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Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

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  • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

    I have now got 3 debts that are

    HALIFAX £10,430 - Sent PT letter anyway, wait reply/ New letter received 20 July 2012 - threatening home visit before court action & that the debt is EN!

    MINT £14,920 - Need to do Financial Hardship Letter, etc?

    MBNA 1 £5,497 - Sent PT anyway, wait reply / New letter received from Arden on behalf of Britannica SARL Recoveries - MOORTLAKE - 20 July 2012 - CCA is EN in a court of law and will continue to request payment towards the outstanding balance.
    Last edited by Flossy; 20 July 2012, 16:41. Reason: New letters received 20 July 2012


    • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

      Originally posted by Flossy View Post
      HALIFAX - - Passed Moorcroft, passed to Robinson Way - CCA requested, enclosed a copy of all my statements from 2008-2012. A/C on hold until CCA received.

      4.7.2012 - Letter Robinson Way: Further to your CCA request we now enclose the relevant documents for your immediate attention.

      Please note if an original CCA was not available, under the consumer credit Acts a reconstituted copy may be provided.

      We need to hear from you with your proposals for settlement of your account, which is long overdue for payment, within 10 days.


      Sending PT letter anyway!
      20 July 2012 - Letter just received from Robinson Way:-
      Appointment for a home visit.

      Your debt is still unpaid in spite of previous letters, and calls. (No calls received from Robinson Way)Before Court Action is considered we may arrange for a local collector to call at your address, to agree an affordable payment plan with you.



      • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

        Originally posted by Flossy View Post
        20 July 2012 - Letter just received from Robinson Way:-
        Appointment for a home visit.

        Your debt is still unpaid in spite of previous letters, and calls. (No calls received from Robinson Way)Before Court Action is considered we may arrange for a local collector to call at your address, to agree an affordable payment plan with you.

        ---> Our Templates | Harassment & Intimidation Templates | Harassment & Threat of Doorstep-Visit

        Send that
        I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

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        • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

          MBNA NO 1 - Passed to Moorgate

          19 January 2012 - CCA request to MBNA (sold to Britannica Sarl Moortlake (30 January 2012)

          1 February 2012 - MBNA CCA received

          8 June 2012 - New CCA received

          2 CCA's - One UE and one EN!

          28 June 2012 - Sent PT letter

          13 July 2012(was June not July!!!) - Letter received from Arden:-

          Thank you for your letter dated 25 July 2012.
          We are presently investigating the comments you have raised and a full response will be sent to you shortly.
          In the meantime, please find enclosed our formal complaints procedures which details how we will deal with your complaint.

          16 July 2012 - (received today 20 July 2012) -

          I refer to your letter dated 13 July 2012. I have reviever your account and investigated the concerns and the issues you have raised.

          In accordance with the CCA, Regulation 3 (2), it expressly states that a copy need not be an exact copy as the creditor or owner may not have preserved a copy of the executed agreement. The requirement allows us not to provide an exact copy, a carbon photocopy or microfiche copy and we can therefore provide a reconstituted copy.


          Goes on to say that they believe the debt remains enforceable in a court of law and will continue to request payment towards the outstanding balance £5,497.

          We consider your complaint closed if we have not heard from you within 8 weeks.

          We are responding to your enquiry in respect of a loan with Britannica SARL - MORTLAKE on behalf of Moorgate Loan Servicing.



          • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

            What about the PT letter? Do I not post this now?


            • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle


              I am concerned about YB CC with Cabot on previous page. They are threatening court action again..

              Can we not use UE with this debt? PT letter? Or will this cause issues for me with them? I am going to have to face them at some point as they will find any excuse like this time to threaten court action. Is there a way we can make sure this is completely UE?I dont like walking on egg shells with them. What do you think?


              • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                Niddy can you confirm whether I need to send the PT letter as well as this one or in place of this one please? This is


                • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                  1 February 2012 - MBNA CCA received

                  8 June 2012 - New CCA received

                  2 CCA's - One UE and one EN!

                  28 June 2012 - Sent PT letter

                  13 July 2012(was June not July!!!) - Letter received from Arden:-

                  Thank you for your letter dated 25 July 2012.
                  We are presently investigating the comments you have raised and a full response will be sent to you shortly.
                  In the meantime, please find enclosed our formal complaints procedures which details how we will deal with your complaint.

                  16 July 2012 - (received today 20 July 2012) -

                  I refer to your letter dated 13 July 2012. I have reviever your account and investigated the concerns and the issues you have raised.

                  In accordance with the CCA, Regulation 3 (2), it expressly states that a copy need not be an exact copy as the creditor or owner may not have preserved a copy of the executed agreement. The requirement allows us not to provide an exact copy, a carbon photocopy or microfiche copy and we can therefore provide a reconstituted copy.


                  Goes on to say that they believe the debt remains enforceable in a court of law and will continue to request payment towards the outstanding balance £5,497.

                  We consider your complaint closed if we have not heard from you within 8 weeks.

                  We are responding to your enquiry in respect of a loan with Britannica SARL - MORTLAKE on behalf of Moorgate Loan Servicing.

                  Any advice as to what to do next after the above letter from Arden.. ?


                  • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                    Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                    YORKSHIRE BANK CREDIT CARD / SOLD TO CABOT - Boss said it was after saying CCA was a bit all over the place. I am still paying £1pm Cabot. Will see what letters come back and deal with this at that time.

                    NIDDY - Agreed, see what comes back but as you're paying £1p/m stick to it for the time being, pointless upsetting them.

                    16 July 2012 - Letter received from Cabot - Your repayments plan has failed - you must contact us urgently.
                    Your agreed repayment plan has failed as the payment due on the 02/07/2012 has been missed. Failure to contact us to discuss resolution of this debt will result in this account being escalated to our Pre-Litigation Department to consider the most suitable action.

                    I have paid by SO every month to keep them off my back as we said. The Natwest had issues as we know and I know my payment of £1 went out of my account as it does every month on the 2/7/12 even though I DO NOT have an agreement with them...

                    Need to know what I can now do? Should I write to them? I do NOT want Court Action with these again!

                    Is there a way that we can get rid of these with the debt being UE? I do not understand the En or UE of this debt.
                    I do not know what action I should take next with this one as I am walking on eggshells with CABOT... ??
                    Last edited by Flossy; 1 August 2012, 09:50.


                    • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                      Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                      CAPITAL ONE -

                      CCA sent and the Boss said it was

                      January 2012 - Capital One letter:

                      received back saying that they have already previously provided me with a CCA (had 2 off them).. and that I have failed to state why I allege that they Agreement is improperly executed pursuant to Section 61(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 ('the Act'). The Agreement was properly executed pursuant to Section 61(1) of the CCA 1974 ('the ACT') in that the Agreement is:
                      (a) in the prescribed form and contains all the prescribed terms, conforms to the regulations under section 60(1) of the Act and has been signed in the prescribed manner by the Claimant and Defendant;
                      (b) embodies all the terms of the agreement, other than implied terms; and
                      (c) when presented to the debtor was in such a state that all its terms were readily legible.

                      Its ends with the CCA is EN and they will not enter into further correspondence with me regarding the provision of copy agreements. Your agreement is EN and we will continue to treat it as such and the money is due in full.

                      19 June 2012 - CapQuest - my account has been put on hold until 2 July while they investigate this matter of CCA.

                      30 June 2012 - Letter from CapQuest: - We can confirm we forwarded your previous correspondence to our client and their response is as follows:- It appears the customer requested these documents (CCA) on 13 May 2012. Please advise if she still wishes to request these again..

                      7 July 2012 - Letter from Capital One -

                      We do not agree that this debt is in dispute, Regulations about credit card disputes are designed to protect customers if they have disputed transactions, such as fraudulent purchases. There are no such transactions on your account. I'm afraid an account is not put in dispute simply by claiming there is an ongoing disagreement.

                      Its goes on .... basically their agreements are drafted by professionals and are saying the debt is EN and they wont enter into further correspondence and that EN would be better considered by a court.

                      They wanted to know why I was disputing the EN of this debt? They completely disagree that this is UE!

                      Is there a reply for this? Not sure what to write as they go into all about the EN debt details of the law, etc....
                      Even though this debt is UE I am still getting fobbed off by Capital one with letters detailing the law of every letter I have sent! Any ideas as to the next step please?


                      • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                        Originally posted by Flossy View Post

                        - No PT sent, passed to Credit Solutions then, Power2Contact. They threatened doorstep collection, Harassment letter sent. Credit Solutions threatening litigation.

                        14 July 2012 - Threat by Creditor - Commence Litigation letter sent.

                        19 July 2012 - received a letter from Credit Solutions with regard to my letter dated 11 July 2012 (above).

                        They go to say that they take disputes very seriously and they are unaware of any dispute with their client.

                        In order for us to raise your dispute with our client we require more information regarding your request.

                        We need to clarify the following:-

                        - Whether you have or have NOT received any documentation from the client since your request was sent.

                        - Whether you have paid the statutory fee of £1.00 (your request would not have been processed if this fee was not paid)

                        Its goes on to say that if I have received the CCA then please note that this fulfils our clients obligation to provide you with copy of agreements/applications under the CCA 1974.

                        They refute any allegations of harassment or bulling tactics when communicating with you.
                        They want a reply from me by 1 August as to the documentation from their client.

                        - What letter can I send next to them please?
                        Last edited by Flowerpower; 1 August 2012, 11:08. Reason: Fixed quote :)


                        • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                          Originally posted by Flossy View Post

                          - Passed to Shoosmiths Solicitors

                          - Asked for CCA 4 times since January 2012, finally received in June 2012 , Mint has said its with the Financial Hardship Department

                          - Haven't Sent Financial Hardship letter after going through my paperwork! Not 100% sure what I am doing with this!?
                          I will look through some of the forum to find out more about this and maybe ask POP or someone that has been through this as to the best way to go about it? If anyone has done this can you please give help me to make sure I have the right things in a letter?


                          • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                            Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                            I have now got 3 debts that are

                            HALIFAX £10,430 - Sent PT letter anyway, wait reply/ New letter received 20 July 2012 - threatening home visit before court action & that the debt is EN!

                            MINT £14,920 - Need to do Financial Hardship Letter, etc?

                            MBNA 1 £5,497 - Sent PT anyway, wait reply / New letter received from Arden on behalf of Britannica SARL Recoveries - MOORTLAKE - 20 July 2012 - CCA is EN in a court of law and will continue to request payment towards the outstanding balance.
                            I have had one company that was UE send a statement of £0.00. I have not had any of the others give in yet! They are fighting like mad and trying to confuse me with letter full of law that I do not understand!

                            My main concern at the moment is the 3 listed and CABOT (YB CC).. They are threatening court action and I do not want that nor do I want to keep paying and walking on eggshells with these idiots...


                            • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                              Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                              I do not know what action I should take next with this one as I am walking on eggshells with CABOT... ??

                              1st August 2012

                              LITIGATION LETTER Please help???


                              • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                                what exactly does the letter say Flossy and who is it from, is it a solicitor?

