- Account type - loan
- Date commenced - 26062004
- Approx Balance - Dec 2011 £8869.50
- Date last paid in FULL - 9th Nov 2005
- On arrangement - started £10 one off payment, then £15 a month from 07/09/2006 to 18/10/2006, then £25 a month from 16/11/2006 to 1/08/2009 and lastly £30 a month from 01/09/2009 until 01/12/2011. Nothing paid since this last date.
- Status - Account in arrears and have had default notice in June 2005
- Account owner - Welcome Finance.
No announcement yet.
Welcome Finance
Welcome Finance
Tags: 2012, account, action, administration, apr, car, cars, cash, cca, cca request, con, consumers, cputr 2008, credit, debt, default, default notice, defaults, details, finance, guidelines, interest, legislation, letter, lost, money, niddy, paid, paper, payments, phone, ppi, prescribed terms, reclaim, removal, staff, statements, stop, templates, unenforceability, unenforceable, update, welcome finance, wrong
Re: Welcome Finance
Originally posted by mum2002 View PostI am hoping that i have done this correctly, apologies if not. This info contains my original agreement, the amended second agreement and statement of account from inception
NiddyI'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!
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Re: Welcome Finance
wow is this unenforceable or what - stop all payments to these clowns, jesus they have taken you for the biggest ride since Alton Towers created their corkscrew - seriously, this a friggin joke and makes me sooooo mad I wanna jump through the screen and slap the staff at Welcome for you
Ok, first error that slaps me round the chops - this debt is for something that cost you £2800 yet the total is now around £9,000.
Hear this - gets worse:
Loan - £2,775
Interest - £2,139
PPI - £3,437
Ok, hang on - let me get this straight - the PPI cost more than the product itself?
Second error, the APR's are wrong - pure and simple. Their paper agreement and the actual terms show varying amounts, this alone is good enough for you to argue UE.
Third error, you've paid the debt back more than once already surely? Why are you still paying? The default should already be removed from your credit file (retain a copy showing the old default in case they try re-adding it from 2011/2012).
This is a joke, I do feel for you - they're taking the total piss out of you and there's little you could have done as they had you by the balls (so to speak) the moment you went into the showroom. A car I'm guessing? I'm surprised I never seen the "kitchen sink" on there, they sold you everything else they possibly could and of course, you did not ask for any of it and were hassled into taking it or they'd have rejected the loan - I remember you telling me that in that PM you sent me
This means you can also reclaim all PPI and interest thus knocking the value of the loan right back down again, however I'd keep that ace up your sleeve.
I so want to say "write back and tell them to get fucked" but that's not professional, so leave it for now and let us know the next time they write to you and then i'll sort you a proper nasty response to send back to them.
Don't worry about this or theat Welcome.
I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!
If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at: webmaster@all-about-debt.co.uk
Re: Welcome Finance
As I thought and just think how many more welcome customers there are with similar issues it is quiet frightening.
The PPI reclaim will now be hard too as the Financial Services Compensation Scheme has taken over there PPI Claims due to Cattles/Welcome going bust.
The FSCS do not follow the same guidelines as the FOS.
I am wondering what Paul's take is on this.
http://www.fscs.org.uk/what-we-cover...cial-hn0qripj/Last edited by pompeyfaith; 10 February 2012, 15:57.
Re: Welcome Finance
Wow, didnt quite realise the extent of the loan. How stupid, I guess we all make mistakes in life, time to turn it around.
Where do I go from here, what action do i need to take and how do i make them feel (if even only a smidgen) like the wreck i have been made to feel??
I wish that I could put out a warning to every desperate person that gets roped in by these cons to stop the misery that i have had to go through.
Re: Welcome Finance
Not a lot you can do unless you bring action utilising CPUTR 2008 so to be frank I'd be arguing unenforceability.
Do you still have "that" car? Can you please let me know roughly what payments you have made, ie with the combined payments snd ppi if it's more than the cash price plus interest then I'll sort you a polite "get fucked" response to send back.
Can't reclaim the ppi unfortunately so we'll take the more pragmatic approach.
No rush, just try and go through your statements or scan/photo them and load to the other thread (the secure one) then I'll work it out for you. Main thing is we can now look to sort it with you.
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If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at: webmaster@all-about-debt.co.uk
Re: Welcome Finance
Originally posted by CleverClogs View PostWhy not?|I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.
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Re: Welcome Finance
Originally posted by oscar View PostNot much point as it would only get removed from the outstanding balance anyway.I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!
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Re: Welcome Finance
I have in the past on other forums given much help on welcome ppi claims and to be honest it was a never ending game of ping-pong and that was before cattles/welcome went bust.
The FOS will not look at it as the fscs has taken over claims pre 2005 and there rules are quiet different to the fos and thus she will not get the right level of compensation.
It is as niddy says unenforceable so yes I would stop paying forthwith and let them take her to court if they really think they have a case however niddy will not allow that to happen.
I think mum2002 is quiet prepared just to have the rope removed from around her neck and move on so she can put this whole sham behind her.
Mum2002 just follow niddy's help on enforceability you have a good case already so as long as you stay in letter contact with these legal sharks and keep every piece of correspondence it will only make your case stronger as they will lie.
Re: Welcome Finance
I do still have the car as I was under the impression that i am not aloud to get rid of it or anything else.
I worked out that I have paid them back £3393.39, this is the payments made from beginning to dec 2011.
I do not mind atall if i cannot claim back PPI. Would be nice to have some money back from them as I do feel that I have more than paid back for this vehicle and I think they owe me.
It will be such a weight of my shoulders when this is done.
Thanks guys
Re: Welcome Finance
we wont get money back from them, sorry no can do - however we can pretty much tell them to get lost. Leave this with me, for now don't stress just sit tight - I am really busy at the moment (thus I hassled you last week when I had time to help) - so when I do get a chance I will sort you a response to send off - just keep posting something on here daily to jot me into action as i'll see the update when I search for new posts.
Most likely be Tuesday/Wednesday.
:niddyI'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!
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