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chasing x

  • Start of my unenforceabilty journey

    So, in February I sent out CCA requests to all of our creditors. So far two have responded with copy agreements: Both are...

    Credit cards
    One commenced in 1994 and one in 2006 (my husbands)
    Mine has about £1700 (the 1994 one), husbands has about £7200
    Last full payments...
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  • scottygees
    started a topic CCA


    So after months of deliberation I have decided to go down this route. I have debts both pre and post 2007 that are still outstanding. Is it worth sending off for post 2007 agreements as I get the impression these are exempt. Also do I send to the original lender or to the DCA? Any advice, including...
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  • Moopheeone
    started a topic CCA Request Payment.

    CCA Request Payment.

    Hi All, New to this. Sent a CCA request to an Alleged Account Purchaser and the £1 fee
    was paid into the Alleged Account making it look like I had made that payment. What are
    the Legal consequences of this action. Could it be construed as Fraud.
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  • Spent2much
    started a topic Co-operative bank for sale

    Co-operative bank for sale

    Iv'e been with this bank for 10 years - just read that the TSB might be taking over . This is bad for us as we have debts with the TSB .
    How will this affect our account if they do take it over - will they take our money from our account to pay the debts we owe to them ?

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  • daisy
    started a topic CCJ from 2005

    CCJ from 2005

    I have an old CCJ from 2005 for a store card which I have been paying £10 a month for, however, I will quite soon be moving and will have no employment or assets for them to consider chasing.

    My question is, can I simply tell them to go forth? as I feel that I've more than repaid what...
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    Good morning,

    I am trying to help my Son - he has an outstanding invoice from a customer who is point bank refusing to pay for several tons of pea gravel - the total outstanding is over £6K!

    The building supplier is aware of her stance but ultimately I think my Son is liable.....he...
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  • Tornadotechie
    started a topic SCS faulty after delivery

    SCS faulty after delivery

    Hi there,

    I bought a sofa from SCS back in January. The sofa arrived about 6 weeks later. After delivery we noticed some damage on the sofa which was reported within a few days. They sent out a technician to look at the damage, he took photos and sent a report to SCS. I said I didn't...
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  • Disastra
    started a topic DVLA Changing Your Address

    DVLA Changing Your Address

    Just a little tip.

    In these days of tax being cancelled when a vehicle is transferred this is quite important.

    If you move house and return your V5C (logbook) to DVLA to make an address change don't write your name into section 6, or tick any of the boxes. Don't fill in the...
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    Last edited by Disastra; 13 July 2016, 17:29. Reason: Additonal tip

  • SA Gold
    started a topic 2nd BT blunder now with Lowell

    2nd BT blunder now with Lowell

    Evening all,

    In 2011 SRJ debt recovery wrote to me in my previous property regarding an account in my name with next doors address. I wrote back stating i did not have an account with BT and it would appear someone had taken out a service in my name and heard nothing more about it.
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  • Statement after being told no agreement can be found

    I have an unenforceable agreement with B.O.S, for which they had said they couldn't find an agreement.

    1st Credit have been sending letters for a while now chasing, which I have ignored. I just received a statement through saying that there was a payment 11/02/2015 of £6.00 credit (P/O)...
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  • Lowells have issued a CCJ please help

    Hi guys

    really panicking here, they're are chasing me for a vodafone account from over 6 years ago. I got in a lot of debt when i was younger but paid it all off except for debts i didn't believe i owed. this being one of them, at the time i was with vodafone i just wasnt getting...
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  • Consumer Credit Regulations 1983 3(2)b


    I'd appreciate any clarification of this.

    The Halifax have sent me a photocopy of a Credit Card Agreement which appears to have my dated signature on, however the signature/date space on behalf of Halifax plc is blank. The letter from Halifax states the following:
    The copy
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  • Statute of limitations? or default IVA very confused..........

    Good afternoon,
    So Im hoping someone can help me with an explanation if nothing else.....

    So a couple of years ago myself and my husband tried to enter into and IVA however we kept trying to tell the iva company that the repayments they were saying we could afford to make were based...
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  • Supergrover
    started a topic Failed IVA

    Failed IVA

    I am looking for some advice as I have some old debt from a failed IVA, the last payment I made to the IVA was Feb/Mar 2009, I am just starting to get letters from recovery companies offering "huge discounts". I never heard from the IVA company after my last payment despite asking them for...
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  • Nelvin
    started a topic drydensfairfax contact - need some advice...

    drydensfairfax contact - need some advice...

    Hi All,

    First off, I want to say that I'm delighted I found this site... After checking out other "similar" sites, AAD is in a different league! At last a forum where members want to help, providing concise advice tailored for each issue (rather than the usual "just bin the
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