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Oct Revolution's UE Diary

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  • #16
    Re: October Revolution's UE Diary


    Royal Bank of Scotland

    Account: Credit Card
    Commenced: 1995
    Balance: 9k
    Date of Last full payment: 11/2009
    Start of £1 token Payment: 12/2009
    Date of Last £1 token payment Oct 2010
    Acc Status: Defaulted 2/2010
    Acc Owner: Original Creditor

    Further info/details: Agree to £1/month payments. Last contact September 2010 (statement). No interest or fees being added.

    06/10/10 - CCA Request sent
    01/11/10 - CCA rec'd
    02/11/10 - Niddy says:UE "Application form" rec'd - Letter sent.
    18/12/10 - Letter rec'd from RBS “….disappointed you have failed to comply with our agreement; unless an immediate payment is made to your account & regular payments thereafter we have no alternative but to place account in hands of external DCA without prior warning”

    22/12/10 - Niddy says ignore last until I hear from DCA
    04/01/11 - Receiving calls daily from RBS, but I don't answer.
    07/01/11 -
    Letter rec'd from RBS (dated 21/12/10) “as you have failed to respond to banks previous demands, we have no alternative but to commence further proceedings for recovery…….we urge you to call to resolve this matter……..failure to do so may result in account being passed to external DCA without further warning or delay”. Ignored last letter.

    29/01/11 -
    Letter rec'd from TRITON "RBS have placed your account with us for immediate avoid further action forward cheque for full amount by return...or pay by credit card over the phone.....if unable to make payment call office immediately......"

    02/02/11 -
    Niddy says send "CCA query - application form rec'd" template to Triton.
    03/02/11 - Above letter sent.
    19/02/11 -
    Letter from RBS in response to my “Application form received” letter I sent to Triton: "CCA is a true not consider the account to be in dispute....will be pursuing for full payment....see no reason to enter into further correspondence with the alleged CCA breaches." NID says ignore.

    02/04/11 - letter rec'd from Triton:“disappointed that you’ve failed to make payment or repayment proposals… alternative but to consider further action…may be appropriate to request a debt recovery agent call on you to discuss repayment…would prefer not to take this action so call to discuss outstanding balance” NID says send "Threat of Legal Action & Refusal of Doorstep Visit

    05/04/11 - letter sent.

    14/04/11 - Letter rec'd from RBS is in response to my letter of 05/04/11: “ we do not consider acc to be in dispute….have fully complied with CCA request….indebtedness remains due and payable and will pursue for full repayment….this is our final response…if dissatisfied with this final response you may refer concern to FOS…..”. NID says ignore as their final response.

    28/04/11 - Letter rec’d from Green & Co Solicitors: “….instructed by our client Triton/RBS….despite formal demand, amount remains unpaid….we are likely to be instructed to commence court proceedings….” NID says send "Threat o gram - before action". Letter sent

    13/05/11 - Letter from Triton in response to my last letter: “….write with ref to recent correspondence ….our records show RBS complied with your CCA request with all relevant docs….further to this RBS issued a letter saying had complied with CCA 1974 and payment is due….and finally issued you a further letter with a final response again confirming all above and that acc is not in dispute….Therefore the balance is due for immediate collection…. contact us within 7 days to discuss repayment proposals….failure to comply will leave us no alternative but to take further action without warning or delay….”. NID says send Enough is Enough Template - letter sent.

    13/06/11 - Letter rec'd from Risk Management Alternatives (RMA): ".... your RBS acc has been passed to us....the full outstanding balance is due in full....RBS will no longer accept communication from you.... future communication/payment should be made to us now to pay/agree suitable payment plan...." NID says ignore.

    29/06/11 - Telephone harassment letter sent.

    05/07/11 - The letter has worked as calls seem to have stopped for now.

    09/07/11 - Letter from RMA: "....despite our attempts to reach suitable agreement the matter remains unresolved....if not rectified in next few days no alternative other than to recommend to client to take legal action....this is not our preferred route....if in difficulties speak to CAB etc....please call us today....". Account sold whilst in dispute letter sent as per In 2 Deep.

    14/12/11 - Letter rec'd from Westcot (new DCA for this acc): "....we have been instructed by RBS to collect outstanding avoid further action pay debt in full or contact us....failure to do so will result in further recovery action....". NID says wait to see what their next move is.

    23/12/11 - Letter rec'd from Westcot: "....
    FINAL NOTICE ....our latest enquiries confirm you are resident at this us in next 10 days or further collection activities will begin....please do not ignore....we or client could take legal action against you....or refer debt to a door step collection is very important you take IMMEDIATE action to resolve this us...." Nid says ignore and see what they do next.

    09/01/12 - Letter rec'd from Nelson Guest & Partners: "....we are instructed by Westcot as a final attempt to avoid further action to offer you a period Westcot....if no settlement agreed we will continue to recover full amount...we may be able to offer a realistic payment plan....if no contact in next 10 days further recovery action will be Westcot...." I2D says ignore and see what happens next.

    30/01/12 - Letter rec'd from Nelson Guest & Partners Solicitors: "....instructed by Wescot....willing to consider realistic payment proposals....cannot remain outstanding....if full payment/proposals are not made within 10 days further recovery activity will be prevent call Westcott urgently...." I2D says to send "Account sold whilst in dispute" - letter sent.

    09/02/12 - Letter rec'd from Westcot: "....DOOR STEP COLLECTION NOTICE....we know of no genuine reason not to repay this debt....instructions will now be provided to our agent to visit your home to agree payment plan...." "doorstep visit" template sent.

    20/02/12 - Letter rec'd from Westcot (in response to my last letter): "....we act within OFT guidelines....our door to door agents will make an appointment with you prior to this clarifies matter....". I will ignore and file for the time being.

    22/02/12 - Another letter rec'd from Westcot: "....following your request for a copy of CCA.... our client has requested you write to them requesting a copy enclosing £1....trusting the above clarifies situation....". Are they playing silly buggers or don't know what left hand from right is doing. I2D says IGNORE

    22/03/12 - Letter rec'd from Credit Security Limited: "...instructed by our client to recover debt...unless there is a valid reason not to pay amount is due in 7 us to arrange payment...". I2D says to IGNORE

    02/04/12 - Letter rec'd from Credit Security Limited: "...we cannot trace a reply to our recent letter...we DEMAND payment IMMEDIATELY to this office...failure will result in a DEBT COLLECTOR calling upon you for payment...". I2D says send "Harassment & threat of doorstep visit". Letter sent.

    12/04/12 - Letter rec'd from Credit Security Limited: "...we write in reply to your letter....our letter stated acc has been transferred to us...we look forward to receiving a payment and repayment proposal in order to resolve matter..." I will IGNORE for now.

    17/04/12 - letter from Credit Security Ltd: "...once again you have disregarded our request for payment...left with one course of action before refereeing your acc to a doorstep gesture to resolve our client is prepared to offer reduced sum as us...". Advised to send "acc sold whilst in dispute" letter.

    23/04/12 - letter from Credit Security Ltd: "...write in reply to last letter...have noted comments...we will take no further action...account passed backed to Westcot..."

    12/05/12 - letter from westcot: "...we have contacted our client who state sent final response in April 2011....dispute now resolved...full balance or agreed monthly payments required by return....please contact us within 14 days or acc will be passed to our collection team...". I will IGNORE and see what happens next.

    15/08/12 - Letter rec'd from Regal Credit Consultants Ltd: "...your details have been passed to us by RBS to act as agents...we will contact you in next 7 days by Letter/phone to discuss payment of acc....". "Acc sold whilst in dispute" letter sent.

    29/08/12 - Letter from Regal Credit: " receipt of complaint...we are lo
    oking into your complaint...we will contact you in due course...". I will file and await their reply.

    06/09/12 - Letter rec'd from Regal Credit: "...we have looked into your complaint and contacted our client...who confirm CCA requested was fully complied with in Oct 2010...we will continue with collections...acc on hold for 2 weeks so you can contact us and provide us with payment proposals...". I2D says ignore and see what they do next.

    10/10/12 -Letter rec'd from Regal Credit: "...despite previous attempts to contact you the balance still remains outstanding...unless we can discuss re-payment plan over the phone your acc will be passed to our field agents to visit you to discuss the matter...please contact us to arrange convenient time to visit you...". "Threat of door step visit" letter sent.

    01/11/12 - Letter rec'd from Scotcall (as expected): "...IMPENDING DEBT COLLECTION VISIT...we are authorised to collect above debt...important you make payment within 7 days to avoid escalation which involves a HOME VISIT...should you ignore, your case will be referred to field based debt collectors who will visit the above address...". "account sold whilst in dispute" and "threat of doorstep visit" letters sent.

    09/11/12 - Letter rec'd from Scotcall (as expected): "...please find enclosed paper work relating to this acc which we are no longer dealing was returned to our client Regal Credit...please contact them...". I will file and ignore.
    Last edited by Oct Revolution; 9 September 2016, 10:27.
    Oct Revolution

    Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


    • #17
      Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

      ACCOUNT 9


      Account: Credit Card
      Commenced: 1999
      Balance: 10k
      Date of Last full payment: 11/2009
      Start of £1 token Payment: 12/2009
      Date of Last £1 token payment Oct 2010
      Acc Status: Defaulted 7/2010
      Acc Owner: Original Creditor

      Further info/details: Agree to £1/month payments. Last contact July 2010, letter stating acc will be passed to DCA in 10 days – not heard anything since. No interest or fees being added.


      06/10/10 - CCA Request sent
      22/10/10 - CCA rec'd (will e-mail to NID for advice)Nid says acc may be enforceable but to blag for time being and send "T&C's rec'd" letter.
      25/10/10 - "T&C's rec'd" Letter sent to Egg
      04/11/10 - Letter rec'd for last; Egg looking into complaint, may take upto 8 weeks
      23/11/10 - Reply from Egg ref my complaint:- "the docs provided constitute a true copy of agreement; now satisfied my request for CCA the complaint is now closed; regular monthly payments should continue". NID says bog standard letter ignore for now.

      25/01/11 - Letter rec'd from Clarity "
      ...been instructed by EGG to make arrangements with you to repay above amount……are prepared to offer 15% discount as F&F…and will remain open for 7 days…if unable to pay contact them to agree payment plan….If we do not hear from you will consider options available to us… rep. visiting or where agreement remains legally enforceable, recommend to client that their solicitors be instructed to commence legal action” Nid says to send "Threat o Gram before action" letter.

      27/01/11 - Above letter sent

      02/02/11 -
      Calls received daily from Clarity - Ignoring/Not answering.
      08/02/11 - Letter rec'd from Clarity:“we wrote recently but note we have not reached an agreement with you…your acc is in default and full balance is payable immediately….if the agreement remains legally enforceable we will consider recommending our client/solicitors commence legal action.. if you ignore this letter further recovery action will take place…to prevent this pay balance/arrange repayment by instalments via web site; call; e-mail; send cheque”

      10/02/11 - NID says ignore last as letter crossed with my letter of 27/01/11

      18/02/11 - letter rec'd from Clarity: “thank you for your recent letter…..we have requested further info from EGG and will be in contact once we have received a response”. Assume it’s in response to my letter sent to them on 27/01/11 “threat o gram before legal action”. I will just file and wait to see what happens next.

      27/06/11: - letter rec'd from Fredrickson International Ltd:
      “….instructed by Egg to collect outstanding balance….you have failed to pay outstanding balance despite repeated requests….full payment now due to avoid further action….contact us IMMEDIATELY to discuss this matter….payment should be made to Fredrickson International LTD….”. NID says ignore and see what they send next.

      27/06/11 - Receiving over 14 calls a day from Fredrickson: "Harassment by Telephone" letter sent.

      05/07/11 - The letter has worked as calls seem to have stopped for now.

      08/07/11 - Letter rec'd from Fredrickson: " arranged we have enclosed our official Financial Statement form for you to complete....we can not consider your circumstances unless you complete and return....". I will ignore and see what happens next.

      14/07/11 - letter rec'd from Fredrickson: "LETTER BEFORE ACTION....this debt must be paid in full in next 7 days otherwise we will refer to solicitors who may take legal action without further notice....further additional costs will be added....bailiff may call....judgement would affect future now...." Nid says send "account sold whilst in dispute" - letter sent.

      28/07/11 - Letter from Fredrickson in response to my
      "account sold whilst in dispute" letter:
      ".....we have referred matter to client....will revert to you when instructions rec'd....acc placed on hold....". will file and see what happens next.

      05/10/11 - Letter from Fredrickson who have now "contacted Egg" and "have enclosed account documents....hope this clarifies matters....look forward to proposals for discharge of acc....". Documents sent are exactly the same as supplied direct to me from Egg on 22/10/10. NID says IGNORE.

      12/11/11 - Letter rec'd from Barclaycard: "....acc now transferred to Arrow Global Guernsey....this letter is formal notice of assignment....oustanding balance now payable to Global....Fredrickson will continue to service acc....Global will contact you direct....". In2Deep says ignore until I hear from Global.

      22/11/11 - Letter rec'd from Arrow Global: "....advise you that Barclays has assigned acc to should contact Fredricksons to repay this acc as a matter of urgency....all correspondance should also be directed to Fredricksons....". NID says ignore

      29/06/12 - Letter rec'd from Fredrickson: "...we refer to recent communication...we are no longer instructed in connection with this matter and have returned acc to our client...". I will file and see who gets the account next.

      13/12/12 - Letter rec'd from Rossendales Collect: "...debt passed to us by Arrow Global have ignored previous requests for payment...we intend to recover outstanding full amount in 7 days otherwise recovery action will commence...". "account sold whilst in dispute" sent.

      02/01/13 - Letter from Rossendales: "...we are looking into your query...will contact out client...account on hold...". I will file and see what happens next.

      18/03/15 - Letter rec'd From Rossendales Collect (after 2 years and 2 months): "further to your request, please find copy documents to support recovery of your debt...". They then include a letter from Barclaycard which includes a reconstituted copy of my agreement stating my current outstanding balance which is now payable. They go on to say they are unable to provide a copy of terms of credit card and accept they are prevented from enforcing, but will take any action required short of enforcement to recover the debt. I will file and see what happens next?
      Last edited by Oct Revolution; 9 September 2016, 10:28.
      Oct Revolution

      Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


      • #18
        Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

        ACCOUNT 10

        MBNA (formerly A&L) (Experto Credite)

        Account: Credit Card
        Commenced: 1997
        Balance: 5k
        Date of Last full payment: 11/2009
        Start of £1 token Payment: 12/2009
        Date of Last £1 token payment Oct 2010
        Acc Status: Defaulted 6/2010
        Acc Owner: DCA

        Further info/details: Last contact August 2010 agreeing to repayment schedule of £1/month. No interest or fees being added.


        06/10/10 - CCA Request sent

        24/12/11 - Letter rec'd from Experto Credite: "....following your CCA request....been advised by MBNA they are currently unable to produce a copy....we are therefore aware agreement is currently unenforceable....we will not enforce any action to recover balance....however outstanding balance is still payable and will not be written off....please contact us....". I will look after this letter very well .

        03/01/12 - Telephone harassment letter sent.

        20/01/12 - Letter rec'd from Experto Credite (in response to my last letter):....we are happy to deal with this matter in writing....we will keep your telephone number on record should our letters remain unanswered....level of contact from us complies with guidelines....look forward to payment/repayment proposals within 14 days....". I will ignore and see what happens next.

        26/01/12 - Letter rec'd from Experto Credite: "...we wrote recently.... MBNA is unable to produce CCA so acc is currently UE....BUT oustanding balance is still payable and will not be written a final attempt to us in 14 days to discuss significant reduced settlement amount....which will be accepted as F&F....otherwise we will still report acc to CRA and conatct you to collect on acc....". I will ignore and see what they do next.

        18/04/12 - Letter from
        Aktiv Kapital: “…we have recently purchased your debt....please contact us to pay outstanding balance....”. I2D says to send "CCA query letter previously confirming no CCA". Letter sorted.

        15/05/12 - Letter from Experto Credite in response to my letter of 18/04/12: "...we are unable to provide CCA and are aware acc is UE...we have no intention of considering further action...still wish to discuss repayment of debt...we will still report acc to CRA....". I will file the letter and IGNORE.
        Last edited by Oct Revolution; 9 September 2016, 10:28.
        Oct Revolution

        Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


        • #19
          Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

          ACCOUNT 11

          MBNA (formerly B of S) (Experto Credite)

          Account: Credit Card
          Commenced: 1997
          Balance: 9k
          Date of Last full payment: 11/2009
          Start of £1 token Payment: 12/2009
          Date of Last £1 token payment Oct 2010
          Acc Status: Defaulted 6/2010
          Acc Owner: DCA

          Further info/details: Last contact August 2010 agreeing to repayment schedule of £1/month. No interest or fees being added.

          06/10/10 - CCA Request sent

          24/12/11 - Letter rec'd from Experto Credite: "....following your CCA request....been advised by MBNA they are currently unable to produce a copy....we are therefore aware agreement is currently unenforceable....we will not enforce any action to recover balance....however outstanding balance is still payable and will not be written off....please contact us....". I will look after this letter very well .

          03/01/12 - Telephone harassment letter sent.

          20/01/12 - Letter rec'd from Experto Credite (in response to my last letter):....we are happy to deal with this matter in writing....we will keep your telephone number on record should our letters remain unanswered....level of contact from us complies with guidelines....look forward to payment/repayment proposals within 14 days....". I will ignore and see what happens next.

          26/01/12 - Letter rec'd from Experto Credite: "...we wrote recently.... MBNA is unable to produce CCA so acc is currently UE....BUT oustanding balance is still payable and will not be written a final attempt to us in 14 days to discuss significant reduced settlement amount....which will be accepted as F&F....otherwise we will still report acc to CRA and conatct you to collect on acc....". I will ignore and see what they do next.

          18/04/12 - Letter from
          Aktiv Kapital: “…we have recently purchased your debt....please contact us to pay outstanding balance....”. I2D says to send "CCA query letter previously confirming no CCA". Letter sorted.

          15/05/12 - Letter from Experto Credite in response to my letter of 18/04/12: "...we are unable to provide CCA and are aware acc is UE...we have no intention of considering further action...still wish to discuss repayment of debt...we will still report acc to CRA....". I will file the letter and IGNORE.

          Last edited by Oct Revolution; 9 September 2016, 10:29.
          Oct Revolution

          Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


          • #20
            Re: October Revolution's UE Diary


            I need account TYPE (credit card, loan, etc, etc)!

            I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

            If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


            • #21
              Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

              Sorry NID,

              All accs are Credit cards other than ACCOUNT 7 Cahoot/Santander which was a flexi-loan.

              I've edited my post to reflect this.

              many thanks
              Oct Revolution

              Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


              • #22
                Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                Woah - this is going to be quite fun for you - pretty much each account listed will be unenforceable - if I was you, stop paying across all 11 accounts and send a CCA request - then see what happens k k

                Don't worry, you're in a very good position here to wipe the whole debt - however you will get 11 defaults, but the sooner the better cos after 6yrs they are gone forever! Best of luck, ask any questions as you need - but i'd say on this we'll get at least 10 UE accounts...... hopefully all 11.... ;30
                I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                • #23
                  Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                  Thanks for that Niddy,

                  I do understand it will be a hard slog but I'm up for it (with your great help/advice and others on here).

                  Some of the accs have already been defaulted so nothing to lose there.

                  I will sort/send the CCA request in the next few days.

                  So you suggest stopping payments right away? (I know it's only £1 per acc) but thought the payments needed to be stopped when the CCA reminder letter was sent to get their attention.
                  Oct Revolution

                  Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


                  • #24
                    Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                    Originally posted by October Revolution
                    Thanks for that Niddy,

                    I do understand it will be a hard slog but I'm up for it (with your great help/advice and others on here).

                    Some of the accs have already been defaulted so nothing to lose there.

                    I will sort/send the CCA request in the next few days.

                    So you suggest stopping payments right away? (I know it's only £1 per acc) but thought the payments needed to be stopped when the CCA reminder letter was sent to get their attention.

                    Stop all payments now - this way you get their undivided attention! ;-y
                    I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                    If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                    • #25
                      Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                      Thanks Niddy,

                      All sorted - CCA request letters sent out to ALL creditors and I await their replies (!).
                      Oct Revolution

                      Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


                      • #26
                        Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                        Okies, keep us updated on this diary as and when you get replies, anything you want me to check just email as per my signature....
                        I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                        If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                        • #27
                          Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                          OK will do.

                          Many Thanks Niddy
                          Oct Revolution

                          Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


                          • #28
                            Re: October Revolution's UE Diary


                            Sent CCA request letters to all 11 accounts on 6/10/10. Of the 11 accounts, 9 have been delivered and signed for and 2 have not (both sent to same address!).

                            Of the 9 delivered and signed for, 5 have cashed my £1 cheque to cover the fee.

                            Today I received one letter from Metropolitan Collection Services (First Direct) – account 1 on my list and two from Barclaycard (Mercers) - accounts 4 and 5 on my list both pretty much saying the same: acknowledging my request and that they are dealing with it and will respond ASAP.

                            Also, received CCA from Egg (account 8 on my list) which on their covering letter say is a “true copy” and “enclose copy of your original agreement which contains the original interest rates and your current terms and conditions”.

                            Not sure what to do with this NID as I’ve read somewhere you don’t deal with Egg. Do you want me to e-mail it to you? Or what do you suggest.

                            Updates to my original diary have been made to reflect the above details and are highlighted in RED.
                            Oct Revolution

                            Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


                            • #29
                              Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                              Originally posted by October Revolution

                              Sent CCA request letters to all 11 accounts on 6/10/10. Of the 11 accounts, 9 have been delivered and signed for and 2 have not (both sent to same address!).

                              Of the 9 delivered and signed for, 5 have cashed my £1 cheque to cover the fee.

                              Today I received one letter from Metropolitan Collection Services (First Direct) – account 1 on my list and two from Barclaycard (Mercers) - accounts 4 and 5 on my list both pretty much saying the same: acknowledging my request and that they are dealing with it and will respond ASAP.

                              Also, received CCA from Egg (account 8 on my list) which on their covering letter say is a “true copy” and “enclose copy of your original agreement which contains the original interest rates and your current terms and conditions”.

                              Not sure what to do with this NID as I’ve read somewhere you don’t deal with Egg. Do you want me to e-mail it to you? Or what do you suggest.

                              Updates to my original diary have been made to reflect the above details and are highlighted in RED.
                              Well done for starting the process, regards to Egg - email it me (see my siggy for address) and also mention username in subject line. I think it's time I started to fight Egg now as well maybe? Just maybe it will do some good long term, i'll see....
                              I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                              If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                              • #30
                                Re: October Revolution's UE Diary

                                OK NID,

                                will send CCA shortly (it's only 2 pages)

                                Do you also want a copy of their covering letter (1 page) and T & C's (6 and 15 pages !!!)
                                Oct Revolution

                                Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED

