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CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

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  • CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

    Hi all.

    Wonder if someone could kindly help. A few years ago (2007) I had an issue with Citibank that was never resolved. Well they did reply but on plain paper which was pretty useless.

    The debt has been passed around many times since, Cabot claiming to have passed the debt on to another agency, then to Fire, then to Mackenzie hall and now it's ended up with Marlin Financial Services, who just happen to be a part of Cabot.

    I've now been threatened with a CCJ so I'm wondering what the heck should I do now. All i can remember about this issue is this whole issue started at about 2007.

    If anyone could help it'll certainly be appreciated.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Letter 1.png
Views:	1
Size:	240.7 KB
ID:	1415660

  • #2
    Re: CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

    Mortimer Clarke solicitors mean business. What's the date of that letter?

    The good news is you had an "issue" with Citibank in 2007 which means you may have opened the account before April 2007. When did you open the Citbank account?

    Have you ever sent Citbank, Cabot or McKenzie Hall a section 78 request for a copy of your agreement? If not then now may be a good time to send one to Marlin.


    • #3
      Re: CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

      That was quick, thanks

      Letter was dated 02/07/14. I've found the old card that I had and it was valid from 09/07 expired 09/10. I've not been in contact with any of the agencies that have been writing to me over the last few years (although Im wishing almost I took up the offer of when they slashed the debt to half)

      I'll search out now the section 78 from the forums ;D


      • #4
        Re: CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

        Originally posted by closing View Post
        Letter was dated 02/07/14. I've found the old card that I had and it was valid from 09/07 expired 09/10. I've not been in contact with any of the agencies that have been writing to me over the last few years

        I'll search out now the section 78 from the forums

        What you need to do is register again for the second time to access the new updated template letters on our linked website. Here's how to do that:

        Give it a couple of hours to fall into place because each registration is manually approved.

        Once that's done you'll be able to download and send the section 78 request letter with a £1 postal order to Mortimer Clarke solicitors.

        Send a PM to any of site team if you have a problem.

        It's unlikely that Mortimer Clarke will have any idea when the account was opened so don't tell them. From what you say it looks like it may have been opened in September 2007 but I doubt they'll know that


        • #5
          Re: CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

          Whoops replied at the same time you did.

          Re registered, just waiting for mods to let me know

          Thanks plan B. I'll keep this thread updated as I go along as it might help people in the same boat as me. From wht I'm hearing Cabot / Marlin are pretty much tying up the market for stuff like this.
          Last edited by closing; 8 July 2014, 21:32. Reason: Pressed send a bit too early.


          • #6
            Re: CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

            Originally posted by closing View Post
            Try as I might I cant find a good copy of a section 78 letter. Ive looked on the templates section of this forum. Says I dont have access so I've signed up (again??) and now ihave to wait for a admin. Do you have one that you could copy and paste so i can get it into the post tomorrow.
            See my previous post which crossed with yours


            • #7
              Re: CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

              Sorry about the cross posting lol. Reply edited

              Wow. a mods certainly burning the midnight oil tonight :d I'm in but cant see something specifically called a section 78 letter. Sorry to be such a dumbass
              Last edited by closing; 8 July 2014, 21:43.


              • #8
                Re: CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

                Originally posted by closing View Post
                I'm in but cant see something specifically called a section 78 letter.
                This is the letter you need


                • #9
                  Re: CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

                  Originally posted by closing View Post
                  Wow. a mods certainly burning the midnight oil tonight
                  I burn the midnight oil every night. I'm a mother, we never sleep !


                  • #10
                    Re: CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

                    Originally posted by closing View Post
                    A few years ago (2007) I had an issue with Citibank that was never resolved.

                    . . . . . All i can remember about this issue is this whole issue started at about 2007.

                    What was the issue?


                    • #11
                      Re: CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

                      Darn didn't see the reply there. From what I seem to recall I asked for a statement of some kind or specifically asking for proof of received payments. I heard nothing for a few weeks, got a letter from them on blank paper (can't remember what it was) then heard nothing for months and out of the blue the debt was passed on to one of many debt collectors.

                      It;s all so long ago I'm having trouble remembering things :-(

                      Thanks for the link to the letter as well ... Now I have to sort out my email alerts :-)


                      • #12
                        Re: CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

                        Damn, just 1 day before they were too late for the 12 + 2 days deadline I get a letter today which says.

                        Out client can confirm that all documents in relations to the account have been requested, any will be forwarded directly to you upon our receipt.
                        Just a waiting game now to see what they come back with. I thought the letter I sent was specific to get the documents with 12 + 2 days and not just a response?


                        • #13
                          Re: CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

                          we've been waiting for some of ours for nearly 4 years, while they are looking (not necessarily finding) just looking, you are heading towards SB which is kind of the point of all this. So don't worry, sit back and see what comes next. The road to SB is full of waiting, you need to get good at it.


                          • #14
                            Re: CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

                            Good luck! I did a CCA request which lead to it being UE

                            On Debt Row

                            AAD has so much to offer and wants so little back. Take advantage while you can.


                            • #15
                              Re: CitiBank to Cabot to An.other. to Fire Now Marlin & potential CCJ

                              Closing - you need to activate your account by clicking the activation email.
                              I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                              If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:

