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Letter from landlord

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  • Never-In-Doubt
    Re: Letter from landlord

    I don't think anyone told you to say anything. They were answering based on what they would do.

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  • jj19
    Re: Letter from landlord

    First off
    Please do not tell me what I can say to my friends. If I am ok for them to have the occasional cig that is up to me.
    When I moved into the flat I smoked myself and the LL knew it. The verbal condition was that when I left if the smoke had caused smells or staining then I would be liable. All fair enough to me.

    There iss NO reference to smoking in my agreement. PlanB sorry yes it was an AST and is now a rolling PST.

    I know that telling anyoneto f off is not a good idea and it is not something I am likely to do unless you tell me I cant do what I want in my own home. I have spoken to the LL today and it appears that it was not aimed at me . I told him about my occasional smoker and he is ok with that.
    Thanks for the reply.

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  • PlanB
    Re: Letter from landlord

    Originally posted by jj19 View Post
    I rent my flat . . . . I checked out my lease . . . . . The agreement says it is a deed but my copy is not signed.

    Iam livid and want to tell the LL to F.O but is this a good idea..
    It's never a good idea to tell a Landlord to f*ck off because they will immediately tell you the same and they hold all the cards. Is this a tenancy agreement or a lease? If it's an AST where the initial fixed period has expired then your Landlord can serve you with a section 21 Notice to have you removed after eight weeks' have expired. Section 21 is a "no fault" ground meaning they don't have to give the court any reason.

    If you are kicked out because you told your Landlord to "F*ck Off" then you may find the local authority deem you to be intentionally homeless so you won't necessarily get re-housed. Finding yourself living in a cardboard box because you got peeved by a letter would be silly.

    The main reason why No Smoking rules are written into tenancy agreements is to prevent a fire risk. Goodness knows how many house-fires (and therefore deaths) are caused by cigarette ends. Even if it's not specifically written into your AST you wouldn't want any death caused by a friend's ciggie to be on your conscience.

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  • PlanB
    Re: Letter from landlord

    ^^^^ Here's my answer to your question. Being killed by an enemy is not avoidable. Being killed by a friend who smokes is. Tell them to stop it right now.

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  • patchouli
    Re: Letter from landlord

    ^^ what S&V said.

    When we came to look at this house it REEKED of smoke... 5 years on and if we go out and leave the back bedroom door shut, by the time we come back the room stinks of ashtrays again... It's in the carpet and is vile! that's AFTER having them cleaned a few times...

    I think the main question here is... why are you 'livid'?

    The LL has probably been round and could smell the stench of smoking from the hallway so rather than accuse any one tenant decided to send a round robin. Or perhaps he challenged another tenant who then said "But the others smoke in their flats too!" .. who knows.. I'd rather ask my friends to smoke outside (which i do) and then be 100% sure the next letter wasn't for me.

    Save being livid for something that warrants it

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  • SaltnVinegar
    Re: Letter from landlord

    Originally posted by jj19 View Post
    Not sure if this is the right place
    I rent my flat and today had a letter from my LL reminding me that smoking is against the terms of my lease. I know other people have had the same letter.
    I do not smoke but do let a couple of close friends smoke in the flat. I checked out my lease and it says I must take the rubbish out every day, hoover once a week and clean the windows once a month. Oh I also need to mow tne grass( in a first floor flat) . No where does it mention smoking. The agreement says it is a deed butmy copy is not signed.

    Iam livid and want to tell the LL to F.O but is this a good idea. Where do I stand about letting people smoke in my flat that I decorated at my cost with my furniture.
    Personally I would be telling my friends to F.O. if they think its ok to smoke in a flat where the owner doesn't smoke and has decorated at their own cost with their own furniture. Tell them to go stand in the rain or stain their own furniture with their nicotine habit.

    Regards mowing the grass in a first floor flat - perhaps this is another smoking reference

    But on a serious note - its a generic letter thats going to all residents - why react to it?

    Only thing you need to be mindful of is that if there is nicotine staining, and there is a no smoking clause in your contract, then do you want to be potentially liable for costs of redecorating.........

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  • jj19
    started a topic Letter from landlord

    Letter from landlord

    Not sure if this is the right place
    I rent my flat and today had a letter from my LL reminding me that smoking is against the terms of my lease. I know other people have had the same letter.
    I do not smoke but do let a couple of close friends smoke in the flat. I checked out my lease and it says I must take the rubbish out every day, hoover once a week and clean the windows once a month. Oh I also need to mow tne grass( in a first floor flat) . No where does it mention smoking. The agreement says it is a deed butmy copy is not signed.

    Iam livid and want to tell the LL to F.O but is this a good idea. Where do I stand about letting people smoke in my flat that I decorated at my cost with my furniture.