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Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

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  • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle


    MBNA - Requested CCA 19/1/2012
    MBNA sold to Britannica - Mortlake (Moorgate) on 30/1/2012
    CCA Received 1/2/2012 from MBNA
    Niddy UE


    Moorgate appointed Arden Credit 7/3/2012
    Arden wrote to me to inform me they had been appointed by Moorgate 9/3/2012
    Arden wrote to me again to ask for the full outstanding monies to be paid 3/4/2012
    Letter sent to Arden Threat O Gram Before Action Letter 4/5/2012
    Arden wrote that they will investigate my comments raised (Re:No CCA) 14/5/2012
    Arden also wrote dated the same date as above threatening court action 14/5/2012
    Moorgate wrote to me that they will investigate missing CCA 16/5/2012(already had one!)
    Moorgate wrote back enclosed NEW CCA dated 8/6/2012 - different to the first CCA received in 1/2/2012!

    Sent both to Niddy who says they are
    Last edited by Flossy; 22 June 2012, 15:45.


    • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle


      VIRGIN CREDIT CARD (Shall we call MBNA No 2)

      MBNA (Virgin) - Requested CCA 19/1/2012
      MBNA sold to Britannica - Mortlake 30/1/2012
      Moorgate appointed Arden Credit 7/3/2012
      Arden wrote to me to inform me they had been appointed by Moorgate 9/3/2012
      Arden wrote to me again to ask for the full outstanding monies to be paid and threatening court action 3/4/2012


      Letter sent to Arden Threat O Gram Before Action Letter 4/5/2012
      Arden wrote that they will investigate my comments raised (Re:No CCA) 14/5/2012
      Arden also wrote dated the same date as above threatening court action 14/5/2012
      Moorgate wrote to me that they will investigate missing CCA 16/5/2012
      Moorgate wrote back enclosed new CCA dated 7/6/2012

      Sending to Niddy to look at today.
      Last edited by Flossy; 22 June 2012, 15:46.


      • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle


        All 3 accounts passed to NDR

        Littlewoods / Very / Additions - CCA requested 19/1/2012
        CCA received dated 1/2/2012
        Sent to Niddy -
        PT letter sent 20/2/2012
        Letter from Shop Direct dated 30/5/2012 - Account was legally assigned to LOWELL 18/5/2012
        LOWELL letter outstanding balance on accounts letter - 13/6/2012
        Sent - Account In Dispute Letter to LOWELL 15/6/2012 (Dated 12/6/2012)
        LOWELL letter - outstanding balance & legal action may take place 16/6/2012

        Above 2 letters may have crossed ....
        Last edited by Flossy; 22 June 2012, 12:34.


        • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

          CAPITAL ONE

          CCA request 1/1/2011 - Didnt know at the time that it was UE until I came on AAD & Niddy looked at it.
          FPC Debt Collection Services letter 31/3/2011
          AIC Allied International Credit 12/4/2011
          ALC letter 20/4/2011
          CCCS letter from me as advised - Capital One wouldnt accept any payments lower than the minimum amount or answer my letters as they where not signed by me - 6/5/2011
          AIC letter - wouldnt sent CCA I requested 11/5/2011
          CCA received 13/5/2011 - (still didnt know if UE as wasnt on this site at that point)
          Niddy -

          PT letter sent to Capital One
          Capital One letter back - Saying 'You have filed to state why you allege that the CCA is improperly executed pursuant to Section 61(1) 1974, etc - 26/1/2012 (The full letter in my dairy)

          capQuest Inform me that they have taken over the account and threaten door step collection and possible litigation 2/6/2012
          Sent Ms A Simms @ capQuest a letter - Account in dispute 15/6/2012

          capQuest letter - Prior to the start of legal proceeding various checks and validations are undertaken to establish facts around your current circumstances. During this process it has been established that there are no outstanding CCJ's registered against the above address! Continues about seeking a a judgement against me! 16/6/2012

          THINK THE POST HAS CROSSED - Next letter:

          capQuest wrote that due to my correspondence my account has been put on hold until 2 July while they investigate this matter.


          • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle


            CCA request 19/1/2012
            CCA received 13/2/2012

            NO PT LETTER SENT!

            Passed to Moorcroft - Letter advising that have been instructed by Next Plc. It is a legal requirement to send a notice of INTENDED LITIGATION before legal proceedings in the County Court are issued. 26/4/2012

            Moorcroft letter - Requesting the full outstanding. 30/4/2012

            Moorcroft letter - Possible Litigation letter outlining the court and solicitor fee's. 19/5/2012

            Moorcroft letter - Monthly Instalment Offer 2/6/2012
            Letter to Moorcroft - PT letter 15/6/2012

            Moorcroft -letter - Thank you for your recently received letter requesting a copy of the credit agreement. However, under the CCA 1974 you must provide a fee of £1.00, etc, etc.... (Never requested it as already in my possession)

            MIDAS CREDIT SERVICES - LITIGATION WARNING. We are part of the Moorcroft Group and are aware that you have failed to reach a repayment agreement with Moorcroft concerning the above account, etc... 16/6/2012

            Letter may have crossed!


            • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

              HALIFAX / WESCOT

              Halifax CC - Sent letters from CCCS but they didn't want to accept a smaller payment hence passing to Wescot. 24/8/2011

              CCA requested to Wescot - 19/1/2012
              Wescot - Letter sending the PO back for £1.00 and a letter saying they were not the creditor for this account!
              CCA request sent again with PO £1.00 - With a letter explaining that I had recently sent a CCA request and I clearly explained in my original letter what was expected of you, therefore your response telling me to go and speak to the original creditor is way out of line and I refer you back to your legal obligations, in particular s 175 (CCA 1974); quoted from my original letter, below, etc, etc.. - 27/1/2012

              Wescot letter - CCA Request. Again explaining that they are not the creditor for this account - 2/2/2012

              Robinson Way Limited letter - FORMAL DEMAND FOR PAYMENT. Our client has authorised us to recover the full amount you owe, shown above. An application for the court may be made 28/3/2012
              Robinson Way letter - IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED. 6/4/2012
              Robinson Way letter - SECURITY TELEMESSAGE - Recent actions on your account are giving cause for concern (tell me about it ) 20/4/2012

              Halifax - Credit Card Statement 1/5/2012

              Robinson Way - Account Sold While In Dispute Letter sent 24/4/2012
              Robinson Way letter - Please note we have noted the dispute/query you have raised. In the meantime we will stop all collection activity. 3/5/2012
              Robinson Way - Please find enclosed a copy of all your statements. We can confirm your account is on a temporary delay until we receive your copy of agreement. 15/6/2012 (A/C from 2008 to date!)

              Await CCA


              • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                EGG / Taken over by BARCLAYCARD

                CCA request - 19/1/2012
                Barclaycard sent it back - Asked me to send to a different address!
                Re sent CCA - 23.1.2012
                CCA received - 3/2/2012
                Sent to Niddy -

                NO PT LETTER SENT!

                Barclaycard letter - Formal Demand for Payment. As you have not complied with the recent Default Notice, the outstanding balance shown above, is now due in full and we demand that you pay this amount to us immediately.1/5/2012
                Barclaycard letter - Informing me that the account has been passed to

                Credit Solutions to manage. 16/5/2012 (told to ignore letter)
                Credit Solutions Letter - Barclaycard has told us that you have not complied with the Default Notice they recently sent to you. The balance is now due in full. 21/5/2012

                Power2Contact Limited letter - We have been instructed by our client to VISIT YOUR ADDRESS TO COLLECT THE ABOVE DEBT. You have made this necessary as you have ignored all their requests to contact them and you have failed to pay your account. 30/5/2012
                Power2Contact - Doorstep Harassment Letter sent. 12/6/2012

                Credit Solutions letter - OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE £££'s. Despite our numerous attempts to contact you, the balance on the above account remains unpaid. 12/6/2012

                Letters Crossed over...

                Credit Solutions letter - I write in reference to your letter dated 12th June 2012, which has been passed to me for a response.
                Credit Solutions Limited offers a doorstep collection service whereby field agents visit a property to discuss repayment of an outstanding amount. This is simply another option available to our customers to assist them in repaying their debts. In relation to field visits in subsection 2.12 of Office of Fair Tradings' guidelines doorstep visits must give adequate notice of the time and date of visit. The Armstrong v Sheppard (1959) case you quoted is dependant on each individual circumstances and only such order to refuse access can come from a court and not from the individual.

                Please note, we do not nor have not held a telephone number for you in relation to this account telephone we refute any allegations that we have been contacting you via telephone.

                Should you wish to escalate your complaint you must do so within 6 months, I have enclosed a FOS Leaflet for your reference. 19/6/2012

                Is there a letter I should do back and should I sent out a PT letter as I have never sent one for this account?


                • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                  Originally posted by Flossy View Post

                  Sent - Account In Dispute Letter to LOWELL 15/6/2012 (Dated 12/6/2012)
                  LOWELL letter - outstanding balance & legal action may take place 16/6/2012

                  Above 2 letters may have crossed ....
                  I agree, leave this for now....

                  Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                  CAPITAL ONE

                  capQuest wrote that due to my correspondence my account has been put on hold until 2 July while they investigate this matter.
                  Ok, leave this for now as well......

                  Originally posted by Flossy View Post

                  Moorcroft letter - Monthly Instalment Offer 2/6/2012
                  Letter to Moorcroft - PT letter 15/6/2012

                  MIDAS CREDIT SERVICES - LITIGATION WARNING. We are part of the Moorcroft Group and are aware that you have failed to reach a repayment agreement with Moorcroft concerning the above account, etc... 16/6/2012

                  Letter may have crossed!
                  Yep, wait and see how they reply to your last letter....

                  Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                  HALIFAX / WESCOT

                  Robinson Way - Please find enclosed a copy of all your statements. We can confirm your account is on a temporary delay until we receive your copy of agreement. 15/6/2012 (A/C from 2008 to date!)

                  Await CCA
                  Yep, await CCA - ignore till it comes

                  Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                  EGG / Taken over by BARCLAYCARD

                  Credit Solutions letter - I write in reference to your letter dated 12th June 2012

                  Is there a letter I should do back and should I sent out a PT letter as I have never sent one for this account?
                  You should just wait and see what they do next!
                  I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                  If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                  • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                    Originally posted by Flossy View Post

                    Moorgate wrote back enclosed NEW CCA dated 8/6/2012 - different to the first CCA received in 1/2/2012!

                    Sent both to Niddy who says they are
                    Unfortunately as with recons, they can remedy the original one sent at any point. However that said, you must still continue to blag this as we know there are at least 3 sets of terms for this now (the two you have plus the originals) thus if they try and enforce the chances are they'll either rely on the wrong ones or mess up somewhere so although this is now enforceable, it's not a bad result as there are so many differing terms and versions of the agreement that not only could you convince a judge that you got confused, but I suspect the bank would also be confused put under enough pressure.....

                    So, respond with missing PT's if not already. If you've previously sent that then wait and see what their next reply is.....

                    Don't worry.
                    I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                    If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                    • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle


                      CCA request - 19/1/2012
                      Mint - Sent my letter back with PO £1.00 due to being digitally signed with date stamped 23/1/2012 - dated 27/1/2012
                      Mint - CCA request & Letter to Mint Do NOT require my signature for a CCA request. 6/2/2012
                      Mint - sent my letter back and PO £1.00 due to not signature only digitally.10/2/2012
                      Mint - Letter saying how disappointed to note that you have failed to comply with our agreement. 21/2/2012
                      Mint - Sent my letter back & PO £1.00 due to requiring my signature and not digitally signed. 3/3/2012
                      Mint - Letter as you have failed to respond to the Bank's previous demands, we have no alternative but to commence further proceedings for the recovery of the outstanding balance. 7/3/2012
                      Mint - Sent Threat of DCA. 7/3/2012

                      SHOOSMITHS SOLICITORS letter - Your account details have been passed to us by The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc to act as its solictiors and we will now be dealing with your account. 4/4/2012
                      SHOOSMITHS - We refer to our recent letter to your confirming that we are instructed to act in this matter. We have not been able to contact you by telephone. Contact us to repay the outstanding balance. 14/4/2012
                      SHOOSMITHS - Sent Account Sold While In Dispute letter 23/4/2012
                      SHHOSMITHS - Letter We refer to our previous letters to you and, as you are aware we act on behalf of the Bank, please treat this letter as notice that, unless an agreement is reached with you within 14 days of the date of this letter, we are instructed to issue a County Court Claim. 23/4/2012


                      SHOOSMITHS - letter we refer to the above matter and further to your letter dated 23 April 2012, the contents of which have been noted. Please note that we have referred your letter to our client and will respond fully once we have received a response from them. 8/5/2012

                      MINT - Letter thank you for your recent request which was received into this office on 29 March 2012. Your written request for information made under s78(1) of the CCA must be accompanied by payment of a fee of £1.00. We are obliged to provide you with a 'true' copy of the credit agreement, etc, etc,..... Enclosed CCA.

                      As you are aware the account is currently being managed by our Financial Hardships Department. Please contact them to obtain details of the required repayments to settle the account. 15/5/2012

                      Niddy -

                      They know I am ill and have asked for details before now of my health and financial status. I contacted them a while ago when I got advice from CCCS. I wonder can this be used to do something with this account? What I mean is can we try and use my health to help with this case? I dont really know what happens next as no letter has gone back to Mint or Shoosmiths. Could they just issue County Court Claim one day dropped on my doorstep? (I know they can as we all know they play dirty) But, Should they have to send out a further letter warning me? I dont know what Mint / Shoosmiths are like to deal with...

                      Has anyone dealt with them?


                      • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                        Flossy , I am not sure but in the letters there is one asking creditors to write off your debts. So long as they do not restart the SB clock (depending on how long that has been ticking away) I can not see why you shouln't send them.
                        Lets see what others say


                        • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                          So, respond with missing PT's if not already. If you've previously sent that then wait and see what their next reply is.....

                          Don't worry.
                          MBNA No 1

                          In the PT letter where it says about 'enclosing a copy of the CCA' they sent.. Should I copy the first or second CCA? I feel the first one might be better but as I have never dealt with this before I am uncertain and would like some expert advice before I sent anything to them.



                          • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                            Originally posted by jon1965 View Post
                            Flossy , I am not sure but in the letters there is one asking creditors to write off your debts. So long as they do not restart the SB clock (depending on how long that has been ticking away) I can not see why you shouln't send them.
                            Lets see what others say
                            Hi Jon

                            Hope your okay?

                            I dont know what letter that is, but have heard about it. Which company/'s was you thinking about and why? (dont understand it very well as never done before)

                            Thanks Jon


                            • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle


                              That is the letter and i would think that you could try to send it to any enforceable debt you have. I have heard they are not that often succesful but if you have medical evidence of your illness and it is going to be ongoing then I would say it was worth a shot.

                              All I would suggest is wait until someone who is more aware of your circumstances/history than I am .
                              See what they say....lets try to get a Mods opinion , they must all be out enjoying themselves...don't we just hate them all.


                              • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                                Originally posted by jon1965 View Post

                                That is the letter and i would think that you could try to send it to any enforceable debt you have. I have heard they are not that often succesful but if you have medical evidence of your illness and it is going to be ongoing then I would say it was worth a shot.

                                I have seen this letter before. I was looking at all the health letters I could sent in the beginning. I think it maybe worth a try, after all I cant work at the moment and my chances of recovering in the next few years is 0!

                                All I would suggest is wait until someone who is more aware of your circumstances/history than I am .
                                See what they say....lets try to get a Mods opinion , they must all be out enjoying themselves...don't we just hate them all.
                                Niddy is in the cupboard where he lives most of the time and the rest are on their .... They deserve it...
                                Last edited by Flossy; 23 June 2012, 12:02.

