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  • Filtering the pond Cabot, PRA and others

    New diary for 6 accounts 2 x Cabot, 2 x PRA, Capquest, Hoist. All defaulted around ten years ago and sold not long after.

    I'll try and get this right but bear with me.

    Thanks for the support this site has already provided to my sanity and thanks in advance.

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  • Mtjones4
    started a topic Anglian Water Default

    Anglian Water Default

    I've recently just applied for a self build mortgage, and been declined based in my credit score. Which came as a shock.

    I've looked at my credit score to find that AW have filled a default for missing paying a bill for £300ish. We have recently moved into a rented house while we do the...
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  • cowbopper
    started a topic Cowbopper Debt 1

    Cowbopper Debt 1

    • Type of account Capital One credit card
    • Date commenced March 2010
    • Approx balance 1088
    • Date last paid DMP payment 7/6/18. Last Full payment approx March 2013
    • Are you on arrangement or not paying: Not paying
    • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date)
    • Account owner Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd
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    started a topic IN DEBT NEED HELP FAST


    Halifax overdraft: £5000 - Increased from zero to £5000 over the space of a couple of months a lot of which was gambling and they were also aware my credit card was almost maxed at the time.
    Halifax credit card £6500 - The first card i started using after buying a house in 2016

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  • Lloyds shakes up overdraft fees - but still charges borrowers 52%

    Lloyds Banking Group has announced an overhaul of its overdraft charges that it says will improve the finances of the majority of its current account customers.

    But the new measures could result in far higher costs for some Lloyds and Halifax customers - and make these banks some of the...
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  • Drydensfairfax Solicitors Default

    I have an unsecured credit card debt which was purchased by Max Recovery Limited in late 2012.

    The original creditor was mbna.

    The debt has never been on my credit file.

    Last year, I started receiving correspondence from Drydensfairfax Solicitors, who were acting...
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  • O2 Default - Didn't know I had

    Hi there,

    I reviewed my credit file today and saw that I have a default recorded by O2, which was under my closed accounts, for £20. Of which I paid anyway. Bizarre.

    Apparently the account defaulted in July 2012 and I had no idea this happened. And especially for £20!!
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  • shaun196809
    started a topic PRA Group

    PRA Group

    Hi there,

    I have a £8.5k debt with PRA from 2005 and requested a CCA last month. They responded stating that the amount was unenforceable as they couldn't find the original credit agreement.

    I responded with a 10% offer to close the account stressing that it was unenforceable...
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  • shaun196809
    started a topic Link Financial

    Link Financial

    Hi there,

    Have an outstanding debt of £4k with Link Financials.

    I requested a copy of my credit agreement on the 24th April and they responded on the 27th April to state that they didn't hold the information but would request from Barclaycard. They stated that this could...
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  • 'Can't pay, take it away' episode

    Hi guys

    I was watching an episode of Can't Pay, Take It Away the other day, and i noticed that the High Court Enforcement guys were on a job enforcing a writ where a lady had taken out a 4k loan?! I was under the impression that any debt under the consumer credit agreement could not be...
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  • alfie
    started a topic Alfies Diary

    Alfies Diary

    Starting this slightly unusual one as it relates to a current account overdraft and a request for its credit agreement given the newer rules on overdrafts.
    The newish rules say that a credit agreement is required for overdrafts after 2011.
    In this case however the 'draft was...
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    Last edited by alfie; 22 May 2017, 18:12.

  • Start of my unenforceabilty journey

    So, in February I sent out CCA requests to all of our creditors. So far two have responded with copy agreements: Both are...

    Credit cards
    One commenced in 1994 and one in 2006 (my husbands)
    Mine has about £1700 (the 1994 one), husbands has about £7200
    Last full payments...
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  • Another PRA Group (UK) Limited Defeat in Court Today

    Another headache for PRA Group (UK) Limited today as we won another case against them in Walsall County Court.

    The District Judge found for us in all our defence points - the agreement unenforceable, no evidence of assignment, bad default notice, non service of statutory notices and s.78...
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  • Arrow Global Limited ( Restons Solicitors Limited ) v buffy300577 - Issued 2 May 2017

    Your AAD Forum Username


    Name of Claimant

    Arrow Global Limited

    Name of Claimant's Solicitors

    Restons Solicitors Limited

    Claim Issue Date

    2 May 2017

    Who Signed the Claim Form?

    The Solicitor Firm (i.e.
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  • RhodriMawr
    started a topic UE Journey Begins

    UE Journey Begins

    After about 10 years with Step Change I have decided to go the UE route. Eleven creditors and 41k of debt!! I would be struggling to pay this back before retirement, I have diligently paid Through Step Change and sacrificied a lot, no holidays, no pension etc. CCA requests have been sent to all creditors...
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