Have you taken out a loan with Barclays since 2008?
If a Barclays customer has ever had a loan agreement with Barclays since 1st October 2008 then we understand either some or all of the s.77A, s.86B, s.86D or s.86E statutory notices have defective templates . The net effect is that Barclays has to refund any interest paid/charged and /or default sums charged depending on which notices are defective.
We think they changed the templates around January this year.
So, do you have one? If so can you please email a copy (unedited) to me at with your forum username and then I'll come back to you and let you know if it is defective or not.
This is one of our AAD Solicitor's brainchild (Josie888), so if you have any additional queries please direct your question here and Josie will be pleased to assist.
As part of this process please note that your documents will need to be sent to Josie to check over. DPA and all other legislative guidelines will be applied throughout. And as always, it is a free service we are offering.
Have you taken out a loan with Barclays since 2008?
If a Barclays customer has ever had a loan agreement with Barclays since 1st October 2008 then we understand either some or all of the s.77A, s.86B, s.86D or s.86E statutory notices have defective templates . The net effect is that Barclays has to refund any interest paid/charged and /or default sums charged depending on which notices are defective.
We think they changed the templates around January this year.
So, do you have one? If so can you please email a copy (unedited) to me at with your forum username and then I'll come back to you and let you know if it is defective or not.
This is one of our AAD Solicitor's brainchild (Josie888), so if you have any additional queries please direct your question here and Josie will be pleased to assist.
As part of this process please note that your documents will need to be sent to Josie to check over. DPA and all other legislative guidelines will be applied throughout. And as always, it is a free service we are offering.