thought it enforceable (we used a different site at the time so it may be questionable!), he continued to pay an agreed monthly...
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    Last edited by marypoppins; 14 May 2017, 13:24.

  • Capital One Credit Agreement

    Good Morning,

    I currently have a debt of £13.6k with Capital One and currently in the process of negotiating an F&F payment.

    Following advice, I requested a copy of my original contract signed with Capital One back in 2005 but now need this reviewing to see if it is...
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  • rgally64
    started a topic Paying council direct

    Paying council direct

    Hello all tried to settle an old Pcn from the council after a visit from the bailiffs they sent my cheque back and also blocked my payment online I thought I had a right to avoid the bailiff and settle with the creditor direct
    Many thanks
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  • Notice of issue of warrant of control

    Hi Guys, hope your all well, I've not been around for a while as all my debts have gone thanks to you guys, but my misses has a court letter as per heading, just after some advice really where to go from here and will they agree paying in instalment's, what we don't want is for them to take the car...
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  • MisterK
    started a topic MisterK UE Diary

    MisterK UE Diary

    Here is my diary at last.

    (A little local difficulty getting the username agreed with MrsK, but everybody's happy now I'm pleased to say).

    About six years ago, in need of some help and well before I found AAD, I paid some money over to some CMC's to get "certificates of...
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    Last edited by MisterK; 30 April 2017, 09:04.

  • RhodriMawr
    started a topic RhodriMawr's UE Journey

    RhodriMawr's UE Journey

    Barclaycard Visa
    Type of Account - Credit Card
    Date Commenced – Approx 1996
    Approx Balance - £7,514.06
    Date Last Paid - > 9 Years Ago
    Arrangement – The Debt Charity Formerly Known as CCCS

    Status – Last Payment February 2017
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    Last edited by RhodriMawr; 25 April 2017, 19:35.

  • Jacspacs
    started a topic Failed IVA

    Failed IVA

    Hi my Iva failed in 2012 and is still showing on my credit reference file - can anyone advise when this will drop off my file as it is showing as 110 months old?
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  • Help and advice for debt of over £80k+

    Hello all I'm new to this forum and I'm really hoping you are all a friendly bunch who won't judge me too much

    My husband and I have always been in debt for as long as we've been together, and we are at the point where we are just being crippled every month with high interest and fallen...
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  • sebaab
    started a topic Help Needed Cowboy Builder Threatening Court

    Help Needed Cowboy Builder Threatening Court

    I need help as I am in the unfortunate position of being in dispute with a builder who was doing a building job for me. I sacked him before he finished the work because he is incompetent. Not only that but he lied to me, didn't turn up most days, had a near miss involving a neighbour and generally...
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