Just had a letter forwarded to me from my old address. It's from Barclays, threatening a CCJ over an amount that is below £1,000.
This account had an agreed £1,000 overdraft limit on it for over a decade and obviously this amount was within that limit.
A few months ago, Barclays arbitrarily decided to terminate this overdraft limit since I hadn't been using the account enough in recent months. I had taken my custom to another bank and a credit union for good reasons, as you'll see here.
I have been in contact with them about this previously and pointed out to them that I no longer live at that address and given them a forwarding address. They refuse to accept this address, however, unless I go into a branch with ID. Yet they're still happy to send correspondence to an address that they know I no longer have any connection with. They even admit this by having it as "c/o" that address on the letter.
I am not in a position to pay that entire amount in one fell swoop, as I'm still unemployed at the moment. I have got an interview for a very good job lined up in London, which would change my entire situation if I get it. But if I don't, then I'm going to have to find a way to hold them off with instalments.
First off, are they likely to issue a summons for such a relatively small amount or are they just huffing and puffing at this stage? If I do receive papers, presumably I can just put in an offer of instalments?
Secondly, what formal action can I take against this bullshit refusal to accept the address I've already given them?
This account had an agreed £1,000 overdraft limit on it for over a decade and obviously this amount was within that limit.
A few months ago, Barclays arbitrarily decided to terminate this overdraft limit since I hadn't been using the account enough in recent months. I had taken my custom to another bank and a credit union for good reasons, as you'll see here.
I have been in contact with them about this previously and pointed out to them that I no longer live at that address and given them a forwarding address. They refuse to accept this address, however, unless I go into a branch with ID. Yet they're still happy to send correspondence to an address that they know I no longer have any connection with. They even admit this by having it as "c/o" that address on the letter.
I am not in a position to pay that entire amount in one fell swoop, as I'm still unemployed at the moment. I have got an interview for a very good job lined up in London, which would change my entire situation if I get it. But if I don't, then I'm going to have to find a way to hold them off with instalments.
First off, are they likely to issue a summons for such a relatively small amount or are they just huffing and puffing at this stage? If I do receive papers, presumably I can just put in an offer of instalments?
Secondly, what formal action can I take against this bullshit refusal to accept the address I've already given them?