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Miss-Treated's UE Diary

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  • #46
    Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

    Thank you Miss-Treated.

    Great news on the PPI
    Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

    I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

    If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


    • #47
      Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

      Hiya MT, I'm so pleased all is going I go again but I do love good news and to hear how AAD has been helpful to you
      "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"


      • #48
        Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

        Originally posted by Miss-Treated View Post
        Type of account: Advantage Gold (overdraft)
        Date commenced: Early 1990s
        Balance:was £2750 - now £1174
        Last full payment: 2006
        Arrangement: None
        Status: Defaulted Dec 2006 - Default recorded 2008 - Interest added to 2008
        Account owner: Nat West Bank

        This account was included with two other accounts in a DMP I set up through the CAB in 2006. For 18 months I paid £55 a month to Nat West (via Moorcroft). In mid 2008 this was reduced to £10 a month when my DMP was reviewed. I stopped making this payment in Feb 2013.
        The last payment credited to this account was in June 2008.

        11-09-12 Fredrickson letter: debt passed to Fredrickson Int Ltd.
        24-09-12 Fredrickson letter: contact us within seven days - ignored.

        (From here on, all letters received relate to all three Nat West accounts)
        11-06-13 Triton letter: we are instructed to collect, etc. - ignored.
        17-05-13 Triton: contact us, we can help - ignored.
        24-05-13 Triton - urgent action required letter - ignored.
        31-05-13 Triton - final notice of intent, call us today - ignored.

        05-06-13 Letter from Green & Co Solicitors: Notice of Intention to Commence Legal Proceedings.
        18-06-13 Sent SH's letter (post #16) - delivered 20-06-13.
        18-06-13 O/D CCA letter sent.
        08-07-13 Green & Co letter - 'not yet received full instructions'
        18-07-13 Letter saying an unauthorised O?D fee of £6 per day will be added to this account. (Charges have been frozen on this account since 2008)
        09-08-13 Standard Complaint Being Dealt With letter (presumably in response to the 'SH special' to Green and Co on 18-06-13).
        17-08-13 Today I received a letter headed 'You currently have an unarranged overdraft'. It lists 34 days charges (10-06 to 12-07) of £6.00 per day, totaling £204.00. Strangely enough, it also says "On the day we wrote this letter the unarranged borrowing amount on your account was £2750 (exactly the same as it has been for over 5 years now) so I don't know what is going on.
        17-08-13 Also received today is another letter referring to my letter of 18-06 (SH Special - post #16 - relating to all three NatWest accounts) saying details have been 'passed to the dedicated team at the Executive Office' who are 'also currently dealing with another letter you issued to us on 25th August 2013'. (I have to assume they have some premonition of a letter I am going to send on that date).
        So, a bit has changed.
        The account was passed to the 'Executive Office' and quite a bit of communication followed.
        The upshot of it is that a lot of interest has been refunded to the account along with an extra £300 for my inconvenience.

        This has brought the balance down to £1174.

        They also corrected the date of the default notice so it is no longer on my (Now squeaky clean) credit reports.

        All in all, not a bad result. I am not getting letters from Debt Collectors but get about one a month from NatWest reminding me I owe them some money.

        Roll on 15th July 2014 when this one will be Statute Barred.
        Last edited by Miss-Treated; 15 February 2014, 14:58. Reason: typos corrected


        • #49
          Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

          More good news Miss-Treated

          (though puts my £50 from LTSB to shame)
          Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

          I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

          If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


          • #50
            Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

            Originally posted by Miss-Treated View Post
            I have three accounts with Nat West which I will list separately. They are all in the hands of Triton who are writing to me about all three together. In total they come to £18,000.

            Type of account: Current Plus Account
            Date commenced: 2001
            Balance: was £1900 now £1217
            Last full payment: 2006
            Arrangement: None
            Status: Defaulted Dec 2006 - interest frozen
            Account owner: Nat West Bank

            This account was included with two other accounts in a DMP I set up through the CAB in 2006. For 18 months I paid £55 a month to Nat West (via Moorcroft). In mid 2008 this was reduced to £10 a month when my DMP was reviewed. I stopped making this payment in Feb 2013.
            None of the payments I have made to Nat West since 2006 have been credited to this account.
            11-09-12 Fredrickson letter: debt passed to Fredrickson Int Ltd.
            24-09-12 Fredrickson letter: contact us within seven days - ignored.

            (From here on, all letters received relate to all three Nat West accounts)
            11-06-13 Triton letter: we are instructed to collect, etc. - ignored.
            17-05-13 Triton: contact us, we can help - ignored.
            24-05-13 Triton - urgent action required letter - ignored.
            31-05-13 Triton - final notice of intent, call us today - ignored.

            05-06-13 Letter from Green & Co Solicitors headed Notice of Intention to Commence Legal Proceedings. This letter also relates to all three accounts with a total figure of £18,000. Replied with a letter composed by SH.
            Like my other o/d account, this one was passed to NatWest's 'Executive Office'.

            After some back-and-forth letters they credited it with overcharged interest, bringing the balance down from £1900 to £1217. Wasn't that nice of them?
            It makes little difference to me because this is Statute Barred anyway - I just have not told them yet because I want the waters to stay 'muddied' for a few more months.


            • #51
              Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

              Where did the payment go? To the other o/d account?
              Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

              I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

              If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


              • #52
                Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                Originally posted by Pixie View Post
                Where did the payment go? To the other o/d account?
                Some interest refund went one account and some to the other, along with the £300 'present' they gave me.


                • #53
                  Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                  Sorry, I meant the payment that you were making.
                  Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

                  I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                  If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                  • #54
                    Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                    Originally posted by Pixie View Post
                    Sorry, I meant the payment that you were making.
                    Ahh, think I get the question now.

                    I was making payments to Moorcroft for three NatWest accounts, two overdrafts and one loan account. The payments I made were virtually all credited to the loan account after 2006 except for two small ones which went to one of the overdrafts in June 2008.

                    So, one overdraft has had no payments since 2006 and the other since 2008. The loan account was being paid until 2012 - but NatWest have 'misfiled' the CCA for this account.

                    Hope I am answering the right question this time.


                    • #55
                      Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                      Yes you are

                      I was just checking that the overdraft account was SB.
                      Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

                      I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                      If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                      • #56
                        Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                        Originally posted by Miss-Treated View Post
                        Type of account: Persoanal Loan
                        Date commenced: 2005
                        Balance: £13,500
                        Last full payment: 2006
                        Arrangement: None
                        Status: Defaulted Dec 2006 - Default recorded 2008 - PPI reclaimed.
                        Account owner: Nat West Bank

                        This account was included with two other accounts in a DMP I set up through the CAB in 2006. For 18 months I paid £55 a month to Nat West (via Moorcroft). In mid 2008 this was reduced to £10 a month when my DMP was reviewed. I stopped making this payment in Dec 2012.
                        All payments (£10 pm) since mid 2008 have been credited to this account

                        21-06-12 Queried balance with Moorcroft

                        02-07-12 Moorcroft are returning this to Nat West.
                        11-09-12 Fredrickson letter: debt passed to Fredrickson Int Ltd.
                        24-09-12 Fredrickson letter: contact us within seven days - ignored.

                        24-09-12 CCA request sent.
                        02-10-12 SAR sent to Nat West.

                        20-10-12 Received letter from NatWest dated 12th October 2012 stating the original loan CCA had been 'misfiled' and "the loan has insufficient detail to enable us to recreate this agreement"
                        25-01-13 SAR info finally received.
                        18-04-13 Nat West letter confirming loan is unenforceable but wanting payment - ignored.
                        (From here on, all letters received relate to all three Nat West accounts)
                        11-05-13 Triton letter: we are instructed to collect, etc. - ignored.
                        17-05-13 Triton: contact us, we can help - ignored.
                        24-05-13 Triton - urgent action required letter - ignored.
                        31-05-13 Triton - final notice of intent, call us today - ignored.

                        Various attempts to contact me by phone.
                        29-05-13 Letter - everything in writing.
                        Triton still calling (on average) once or twice a day - I don't answer.
                        On 05-06-13 I received a letter from Green & Co Solicitors headed Notice of Intention to Commence Legal Proceedings. This letter also relates to all three accounts with a total figure of £18,000.
                        I have not kept this part of my diary fully up to date, mainly because it has been covered in other posts.
                        Last year it went back to NatWest and their 'Executive Team'.

                        I received a letter from NatWest today regarding this loan account and my two overdraft accounts (see posts #48 and #50 above). They are lumping them all together - no doubt to save postage. That suits me nicely, it makes it easier to keep the waters muddy.

                        "URGENT ACTION REQUIRED - PLEASE CALLS US NOW YOUR HOME IS AT RISK" (notice - I get bold font, capital letters and inverted commas).
                        We have still not heard from you, please do not ignore this letter.

                        What could happen next
                        If you do not get in touch, we may need to issue you with an Overdraft Termination Notice (ending your overdraft). (What? Like the one you issued on these accounts in 2006?) and a Default Notice on your loan asking you to pay the total amount you owe us plus interest and fees. (Another one? You did this back in 2006 too). If we do this, we may also register your credit details with the credit reference agencies. (Again? Like you did in 2006? Remember? When you froze the interest). This could make it difficult for you to borrow money or get credit in the future. (Yeah, yeah, been there, done that - but I can get it now, if I want to).

                        It rambles on about helping me find a way forward, when to call them, etc.....

                        .... to stop things getting any worse and because we have not heard from you, we need to cancel any chequebooks and Servicecards connected to your account. (Bloody postal service is getting worse - I sent them in August 2006 and they obviously still haven't arrived!!)

                        The current state of affairs is:
                        One overdraft is SB.
                        One overdraft will be SB in July.
                        They have 'misfiled' the CCA for the loan.

                        It seems that all I really have to do here is keep things going until the second overdraft reaches the SB date. The last payment to this overdraft was 14th July 2008. As the overdraft was already terminated then am I right in assuming the SB date will be 15th July or will it be 15th August?
                        On that basis, I will sit on this letter for a week or so before replying as it is all about holding tactics and keeping the waters muddied for another 5 or 6 months.
                        The question is, how should I reply when the time comes? (and no rude answers - I can think them up for myself)

                        Thoughts and ideas appreciated.


                        • #57
                          Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                          Originally posted by Miss-Treated View Post
                          Type of account: Credit Card
                          Date commenced:1998
                          Approx balance: almost £5000
                          Date last paid: Dec 2012
                          Are you on arrangement: Was paying £22 pm - now stopped
                          Status: Default (2006)
                          Account owner: NatWest

                          21-05-2012 F&F offer letter sent offering £1300
                          29-05-2012 Refusal of F&F offer, but they will accept £4148.66.
                          27-09-2012 s.78 Consumer Credit Agreement request letter sent.
                          02-10-12. PPI claim sent.
                          02-10-12. SAR sent.

                          13-10-12 Letter dated 08-10-12 confirming PPI claim received
                          13-11-12 PPI claim refused

                          30-11-12 PPI claim referred to FOS
                          23-10-12 Letter sent as follow-up to not receiving the CCA
                          30-10-12 Reconstituted CCA arrived (letter dated 17-10-12)
                          14-01-13 Letter saying payment arrangement is due for review.
                          Niddy says the CCA is as just T&Cs received.
                          PPI claim is now with the FOS.
                          SAR information just received including a short note saying, 'We were unable to obtain a copy of the original application form'.
                          03-04-13 FOS are "unable to uphold complaint".
                          24-03-13 FOS complaint referred to an Ombudsman.
                          14-01-13. NW letter - please contact us.
                          08-04-13. NW letter - they are disappointed - failed to comply with agreement.
                          24-04-13. NW letter - still disappointed - will pass to a DCA.
                          17-05-13. Letter from Triton Credit Services. Payment demand for full amount.

                          29-05-13 'Terms and Conditions Received' letter to NatWest.
                          03-06-13 Triton letter - urgent action required.
                          26-06-13 Threat-o-gram LBA sent.
                          05-07-13 NatWest letter - have complied with s.78 saying a true copy has been sent ...blah, blah... see no reason to enter into further correspondence regarding alleged CCA breaches.
                          16-07-13 NatWest letter (reply to threat-o-gram) complaint not upheld - account referred back to Triton.

                          07-08-13 NatWest letter - account passed to Wescot
                          25-08-13 Wescot telephoned - did not answer
                          22-08-13 - Wescot letter giving me the option to pay in full or contact them by telephone. Failure will result in further recovery action. Ignored

                          27-08-13 SID and 'all in writing' letter to Wescot
                          07-09-13 (dated 05-09-13) Wescot letter - acknowledging dispute - no contact until resolved.
                          05-09-13 Wescot letter saying their clients have replied saying they have previously responded to this dispute, enclosing copy of NW letter of 12-07-13.
                          27-09-13 Wescot letter 'Final Notice' - 10 days to contact or collection activity will resume. Ignored
                          27-10-13 Wescot letter - opportunity to take control of your outstanding balance. Ignored
                          14-12-13 Wescot letter - Confirmation of Residency. Ignored
                          21-01-14 Telephone call from FOS. They are upholding the appeal and writing to NatWest today.
                          14-02-14 Letter from FOS - NatWest have accepted their decision and will pay compensation. NatWest will be in touch within 8 weeks
                          Looks like Wescot have gone the journey:

                          Today's post brought a letter from Moorcroft.saying this account has now been passed to them to collect. It was forwarded from my previous address, even though NatWest have my current address.

                          The PPI payout due on this account should (more or less) clear the balance. If there is a remaining balance I have no intention of paying it as the CCA is unenforceable.

                          Moorcroft are chasing me for the full amount and intend to contact me by letter or telephone.

                          I need to write to them with my correct address because I don't want stuff failing to reach me.

                          I am inclined to send a SID letter, and not yet mention the PPI situation. Maybe add something about 'everything in writing'. What do you think?


                          • #58
                            Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                            Originally posted by Miss-Treated View Post
                            I have not kept this part of my diary fully up to date, mainly because it has been covered in other posts.
                            Last year it went back to NatWest and their 'Executive Team'.

                            I received a letter from NatWest today regarding this loan account and my two overdraft accounts (see posts #48 and #50 above). They are lumping them all together - no doubt to save postage. That suits me nicely, it makes it easier to keep the waters muddy.

                            "URGENT ACTION REQUIRED - PLEASE CALLS US NOW YOUR HOME IS AT RISK" (notice - I get bold font, capital letters and inverted commas).
                            We have still not heard from you, please do not ignore this letter.

                            What could happen next
                            If you do not get in touch, we may need to issue you with an Overdraft Termination Notice (ending your overdraft). (What? Like the one you issued on these accounts in 2006?) and a Default Notice on your loan asking you to pay the total amount you owe us plus interest and fees. (Another one? You did this back in 2006 too). If we do this, we may also register your credit details with the credit reference agencies. (Again? Like you did in 2006? Remember? When you froze the interest). This could make it difficult for you to borrow money or get credit in the future. (Yeah, yeah, been there, done that - but I can get it now, if I want to).

                            It rambles on about helping me find a way forward, when to call them, etc.....

                            .... to stop things getting any worse and because we have not heard from you, we need to cancel any chequebooks and Servicecards connected to your account. (Bloody postal service is getting worse - I sent them in August 2006 and they obviously still haven't arrived!!)

                            The current state of affairs is:
                            One overdraft is SB.
                            One overdraft will be SB in July.
                            They have 'misfiled' the CCA for the loan.

                            It seems that all I really have to do here is keep things going until the second overdraft reaches the SB date. The last payment to this overdraft was 14th July 2008. As the overdraft was already terminated then am I right in assuming the SB date will be 15th July or will it be 15th August?
                            On that basis, I will sit on this letter for a week or so before replying as it is all about holding tactics and keeping the waters muddied for another 5 or 6 months.
                            The question is, how should I reply when the time comes? (and no rude answers - I can think them up for myself)

                            Thoughts and ideas appreciated.
                            I'm not 100% sure but I don't think they're allowed to lump overdrafts and loans together. I'll have a look to see if I can find out or someone else might be along who knows for certain.

                            SB is 6 years from the last missed payment so if you last paid on 15th July then the SB date will be 15th August.

                            Originally posted by Miss-Treated View Post
                            Looks like Wescot have gone the journey:

                            Today's post brought a letter from Moorcroft.saying this account has now been passed to them to collect. It was forwarded from my previous address, even though NatWest have my current address.

                            The PPI payout due on this account should (more or less) clear the balance. If there is a remaining balance I have no intention of paying it as the CCA is unenforceable.

                            Moorcroft are chasing me for the full amount and intend to contact me by letter or telephone.

                            I need to write to them with my correct address because I don't want stuff failing to reach me.

                            I am inclined to send a SID letter, and not yet mention the PPI situation. Maybe add something about 'everything in writing'. What do you think?
                            Yes I would send SWID. No need to add anything about everything in writing unless they're phoning you.
                            Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

                            I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                            If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                            • #59
                              Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                              Type of account: Personal Loan
                              Date commenced: 2005
                              Balance: £13,500
                              Last full payment: 2006
                              Arrangement: None
                              Status: Defaulted Dec 2006 - Default recorded 2008 - PPI reclaimed.
                              Account owner: Nat West Bank

                              Type of account: Current Plus Account
                              Date commenced: 2001
                              Balance: was £1900 now £1217
                              Last full payment: 2006
                              Arrangement: None
                              Status: Defaulted Dec 2006 - interest frozen
                              Account owner: Nat West Bank

                              Type of account: Advantage Gold (overdraft)
                              Date commenced: Early 1990s
                              Balance:was £2750 - now £1174
                              Last full payment: 2006
                              Arrangement: None
                              Status: Defaulted Dec 2006 - Default recorded 2008 - Interest added to 2008
                              Account owner: Nat West Bank

                              I have gone through a quiet period with NatWest regarding the three above accounts but the shit hit the fan with today's post.
                              I could really do with some help now, please.

                              Briefly (to save you having to read my whole diary):
                              All three accounts have previously been defaulted (as above).
                              All have dropped of my credit history.
                              The loan account is unenforceable - they have lost the Credit Agreement and have told me so.
                              Both overdrafts are Statute Barred.

                              Today I received three separate, almost identical, letters from NatWest, all dated 14th August.

                              Each of them contained a Default Notice giving me until 31st August to remedy the breach.

                              I know they cannot legally default an account a second time but what really worries me is that these defaults will be filed with the credit reference agencies before I can do anything about it - and I know how hard they are to get removed. My credit record is clean now and I don't need it screwed-up again by these swine.

                              I intend to write to them tomorrow (signed for) but would really welcome some advice on how to word the letter(s) and what to do next. It has me worried sick.

                              Thank you for reading. x


                              • #60
                                Re: Miss-Treated's UE Diary

                                Please don't worry...we won't let you get screwed up by them.

                                I'm sure someone will be by later with a nicely worded letter that you can send.
                                Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

                                I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                                If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.

