Small loan from unwelcome finance in 2003. ppi was frontloaded. Usual advice that i couldn't get the loan unless i had their insurance.
Loan was only for £500 over 12 months. Got windfall 5 weeks after taking loan out and asked for early settlement. Was quoted over £950 !!!!
Anyway, refused on principal and things spiraled out of control ending with me getting ccj as i didnt know and didnt take any advice when they issued court papers. ended up paying it off a year later.
So........ started reclaim for ppi in July against Welcome.
Received reply that they were not liable as it was before 2005.
Contacted FSO who said we could now go for the underwriters. That would be Aviva
FSO contacted Aviva.
Aviva sent me refusal letter on grounds that they never sold it or were at point of sale. Also quoted as i had signed the document i MUST have been aware of all the info etc.
So, back to FSO who are now investigating. ppi is only a very small amount (£110)compared to others but its the principal here. Will post more details once FSO get back to me.
Loan was only for £500 over 12 months. Got windfall 5 weeks after taking loan out and asked for early settlement. Was quoted over £950 !!!!
Anyway, refused on principal and things spiraled out of control ending with me getting ccj as i didnt know and didnt take any advice when they issued court papers. ended up paying it off a year later.
So........ started reclaim for ppi in July against Welcome.
Received reply that they were not liable as it was before 2005.
Contacted FSO who said we could now go for the underwriters. That would be Aviva
FSO contacted Aviva.
Aviva sent me refusal letter on grounds that they never sold it or were at point of sale. Also quoted as i had signed the document i MUST have been aware of all the info etc.

So, back to FSO who are now investigating. ppi is only a very small amount (£110)compared to others but its the principal here. Will post more details once FSO get back to me.