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Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

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  • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

    Originally posted by Flossy View Post

    Sent the £1 PO for the CCA and they sent it back 3 times due to no signature on the letter. Never had the CCA back.

    passed to Shoosmiths solicitors - letter FROM THEM 4 April 2012 informing me that they have taken over the account and to contact them in 7 days.

    The next letter off them 14 April 2012 saying they have not been able to contact me by phone, therefore they want me to ring them to sort out how I will be paying this debt.

    23 April 2012 Letter from Shoosmiths - please treat as notice that unless an agreement is reached within 14 days we are instructed to issue a claim in the County Court for recovery.

    In 2 Deep advised

    ------------>Account Sold whilst in Dispute

    letter was sent 25 April

    Reply just received dated 8th May 2012

    "We refer to the above matter and further to your letter dated 23 April 2012, the contents of which have been noted.

    Please note that we have referred your letter to our client and will respond fully once we have received a response from them"

    Await reply.

    Dear Flossy,

    Re A/C XXXXX

    Thank you for your recent letter which was received into this office on 29 March 2012!!! (didnt take them long to write back!)

    Your written request for the information made under s78 (1) of the Consumer Credit Act must be accompanied by payment of a fee of £1 READ ABOVE!!!!
    We are obliged to provide you with a 'true' copy of the credit agreement and a statement of financial information relating to the account, namely, the state of the account, amount currently due, with amounts and due dates of future payments that are still require to be made. In terms of a CCA copy document regulations, the 'true' copy requirement can be satisfied by providing a copy agreement at the date the card agreement was made and providing that plus a copy of the current terms of the card agreement.

    I have enclosed the s78 (1) information.

    With regard to your request for a 'statement of account', I have enclosed the most recent available statement for the above account. Should you require duplicate statements of your account prior to this date, please contact me accordingly and I will advise you of you of the cost for these.

    Our records show that there is still an outstanding balance on the account. As you are aware the account is currently being managed by out Financial Hardships Department. Therefore, you should contact them directly to obtain the required repayments to settle the account. They can be contacted on XXXX

    I can conform that your account has not been sold.



    • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

      Originally posted by Flossy View Post

      After several demands and threats from Barclaycard after me writing to them regarding CCA being

      They have said it will be passed to Credit Solutions Limited.

      I have ignored them. Will wait for something, if anything from Credit Solutions and go from there.


      I have received a letter today from Credit Solutions.

      "We act as agents for Barclaycard Bank Plc trading Barclaycard.

      Barclaycard has informed us that you have not complied with the Default Notice they recently sent you.
      The balance stated above is now due in full and Barclaycard demand that you pay this amount immediately.

      Please telephone the above payment hotline today and we will be happy to process your debit or credit card payment(I bet they will be happy )Alternatively, see overleaf for your preferred method of payment. (I choose NONE of the above)..

      Continued non payment could result in more methods of recovery including:

      A DEBT COLLECTORCalling at the above address to collect the debt personally. (Maybe they could take my sofa as full & final ;-))

      A COUNTY COURT CLAIM Being issued against you, resulting in additional costs. (Your not the first to do it so carry on... )

      [B]PLEASE GIVE THIS MATTER YOUR URGENT ATTENTION (I would be my coffee needs warming up)

      What next Boss? I2D? Or anyone who wants to join in...


      • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

        Originally posted by Flowerpower
        Did they send you a document purporting to be your CCA with this letter? If so, have you sent it to Niddy?

        Until he gets back to you, you don't know if it's really an original CCA or a bit of artwork I've just cobbled together in Photoshop, do you?
        Thank you for replying Flower.

        I am going to copy and sent but, again there are about 15 pages... I know the Boss wont like that!

        I know why they wouldn't sent without a signature!

        Boss.... What do you want me to send???


        • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

          Originally posted by Flossy View Post

          I have received a letter today from Credit Solutions.

          "We act as agents for Barclaycard Bank Plc trading Barclaycard.

          Barclaycard has informed us that you have not complied with the Default Notice they recently sent you.
          The balance stated above is now due in full and Barclaycard demand that you pay this amount immediately.

          Please telephone the above payment hotline today and we will be happy to process your debit or credit card payment(I bet they will be happy )Alternatively, see overleaf for your preferred method of payment. (I choose NONE of the above)..

          Continued non payment could result in more methods of recovery including:

          A DEBT COLLECTORCalling at the above address to collect the debt personally. (Maybe they could take my sofa as full & final ;-))

          A COUNTY COURT CLAIM Being issued against you, resulting in additional costs. (Your not the first to do it so carry on... )

          PLEASE GIVE THIS MATTER YOUR URGENT ATTENTION (I would be my coffee needs warming up)

          What next Boss? I2D? Or anyone who wants to join in...
          [B]In the past when I,ve received one like this I've sent------> Account Sold whilst in Dispute
          Last edited by Deepie; 25 May 2012, 14:11. Reason: typo error
          I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

          If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


          • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

            Originally posted by Flowerpower
            I'm not the boss, just a minion here, but I'd say he just needs to see the purported agreement, not the T&Cs, covering letters, etc.

            I wasn't talking to you for the last bit....But you knew that and just being naughty!!!


            • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

              [B]In the past when I,ve received one like this I've sent------> Account Sold whilst in Dispute
              Thank you I2D. I will just check to see what my last letter was to them and then send the above if I havent already.

              Im confusing myself with all these as they seem to all be sending out letters for fun in one go saying different things like my MBNA & VIRGIN...


              • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                Originally posted by in 2 deep View Post
                [B]In the past when I,ve received one like this I've sent------> Account Sold whilst in Dispute
                They haven't sold the account but are acting as agents for the account. So, does this make a difference to the letter to be sent?


                • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                  Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                  They haven't sold the account but are acting as agents for the account. So, does this make a difference to the letter to be sent?
                  Not to me it doesn't........
                  I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                  If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                  • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                    Originally posted by in 2 deep View Post
                    Not to me it doesn't........
                    Good answer I2D....


                    • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                      Have just sent my CCA from MINT (Shoosmiths Solicitors) to the Boss:niddy

                      But looks like its rubbish.... :-)


                      • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle


                        I have got the letters off MNBN, Virgin, Egg/Barclaycard and Next to do....

                        MBNA is confusing as they have merged two when they are separate accounts and one is UE and the other hasn't been sent a CCA. I am getting letters from the companies saying one thing about both accounts and then another letter saying something completely different.
                        They are basically investigating the missing CCA on one (Virgin)and the

                        UE (MBNA) while threatening court action on the same letter!!!!!!

                        I have already sent the Sold In Dispute letter to them both but, haven't replied to the letter mentioned above.

                        Should I just sent a letter that acknowledges the letter, I await your CCA? Something like that instead of going straight to the next threatening letter?
                        Last edited by Flossy; 26 May 2012, 13:54. Reason: typo


                        • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                          Originally posted by Flossy View Post

                          I have got the letters off MNBN, Virgin, Egg/Barclaycard and Next to do....

                          MBNA is confusing as they have merged two when they are separate accounts and one is UE and the other hasn't been sent a CCA. I am getting letters from the companies saying one thing about both accounts and then another letter saying something completely different.
                          They are basically investigating the missing CCA on one (Virgin)and the

                          UE (MBNA) while threatening court action on the same letter!!!!!!

                          I have already sent the Sold philistine In Dispute letter to them both but, haven't replied to the letter mentioned above.

                          Should I just sent a letter that acknowledges the letter, I await your CCA? Something like that instead of going straight to the next threatening letter?
                          If it was me I Would just see what they send next and take it from there..........
                          I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                          If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                          • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                            Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                            Have just sent my CCA from MINT (Shoosmiths Solicitors) to the Boss:niddy

                            But looks like its rubbish.... :-)
                            Rubbish? See the application date.... 2008!

                            Its the opposite, 100,000,000,000,000% enforceable I'm sorry to say.

                            My email to you goes as follows

                            Again, this was an online application from 2008 so 100% enforceable I’m afraid.

                            They are too new thus easy to create a recon based on the fact you applied online, ergo they can put a simple tick in the box, which they have done (electronic comms act 2004).

                            I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                            If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                            • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                              Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                              Rubbish? See the application date.... 2008!

                              Its the opposite, 100,000,000,000,000% enforceable I'm sorry to say.

                              My email to you goes as follows
                              Ok Boss.... I get it!


                              • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                                OK Let me just clarify some things.

                                1) Send CCA - wait 14 days, until they send you the CCA it is UE.
                                Send them 'Missing Terms' letter to the Original Lender if they reply or straight away?

                                2) If passed to DCA/Solicitor, etc and no CCA or UE CCA
                                Sent them 'Account In Dispute' Letter?

                                3) If they continue to harass you after sending the above or pass to a new DCA
                                Send them 'Threat by Creditor - Threat O Gram Before Action' Letter?

                                4) If they still continue to harass
                                Send them 'Threat by Creditor - To Commence Litigation' Letter?

                                Am I on the right lines here and if so can someone let me know the step after this please? If I am not on the right lines or missed something out, could you fill in the blanks for me please as I am getting confused with it all and obviously do not know what I am talking about....

