Hello , I have been sent here from m.s.e really hope Never in Doubt and the other experts can help.
My background is we have been in debt for several years with mortgage arrears and secured loan arrears but thanks to forums like this we have sorted most of our affairs and are slowly paying the arrears .
I now need help for a loan of my husbands with Lloyds TSB going back before 2006 when he stopped paying .
In June this year he received a letter from Fairfax solicitors for the sum of £8000. I immediately sent a request for a CCA recorded delivery but heard nothing .
Yesterday he received a court claim form from Bradford giving 14 days to reply.
I rang National Debtline who were unable to advise as thy said it could be a risk to dispute this.
Please does anyone know the correct way to respond to the court paper , can the case go ahead while waiting for the CCA .
Any advise would be great and so worried waht to do.
Thank you to all you experts you are fantastic to give your time to help .
My background is we have been in debt for several years with mortgage arrears and secured loan arrears but thanks to forums like this we have sorted most of our affairs and are slowly paying the arrears .
I now need help for a loan of my husbands with Lloyds TSB going back before 2006 when he stopped paying .
In June this year he received a letter from Fairfax solicitors for the sum of £8000. I immediately sent a request for a CCA recorded delivery but heard nothing .
Yesterday he received a court claim form from Bradford giving 14 days to reply.
I rang National Debtline who were unable to advise as thy said it could be a risk to dispute this.
Please does anyone know the correct way to respond to the court paper , can the case go ahead while waiting for the CCA .
Any advise would be great and so worried waht to do.
Thank you to all you experts you are fantastic to give your time to help .