This thread is work-in-progress - But we need your help!
Please do us a favour and check any letters you've had from a DCA or solicitor and post the following details:
- Name of Company
- Address
- Phone
- Fax
- Website
- Original Creditor (lender)
I will then update the list to show ALL the main DCA's & Solicitors plus we'll have a section for comments that will include other known numbers, contact methods, types of letters used, severity of threats made & most importantly - the lender which they represent. In creating such a register we'll be able to determine who is who and know how to deal with each firm as and when they contact us.
I am also referring to the main CSA website so please don't go copying all the DCA's from there as it is something I will do at a later date, in the interim I am asking you guys to help by supplying the info requested which will allow me to skim through the main CSA website looking for omissions.
Thanks for your help....