Type of account credit card
Date commenced 07/03/2002
Approx balance £3200
Date of last full payment 01/03/2009
Are you on arrangement or not paying. DMP
Status shown as satisfactory
Account owner Barclays Bank - but I know I have never had a Barclaycard?
Type of account credit card
Date commenced 02/05/3003
Approx balance £2500
Date of last full payment 01/03/2009
Are you on arrangement or not paying. DMP
Status shown as default 14/04/2009
Account owner Barclays Bank - think this was EGG
Type of account credit card
Date commenced 16/01/2007
Approx balance £2700
Date of last full payment 01/03/2009
Are you on arrangement or not paying. DMP
Status shown as satisfactory
Account owner HBOS - think this might have been AA card
Type of account loan
Date commenced 15/01/2007
Approx balance £5500
Date of last full payment 01/03/2009
Are you on arrangement or not paying. DMP
Status shown as default 03/05/2009
Account owner Capquest
Type of account current account/overdraft
Date commenced 21/09/1989
Approx balance £2300
Date of last full payment 01/03/2009
Are you on arrangement or not paying. DMP
Status shown as default 31/05/2009
Account owner Nat West
Type of account credit card. - MBNA?
Date commenced 20/09/2005
Approx balance £960
Date of last full payment 01/03/2009
Are you on arrangement or not paying. DMP
Status shown as satisfactory
Account owner Paragon personal finance ltd
Type of account credit card
Date commenced 20/11/2002
Approx balance £1500
Date of last full payment 01/03/2009
Are you on arrangement or not paying. DMP
Status shown as default 03/04/2009
Account owner Tesco bank
Hope this is clear enough, I can't workout how to do font colours on the iPad!
I have been paying £800 every month to Payplan, but some of my creditors are charging interest of only 12p less than the amount I am paying! I have paid £40,000 to these bloodsuckers and consider that they have had enough of my money. Most of the debts seemed to increase at an alarming rate through the addition of charges, missed payment, late payment, lower than minimum payment etc etc! I have four children all whom now have young families of their own and I would rather help them if I have any spare cash, I feel I have more than repaid my debts. I worry that if I just asked for a f and f settlement, my creditors would not consider it because I have been a "good girl" and paid them regularly over the last four years and they would assume that I would just carry on paying as before. I asked Payplan to negotiate for me, but they said I would need an amount equal to the total amount I owe before they would do that! Where is the negotiation in that?
So I plan to fight back and have taken the following action.
CCA request and postal order sent recorded delivery on 16/02/2013 to all creditors listed above.
I eagerly wait to see what happens next. Fingers crossed.
Date commenced 07/03/2002
Approx balance £3200
Date of last full payment 01/03/2009
Are you on arrangement or not paying. DMP
Status shown as satisfactory
Account owner Barclays Bank - but I know I have never had a Barclaycard?
Type of account credit card
Date commenced 02/05/3003
Approx balance £2500
Date of last full payment 01/03/2009
Are you on arrangement or not paying. DMP
Status shown as default 14/04/2009
Account owner Barclays Bank - think this was EGG
Type of account credit card
Date commenced 16/01/2007
Approx balance £2700
Date of last full payment 01/03/2009
Are you on arrangement or not paying. DMP
Status shown as satisfactory
Account owner HBOS - think this might have been AA card
Type of account loan
Date commenced 15/01/2007
Approx balance £5500
Date of last full payment 01/03/2009
Are you on arrangement or not paying. DMP
Status shown as default 03/05/2009
Account owner Capquest
Type of account current account/overdraft
Date commenced 21/09/1989
Approx balance £2300
Date of last full payment 01/03/2009
Are you on arrangement or not paying. DMP
Status shown as default 31/05/2009
Account owner Nat West
Type of account credit card. - MBNA?
Date commenced 20/09/2005
Approx balance £960
Date of last full payment 01/03/2009
Are you on arrangement or not paying. DMP
Status shown as satisfactory
Account owner Paragon personal finance ltd
Type of account credit card
Date commenced 20/11/2002
Approx balance £1500
Date of last full payment 01/03/2009
Are you on arrangement or not paying. DMP
Status shown as default 03/04/2009
Account owner Tesco bank
Hope this is clear enough, I can't workout how to do font colours on the iPad!
I have been paying £800 every month to Payplan, but some of my creditors are charging interest of only 12p less than the amount I am paying! I have paid £40,000 to these bloodsuckers and consider that they have had enough of my money. Most of the debts seemed to increase at an alarming rate through the addition of charges, missed payment, late payment, lower than minimum payment etc etc! I have four children all whom now have young families of their own and I would rather help them if I have any spare cash, I feel I have more than repaid my debts. I worry that if I just asked for a f and f settlement, my creditors would not consider it because I have been a "good girl" and paid them regularly over the last four years and they would assume that I would just carry on paying as before. I asked Payplan to negotiate for me, but they said I would need an amount equal to the total amount I owe before they would do that! Where is the negotiation in that?
So I plan to fight back and have taken the following action.
CCA request and postal order sent recorded delivery on 16/02/2013 to all creditors listed above.
I eagerly wait to see what happens next. Fingers crossed.