Bought across tidily and looks like it sort of makes sense. Will add to it as and when something happens.
Lloyds card £5k
Taken out 2002/03
CCA request sent 12th July 2010
No reply as yet, get ocasional phone calls but nothing much now
Cap 1 card £4k
Estimated start 2004
CCA request sent 12th July 2010
6th August reply receiced with a reconstituted agreement/copy of the Application certificate that has a bit of a credit agreement at the bottom where I signed.
Get maybe one call a week
Mint card 2k Account closed after interest rate rise.
Taken out Jan/Feb 2005
CCA request sent 12th July 2010
29 July reply with application form and reconstituted agreement - unsigned
Very quiet!!
MBNA (now sold to Experto Credite)
Taken out end of 2003
CCA request sent 12th July 2010
29th July reply received, reconstituted agreement with no signature.
occasional call but pretty quiet
Eggie (now with DLC)
Taken out April 2003
Default notice (1st Feb) and the account has been terminated (2 March)
CCA request sent 12th July 2010
Silence is golden!!
Loan £1k left - currently up to date but will be interest only for a couple of months then I will hopefully be back on track. Was supposed to end Nov
Loan £9k left - enforcable and finishes mid 2014, up to date
Lloyds overdraft on account no longer in use £10k - as above I'm going to write and try to get an agreement to pay a nominal amount monthly, not holding my breath though!
Lloyds card £5k
Taken out 2002/03
CCA request sent 12th July 2010
No reply as yet, get ocasional phone calls but nothing much now
Cap 1 card £4k
Estimated start 2004
CCA request sent 12th July 2010
6th August reply receiced with a reconstituted agreement/copy of the Application certificate that has a bit of a credit agreement at the bottom where I signed.
Get maybe one call a week
Mint card 2k Account closed after interest rate rise.
Taken out Jan/Feb 2005
CCA request sent 12th July 2010
29 July reply with application form and reconstituted agreement - unsigned
Very quiet!!
MBNA (now sold to Experto Credite)
Taken out end of 2003
CCA request sent 12th July 2010
29th July reply received, reconstituted agreement with no signature.
occasional call but pretty quiet
Eggie (now with DLC)
Taken out April 2003
Default notice (1st Feb) and the account has been terminated (2 March)
CCA request sent 12th July 2010
Silence is golden!!
Loan £1k left - currently up to date but will be interest only for a couple of months then I will hopefully be back on track. Was supposed to end Nov
Loan £9k left - enforcable and finishes mid 2014, up to date
Lloyds overdraft on account no longer in use £10k - as above I'm going to write and try to get an agreement to pay a nominal amount monthly, not holding my breath though!