Hi all,

I have an offset mortgage account. I rented out the property 6 months ago. I informed the bank and over the phone they said this was okay.

I fell into arrears. When speaking to the lender 6 months later on the phone about getting help, they flagged to that I have not had authorisation to rent.

28th Feb I received a letter capping my overdraft and chopping £3000 off leaving me with no money apart from £4 change in my purse. I was left stranded in town and I cant feed the kids or pay rent or anything.

All helplines are closed. I have nothing?

Can anyone let me know what options I have. Any advice or help?

The annoying thing was hwne I called the bank they offered no help and then said "Have a nice day.

Been struggling to pay them and I just found £700 to pay towards my arrears before they capped it.

AAAAAArrrgggg. Panic