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recovery x

  • Drydensfairfax Solicitors Default

    I have an unsecured credit card debt which was purchased by Max Recovery Limited in late 2012.

    The original creditor was mbna.

    The debt has never been on my credit file.

    Last year, I started receiving correspondence from Drydensfairfax Solicitors, who were acting...
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  • 88th UPDATE to the Civil Procedure Rules

    Civil Procedure Rules:-

    Take notice:

    A new pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims is introduced and comes into effect on 1 October 2017.
    The new protocol can be seen in the Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims.
    88th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules

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  • credit file and UE debts question please

    It's about nine years since we had problems paying our debts - first we had a dmp and paid through them and then in 2012 July we joined here and doing the UE route .

    My question is this and i think i asked it before but not the same way lo.
    If our debts are now UE but not yet SB do...
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  • di30
    started a topic Hi everyone

    Hi everyone

    Hi everyone.
    Long time and no speak. Am so sorry I've not been around, I have missed everyone.

    Just to keep you informed as most of you were aware of my kidney issues, I have unfortunately moved on to to stage 4 CKD, but it's been steady over the last 2 lots of bloods, however if...
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  • Des58
    started a topic ESA OVERPAYMENT


    Hi guys,
    I am new to the forum and looking for some advice regarding a letter I got from dwp who say I was overpaid £1500 in esa,and that its in the hands of its
    debt collection agency.I accept I was at fault for not informing dwp of any increases in my pension for...
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  • LarimarBlue
    started a topic LarimarBlue's UE Diary

    LarimarBlue's UE Diary

    Hi, I'm new on here so hopefully I'm posting in the right place!

    I received standard letters from PRA Group on behalf of Verde Experto requesting payment or offering settlement terms for a credit card I'd originally taken out with MBNA in 2002.0 I have simply been ignoring all of them....
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  • SA Gold
    started a topic 2nd BT blunder now with Lowell

    2nd BT blunder now with Lowell

    Evening all,

    In 2011 SRJ debt recovery wrote to me in my previous property regarding an account in my name with next doors address. I wrote back stating i did not have an account with BT and it would appear someone had taken out a service in my name and heard nothing more about it.
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  • smub
    started a topic Too late to stop British gas late payment marker?

    Too late to stop British gas late payment marker?

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  • lookingforward
    started a topic Contractual Parking Charge Notice

    Contractual Parking Charge Notice

    Hi, hope someone can help.

    Daughter was using my sons car for work and parked in a b&m car park where her boyfriend has parked loads of times for his job as it's free (no parking at their place of work).

    Son gets a letter from G24 Ltd stating the car was parked for 405...
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  • Tropical fish question if anyone can help please

    Got some guppies neons and some others can't remember the name.

    One of the neons have got like black on its body looks like inside his body the orange at his tail is almost gone now and the blue is fading too he seems happy enough , swimming around eating but just wonder if this could...
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    Last edited by Spent2much; 3 March 2016, 18:23.

  • Debt recovery and asset valuation firm in administration - 'Winterhill' Largo

    Debt recovery and asset valuation firm in administration - 'Winterhill' Largo

    This is a duplicate of the Blog Entry made on: 29th February 2016 16:07
    A company that specialises in debt recovery and asset valuation has gone into administration, with RSM Restructuring Advisory being
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  • Supergrover
    started a topic Failed IVA

    Failed IVA

    I am looking for some advice as I have some old debt from a failed IVA, the last payment I made to the IVA was Feb/Mar 2009, I am just starting to get letters from recovery companies offering "huge discounts". I never heard from the IVA company after my last payment despite asking them for...
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  • JamesC
    started a topic JamesC vs Moorcroft/Argos

    JamesC vs Moorcroft/Argos


    • Type of account (credit card/loan): STORE CARD
    • Date commenced DEC 2014
    • Approx balance £552.82
    • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) APRIL 2015
    • Are you on arrangement or not paying £1 payment agreed for NOV, DEC, 2015, JAN
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  • Rawz
    started a topic Marlin Europe V Limited / Restons Solicitors

    Marlin Europe V Limited / Restons Solicitors


    I was hoping for advice please.

    I had a HSBC Credit Card debt from a while ago, I estimate around (2000) in 2008 the balance was approximately £5000, I wasn’t working at the time and could not pay the agreed monthly payment, I had little choice but to pay them a
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    Last edited by Rawz; 18 November 2015, 12:09.

  • Mumof2
    started a topic Mortgage advice- interest only

    Mortgage advice- interest only

    Hi! I am looking some advice! My husband has been ill with Mental health issues for the last year and is currently in hospital! I work full time and have 2 lgs! My husband stepped down from a management role in January and has been on SSP since June but I have been able to pay the mortgage using my...
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