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Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

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  • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

    Hi Flossy. Is it a formal letter before action? What does it say?

    Elsa x


    • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

      LOL posts crossed MrsD while I read back on the thread


      • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

        Flossy, if i am right now,niddy says this is ue but you are paying £1 per month to keep them happy. Then your standing order got mixed up due to the computer crash at natwest. Have you got a printout showing the payment was made that you could send to them. I would have thought a letter saying that you can prove the arrangement was kept to and any litigation would be defended might shut them up. That is what i would try. If i am wrong i trust someone will give me a smack.


        • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

          Originally posted by jon1965 View Post
          Flossy, if i am right now,niddy says this is ue but you are paying £1 per month to keep them happy. Then your standing order got mixed up due to the computer crash at natwest. Have you got a printout showing the payment was made that you could send to them. I would have thought a letter saying that you can prove the arrangement was kept to and any litigation would be defended might shut them up. That is what i would try. If i am wrong i trust someone will give me a smack.
          Hi Jon x

          I haven't got a payment plan with them! Yes, the £1pm is to just shut them up but, they want to get me to court, but if it is UE I shouldn't even be paying, I am due to the CCA being 'UE as it stands right now' as Niddy said. I need to know if its 100% UE.

          These people have their own solicitors and the last time they didn't give me warning of litigation but issued court papers and now this is my 2nd letter as per my thread that they have now said they will start litigation in 7 days if no reply of repayment of ALL the alleged debt!

          I know this company due to my last YB crap with them and they just start court proceeding normally without notice... at least they have given it this time!


          • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

            Originally posted by Flowerpower
            What did Niddy say about this when he checked this CCA? Did he say it was UE? He may have replied to you in the secure section if you uploaded the CCA. Did he say to send the missing prescribed terms letter? Did you send it?
            He said the CCA was UE as it stands right now! Its on all of my updates and the beginning of my diary. It has not been replied to and the CCA has been sent.


            • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

              Hi Elsa and MrsD

              Thank you for replying

              Its is from Cabot but, as I said in the other part of my thread they dont normally give notice as I have been issued court documents the last time with them over my YB O/D that was bought by these idiots.

              This time they have sent me 2 letters and today was to pay the whole amount or litigation in 7 days. That to me is my warning due to last time when they did it.


              • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle


                Are you paying a pound per month to Cabot for this debt?

                it would make them look bad if you were paying and they still took you to court can you prove your payments? ie bank accounts?

                I don't believe they can write about one debt and include a threat about all debts they hold for you, do they own all of the debts or are some still owned by the OC and Cabot working on behalf of someone else?

                Could you send the letter to Niddy so that we know exactly where we are with this one?


                • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                  Originally posted by Flowerpower
                  The Missing Prescribed terms should be sent in addition to the harassment letter for the purpose of blagging it. Even if it's enforceable it should buy you some time and some people here have been blagging enforceable debts for years.

                  They sent a CCA for my CC which is with Cabot as sold to them from YB which I sent to Niddy, he said was UE as it stands right now?, sent the PT letter as directed, they wrote back saying they will get back in touch with YB to see if they could get a better CCA, they couldn't so they said that the CCA I received in February is the one they are going off.

                  Cabot and I have no agreement, I am just paying £1pm as I have been all the way through when I was with the YB on a repayment plan until they sold me out to Cabot who then (as you know) issued litigation for the O/D. I had to settle with the solicitors, etc.

                  Now they say its my CC is EN and they want full payment due to me missing payment and litigation in 7 days! They just want an excuse to go to court. They didn't warn me last time but issued papers anyway... I can not afford to go to litigation. I have to much to loose.
                  Last edited by Flossy; 1 August 2012, 11:40.


                  • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                    OK Flossy for the moment I would send off

                    Our Templates | Unenforceability Templates | Threat by Creditor - Threat-o-Gram Letter Before Action

                    to-day if possible by 1st class recorded, (should cost 1.55)

                    they send a lot of these letters out to frighten people, but if you bite back it makes them pause, so send that off and send the letter to Niddy and we'll see what to do from there.

                    try not to worry, they want you to, so don't


                    • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                      Originally posted by Flossy View Post

                      I am concerned about YB CC with Cabot on previous page. They are threatening court action again..

                      Can we not use UE with this debt? PT letter? Or will this cause issues for me with them? I am going to have to face them at some point as they will find any excuse like this time to threaten court action. Is there a way we can make sure this is completely UE?I dont like walking on egg shells with them. What do you think?
                      Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                      Niddy can you confirm whether I need to send the PT letter as well as this one or in place of this one please? This is
                      Did I ask you to send it previously?

                      Court action requires a threat of litigation. Each template is unique dependant upon the response received. I asked you before to make clear concise responses to make it easier to follow but sadly this isn't occurring.

                      I am struggling to keep up. Sorry but I am.
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                      • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                        Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                        1 February 2012 - MBNA CCA received

                        8 June 2012 - New CCA received

                        2 CCA's - One UE and one EN!

                        28 June 2012 - Sent PT letter

                        13 July 2012(was June not July!!!) - Letter received from Arden:-

                        Thank you for your letter dated 25 July 2012.
                        We are presently investigating the comments you have raised and a full response will be sent to you shortly.
                        In the meantime, please find enclosed our formal complaints procedures which details how we will deal with your complaint.

                        Goes on to say that they believe the debt remains enforceable in a court of law and will continue to request payment towards the outstanding balance £5,497.

                        We consider your complaint closed if we have not heard from you within 8 weeks.

                        We are responding to your enquiry in respect of a loan with Britannica SARL - MORTLAKE on behalf of Moorgate Loan Servicing.

                        Any advice as to what to do next after the above letter from Arden.. ?
                        nothing! file it away
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                        • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                          Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                          I do not know what action I should take next with this one as I am walking on eggshells with CABOT... ??
                          I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

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                          • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                            Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                            Even though this debt is UE I am still getting fobbed off by Capital one with letters detailing the law of every letter I have sent! Any ideas as to the next step please?
                            Nothing, file it away!
                            I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                            If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                            • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                              Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                              They want a reply from me by 1 August as to the documentation from their client. What letter can I send next to them please?
                              None, file it away!
                              I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

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                              • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                                Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                                I will look through some of the forum to find out more about this and maybe ask POP or someone that has been through this as to the best way to go about it? If anyone has done this can you please give help me to make sure I have the right things in a letter?
                                --> Financial Hardship - allaboutFORUMS
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                                If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:

