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money x

  • Withheld pay and overpayment

    Hi, I was recommended by family friend to use this site.
    I have been working for a company for 18 months and half way through i left for 2 months to pursue another role. They offered me more money to come back so we agreed on £12 an hour. Granted most were paid minimum wage and others in the...
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  • Newb2022
    started a topic Do I have a cifas? Hellllp!

    Do I have a cifas? Hellllp!

    First of I would love to say after 7 days of pure hell it’s so refreshing to see sanctuary’s like this and see a real community spirit of people advising and helping each bravo!!!

    so the story is Iam a business owner and we took a cash advance loan through our credit card terminal,...
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  • High court allows troubled Amigo Loans to cap compensation payments

    Court rejects fears deal would be unfair to customers by cutting payouts to 5% even though directors could earn £7m

    High-cost lender Amigo Loans will press ahead with a rescue plan to cap compensation payments for nearly 1 million customers after the high court rejected concerns the proposed...
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  • Need help removing unwarranted fraud marker

    Please don't be too harsh as I had only just turned 17 when this happened and didn't know what to do or what was even happening.

    I have tried to keep straight to the point and so hopefully its easy to understand.

    Thank you amazing people.

    In 2018, I was buying...
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  • Sunrise care homes group to pay £2m compensation over upfront fees

    The care homes group Sunrise Senior Living has agreed to pay £2m in compensation to former residents for charging upfront fees without making it clear what the money would be spent on.

    Residents who have paid the fees since 1 October 2015 and left one of the company’s homes within two...
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    started a topic IN DEBT NEED HELP FAST


    Halifax overdraft: £5000 - Increased from zero to £5000 over the space of a couple of months a lot of which was gambling and they were also aware my credit card was almost maxed at the time.
    Halifax credit card £6500 - The first card i started using after buying a house in 2016

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  • 5corpio
    started a blog post Fraudsters pose as police to steal cash

    Fraudsters pose as police to steal cash

    Criminals are posing as police and stealing money from victims who believe they are helping an undercover investigation. UK Finance, which oversees banks' crime prevention, said that victims of the scam were losing large sums of money. These victims receive an unsolicited phone call from fraudsters...
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  • NatWest closed my account! Someone please help me!! Cifas marker

    I was in desperate need of money so I came across some guy on Facebook who convinced me that he will make me money and give me 50% of whatever was made. I met up with him and gave him my NatWest bank card and details. He made 2 transactions of £500 to my account so £1000 in total and withdrew the...
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  • 5corpio
    started a blog post UK banks 'exposed to money laundering in South Africa'

    UK banks 'exposed to money laundering in South Africa'

    UK financial regulators and the Serious Fraud Office are to review if banks HSBC and Standard Chartered are linked to a South Africa corruption scandal. It comes after Lord Peter Hain said the banks may "inadvertently have been conduits" for laundered money. The Labour peer told the House...
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  • Lloyds shakes up overdraft fees - but still charges borrowers 52%

    Lloyds Banking Group has announced an overhaul of its overdraft charges that it says will improve the finances of the majority of its current account customers.

    But the new measures could result in far higher costs for some Lloyds and Halifax customers - and make these banks some of the...
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  • The new Jane Austen £10 note - when is it coming out and what will it look like?

    The new, polymer £10 note is being unveiled by Bank of England governor Mark Carney on Tuesday. This marks the 200th anniversary of the death of Jane Austen, who features on the new bank note.

    Austen will be the only woman - apart from the Queen - to be featured on an English bank note,...
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  • Payday loan complaints see sharp rise despite new rules

    Payday loan complaints see sharp rise despite new rules

    This is a duplicate of the Blog Entry made on: 13th June 2017 19:01
    Complaints about payday loans have risen sharply for the second consecutive year despite strict new regulations limiting interest charges.

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  • stuckinarut
    started a topic OVERPAID FOR 8YRS OUT OF 10 Apparently

    OVERPAID FOR 8YRS OUT OF 10 Apparently

    Evening people. got a bombshell of a letter today. 8/6/17. to the tune of £11kplus. the guy that sent the letter says we appreciate you may find it difficult to pay it back all at once (must have went to uni this guy) but if you can send the dosh to blah blah. please fone us to confirm you received...
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  • InvisibleMan
    started a topic Invisible Man's UE diary

    Invisible Man's UE diary

    Background to how I got into this mess:

    Around 10 years ago I had a well-paid job and a top notch credit score. I had a few credit cards I hardly used, but no outstanding debt. I went into a lone business venture for a pension pot. I borrowed heavily through bank loans. They couldn’t...
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    Last edited by InvisibleMan; 11 June 2017, 19:44.

  • InvisibleMan
    started a topic hello!


    Just wanted to introduce myself. I joined the forum last June, but the illness and then bereavement of a very close family member took me offline for some time. I've been dipping in and out of the site more recently and have to say I find the approach and advice bang on the money, this is the site I...
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