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Miss-Treated's UE Diary

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  • Miss-Treated's UE Diary

    Hello everyone.
    The time has come for me to deal with debts that I have had for quite a few years now. They are all as a direct result of trying to help my ex-husband keep his business afloat. I know now I should have known better. He is long gone but the debts are still here.

    There are five debts in total, four with Nat West and one with Tesco. I will list them all here as quickly as I can. Here is the first (and smallest) one:

    Type of account: Credit Card
    Date commenced: 2002
    Balance: £1350
    Last full payment: 2006
    Arrangement: Was £8 a month - stopped payments Feb 2013
    Status: Defaulted 2006 - interest frozen - no PPI
    Account owner: Tesco Bank

    21-05-12. Sent F&F offer of £350.
    11-06-12. Received letter refusing £350 in F&F.
    27-09-12. Sent CCA request. 02-10-12.
    17-10-12. Copy of microfiche 'agreement' received.
    Niddy has seen this agreement. He says it is as it lacks PTs
    01-02-13. Stopped making payments.

    05-03-13. Tesco letter - we haven't received your payment. Ignored.
    29-05-13 Missing PTs letter sent
    15-06-13 Identical copy of first page of agreement received with letter "Please find enclosed a copy of your original signed credit agreement as per your request".

    They are not hassling me at present.

  • #2
    Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

    I would await further missives on this one for the moment


    • #3
      Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

      I have three accounts with Nat West which I will list separately. They are all in the hands of Triton who are writing to me about all three together. In total they come to £18,000.

      Type of account: Current Plus Account
      Date commenced: 2001
      Balance: £1900
      Last full payment: 2006
      Arrangement: None
      Status: Defaulted Dec 2006 - interest frozen
      Account owner: Nat West Bank

      This account was included with two other accounts in a DMP I set up through the CAB in 2006. For 18 months I paid £55 a month to Nat West (via Moorcroft). In mid 2008 this was reduced to £10 a month when my DMP was reviewed. I stopped making this payment in Feb 2013.
      None of the payments I have made to Nat West since 2006 have been credited to this account.
      11-09-12 Fredrickson letter: debt passed to Fredrickson Int Ltd.
      24-09-12 Fredrickson letter: contact us within seven days - ignored.

      (From here on, all letters received relate to all three Nat West accounts)
      11-06-13 Triton letter: we are instructed to collect, etc. - ignored.
      17-05-13 Triton: contact us, we can help - ignored.
      24-05-13 Triton - urgent action required letter - ignored.
      31-05-13 Triton - final notice of intent, call us today - ignored.

      On 05-06-13 I received a letter from Green & Co Solicitors headed Notice of Intention to Commence Legal Proceedings. This letter also relates to all three accounts with a total figure of £18,000.


      • #4
        Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

        Originally posted by Miss-Treated View Post
        On 05-06-13 I received a letter from Green & Co Solicitors headed Notice of Intention to Commence Legal Proceedings. This letter also relates to all three accounts with a total figure of £18,000.
        This could be at a serious stage, if their letter is to be believed. If it was me, I would be sending off the overdraft CCA request immediately -

        Bank Accounts - CCA Request (Part 1) - allaboutDEBT UK



        • #5
          Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

          I have three accounts with Nat West which I will list separately. They are all in the hands of Triton who are writing to me about all three together. In total they come to £18,000.

          Type of account: Advantage Gold
          Date commenced: Early 1990s
          Balance: £2750
          Last full payment: 2006
          Arrangement: None
          Status: Defaulted Dec 2006 - Default recorded 2008 - Interest added to 2008
          Account owner: Nat West Bank

          This account was included with two other accounts in a DMP I set up through the CAB in 2006. For 18 months I paid £55 a month to Nat West (via Moorcroft). In mid 2008 this was reduced to £10 a month when my DMP was reviewed. I stopped making this payment in Feb 2013.
          The last payment credited to this account was in June 2008.

          11-09-12 Fredrickson letter: debt passed to Fredrickson Int Ltd.
          24-09-12 Fredrickson letter: contact us within seven days - ignored.

          (From here on, all letters received relate to all three Nat West accounts)
          11-06-13 Triton letter: we are instructed to collect, etc. - ignored.
          17-05-13 Triton: contact us, we can help - ignored.
          24-05-13 Triton - urgent action required letter - ignored.
          31-05-13 Triton - final notice of intent, call us today - ignored.

          On 05-06-13 I received a letter from Green & Co Solicitors headed Notice of Intention to Commence Legal Proceedings. This letter also relates to all three accounts with a total figure of £18,000.


          • #6
            Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

            I have three accounts with Nat West which I will list separately. They are all in the hands of Triton who are writing to me about all three together. In total they come to £18,000.

            Type of account: Persoanal Loan
            Date commenced: 2005
            Balance: £13,500
            Last full payment: 2006
            Arrangement: None
            Status: Defaulted Dec 2006 - Default recorded 2008 - PPI reclaimed.
            Account owner: Nat West Bank

            This account was included with two other accounts in a DMP I set up through the CAB in 2006. For 18 months I paid £55 a month to Nat West (via Moorcroft). In mid 2008 this was reduced to £10 a month when my DMP was reviewed. I stopped making this payment in Dec 2012.
            All payments (£10 pm) since mid 2008 have been credited to this account

            21-06-12 Queried balance with Moorcroft

            02-07-12 Moorcroft are returning this to Nat West.
            11-09-12 Fredrickson letter: debt passed to Fredrickson Int Ltd.
            24-09-12 Fredrickson letter: contact us within seven days - ignored.

            24-09-12 CCA request sent.
            02-10-12 SAR sent to Nat West.

            20-10-12 Received letter from NatWest dated 12th October 2012 stating the original loan CCA had been 'misfiled' and "the loan has insufficient detail to enable us to recreate this agreement"
            25-01-13 SAR info finally received.
            18-04-13 Nat West letter confirming loan is unenforceable but wanting payment - ignored.
            (From here on, all letters received relate to all three Nat West accounts)
            11-05-13 Triton letter: we are instructed to collect, etc. - ignored.
            17-05-13 Triton: contact us, we can help - ignored.
            24-05-13 Triton - urgent action required letter - ignored.
            31-05-13 Triton - final notice of intent, call us today - ignored.

            Various attempts to contact me by phone.
            29-05-13 Letter - everything in writing.
            Triton still calling (on average) once or twice a day - I don't answer.
            On 05-06-13 I received a letter from Green & Co Solicitors headed Notice of Intention to Commence Legal Proceedings. This letter also relates to all three accounts with a total figure of £18,000.


            • #7
              Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

              Originally posted by ScabHunter View Post
              This could be at a serious stage, if their letter is to be believed. If it was me, I would be sending off the overdraft CCA request immediately -

              Bank Accounts - CCA Request (Part 1) - allaboutDEBT UK

              Thanks for that SH. Green and Co have 'lumped' all three accounts into the one letter - including the £13,500 one which they admit is unenforceable. I will post a copy of the letter when I am able to - presumably I need more posts first.


              • #8
                Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                It doesn't look as though a CCA request has ever been sent for the Advantage Gold. Is that right?

                I'm assuming that is a credit card. If it is, I would send this -

                CCA Request - allaboutDEBT UK

                If you want to be ultra accurate, you can change the reference to ss, 77-79 to s. 78, as that is the section which relates to running accounts.



                • #9
                  Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                  Originally posted by ScabHunter View Post
                  It doesn't look as though a CCA request has ever been sent for the Advantage Gold. Is that right?

                  I'm assuming that is a credit card. If it is, I would send this -

                  Thanks SH.
                  The Advantage Gold is a current account that is overdrawn.


                  • #10
                    Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                    Originally posted by Miss-Treated View Post
                    Thanks SH.
                    The Advantage Gold is a current account that is overdrawn.
                    Ah, I see. I'm not familiar with GnatPest terminology.

                    That explains why these two have not had the CCA request while the other has.

                    In that case, I would sent the overdraft-specific request out to Tryiton for both overdrafts, and then a bespoke response to the LBA to Greenies. This will need creating specially for the occasion. I often do these. Let me know if you want a rough draft.



                    • #11
                      Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                      Originally posted by ScabHunter View Post
                      Ah, I see. I'm not familiar with GnatPest terminology.

                      That explains why these two have not had the CCA request while the other has.

                      In that case, I would sent the overdraft-specific request out to Tryiton for both overdrafts, and then a bespoke response to the LBA to Greenies. This will need creating specially for the occasion. I often do these. Let me know if you want a rough draft.

                      Thank you yet again SH

                      One of my problems is that I do not know if the Current Account Plus is SB. It has had the same balance since 2006. It would be nice if I could be sure.

                      I am happy to take your advice and send the overdraft CCA request for both o/d accounts.

                      I would very much appreciate you drafting me a suitable letter to Green and Co if it isn't too much trouble.

                      I am starting to feel a bit better about things already.


                      • #12
                        Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                        Originally posted by Miss-Treated View Post
                        One of my problems is that I do not know if the Current Account Plus is SB.
                        Ah, that would add a new dimension, wouldn't it? If it has had the same balance since 2006, why not assume that it is, and include that in the letter to Greenies? If they have evidence that it is not, let them produce it, and it will still leave the other points of dispute intact.



                        • #13
                          Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                          Originally posted by ScabHunter View Post
                          Ah, that would add a new dimension, wouldn't it? If it has had the same balance since 2006, why not assume that it is, and include that in the letter to Greenies? If they have evidence that it is not, let them produce it, and it will still leave the other points of dispute intact.

                          Oh, yes please. Could you include that in the draft letter for me too please or should it be done in a separate letter?
                          Thank you.

                          EDIT: Should I send you a copy of Greenies' letter?
                          Last edited by Miss-Treated; 18 June 2013, 18:07.


                          • #14
                            Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                            Originally posted by Miss-Treated View Post
                            Oh, yes please. Could you include that in the draft letter for me too please or should it be done in a separate letter?
                            Thank you.

                            EDIT: Should I send you a copy of Greenies' letter?
                            I'll write out a draft letter for Greenies and hopefully post it up within the hour. You can look at it, and if you think it is appropriate you can send it tomorrow. If this is a serious threat, and it may or may not be, then time is short.

                            The draft will include all aspects of the dispute.



                            • #15
                              Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                              SH, you are a star, thank you very much.

