Sorry its late I wont expect any reply's until tomorrow just had to get it off my chest.
2000 - Received credit card
2011 - Could not keep up payments
Agreed £10 a month till a change in circumstance
Over the phone and in writing requested my CCA(due to extortionist interest)
March 2012-Contacted by Moorcroft DCA.I wrote and explained the situation
Also wrote to the bank complaining that this account was now in dispute as they could not produce CCA
Wrote to Moorcroft stating account,paid them the £1 for copy of CCA in dispute and after several letters they backed off.
End of 2012-Bank informs me they can’t find cca so the they took the £1 off my debt.
December 2012-Letter from Wescott demanding payment.Wrote and explained account in dispute
May 2013-Wescott finally reply saying the problem was now resolved so pay up.
Wrote them a letter of complaint saying nothing resolved and stop your harassment.
June 2013-Wescot write a letter saying the bank has now found CCA so send in another £1 for copy.
June 2013 Bank writes to say sorry im having problems and they will do their best to resolve it
Hi everyone just looking for a little advice and was told by 2 people on another forum to come here.I received a credit card from Lloyds TSB in the year 2000.Everything was fine until 2011 when I moved to the middle of nowhere and neither myself or my partner could gain employment. As soon as I missed my first credit card payment the bank wrote to me so I rang them.I explained my current situation and made an agreement to pay x amount per month until my circumstances changed.I also requested that they send me a copy of my cca complaining that they had hiked my interest rate up to 29.9% which I felt was daylight robbery and I wanted to see where I signed to agree to this ludicrous interest.I made this request in writing.
Three months later I received a threatening letter from Moorcroft dca asking me to pay the amount in full.I wrote to them explaining that I was disputing the interest charged on my account and as far as I was concerned I had no business with them.I wrote a letter to Lloyds to say I now considered my account in dispute and still had not received my cca.Several more letters arrived from Moorcroft and I sent them the fee of £1.00 to get my cca.Long and short of it was Lloyds could not provide the cca so Moorcroft backed off.Several months later I got a letter from Lloyds stating that the £1 I had paid was put toward my debt that I owed.
Fast forward to Dec 2012 I received a letter from Westcott debt collection agency requesting the full amount owed.I explained once again the situation and made it clear that I wanted nothing more to do with them.
I finally received a response in May this year saying the dispute had been sorted and please pay up.Again I told them nothing was sorted and if they continued to harass me I would make a formal complaint.They wrote back apologising and informing me that they had contacted Lloyds and the bank now say they can send me a copy of my cca(rehashed agreement I think).
This morning Lloyds have written to me saying they are sorry to hear that I have a complaint and will do their best to sort things out.
Can anyone advise me as to what to do next.And for the record I'm 44 years old and this is the first time I have ever had financial problems.I would love to pay this debt off but until I can gain full time employment this is impossible.
Any advice welcome and thanks in advance.
2000 - Received credit card
2011 - Could not keep up payments
Agreed £10 a month till a change in circumstance
Over the phone and in writing requested my CCA(due to extortionist interest)
March 2012-Contacted by Moorcroft DCA.I wrote and explained the situation
Also wrote to the bank complaining that this account was now in dispute as they could not produce CCA
Wrote to Moorcroft stating account,paid them the £1 for copy of CCA in dispute and after several letters they backed off.
End of 2012-Bank informs me they can’t find cca so the they took the £1 off my debt.
December 2012-Letter from Wescott demanding payment.Wrote and explained account in dispute
May 2013-Wescott finally reply saying the problem was now resolved so pay up.
Wrote them a letter of complaint saying nothing resolved and stop your harassment.
June 2013-Wescot write a letter saying the bank has now found CCA so send in another £1 for copy.
June 2013 Bank writes to say sorry im having problems and they will do their best to resolve it
Hi everyone just looking for a little advice and was told by 2 people on another forum to come here.I received a credit card from Lloyds TSB in the year 2000.Everything was fine until 2011 when I moved to the middle of nowhere and neither myself or my partner could gain employment. As soon as I missed my first credit card payment the bank wrote to me so I rang them.I explained my current situation and made an agreement to pay x amount per month until my circumstances changed.I also requested that they send me a copy of my cca complaining that they had hiked my interest rate up to 29.9% which I felt was daylight robbery and I wanted to see where I signed to agree to this ludicrous interest.I made this request in writing.
Three months later I received a threatening letter from Moorcroft dca asking me to pay the amount in full.I wrote to them explaining that I was disputing the interest charged on my account and as far as I was concerned I had no business with them.I wrote a letter to Lloyds to say I now considered my account in dispute and still had not received my cca.Several more letters arrived from Moorcroft and I sent them the fee of £1.00 to get my cca.Long and short of it was Lloyds could not provide the cca so Moorcroft backed off.Several months later I got a letter from Lloyds stating that the £1 I had paid was put toward my debt that I owed.
Fast forward to Dec 2012 I received a letter from Westcott debt collection agency requesting the full amount owed.I explained once again the situation and made it clear that I wanted nothing more to do with them.
I finally received a response in May this year saying the dispute had been sorted and please pay up.Again I told them nothing was sorted and if they continued to harass me I would make a formal complaint.They wrote back apologising and informing me that they had contacted Lloyds and the bank now say they can send me a copy of my cca(rehashed agreement I think).
This morning Lloyds have written to me saying they are sorry to hear that I have a complaint and will do their best to sort things out.
Can anyone advise me as to what to do next.And for the record I'm 44 years old and this is the first time I have ever had financial problems.I would love to pay this debt off but until I can gain full time employment this is impossible.
Any advice welcome and thanks in advance.