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Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

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  • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

    Who has being tying Niddy up? I thought this was a respectable forum


    • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

      Originally posted by Flowerpower
      Hi Flossy

      Hope you are feeling better.

      Thanks for setting it all out like that It looks very nice and tidy.

      Cabot are just being themselves

      Niddy has been a bit tied up, but I'm sure he'll get back to you regarding Crapbot as soon as he can!
      Thank you Flower.

      I will update again now as a few things have changed but, I am still waiting for replies to CABOT and MBNA 2 CCA which I sent a while back.

      I am not great Flower thank you for asking hence me not being on here for a while and also I was waiting for Niddy's reply.


      • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

        Halifax - Blag this, why not? Obviously don't pay and respond with this - see what happens, keep us updated --> Our Templates | Unenforceability Templates | CCA Query - Missing Prescribed Terms

        27 July 2012 - Letter off Halifax. As we haven't been able to agree a suitable repayment plan we've transferred your HALFIAX debt to debt collection agency, Moorcroft Group Plc. We've instructed Moorcroft to arrange collection of the outstanding amount. Contact them asap!

        1.Due to the change from Robinson's Way not dealing with this debt any longer due to the above letter I received to say that Moorcroft are now dealing with this, who do I send the PT letter to? Or am I wasting time due to the next letter?

        2. Two letters from Moorcroft dated 10/8/12 & 14/8/12 received.

        14/8/2012 - Says they have taken over the account and if I believe I am not the account holder to contact them as soon as possible.

        10/8/2012 - This next letter says it is a NOTICE OF INTENDED LITIGATION BEFORE LEGAL PROCEEDINGS. To contact them a.s.a.p to stop this.
        Last edited by Flossy; 19 August 2012, 17:15.


        • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

          Originally posted by Flossy View Post
          Halifax - Blag this, why not? Obviously don't pay and respond with this - see what happens, keep us updated --> Our Templates | Unenforceability Templates | CCA Query - Missing Prescribed Terms

          27 July 2012 - Letter off Halifax. As we haven't been able to agree a suitable repayment plan we've transferred your HALFIAX debt to debt collection agency, Moorcroft Group Plc. We've instructed Moorcroft to arrange collection of the outstanding amount. Contact them asap!

          1.Due to the change from Robinson's Way not dealing with this debt any longer due to the above letter I received to say that Moorcroft are now dealing with this, who do I send the PT letter to? Or am I wasting time due to the next letter?

          2. Two letters from Moorcroft dated 10/8/12 & 14/8/12 received.

          14/8/2012 - Says they have taken over the account and if I believe I am not the account holder to contact them as soon as possible.

          10/8/2012 - This next letter says it is a NOTICE OF INTENDED LITIGATION BEFORE LEGAL PROCEEDINGS. To contact them a.s.a.p to stop this.
          If it were me I would send this to Moorcroft-------> Threat by Creditor - Threat-o-Gram Letter Before Action
          I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

          If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


          • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

            Next - Respond with this --> Our Templates | Unenforceability Templates | Threat by Creditor - Threat-o-Gram Letter Before Action

            - On Monday (6 August 2012) I had a man on my doorstep who had apparently been hanging around all the week before as my neigbours are very nosey and tell me! When I went to the door he was from Moorcroft and wanted to come in my house... I said NO. I said the a/c was in dispute and to leave. He was saying how nice the area was and looking at my personal things.

            Letter received from Moorcroft AFTER my HOUSE VISIT asking for a 75% settlement as a last attempt to prevent court action...



            • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

              Originally posted by Flossy View Post
              Next - Respond with this --> Our Templates | Unenforceability Templates | Threat by Creditor - Threat-o-Gram Letter Before Action

              - On Monday (6 August 2012) I had a man on my doorstep who had apparently been hanging around all the week before as my neigbours are very nosey and tell me! When I went to the door he was from Moorcroft and wanted to come in my house... I said NO. I said the a/c was in dispute and to leave. He was saying how nice the area was and looking at my personal things.

              Letter received from Moorcroft AFTER my HOUSE VISIT asking for a 75% settlement as a last attempt to prevent court action...

              I would just see what they do next if it were me
              I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

              If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


              • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                Next - Respond with this --> Our Templates | Unenforceability Templates | Threat by Creditor - Threat-o-Gram Letter Before Action

                - On Monday (6 August 2012) I had a man on my doorstep who had apparently been hanging around all the week before as my neigbours are very nosey and tell me! When I went to the door he was from Moorcroft and wanted to come in my house... I said NO. I said the a/c was in dispute and to leave. He was saying how nice the area was and looking at my personal things.

                Letter received from Moorcroft AFTER my HOUSE VISIT asking for a 75% settlement as a last attempt to prevent court action...

                If he comes again tell him to F OFF he is lowering the tone of the area


                • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                  Originally posted by Flowerpower
                  That's disgraceful behaviour! Have you sent them the harassment letter? If not you should send it ---> Our Templates | Harassment & Intimidation Templates | Harassment & Threat of Doorstep-Visit

                  You should also keep some printouts of the letter by the door in case some is about you can shove it to him.
                  No.I was waiting for a reply from my last update!

                  I will do that. I am sure I have already sent one to them and they didn't bother.. will have a check and report back in the morning.

                  My updated diary is still more or less the same as the last one I did just a bit further up.. I am waiting for replies on a few of them.


                  • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                    Originally posted by helmsman View Post
                    If he comes again tell him to F OFF he is lowering the tone of the area
                    He was... Its quiet where I live and he had spoken to at least 2 of my neighbours including 1 of the worse neighbours who is nosey and likes to spread gossip! I was embarrassed... It was his attitude and looking around the area and in my window. Apparently, my nice neighbour told me he was down the side of my house as well. Cheeky bastard


                    • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                      Mint -

                      Niddy quote "maybe time to accept defeat and consider repayment? First though, please confirm what is the balance on the account? When did it start and when was it defaulted?"

                      My reply "Balance on a/c £14,900. CCA said November 2008!!!! (Before September 2004 but this is the first statement I have in this file.. there will be others)- I had a rough time in 2005-6 ish and they got someone on my case for the full amount to be paid and then let me carry on using CC and issued new card with more money on! Defaulted 17 January 2011."

                      Does the time of before 2008 when the card was first taken out not make a difference? I know they sent my CCA and it was EN but due to the date! Not sure why they would have a CCA dated 2008 in the first place?


                      • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                        Egg - Niddy - "Respond with this --> Our Templates | Unenforceability Templates | Threat by Creditor - Threat-o-Gram Letter Before Action"

                        Last letter I sent 14 July 2012 - Threat to commence litigation

                        -18 July Letter from Credit Solutions - Saying that Credit Solutions take complaints seriously, they do not know of any dispute with their client and CCA, In order for them to raise my dispute with their client they require:

                        1. If I have/NOT received any documentation since my request was sent?
                        2. If I have paid the £1 fee?

                        If I have received T&C's then please note that sending this docs fulfills our clients obligation of CCA Act 1974. They go on about me having till 1 August to let them know or a/c will be taken off hold and they refute any allegations of harassment and if they haven't had a reply from me by 1 August collection activity will continue.

                        Should I send threat O Gram Letter or a letter answering their questions? I want to send something, even if just to acknowledge their letter!


                        • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                          MBNA #1 - Niddy "This is weird I don't see how they can send two versions of CCA's and more so why I missed this and said one was UE and one was EN. Yea they can remedy a s.78 but they cannot falsify a document if they have previously stated that X is the actual original. It then puts into doubt their claim that agreement Y was actually correct, based on their previously stating agreement X was an original (if any of that makes sense)... hence I would like to see both copies again please with a brief explanation as to why you got two versions etc - please email me one email with the first agreement and terms etc plus the cover letter and the same in another email for the second version. I'll clarify this later once I see documents again, I think this would be UE regardless so want to check - thanks".

                          - Emailed Niddy my CCA. Seems its a recon and BUT, I am going to try and get away with UE.

                          - Letter off ARDEN received dated 30 July 2012 - We have provided you with copies of CCA. Our position remains outlined in our letter. You are free to take whatever action you deem appropriate, but we will not be releasing you from any obligation. Contact Arden to arrange payments.

                          Do not really know what to do/send back with this one?


                          • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                            Originally posted by Flowerpower
                            Did you sign a new agreement for this card in 2008? Or did you get a new card with the balance from the old one transferred to the new one at that time?
                            I have just looked through the file and I had a Mint card in 2004 with CCA here in my file after an online application. But then for some reason my card is cleared in 2007! I must have paid it off or transferred the balance to another card.

                            Then, it starts again with a different card number in 2008... It just says on the letters (no dates) "the finishing touches are being made to your new card". Then it has the date for a registration online! There was CCA at the time or anything but, it was 2008 they issued me with a new card and number!!!


                            • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                              Mint CCA must have been online application, although not sure why I stopped and started it.. Must of had a reason. Anyway the CCA is a recon.. I didnt sign anything they've just ticked the box!

                              Will have to do a payment plan with them... I wanted to just ask that and Niddy asked for some details which I gave about the account.. I dont know why he wanted them or what he was thinking?
                              Last edited by Flossy; 20 August 2012, 11:37.


                              • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                                Just moving this on to this page to do next...

                                Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                                MBNA #1 - Niddy "This is weird I don't see how they can send two versions of CCA's and more so why I missed this and said one was UE and one was EN. Yea they can remedy a s.78 but they cannot falsify a document if they have previously stated that X is the actual original. It then puts into doubt their claim that agreement Y was actually correct, based on their previously stating agreement X was an original (if any of that makes sense)... hence I would like to see both copies again please with a brief explanation as to why you got two versions etc - please email me one email with the first agreement and terms etc plus the cover letter and the same in another email for the second version. I'll clarify this later once I see documents again, I think this would be UE regardless so want to check - thanks".

                                - Emailed Niddy my CCA. Seems its a recon and BUT, I am going to try and get away with UE.

                                - Letter off ARDEN received dated 30 July 2012 - We have provided you with copies of CCA. Our position remains outlined in our letter. You are free to take whatever action you deem appropriate, but we will not be releasing you from any obligation. Contact Arden to arrange payments.

                                Do not really know what to do/send back with this one?

