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Pebbles88 UE Diary

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  • Pebbles88 UE Diary

    Thought it would be good for me to start one of these as everything is getting a bit hairy again.

    Background: I had to give up my job due to ill health in Feb 08, my UE journey began in Jan 09 - since then my health has got dramatically worse, and we have had to endure so many blows along the way that quite honestly I dont know how i havent cracked up.

    This is my breakdown of whats happening with each of my accounts. I have kept some details very brief just incase any of the DCA's are lurking on here.

    My Incasso problem thread is here: ---> viewtopic.php?f=59&t=520

  • #2
    Re: Pebbles88 UE Diary

    Tesco Personal Finance
    Unsecured joint Loan – balance now approx £23000
    Took out Sept 2007
    Currently paying £100 p/m through CCJ
    Incasso are dealing with this

    Jan 09: Write to Tesco Personal Finance (TPF) explaining I am having financial difficulties after having to give up my job due to health issues.
    Feb 09: Letter Rec from TPF saying the will accept £1 token payments & that i should try to claim on the loan insurance
    March 09: Try to claim on insurance, told in april we can’t as when we took the loan out I was suffering from the health probs at the time and had been absent from work.
    April 09: Notice rec from TPF just advising that we are behind with our payments & that they must send us this notice out but that they know a payment plan is in place.
    Sept 09: another Notice rec as above. All going fine, still paying token payments at £1 p/m
    Nov 09: request from TPF for Increased payments – wrote back advising we are no different financially and requesting to stay on £1 p/m
    22/12/09: (Nice Christmas present): Formal notice of intention to file a default & actual default letter received on same day in separate envelopes. Default notice states full balance must be paid by 6/1/10 to stop formal action (It did not give all the days as needed, but 10past6 looked through this and said we couldn’t fight it??) We wrote back begging/asking for help, exp situation fully.
    5/10/10: letter rec from TPF saying account passed to Credit Management Services & they can’t do anything else.
    15/1/10: Letter from TPF demanding full balance by 23/1/10 or formal action will commence.
    31/1/10: 1st letter rec from Triton Credit Services
    5/2/10 2nd letter from Triton Credit Services
    6/2/10: 3rd letter rec from Triton
    10/2/10: 4th Letter rec from Triton
    13/2/10: 5th letter rec from Triton
    20/2/10: 6th Letter rec from Triton

    All their letter demanding payment, they ignored every reply we sent back trying to co-operate but ask for more time.
    25/2/10: letter rec from Green & Co solicitors (TPF in disguise) demanding payment in full before formal action.
    A cca req was sent to Triton also, they refused to action as it wasn’t signed.... finally let us know this on the 2/3/10.
    5/3/10: letter sent to TPF/Triton: demand for signature letter.
    11/3/10: Signature demand letter returned: as not signed.. from TPF
    26/3/10: letter rec from NATWEST re this account (natwest nothing to do with it, guess they mixed letterheads up) saying again they won’t action cca req as not signed, and that apparently Newmans are dealing with the account....

    31/3/10: 1st letter rec from Incasso LLP asking for full balance addressed to DH only
    13/4/10: letter from Moorcroft addressed to me asking for full balance. Letter sent saying that Incasso are dealing with & that we have req CCA again.
    *Complaint letter sent to ICO for them sending info off to diff DCA whilst in default
    26/4/10: incasso letter asking for £1 to action CCA Req
    19/4/10: court forms rec from Northampton, sent I&E forms off, court decided we should pay just over £40 p/m – incasso went for re-determination, we attended hearing, judge made us feel like carp- he told us it should be at least £85 p/m – so we dig a bit extra out and have been paying £100p/m since then.
    July/Sept 2010: CCJ granted & charging order granted for house. TPF have write & adv they will re-consider payment proposals once debt secured – they haven’t replied to our letter so far...

    Meanwhile incasso just keep writing asking for proposals for repayment despite the CO only being granted last month....

    And that’s where we are today. I have wrote back to Incasso to tell them our situation is no better, but that me & DH have Separated, still having to live in same house.

    Jan: 2011: still paying as per ccj. only achieved this after writing to tpf reminding them that thet agreed to accept our repayments as soon as they got the ccj.
    Last edited by pebbles88; 18 January 2011, 10:18.


    • #3
      Re: Pebbles88 UE Diary

      Credit Card
      Opened Jan 98 approx
      £9600 approx
      Token payments made Jan 09 until April 10. Stopped in April
      Not paying now, in default, currently being chased by Triton

      Jan 09: CCA Request sent off – letter rec back saying it’s not signed etc. Signature demand letter sent.
      21/1/09: default sum notice received.
      Feb 09: CCA reply rec: incomplete, blank application form & letter that was sent out with last card – they say they have completed their obligation under S78.
      I wrote back asking for full CCA, they ask for another signature.
      20/2/09: another default sum notice rec
      24/2/09: Default Notice received stating that unless a payment of £384 is paid to my a/c within 17 days they will cancel my ppi, & report me to the CRA’s.
      28/2/09: they write back advising they haven’t breached the CCA act blah blah blah
      Mar 09: i made a SAR request : when they replied to this, all they sent me was statements, recent letters, a breakdown of conversations they had recorded on my account (not telephone but notes), and also someone else’s details including password, DOB everything... I informed the customer, wrote to the ICO and complained to natwest
      3/4/09: Account termination letter rec. Demanding full payment of debt within 14 days..on the same day they also asked for an I&E
      21/4/09efault sum notice rec – i wrote back adv a/c was in dispute, they returned on the 15/5/09 that they do not consider it to be, and issued their final response letter.
      16/5/09: they write & demand £218 p/m – we wrote back adv unable to pay this.
      21/5/09: letter rec adv PPI has been cancelled.
      At this point i have lodged a complaint with the ICO, FOS & trading Standards regarding DPA breach & them continuing to pursue without CCA.
      19/6/09: default sum notice rec
      20/6/09: FOS write to me, asking for further dets & adv they are contacting natwest.

      24/7/09: letter rec advising that although my £1p/m payments are unrealistic in view of my outstanding liability to the bank they are prepared to accept them for 6 months & will stop interest.
      13/8/09: i rec a letter form natwest adv that as they didn’t immediately stop interest in jan 09 when i first asked they will refund all interest accrued from that date....thank you FOS
      26/8/09: natwest reply about sending me someone else’s details and blame human error. And advise that i must not keep this documentation as i would be breaking the law....
      10/9/09: letter rec from FOS – in it they confirmed that natwest have admitted they do not hold the executed cca for this account due to when it was opened.

      Things tick along quite nicely for a while, im paying token payments only and whenever they ask for more i remind them that they don’t have the cca so are lucky to be getting anything.....
      I finally stopped paying in April 2010 on advice from MSE to stop prolonging it.I write to them and send a letter explaining (creditors final response i think)

      10/9/10: letter rec from natwest saying they are disappointed to note that i have failed to comply with our agreement... and that unless immediate payment are re-started they will take further action.
      27/9/10: letter from triton demanding full balance. I wrote back with account sold whilst in dispute letter.
      12/10/10: triton write & say that according to their records Natwest did everything they should and that account is not in dispute. The dates they have wrote that things were sent out on do not match... i have sent them the letter as NIDDY advised :


      so thats where i am now.
      updated 25/10/10: triton letter on latest post

      jan 2011: RMA started chasing around christmas, sent template letter as adv by Niddy - then got reply from NCO saying they are looking into it - today got reply from nco saying natwest have fulfilled all their duties blah blah - not sure what to do now.
      Last edited by pebbles88; 18 January 2011, 10:20.


      • #4
        Re: Pebbles88 UE Diary

        ASDA (GE Capital Bank)
        Credit Card opened early 2008
        Balance £2241 approx
        Passed to CL Finance as DCA.
        Paying them as arranged £5 p/m

        Jan 09: inform we are having problems. They write back saying minimum they will accept is £5p/m

        Mar 09: letter rec saying that unless substantial payment rec then it will be passed to collections agent.
        April 09: account assigned to CL finance.

        Payments continuing at £5 p/m

        Jan2011: Still continuing at £5 p/m
        Last edited by pebbles88; 18 January 2011, 10:21.


        • #5
          Re: Pebbles88 UE Diary

          Tesco Personal Finance

          Credit Card – opened 11/2006
          Balance £500
          Paying agreed amount each month £50

          Jan 09: sent off letter advising i was having financial probs & sent £1 p/o – returned as letter not signed. Replied to this with CCA request., again reply rec wanting signature.

          Feb 09: sent signature demand letter – no reply.

          Mar 09: CCA req – enforceable.

          19/3/09: letter rec advising they are cancelling credit facilities & will be asking for payment – snet letter offering £150 as F&F – answer never received.

          April 09: account terminated. Payments of £1 accepted for 6 months

          Have now just upped payment to £50 p/m following req to increase them. Hope to be able to pay this off asap by making additional payments even if only small here and there as well as £50 p/m

          Jan 2011: still continuing at £50 p/m.
          Last edited by pebbles88; 18 January 2011, 10:22.


          • #6
            Re: Pebbles88 UE Diary


            Credit Card: opened pre 04/07 .

            Balance £2200
            Paying £5 p/m until next review. Interest stopped.

            Jan 09: letter advising them I was having financial probs.

            Feb 09: Default letter rec asking for payments £53.84 wrote back adv we cannot pay this, asked again for reduced/token payments.

            Feb 09: 2 letter received = one saying they won’t help & that we should contact CCCS/Payplan. The other accepting £1 token payments for 3 months!

            March: letter received advising they are reducing credit limit – I wrote back saying if they do this it will increase charges against me as I will be over the new limit constantly.

            Mar 09: letter from retail collections asking why I haven’t been making minimum payments. Huge complaint letter sent back – everything settles down

            June 09: account passed to Blair, Oliver & Scott who threaten doorstep visit, CCA requested & doorstep threat action letter sent.

            CCA posted online, checked – told as they sent 2 identical copies its obv a reconstitution – sent CCA query letter in may 2010 - still awaiting reply – in all honesty had forgotten about it til now.

            So still making payments’ of £5 p/m – don’t want to aggravate too much – as my mortgage is with same prov! Have never missed any payments there though

            Thinking about it, they know they don’t have the CCA – as they have gone so quiet – so I dare say like the natwest problem I am having now it’s not worth the hassle of stopping the payments as my mortgage is due for renewal deal soon too, which is going to be hard enough!

            Jan 2011: letter from Blair, oliver & scott: asking for payment increase, but that they note i have stuck to the schedule as promised. - replied back with slight increase offer.

            4/2/11: blair oliver & scott ignoring my replies & bombarding me with letters, literally the day before one arrives they send out another one... now threatening court action unless i pay full balance by tuesday...... gulp
            Last edited by pebbles88; 5 February 2011, 12:14.


            • #7
              Re: Pebbles88 UE Diary

              Littlewoods & Kays catalogues (Shop Direct)

              CCA both these companies in jan 09 – neither could supply. No payments made since then.
              Had a few probs at first, but after sending a copy of letter they sent back admitting they don’t have the agreement they soon went quiet.

              Jan 2011: no change - no contact
              Last edited by pebbles88; 18 January 2011, 10:24.


              • #8
                Re: Pebbles88 UE Diary

                It will be helpful seeing it all logged down like this, as & when i get letters i can update, So much is going on here I admit i have not kept up to date with stuff as i should have done.


                • #9
                  Re: Pebbles88 UE Diary


                  Well done on this shiny new thread! Basically you're on top of things, as a whole, just continue as planned and we'll advise what to do as and when. regards to Natwest, you're worrying over nothing- they will NEVER get a CCJ against you - i'll make sure of that for you. Stop worrying, so long as we follow the law then you will win. If they went for a CCJ then i'd help you defend it - stop worrying so much and whatever you do do not start paying them again.

                  Regards to Halifax, you ought to forget a good mortgage deal - they simply will not go for it - plus if you and OH have split, will this not affect the amount they will lend to you, especially due to the current debt etc.... Just saying, you may find that you'll be sitting on the base rate for a while which isn't that bad right now! It's better than most deals anyway lol.

                  But overall, stop worrying - do not let this debt carry on run you down ok? There are people here with ill health and stressed up to the eyeballs but you know what? They get through it and they will soon be along to offer you advice and wisdom, i'm sure.

                  Chat soon, remember take it steady and get better woman!! (that's a telling off from Niddy) lol.....
                  I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                  If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                  • #10
                    Re: Pebbles88 UE Diary

                    Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt

                    Well done on this shiny new thread! Basically you're on top of things, as a whole, just continue as planned and we'll advise what to do as and when. regards to Natwest, you're worrying over nothing- they will NEVER get a CCJ against you - i'll make sure of that for you. Stop worrying, so long as we follow the law then you will win. If they went for a CCJ then i'd help you defend it - stop worrying so much and whatever you do do not start paying them again.

                    Regards to Halifax, you ought to forget a good mortgage deal - they simply will not go for it - plus if you and OH have split, will this not affect the amount they will lend to you, especially due to the current debt etc.... Just saying, you may find that you'll be sitting on the base rate for a while which isn't that bad right now! It's better than most deals anyway lol.

                    But overall, stop worrying - do not let this debt carry on run you down ok? There are people here with ill health and stressed up to the eyeballs but you know what? They get through it and they will soon be along to offer you advice and wisdom, i'm sure.

                    Chat soon, remember take it steady and get better woman!! (that's a telling off from Niddy) lol.....
                    Yes Uncle niddy, may i just add - when i first went down this route I asked my Uncle for advice, he did help me, but continues to hold it over me still. So i do my utmost to not consult him as it makes me feel worse, my counsellor says my family are so strange with each other she totally understands why i dont like talking to them!! So you are my honourary family on here! if thats ok? ;30

                    yes regarding the mortgage and DH - i dont know what the foof is going to happen there, he is away on a course, and with me being quite ill again, i was quite shocked to see how many texts i had off him this morning making sure i was ok... perhaps all isnt lost there, but he needs to sort himself out and have counselling cos its not fair to keep destroying me every few months. so when the time comes for the mortgage, we ill just have to see where we are, i now i wouldnt get a deal, or a good one anyway... I am hoping to get back into a fixed rate, but as you said, the base rate is quite low at the moment thats perhaps it wont be a bad thing for a few months.


                    • #11
                      Re: Pebbles88 UE Diary

                      Exactly - perfect attitude to have regards to mortgage and life in general. As for hubby, course he'll still love you silly - no matter what happens between you, i'm sure he will not wish bad of you! But its nice that he's texting you all the time, bless.....

                      Just keep your head held high and you'll breeze through this.
                      I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                      If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                      • #12
                        Re: Pebbles88 UE Diary

                        Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt
                        Exactly - perfect attitude to have regards to mortgage and life in general. As for hubby, course he'll still love you silly - no matter what happens between you, i'm sure he will not wish bad of you! But its nice that he's texting you all the time, bless.....

                        Just keep your head held high and you'll breeze through this.

                        he never knows what he wants, thats the problem. He cant cope with things and move on, so just stews it up inside & messes everything up around him. he admits he would never ever abandon me, or leave me up ssshhiiii creek as he contributed to the debts just as much. but we have come to a point where something needed to be done as neither of us were happy.

                        he couldnt cope with all the carp that has been thrown at us last few years, specifically the last 2. but when we went over it, it was MY gran falling ill & passing away, MY mum having 2 falls & subsequent major ops, ME that collapsed and had to go through major surgery. Im not disputing for one minute that none of it was hard on him, he was a godsend, how he supported me through all that made me fall in love all over again with him.

                        but if i can deal, process & move on with it, why cant he, and why should his inability to cope by my fault too! life is never all roses, sometimes things are hard, and you gotta pull together and look after each other.

                        oops, got carried away... sorry ;Red

                        i do love him, very very much, but for want of other words, i need him to be able to cope with the grown up stuff, including when things get tough.


                        • #13
                          Re: Pebbles88 UE Diary

                          ok, regarding shatwest account and triton, I sent the letter you advised Niddy, and they have replied.

                          [size=5]Urgent action required
                          we refer to our previouscorrespondence concerning your outstanding obligations detailed above

                          we are disappointed to note that you have failed to make a payment or satisfactory repayment proposals

                          we therefore have no alternative but to consider further action to obtain repayment of this debt

                          it may be appropriate to request that a debt recovery agent call on you to discuss and agree proposals for repayment

                          we would prefer not to take this action and therefore request that you contact this office immediately to discuss the outstanding amount

                          now the first thing to stand out to me is that i will need to do the doorstep visit letter... im sure there is one here, and this also seems to be worded very differently to how i would expect... they are considering to take action extra... what dya think Niddy???


                          • #14
                            Re: Pebbles88 UE Diary

                            Originally posted by pebbles88
                            ok, regarding shatwest account and triton, I sent the letter you advised Niddy, and they have replied.

                            now the first thing to stand out to me is that i will need to do the doorstep visit letter... im sure there is one here, and this also seems to be worded very differently to how i would expect... they are considering to take action extra... what dya think Niddy???
                            Basically they are being ignorant, ignore that element of things they cannot do sweet FA and they now know you know they can't as well - muppets!

                            As to the doorstep visit, send this: ---> viewtopic.php?p=182#p182
                            I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                            If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                            • #15
                              Re: Pebbles88 UE Diary

                              Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt
                              Originally posted by pebbles88
                              As to the doorstep visit, send this: ---> viewtopic.php?p=182#p182

                              yes that is the one i thought of, printed and ready to send, muppets!!

                              ok going back to incaspoo in respect of my loan with tesco....

                              they asked for another I&E & new proposals of repayment literally weeks after the finall ccj & CO was granted... so went sent a letter back with an I&E, and the original letters from court etc.. they have written today and say they never received anything, and if we dont send it back then they will take further action!! like what???

                              we have not missed or been late with any payments, and have receipts to prove this. The recorded slip from the last letter shows it HAS been delivered.

                              what now, i replied as they asked and they just being 1 1 1 1 1

                              aarrrggghhhh, i dont know what to do, why cant they just Foof off!

