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  • How charge cards influence your FICO assessment?

    How charge cards influence your FICO assessment?...
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  • Newb2022
    started a topic Do I have a cifas? Hellllp!

    Do I have a cifas? Hellllp!

    First of I would love to say after 7 days of pure hell it’s so refreshing to see sanctuary’s like this and see a real community spirit of people advising and helping each bravo!!!

    so the story is Iam a business owner and we took a cash advance loan through our credit card terminal,...
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  • smith75
    started a topic What data is incorporated into a pay stub?

    What data is incorporated into a pay stub?

    What data is incorporated into a pay stub?...
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  • Redsaints106
    started a topic CIFAS Marker Removed

    CIFAS Marker Removed

    I am absolutely delighted that today after months of stress, sleepless nights and uncertainty I have had confirmation that the CIFAS markers placed on my file by Barclays have been successfully challenged and removed. I cannot thank Niddy enough for everything he has done to help me come to this outcome...
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  • Need help removing unwarranted fraud marker

    Please don't be too harsh as I had only just turned 17 when this happened and didn't know what to do or what was even happening.

    I have tried to keep straight to the point and so hopefully its easy to understand.

    Thank you amazing people.

    In 2018, I was buying...
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  • Fears Britain's £73bn credit card time bomb is about to explode

    Credit card companies have been hit by a further spike in customers struggling to pay their bills, according to data from the Bank of England.

    A net 25 per cent of lenders said they had seen a rise in borrowers failing to pay back what they owe in the second quarter of this year.
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    Last edited by Joanna Connolly; 11 November 2020, 15:41.

  • Energy customers will now receive automatic compensation

    ........of up to £120 for switching errors or late return of credit
    • Customers will receive £30 from energy firms who fail to return credit balances
    • Those who have been switched by accident could get up to £120
    • The new rules come into effect from May 1 and could benefit thousands
    Energy customers...
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  • Guest's Avatar
    Guest started a topic CIFAS Cat 6 Marker Appeal - Halifax

    CIFAS Cat 6 Marker Appeal - Halifax

    Hi, I am new to the forum, so I hope this is in the right place and hopefully somebody will be able to provide some advice.

    I'll try to be as concise as possible without rambling, but as a little bit of back story, I am 27 and for the past 5 or so years have been on a downwards spiral struggling...
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  • Delays and Increasing costs hamper MOJ's digital courts project

    A £1bn modernisation programme of the UK’s justice system is facing a “daunting challenge” after falling behind schedule and overrunning costs, according to Whitehall’s spending watchdog.

    The National Audit Office has found that the changes being rolled out by HM Courts & Tribunals...
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  • MrsSmithy
    started a topic Default on Barclaycard

    Default on Barclaycard

    Hi all, I really need some help and advice.

    I have a 5,5k Credit Card debt with Barclaycard. I am really struggling to keep up payments and my APR is very expensive. It’s nearly all interest I pay back.

    I am wondering what would happen if I couldn’t continue to pay? ...
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  • MrsSmithy
    started a topic Default on Barclaycard

    Default on Barclaycard

    Hi all, I really need some help and advice.

    I have a 5,5k Credit Card debt with Barclaycard. I am really struggling to keep up payments and my APR is very expensive. It’s nearly all interest I pay back.

    I am wondering what would happen if I couldn’t continue to pay? ...
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  • 5corpio
    started a blog post Credit card limits 'need control'

    Credit card limits 'need control'

    More than a million credit card users who are struggling financially have had their credit limits increased without asking, a charity has said. Such borrowing could make their financial problems worse, so Citizens Advice is calling for a ban on unsolicited increases in credit card limits.It wants Chancellor...
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  • NatWest closed my account! Someone please help me!! Cifas marker

    I was in desperate need of money so I came across some guy on Facebook who convinced me that he will make me money and give me 50% of whatever was made. I met up with him and gave him my NatWest bank card and details. He made 2 transactions of £500 to my account so £1000 in total and withdrew the...
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  • Defeated Lowell Portfolio 1 LTD in Leeds County Court

    This was a small consumer credit claim of around £2,000 which the Claimant persisted in taking to trial possibly hoping our client would not have representation on the day in court for such a small sum. I decided to represent my client at the trial. The claimant was represented by counsel.
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  • Success in Wandsworth today

    In Wandsworth today for application to set aside 2 yr default judgment - settled at court door client very happy. Should mention it was a £250,000 default judgment plus £150,000 contractual interest .......eyewatering interest rate of 400%!...
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