The main aim here is my parents who are suffering from ill-health have some previous credit card debt. My Dad suffered a major heart attack after a life in the building trade and finds most simple ventures out of the house difficult - though the spirit is still there!
The plan is that I've had them send of CCA requests to their various debtors just using standard templates. All have been passed from their original debtors to debt collection agencies (Cabot, etc).
After the CCAs, the plan is that I'll fund a full and final settlement thing.
I'm going to attempt to keep any identifying details, but will post enough to keep things, er, interesting? I guess the first step is to send things off to Niddy. I'll start with the easy ones and get to the end. However, here's a where I'm at right now:
Bank 1:
Applied CCA request to the original lender. They responded via the debt collection agency who have provided a badly photocopied agreement. I'll send this off to Niddy as a lot of it is illegible, however enough of it is.
Bank 2:
Responded promptly. Personally this looks enforceable to me. There's signatures, everything's legible and no hint of it being reconstituted.
Bank 3:
Have responded with Reconstituted agreements, will send to Niddy.
Bank 4:
I guess I'll have to identify these. This was Barclaycard, it was my Dad's oldest credit card account. We have not received anything other than bouncing around between Barclaycard, Morgan Stanley and the DCA. Barclaycard first wrote back stating that the provided account was belonging to Morgan Stanley (there was a transfer of ownership here). Morgan Stanley wrote back stating that the account belonged to Barclays, who later said "We don't have an agreement; you need to go to the debt collector". We have done so, who have responded "You need to go after Barclays to get this". It's pretty constant bouncing and possibly the more puzzling instance I've come across.
So, these are going of to Niddy as soon as I get them all PDF'd. But, questions:
1. My Mom has been paying the debt collectors the menial amounts that she can each month to pay down the debts. As she's been paying for 5 years or so, is there a danger that they will say it's still enforceable as she's been paying it?
2. They paid off the mortgage prior to all this happening. So far there are no charging orders or anything like that against them. They have defaults on their credit records as you would expect, however no CCJs. Will all this business rock the boat? My Mom is worried that they will get mean with them and start getting heavy, using their asset against them so to speak. Sadly, their original plan of selling up and moving elsewhere isn't happening simply due to the property market in their area and the fact that they will not be able to afford anywhere near the hospital treating my Dad. This was compounded after their car died not too long ago, their only means of independence. OK, technically I was paying the fuel/MOTs and that, which of course I don't mind, but I'd rather see if I can get these cards done with for them first and worry about getting them mobile a little later.
Anyways - hopefully not too much of a sob story. My Mom doesn't think much of trying to "get out" of paying debt, she has old fashioned values. But, I'd rather battle a little than seeing them in their last remaining years being bogged down with debt they'll never really fully pay off. I'd sooner throw my savings at getting them done as much as possible.
So, watch this space; I'll keep you all updated
The plan is that I've had them send of CCA requests to their various debtors just using standard templates. All have been passed from their original debtors to debt collection agencies (Cabot, etc).
After the CCAs, the plan is that I'll fund a full and final settlement thing.
I'm going to attempt to keep any identifying details, but will post enough to keep things, er, interesting? I guess the first step is to send things off to Niddy. I'll start with the easy ones and get to the end. However, here's a where I'm at right now:
Bank 1:
Applied CCA request to the original lender. They responded via the debt collection agency who have provided a badly photocopied agreement. I'll send this off to Niddy as a lot of it is illegible, however enough of it is.
Bank 2:
Responded promptly. Personally this looks enforceable to me. There's signatures, everything's legible and no hint of it being reconstituted.
Bank 3:
Have responded with Reconstituted agreements, will send to Niddy.
Bank 4:
I guess I'll have to identify these. This was Barclaycard, it was my Dad's oldest credit card account. We have not received anything other than bouncing around between Barclaycard, Morgan Stanley and the DCA. Barclaycard first wrote back stating that the provided account was belonging to Morgan Stanley (there was a transfer of ownership here). Morgan Stanley wrote back stating that the account belonged to Barclays, who later said "We don't have an agreement; you need to go to the debt collector". We have done so, who have responded "You need to go after Barclays to get this". It's pretty constant bouncing and possibly the more puzzling instance I've come across.
So, these are going of to Niddy as soon as I get them all PDF'd. But, questions:
1. My Mom has been paying the debt collectors the menial amounts that she can each month to pay down the debts. As she's been paying for 5 years or so, is there a danger that they will say it's still enforceable as she's been paying it?
2. They paid off the mortgage prior to all this happening. So far there are no charging orders or anything like that against them. They have defaults on their credit records as you would expect, however no CCJs. Will all this business rock the boat? My Mom is worried that they will get mean with them and start getting heavy, using their asset against them so to speak. Sadly, their original plan of selling up and moving elsewhere isn't happening simply due to the property market in their area and the fact that they will not be able to afford anywhere near the hospital treating my Dad. This was compounded after their car died not too long ago, their only means of independence. OK, technically I was paying the fuel/MOTs and that, which of course I don't mind, but I'd rather see if I can get these cards done with for them first and worry about getting them mobile a little later.
Anyways - hopefully not too much of a sob story. My Mom doesn't think much of trying to "get out" of paying debt, she has old fashioned values. But, I'd rather battle a little than seeing them in their last remaining years being bogged down with debt they'll never really fully pay off. I'd sooner throw my savings at getting them done as much as possible.
So, watch this space; I'll keep you all updated