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  • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman.

    Originally posted by MustGetStraight View Post
    Handy I don't know how you do it. I'd have thrown him out a long time back. You really do have the patience of a saint. Does he help you with your work when he's sponging off staying with you? If he doesn't..... maybe a bit of mowing an 8 acre lawn (preferably in torrential rain or blazing sun) might just persuade him to move on. Even better, you mow, you get him to pick up the grass cuttings behind you...

    Hope Mrs H's ankle is on the mend.

    You never know, Lady H may just be softening in her old age?
    HI MGS and If and all my other mates. Another midnight posting on my thread. Now please no sympathy, but I am going to tell you about possibly the most carp day I have had for ages. OK Sh1t happens but I must have done something really bad to deserve my day.

    Firstly Lady Hooray isn't softening. Something must have hit the bitch switch this morning. Normally I am up at the hall at 8.30 to do logs rubbish and so on. This morning I had a few jobs of my own to do. She was knocking on my door by 5 to 9 to tell me I was late for work. I said respectfully that 9 is my official start time. Before that time is what his Lordship used to call grace and favor for the free rent (7 days a week). No Its 8.30 till 5.30, That's funny I said all these years I have worked for you and you have paid my for 40 hours when in fact I'm working 45 hours, I think you owe me some back pay.

    She had left a list of jobs to do, most I had already said I would fit in this week. I was on the phone to the council for nearly an hour complaining on her behalf about the state of Hooray Lane. Then Grass Cutting, Weeding, Tractor Repairing, Window Cleaning, Pruning. Now its not so bad, I have been doing it that long its neither hard or difficult work, more like second nature. I take pride in how things look, but I can't make allowances for the weather, Rain, Gales, Drought. I spent the whole of last Monday and Tuesday drenched to my underpants just to move things forward.

    Mrs Handy limped into work, her ankles still no better, last night our GP rang her at 9 in the evening to ask her down to the surgery, it need further investigation because it's going on too long was his request.

    While Mrs H was at work she took a call from Lady Hooray's daughter, now she is a nice person, a bit of a Hooray Henrietta but has had her own problems. Her Ex was a wife beating Merchant Banker (really he was) Lady H couldn't understand why she wanted a divorce while he was on a 6 figure salary and an even bigger Bonus. She has recently had a cancer op. According to Lady She had had a full mastectomy, There was no chance of a reconstruction, was refusing Chemo, had been to a holistic Quack. What was she doing, She must get both children into a boarding School nearby. She Cant drive she has had so many Lymph Glands removed she has no use left in her arm.

    When Mrs H asked her how she was, Rubbish she replied. I'm fed up of Mother telling people I'm at deaths door. I had a lump removed. I am having chemo because even though they got it in it's earliest stages it was on a vein. She went on to say, and dont tell my mother, that I told you that she says that Handy is Tossing it off, he never does enough work and I am fed up of paying him for doing nothing. And that Mrs Handy is past it, I have to go round at the back of her finishing the cleaning.

    Is there a Smile for a nuclear explosion.
    Mrs Handy could have both legs removed and she would still do a perfect Job, The Hall has 4 rooms, 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, 2 utilities and a laundry room. The bed sheets are super Kingsise and are laundered and changed weekly. Some of the cielings are 20 feet high. All this is bottomed at least once a week. I won't give secrets away but Mrs H (I'm a Toy Boy) should have retired 9 years ago.

    She has forgotten the Girl she employed last year when Mrs H was off first due to ill health and then when she went North to look after her Mother. She's still finding things missing, the girl was a total stoner who never put in a full week in the 6 months she was here. Lady H even found her a flat in the area, and then paid of the rent arrears as the land lady never saw a penny in rent after the deposit.

    And as if all this wasn't bad enough, Trapfly borrowed the charger for my lappy (without asking), ran the battery flat, didn't shut it down first. Then the lappy didn't recognise the charger and crashed.

    Then the two border terriers had a fight, The worst yet. Its the vets tomorrow cause they are both lame.

    Mrs H has just finally settled down her ankle has been hurting so bad its been tears.

    So all in all, no Handyman's adventures today. Tomorrow I will be having words with my employer. It will be brutal. At my age I'm running out of employment options, as Trapfly keeps reminding me. What would that Idle **** know about a hard days work.

    Sorry its not been a good update. I do have some piccys ready to go but I haven't got round to putting them on photobucket yet.

    Off to look at the joke thread to get my grin back.

    Regards all, Handy.
    Last edited by Handyman; 29 June 2011, 23:50. Reason: Additions
    Mother Nature Don't Draw Straight lines, We are Broken Moulds in Life's Grand Design, We look a Mess but we're doing fine,
    Life Long Card Carrying Member Of the Union of Different Kinds.


    • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman.

      My dearest Handy, what a lot of shite you put up with so I'm sending a big hug with some extra strength for you. Hang on in there matey, your a star and we love ya
      "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"


      • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman.

        Extra strength and huge hug from over here too.... I don't know how you cope with an employer like that. "Unreasonable" just doesn't cover it !

        I hope your day has improved, and that you get an apology (a very big one) from Lady H.

        for you and for Lady H....
        Niddified and proud!

        Fought and won the UE battle, thanks to Niddy and this forum...
        SB since 2016. Now have my life back!

        (I used to be MustGetStraight but I've lost a "t")


        • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman.

          Good Evening All. Stepson Trapfly has gone on his travels again. So relieved we even asked if he needed some traveling money.

          I think for a change he was too embarrassed to accept. Looks like a hurricane has gone through the cottage. He has left a skip load of rubbish for me to take to the tip, 2 boxes of clothes and tools to leave up North for him on our next trip, and his motor bike for me to sell for him.

          Mrs Handy loves him to bits but even she can only stand a day or two of his visits. She is really worried about his memory. He left his wallet (Nothing in it) on the back step of the van for 2 days and then panicked when he couldn't find it. He said he had searched the van from top to bottom, but low and behold it turned up 4 hours later in plain view where he had left it.

          He took his bike into town, chained it to the railings with a for sale notice on it. Later that evening Mrs H asked him where his bike was. He forgot he had left it in town.

          This is what 25 years of smoking home grown weed does to you.

          Mind you he is one of life's survivors even though he leaves a trail of destruction at the back of him.

          On Sunday he came to the local vintage market with us. He was wearing a Trilby Hat, Black and Gold Waistcoat with a bear chest, Bermuda shorts and Bike boots. We went one side of the market, trapfly went the other. When we met up he was sitting outside one of the Antique shops with around a dozen of the dealers, tucking into pate and olives washed down by a nice glass of red.
          He was talking about Georgian Furniture as if he were LoveJoy.

          A sobering thought he has been booked to come back here in September to do Street Theatre for one of our Arts Festivals.

          Lady Hooray has been OK today, well at least no explosions. I had to take one of the terriers to the Doctors and Mrs Handy to the Vets (got that the wrong way round ) before 9.30 this morning. Both are sore but doing alright. She may not have been happy about me taking more time off but she's bright enough to know when to back off.

          I will let things ride for a couple of days then have my say when she's on the back foot.

          Finally here are the young Swallows. These were taken last week. They are as big as the parents now. When I open the workshop door in the morning I have to duck as they fly straight out only inches away from me. It's great to watch the acrobatic displays the youngsters put on and the dive and weave and buzz one another.

          This evening at dusk we had the biggest Tawny Owl I have ever seen sat on the phone line to the cottage. Shame it was Tooo shy to wait tooo have its photograph taken.

          So it's an early night for Handy, lets see what tomorrow brings.

          Regars all, Handy.
          Mother Nature Don't Draw Straight lines, We are Broken Moulds in Life's Grand Design, We look a Mess but we're doing fine,
          Life Long Card Carrying Member Of the Union of Different Kinds.


          • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman.

            Well I finally have found you (unlike AECC the search facility actually works on here....

            Yeah you have to have somewhere safe you can rant and rave Handy and like I somehow don't think you want Martin Lewis making royalaties on your sales....

            Did anyone see the flashing toaster on groupon yesterday or was it this am?

            Apparently the meds cause lethargy - now they tell me - have only been on them a few years :

            So yeah....I don't know how to bookmark this thread but want to...

            Nothing like a bit of handy snooze

            Any chance you could write a blog and put it on kindle Handy? You could make a fortune? No worries about losing your job

            and Murray lost to Nadal

            So yeah...trying to sell stuff to get clear single coil cartomisers :...have put 808's at a loss and they're still not selling



            • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman.

              Hi all. Hi Strawberry, nice to see you here.

              Anyway just a fast post before I dash off back to the County Hospital with an overnight bag for Mrs Handy.

              After the last few weeks of back and forth to the doctors, we finally have some solution. She was waiting to see a surgeon next Friday but over the last 48 hours the pain was so bad I decided to call NHS direct this morning. The Doc we saw referred her back to the A&E where a young Nurse Clinician ordered another set of X Rays, Nothing to be seen on the original, but on the new one you could plainly see a healing fracture, possibly infected.

              By the time I get back she will be in pot and on IV antibiotics.
              Good old NHS

              I told her that there is a bright side as If she had waited to see the specialist, then more tests and X rays (might not have been on the same day) the outcome of a stay in hospital would have been the same. At least this way she is a week sooner to pain free. (hopefully).

              Regards all, Handy.
              Mother Nature Don't Draw Straight lines, We are Broken Moulds in Life's Grand Design, We look a Mess but we're doing fine,
              Life Long Card Carrying Member Of the Union of Different Kinds.


              • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman.

                Och I saw that you were in A+E on facebook

                Hugs Handy....

                How is trapfly? He's good @ his job but still...

                I found my netbook but still have lost my phone memory card

                and now the single coil cartomisers are on the verge of breaking and I only have 3 :



                • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman.

                  Its a long time since I saw Mrs Handy Plastered.
                  She gave up the drink some years ago.

                  When I got to the ward she was on her back with one leg in the air.
                  I said that its been a while since you were waiting for me in that position. Caused a snigger or two from one of the nurses. When she's back on her feet I will have to dodge a frying pan for that one.

                  I pinched a wheelchair and got her outside for a coffee and a smoke.
                  We got picked up on CCTV and asked by a voice over the tannoy to extinguish our cigarettes and wait for a member of security to come and have a word with us. Those Hospital chairs have a fair turn of speed. Tomorrow we will stand (in Mrs H's case sit) in the same place puffing on our Electronic Ciggy's. Let the Tobacco Gestapo come to have words then

                  At least for the first time in several weeks she's comfortable. Hopefully she will be home Monday or Tuesday.

                  Its been a cracking day for sunshine, shame I missed most of it.

                  Driving home from the Hospital I took the coast road, what a beautiful sunset. I could see all the way from Chesil to Exmouth away to the far west.

                  One day I will have my camera with me.

                  Back in a while, Dogs to walk and work to do.
                  I can feel a hosepipe ban coming on.

                  Regards all, Handy.
                  Mother Nature Don't Draw Straight lines, We are Broken Moulds in Life's Grand Design, We look a Mess but we're doing fine,
                  Life Long Card Carrying Member Of the Union of Different Kinds.


                  • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman.

                    Hi Handy, I'm so pleased they worked out what was wrong with Mrs H......I mean they thought it may be gout didn't they!! All this happening and you still make me giggle xx

                    Big hugs to you and Mrs H
                    "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"


                    • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman.

                      Poor Mrs H, glad they have finally found out what's wrong. But very unfair that she had to go through all that pain for so long. Hope she is well on the mend now.
                      Niddified and proud!

                      Fought and won the UE battle, thanks to Niddy and this forum...
                      SB since 2016. Now have my life back!

                      (I used to be MustGetStraight but I've lost a "t")


                      • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman.

                        Originally posted by MustGetStraight View Post
                        Poor Mrs H, glad they have finally found out what's wrong. But very unfair that she had to go through all that pain for so long. Hope she is well on the mend now.
                        Well it wasn't Gout that's for sure. She kept telling them that you have to be full of Post and Grouse to get Gout.

                        I looked at the X Rays myself, to give the Doctors their due there was nothing to be seen on the first set. Its amazing how something so small caused so much pain.

                        While she in Hospital, she has promised to get them to look at her knee again. The sawbones who did her knee op last year told her that when she was ready they would get her in for a full replacement.

                        She will soon have that much metal in her, I won't dare drive past the Magnet Factory again.

                        Thanks to all of you for asking after her. Much appreciated.

                        Regards to all, Handy.
                        Mother Nature Don't Draw Straight lines, We are Broken Moulds in Life's Grand Design, We look a Mess but we're doing fine,
                        Life Long Card Carrying Member Of the Union of Different Kinds.


                        • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman.

                          Handy I have just had a massive catch up!




                          • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman.

                            I have been asleep all day and have just woken up and it's SABBATH! :

                            Glad you got her sorted handy...



                            • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman.

                              Originally posted by Strawberry_Cupcake View Post
                              I have been asleep all day and have just woken up and it's SABBATH! :

                              Glad you got her sorted handy...

                              Well, Sunday is the day of rest after all...
                              Made by God...Improved by the Devil
                              Save £2 a day - £1610.00 so far


                              • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman.

                                Originally posted by Angelic View Post
                                Well, Sunday is the day of rest after all...

                                LOL - yeah Angelic


