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  • Help Required

    Hello everybody, this is my first post on this forum which I have been reading now for some time. I have a long story that I will try and keep as short as possible, but I could do with some help on this as I feel its about time I got myself sorted.

    When I was about 18 I started to discover credit cards, I very soon amounted a vast array of different lines of Credit that I was neither old enough to appreciate nor wise enough to control, mix my various lines of credit including a mortgage with a slightly wild youth and you can guess what happened next. I juggled this debt for a few years, god only know how until in the end it was too much for me to deal with. I went to a family 'friend' (I use the word friend very loosely and you shall soon find out why) & basically confessed that I had accumulated a vast amount of debt that I could no longer afford to pay & that I was now behind on my mortgage.

    He assured me that he would deal with the problem & the fact that I had nearly £30k of equity in my house at the time meant that he could negotiate F&FS on all of my accounts, he promptly sold my house to a client of his & with the profits (which he now had) proceeded (I thought) to negotiate F&FS with my creditors. Although he told me some months later that he had dealt with all matters and I was now in the clear, guess what, he hadnt, in fact he had just taken the money and done nothing. I was then left in the terrible situation of having no money, no house & several very angry creditors.

    I then moved & did not tell any of the creditors, opened up a bank account, got a credit card & mobile phone etc all of which I paid on time but inevitably the debt followed me. I moved again, didnt and still havent told my current bank/credit card where I am (I am however still paying them) & since then I have not registered on the electoral roll, applied for credit or effectively done anything that would highlight my existence.

    I have however still run periodic check of my Credit File to see what was happening in the background at the old address.

    My current situation is as follows, I had 7 CCJs registered between 2001 and 2005, these have now all disappeared from my Credit File as has any trace of any bad debt at all. I have noticed however that I have had two companies do searches on me for outstanding debt, Mackenzie Hall and Tessera, one nearly a year ago and one nearly two years ago.

    My questions are as follows:

    1: If I go on the electoral roll again & start the process of obtaining credit again without notifying anyone of my previous addresses is this likely to bite me on the arse again?

    2: If the DCAs do catch up with me will they inform CRAs and will that link previous information to my file?

    3: Am I better contacting these people and just paying off the old debts which I am loathed to but fortunately in a position to do?

    4: What is my best plan of attack going forward as I have effectively been hiding from this for what seems like a lifetime.

    Thank you everybody in advance for what I am certain will be a major eye opener.

  • #2
    Re: Help Required

    its rarely as bad as it looks, someone will be along soon to put you at ease.
    Signature removed by site-admin. Please PM Niddy if you have any questions about why it's been removed.



    • #3
      Re: Help Required


      The old debt you can forget about. If the ccj have now expired you'll be ok in that respect but obviously you need to be seeking statute barred which means no payments for 6yrs.

      Your credit file can't be damaged again. as you had no assets the ccj was useless anyway.

      Just move on and forget the past.

      Oh, debt collection searches stay on your credit file for 2 years.

      Out of interest is your "mate" still breathing and if so; why?
      I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

      If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


      • #4
        Re: Help Required

        Finally when did you last pay towards the debts (approx)...
        I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

        If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


        • #5
          Re: Help Required

          welcome to AAD

          On the surface it might look as if this may be OK for you.

          The CCJs can technically be chased but they'd need to go back to a court and the judge would obviously be asking what they had been doing for the last 7/11 years or so.
          If you go back on the ER they will link you to your past addresses but actually there is nothing really to link as it has all fallen off.
          Are the 7 CCJs everything or is there more hanging about out there that may come back to bite you, anything more recent than 7 years ago?
          Did you report your "friend" to the police for theft?
          Why do you need more credit, once bitten etc.

          Do you know who the CCJs were with and what they were for?
          Was there any outstanding council tax or HMRC because these guys tend not to give up and I think CT never becomes SB.
          If you could get back with a few more details, it's be helpful

          try not to worry


          • #6
            Re: Help Required

            fastest finger in the west!!!


            • #7
              Re: Help Required

              Originally posted by evenlessdopey View Post
              Was there any outstanding council tax or HMRC because these guys tend not to give up and I think CT never becomes SB.
              thats true, i've just finished paying off mine from 2003/4. Thing is though with government debts you can offer stupid amounts and they'll accept it as while your making payments its moves off their "outstanding" lists so it beefs up the figures a little bit.

              Although, i'd never deal with a DCA regarding CT. I currently have rossendales "after me" for charges because i went back to the council and bypassed them. Even the council sent me a letter to copy saying the account had been satisfied and no further involvment on their behalf was needed as set out in section something or other...
              Signature removed by site-admin. Please PM Niddy if you have any questions about why it's been removed.



              • #8
                Re: Help Required

                As said above, it looks pretty positive for you in terms of debt. You need to be 100% sure that everything is Statute Barred. The CCJ's are highly unlikely to come back to haunt you as they'd have to have a good reason for not enforcing within the 6 year period. The debt is OK as long as you have not acknowledged or made payment of any sort within the past 6 years.

                Where you might experience problems is applying for credit. You will need to be able to supply 5 years of previous addresses for most forms of credit, and I'm unclear from your post whether or not you can safely do this. You'd also need to be prepared to explain why you don't exist on any electoral roles and finally, daft as it may sound, you'd need to be prepared to explain why you have not had credit as it is very unusual.

                It may pay you to read a bit about rebuilding your credit history, as while much of it will not apply to you, some of it certainly would.


                • #9
                  Re: Help Required


                  The old debt you can forget about. If the ccj have now expired you'll be ok in that respect but obviously you need to be seeking statute barred which means no payments for 6yrs.

                  Statute Barred??? I have made no payments of any sort or acknowledged any of these debts for maybe as long as 11 years.

                  Your credit file can't be damaged again. as you had no assets the ccj was useless anyway.

                  Just move on and forget the past.

                  Oh, debt collection searches stay on your credit file for 2 years.

                  Does this mean they are still looking for me though? If they find me what can they do? Will this open a new chapter in my credit history and put me back at square one?

                  Out of interest is your "mate" still breathing and if so; why?

                  My "friend" disappeared off the face of the earth tried several things to try and get my money back but you cant get anything out of somebody that has nothing! A very valuable lesson learned!


                  • #10
                    Re: Help Required

                    When a debt becomes SB, it does not cease to exist, it just means it cannot be enforced. There is a subtle difference, and the DCA's you have mentioned specialise in just this type of debt.

                    While they may not be able to enforce it, they can still ask you to pay it, which presumably you would not be keen to do. They cannot record anything adverse against your credit file though.


                    • #11
                      Re: Help Required

                      Originally posted by evenlessdopey View Post
                      welcome to AAD

                      On the surface it might look as if this may be OK for you.

                      The CCJs can technically be chased but they'd need to go back to a court and the judge would obviously be asking what they had been doing for the last 7/11 years or so.

                      If you go back on the ER they will link you to your past addresses but actually there is nothing really to link as it has all fallen off.

                      I havent been on the electoral roll since 2004 if I apply to be put on it and dont provide a previous address will I still be linked?

                      Are the 7 CCJs everything or is there more hanging about out there that may come back to bite you, anything more recent than 7 years ago?

                      No unpaid debt more recent than 7 years ago

                      Did you report your "friend" to the police for theft?

                      Yes but to no avail he quite literally disappeared! Tried everything to get my money back but never did, maybe he ripped somebody else off and hes now forming part of the foundations of a large building somewhere! (Heres hoping!!!)

                      Why do you need more credit, once bitten etc.

                      I dont really need more credit but it would be nice to get a mortgage at some point again without being bummed by a previous creditor

                      Do you know who the CCJs were with and what they were for?

                      Dont know exactly but judging by the amounts and looking at previous files I would say that they are all Credit/Store Card Debt

                      Was there any outstanding council tax or HMRC because these guys tend not to give up and I think CT never becomes SB.


                      If you could get back with a few more details, it's be helpful

                      try not to worry


                      • #12
                        Re: Help Required

                        Originally posted by BBoo View Post
                        As said above, it looks pretty positive for you in terms of debt. You need to be 100% sure that everything is Statute Barred. The CCJ's are highly unlikely to come back to haunt you as they'd have to have a good reason for not enforcing within the 6 year period. The debt is OK as long as you have not acknowledged or made payment of any sort within the past 6 years.

                        Where you might experience problems is applying for credit. You will need to be able to supply 5 years of previous addresses for most forms of credit, and I'm unclear from your post whether or not you can safely do this.

                        I have lived at another address for 5 years and can prove it but have not been on the electoral roll.

                        You'd also need to be prepared to explain why you don't exist on any electoral roles and finally, daft as it may sound, you'd need to be prepared to explain why you have not had credit as it is very unusual.

                        I do have a credit card still registered to a previous address which I have been paying relgiously, I just didnt want to inform them of my change of address in case everything got linked up and it opened up a huge can of worms!

                        It may pay you to read a bit about rebuilding your credit history, as while much of it will not apply to you, some of it certainly would.
                        Thanks, I will have a look at this section.


                        • #13
                          Re: Help Required

                          Will DCA's purchase debts from companies who have already had a Judgement granted on the debt?


                          • #14
                            Re: Help Required

                            looks good then
                            as Bboo says, they can ask but you just tell em to bugger off and they have to go.

                            as Bboo says your big problem will be creating a credit record but you've got years for that, so I would slowly slowy

                            result really!


                            • #15
                              Re: Help Required

                              Originally posted by BBoo View Post
                              When a debt becomes SB, it does not cease to exist, it just means it cannot be enforced. There is a subtle difference, and the DCA's you have mentioned specialise in just this type of debt.

                              While they may not be able to enforce it, they can still ask you to pay it, which presumably you would not be keen to do. They cannot record anything adverse against your credit file though.
                              I had one from an old o2 contract from years back (2002), was unpaid when i left my hometown in 2004 and was still unpaid when i returned in 2010. Got a letter, replied with i believe this debt is SB. Kindly bugger off. Got a lovely letter back that i promptly framed and it's now hanging in my office with a note saying "JD + AAD 1 - DCA 0"

                              consider it "my" first victory.
                              Signature removed by site-admin. Please PM Niddy if you have any questions about why it's been removed.


