to cut a long story short I left my premises in December 2008 and the owner of the premises moved back in and started renovating the property. I handed the keys back to the solicitor.
In 2009 I received a gas bill for 2000.00. I wasn't at the address when this bill is dated allegedlyand managed to sought it out with the gas company.
I nhave now received a debt letter for the bill again . I have explained I wasn't at the premises during the time this bill was dated and that the owners solictors took the keys back 4 weeks after I vacated
It was a public house and I was a Ltd company which has now finished as I have retired
The debt collectors have reduced the bill by half but I don't owe it but I am scared about people coming to my house and trying to get in or being taken to court.
Could someone advise me please as the letters are quite threatening
Many thanks
In 2009 I received a gas bill for 2000.00. I wasn't at the address when this bill is dated allegedlyand managed to sought it out with the gas company.
I nhave now received a debt letter for the bill again . I have explained I wasn't at the premises during the time this bill was dated and that the owners solictors took the keys back 4 weeks after I vacated
It was a public house and I was a Ltd company which has now finished as I have retired
The debt collectors have reduced the bill by half but I don't owe it but I am scared about people coming to my house and trying to get in or being taken to court.
Could someone advise me please as the letters are quite threatening
Many thanks