Hi all
I've been on a DMP with the CCCS for just over a year now paying down a £40K debt left from a failed business. At the current rate it will take around 17 years to clear.
I have just been made redundant and luckily got a new job but it is for less pay and less hours.
I can afford the DMP but I really want to clear these debts quicker and am thinking of the F&F route.
The debt is 3 loans, an overdraft and 2 credit cards with Santander, Barclays (and BC) and M&S.
All are still with the OC but defaulted (I'm just waiting for paper copies of my CR's to confirm)
What should I do? Stop the DMP and wait until the debts are sold on or sent £1 token payments for a while then start negociations?
Thanks and sorry for the long post
I've been on a DMP with the CCCS for just over a year now paying down a £40K debt left from a failed business. At the current rate it will take around 17 years to clear.
I have just been made redundant and luckily got a new job but it is for less pay and less hours.
I can afford the DMP but I really want to clear these debts quicker and am thinking of the F&F route.
The debt is 3 loans, an overdraft and 2 credit cards with Santander, Barclays (and BC) and M&S.
All are still with the OC but defaulted (I'm just waiting for paper copies of my CR's to confirm)
What should I do? Stop the DMP and wait until the debts are sold on or sent £1 token payments for a while then start negociations?
Thanks and sorry for the long post
