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Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy

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  • Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy

    I won't bore you too much with this one, just get you up to speed.

    Stopped paying in 2010 and sent cca request to Citi. Had a letter back saying they were unable to find the agreement and therefore the account is unenforceable.
    Opus then took over the account. I challenged them to supply an agreement, but all they did was send some current terms.
    It went around the houses and Cabot purchased the account.

    I sent Cabot the CPUTR 2008 letter asking them if they had the agreement, but no answer forthcoming. I did not hear from them for literally months. They then sent a statement and asked for payment. I challenged them again and received another set of current terms from Opus, along with a recon.

    My question is, what now?
    Is it time to show my hand and send them a copy of the letter from Citi which categorically states they don't have an agreement?

    Thanks again.

    Happiness, is screwing over a DCA.......

  • #2
    Re: Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy

    Maybe wait until they get a bit more heavy handed with their threats before playing the trump card.


    • #3
      Re: Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy

      I'd wait and see how heavy they actually get. Don't do anything just yet....
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      • #4
        Re: Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy

        Couldn't agree more, don't do anything. I've played this game with them over an old Citi card for just short of six years, actually eight days to go and have received a letter this morning from fire! They gave up easily on another old one, but refuse to let this go, they are unpredictable, but unless they threaten court action, just keep asking to see the agreement and don't give them anything :-)


        • #5
          Re: Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy

          Many thanks all.
          I'll persist with asking to see the agreement again. I don't think they can actually remember what's going on.
          Is it worth sending the cputr 2008 letter again, or just remind them that they have as yet not supplied me with a copy of the agreement?

          Happiness, is screwing over a DCA.......


          • #6
            Re: Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy

            if you haven't had anything else, just hang fire and see what they do.


            • #7
              Re: Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy

              Originally posted by thechippy View Post
              Many thanks all.
              I'll persist with asking to see the agreement again. I don't think they can actually remember what's going on.
              Is it worth sending the cputr 2008 letter again, or just remind them that they have as yet not supplied me with a copy of the agreement?
              Originally posted by MrsD View Post
              if you haven't had anything else, just hang fire and see what they do.
              I agree with MrsD here.....
              I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

              If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


              • #8
                Re: Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy

                It's up to them to prove they can enforce the debt. Unless they produce something new I wouldn't take any notice of them.


                • #9
                  Re: Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy

                  Hi all,

                  Nothing serious for months other than the odd statement and I still owe them etc. All duly ignored.

                  However, just got a letter from Marlin saying they are about to advise their client to litigate etc, along with the usual ccj stuff and how it will effect me etc.
                  As before, Cabot have had the CPUTR letter and ignored it, although it did make them very quiet for a few months.
                  I still have the letter from Citi stating no cca, but Cabot do not know this yet.

                  Is it worth sending the CPUTR again?

                  Any idea how I play this one now?

                  Thanks as usual....

                  Happiness, is screwing over a DCA.......


                  • #10
                    Re: Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy

                    why don't you just send this


                    might as well get rid


                    • #11
                      Re: Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy

                      Originally posted by thechippy View Post
                      got a letter from Marlin saying they are about to advise their client to litigate . . . .

                      . . . Cabot have had the CPUTR letter and ignored it

                      Is it worth sending the CPUTR again?

                      Cabot are perfectly entitled to ignore your CPUTR letter so I don't see any point in sending it again to them or Marlin.

                      Have you ever sent Citi, Opus, Cabot or Marlin a s.78 CCA request? I can't see that you have from reading this thread *

                      Originally posted by thechippy View Post
                      got a letter from Marlin saying they are about to advise their client to litigate
                      Is this the first letter you've received from Marlin? Are Marlin acting as a DCA for Cabot or have they purchased this debt. Have you received a Notice of Assignment from anyone?

                      If Marlin are hinting at litigation you need to keep your eye on the ball since they mostly use Restons solicitors who go for it.

                      * Edit: I see you sent a CCA request to Citi in 2010.
                      Last edited by PlanB; 19 June 2014, 18:21.


                      • #12
                        Re: Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy

                        Originally posted by MrsD View Post
                        And maybe attach a copy of your letter from Citi confirming no CCA just to ram home the point


                        • #13
                          Re: Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy

                          Thanks all,

                          Just a quickie, can't access the templates?
                          Fairly sure I donated / subscribed for them a while back?

                          Happiness, is screwing over a DCA.......


                          • #14
                            Re: Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy

                            Originally posted by thechippy View Post
                            Just a quickie, can't access the templates? Fairly sure I donated / subscribed for them a while back?
                            The Templates were recently updated to reflect new case law and the arrival of the Financial Conduct Authority on the scene (formerly the FSA) who have taken over regulation of DCAs and lenders/creditors etc from the OFT.

                            See this thread and/or PM any of Site Team if you have a problem registering



                            • #15
                              Re: Citicard / Opus / Cabot Vs The Chippy


                              Went through the procedure, just waiting admin approval..

                              Happiness, is screwing over a DCA.......

