A summary:
Type of account: Unsecured Loan of £15,000 from Lloyds TSB in daughter's name only
Date commenced: Can't find date on CCA, but Nov/Dec 2006
Approx balance: £8,500
Date last paid full payment: May? 2010
Joint DMP with ex with CCCS: £121 per month June 2010 to May 2011
DMP with CCCS in daughter's sole name: £47 per month from August 2011
Status: Letter Nov 2010 saying willing to accept £7500 as final settlement and show debt as "partially satisfied".
Account owner: Lloyds TSB
Type of account: Unsecured Loan from Black Horse joint names - daughter and ex both/each responsible for WHOLE debt
Date commenced: October 2009
Approx balance: £7,527
Date last paid proper payment: May 2010
Joint DMP with ex with CCCS: £139 per month June 2010 to May 2011
DMP with CCCS in daughter's sole name: £50 per month from August 2011
Status: Assigned to one of Marlin's companies October 2011
Account owner: Marlin Financial Services??? A letter from Blackhorse, dated 26/10/11, says:
"We hereby give notice of the assignment of your above Unsecured Loan account which had a debt balance of £7778.41 on 20 October 2011.
On 20 October 2011 your account was assigned to ********** [a company that is part of the Marlin Group, which I am reluctant to mention, because a Google search brings up only a few results. In fact, it was a search for this company that lead me to the CAG website]" A paragraph follows saying about communications. Their address is shown as Marlin Financial Services. A letter from Marlin was enclosed in the envelope. The second and third paragraphs of the Marlin letter say: "This letter is to confirm that ******* has had assigned to it all right, title, interest and benefit in your above account, originated by Black Horse Limited. ******** is now entitled to all sums owed under the account.
********** has appointed us as its managing agent of your account. We will liaise with your debt management company, or with you if you want us to, and will process payments made on your account."
My daughter did not communicate in any way with Marlin or *******, but now a CCA letter has been sent - see below.
Type of account: Lloyds TSB overdraft joint names - daughter and ex both/each responsible for WHOLE debt
Date commenced: overdrawn by around £2,500 - £3,000 since, at least June 2008.
Approx balance: £2908
Joint DMP with ex with CCCS: £64 per month June 2010 to May 2011
DMP with CCCS in daughter's sole name: £25 per month from August 2011
Status: Letter from SCM Solicitors, in October 2011, demanding the £33 "unplanned" overdraft (exceeding £3000 limit) - Formal Demand prior to commencement of legal proceedings. They are/were adding monthly fees, which sometimes exceeded £100, and gave the impression the account was being used. The account has not been used since around June 2010. A letter was sent, earlier this year, telling them the account was closed and asking that fees not be added.
Account owner: Lloyds TSB
Type of account: Egg Credit Card in daughter's name only
Date commenced: Sometime between June 2008 and June 2010
Approx balance: £1,485
Joint DMP with ex with CCCS: £24 per month June 2010 to May 2011
DMP with CCCS in daughter's sole name: £8 per month from August 2011
Status: Not sure?
Account owner: Barclaycard
Type of account: Littlewoods Catalogue in daughter's name only
Date commenced: Don't know
Approx balance: £100? £176? See below.
Joint DMP with ex with CCCS: £6 per month June 2010 to May 2011
DMP with CCCS in daughter's sole name: £5 per month from August 2011
Status: Default Notice served under Section 87(1) of CCA 1974 in November 2011
Account owner: NDR/Shop Direct
The situation is that my daughter was with her ex from December 2002 to May 2011. He is a greedy, selfish, ignorant bully. My daughter is fairly frugal. He ran up debts. They undertook balance transfers, so much of the debt ended up in my daughter's name. Consequently, my daughter is now responsible for over £20,000 debt, of which £10,000 is in her sole name. (Her ex has debts in his sole name of around £5,000 to £6,000. As far as we know, he is, currently, paying nothing toward the joint debt. (Their total, joint debts were, previously, around £31,000.) (I did, once, pay off £2000.)
Under the joint DMP they paid £446 per month, expecting to be debt-free in about 6 years, My daughter, currently pays a total of £130, with an expected debt-free date of 2025. All the debts are unsecured. She has avoided IVA/insolvency, not wanting to lose the mortgaged house.
The worry about the debts has had a detrimental effect on the health of both of us, and I worry terribly about my granddaughter suffering.
My daughter’s total monthly income is £1574 (including Tax Credits etc.). Her/their mortgage is £636 a month, which only she has been paying since June?/July? 2011. I fear for the mortgage rate increasing and house prices falling. The mortgage was for £157,000, with £142,000 outstanding. Her house might be worth around £155-£160k? Despite being the one to run-up the debts, her ex-partner believes he has at least 5k equity in the house.
Before finding out about the debts, I was hoping I might sell my house and put the proceeds towards something for them, with a granny-annexe. I was fortunate to be able to be mortgage-free at a fairly young age, because I inherited from relatives (though, not being investment-minded have less than I should). I believe it should be my granddaughter (not me) who now benefits from this security. I lived, for a short time in a motorhome. I have a buyer for my house and want to buy a motorhome. I’m thinking the sale of my house, less £20-30k for a modest motorhome, might leave £120,000 for my daughter. However, I recall reading, that under a DMP, my daughter would need to pay her debts before reducing a mortgage. And then there would be the problem of her ex benefiting? We were wondering whether my daughter would be able to get another mortgage, with a substantial deposit? I am only on a meagre Ill Health Retirement Pension and DLA. It doesn’t seem we can afford to run 2 homes.
I acknowledge we need to speak with a family solicitor and will organise this very soon.
I think that's enough for one post. I'll continue below ..... and post details of CCA request to Marlin and letter to NDR.
There might be some more information here:
As my name suggests: worried about my daughter's debts..
........... though it might be out-of-date now.
Thank you.
Type of account: Unsecured Loan of £15,000 from Lloyds TSB in daughter's name only
Date commenced: Can't find date on CCA, but Nov/Dec 2006
Approx balance: £8,500
Date last paid full payment: May? 2010
Joint DMP with ex with CCCS: £121 per month June 2010 to May 2011
DMP with CCCS in daughter's sole name: £47 per month from August 2011
Status: Letter Nov 2010 saying willing to accept £7500 as final settlement and show debt as "partially satisfied".
Account owner: Lloyds TSB
Type of account: Unsecured Loan from Black Horse joint names - daughter and ex both/each responsible for WHOLE debt
Date commenced: October 2009
Approx balance: £7,527
Date last paid proper payment: May 2010
Joint DMP with ex with CCCS: £139 per month June 2010 to May 2011
DMP with CCCS in daughter's sole name: £50 per month from August 2011
Status: Assigned to one of Marlin's companies October 2011
Account owner: Marlin Financial Services??? A letter from Blackhorse, dated 26/10/11, says:
"We hereby give notice of the assignment of your above Unsecured Loan account which had a debt balance of £7778.41 on 20 October 2011.
On 20 October 2011 your account was assigned to ********** [a company that is part of the Marlin Group, which I am reluctant to mention, because a Google search brings up only a few results. In fact, it was a search for this company that lead me to the CAG website]" A paragraph follows saying about communications. Their address is shown as Marlin Financial Services. A letter from Marlin was enclosed in the envelope. The second and third paragraphs of the Marlin letter say: "This letter is to confirm that ******* has had assigned to it all right, title, interest and benefit in your above account, originated by Black Horse Limited. ******** is now entitled to all sums owed under the account.
********** has appointed us as its managing agent of your account. We will liaise with your debt management company, or with you if you want us to, and will process payments made on your account."
My daughter did not communicate in any way with Marlin or *******, but now a CCA letter has been sent - see below.
Type of account: Lloyds TSB overdraft joint names - daughter and ex both/each responsible for WHOLE debt
Date commenced: overdrawn by around £2,500 - £3,000 since, at least June 2008.
Approx balance: £2908
Joint DMP with ex with CCCS: £64 per month June 2010 to May 2011
DMP with CCCS in daughter's sole name: £25 per month from August 2011
Status: Letter from SCM Solicitors, in October 2011, demanding the £33 "unplanned" overdraft (exceeding £3000 limit) - Formal Demand prior to commencement of legal proceedings. They are/were adding monthly fees, which sometimes exceeded £100, and gave the impression the account was being used. The account has not been used since around June 2010. A letter was sent, earlier this year, telling them the account was closed and asking that fees not be added.
Account owner: Lloyds TSB
Type of account: Egg Credit Card in daughter's name only
Date commenced: Sometime between June 2008 and June 2010
Approx balance: £1,485
Joint DMP with ex with CCCS: £24 per month June 2010 to May 2011
DMP with CCCS in daughter's sole name: £8 per month from August 2011
Status: Not sure?
Account owner: Barclaycard
Type of account: Littlewoods Catalogue in daughter's name only
Date commenced: Don't know
Approx balance: £100? £176? See below.
Joint DMP with ex with CCCS: £6 per month June 2010 to May 2011
DMP with CCCS in daughter's sole name: £5 per month from August 2011
Status: Default Notice served under Section 87(1) of CCA 1974 in November 2011
Account owner: NDR/Shop Direct
The situation is that my daughter was with her ex from December 2002 to May 2011. He is a greedy, selfish, ignorant bully. My daughter is fairly frugal. He ran up debts. They undertook balance transfers, so much of the debt ended up in my daughter's name. Consequently, my daughter is now responsible for over £20,000 debt, of which £10,000 is in her sole name. (Her ex has debts in his sole name of around £5,000 to £6,000. As far as we know, he is, currently, paying nothing toward the joint debt. (Their total, joint debts were, previously, around £31,000.) (I did, once, pay off £2000.)
Under the joint DMP they paid £446 per month, expecting to be debt-free in about 6 years, My daughter, currently pays a total of £130, with an expected debt-free date of 2025. All the debts are unsecured. She has avoided IVA/insolvency, not wanting to lose the mortgaged house.
The worry about the debts has had a detrimental effect on the health of both of us, and I worry terribly about my granddaughter suffering.
My daughter’s total monthly income is £1574 (including Tax Credits etc.). Her/their mortgage is £636 a month, which only she has been paying since June?/July? 2011. I fear for the mortgage rate increasing and house prices falling. The mortgage was for £157,000, with £142,000 outstanding. Her house might be worth around £155-£160k? Despite being the one to run-up the debts, her ex-partner believes he has at least 5k equity in the house.
Before finding out about the debts, I was hoping I might sell my house and put the proceeds towards something for them, with a granny-annexe. I was fortunate to be able to be mortgage-free at a fairly young age, because I inherited from relatives (though, not being investment-minded have less than I should). I believe it should be my granddaughter (not me) who now benefits from this security. I lived, for a short time in a motorhome. I have a buyer for my house and want to buy a motorhome. I’m thinking the sale of my house, less £20-30k for a modest motorhome, might leave £120,000 for my daughter. However, I recall reading, that under a DMP, my daughter would need to pay her debts before reducing a mortgage. And then there would be the problem of her ex benefiting? We were wondering whether my daughter would be able to get another mortgage, with a substantial deposit? I am only on a meagre Ill Health Retirement Pension and DLA. It doesn’t seem we can afford to run 2 homes.
I acknowledge we need to speak with a family solicitor and will organise this very soon.
I think that's enough for one post. I'll continue below ..... and post details of CCA request to Marlin and letter to NDR.
There might be some more information here:
As my name suggests: worried about my daughter's debts..
........... though it might be out-of-date now.
Thank you.