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~ Look here first - Bankruptcy Help ~

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  • ~ Look here first - Bankruptcy Help ~

    [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=5][CENTER][U]Bankruptcy Help - Important topics, factsheets and links[/U][/CENTER]
    Hello and Welcome to the Bankruptcy (BR) Board. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Many people find that debt and bankruptcy is the cause or result of a period of great distress and anxiety in their lives. For some this can reach a stage where it is difficult to cope. Please click on the Samaritans link [B]----> [URL=""]The Samaritans[/URL][/B][/FONT]
    [U][B]Advice on bankruptcy.[/B][/U]

    The court/judge will normally ask whether you have taken professional advice that bankruptcy is in your best interest. If they believe you have not taken proper or sufficient advice then your bankruptcy may be refused. Below are the most used Debt charities by people on this board.

    [B][U]Main recommended sources of help:

    [/U][/B][LIST][*][FONT=Verdana]National Debtline - Website: [URL=""]National Debtline[/URL] Telephone: 0808 808 4000[/FONT] [*][FONT=Verdana]Citizens Advice Bureau - Website: [URL=""]Citizens Advice[/URL] or visit your local CAB centre ([URL=""]find nearest[/URL])[/FONT] [*][FONT=Verdana]StepChange (formerly CCCS) - Website: [URL=""]StepChange[/URL] Telephone: 0800 138 1111[/FONT] [/LIST]

    [LIST][*][URL=""][FONT=Verdana]Christians Against Poverty [/FONT][/URL] [*][FONT=Verdana][URL=""]Business Debtline[/URL]
    [/FONT] [*][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#22229c][URL=""]TaxAid - Help with tax debts.[/URL][/COLOR][/FONT] [/LIST]

    [FONT=Verdana][B]For general queries about bankruptcy you can contact:[/B]
    The Insolvency Service Enquiry Line[/URL] - Tel: 0845 602 9848 - Email: [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]

    [/FONT] [B][FONT=Verdana]
    [/FONT][U]General information on bankruptcy.[/U][/B]

    [LIST][*][URL=""]Official Insolvency Service publications and factsheets - Main index[/URL] [*][URL=""]Statutory demands[/URL] [*][URL=""]How to deal with debt and pay your creditors[/URL] [*][URL=""]Bankruptcy: how to ask to be declared bankrupt[/URL] [*][URL=""]Bankruptcy: how to make someone bankrupt[/URL] [*][URL=""]Bankruptcy: guidance for potential or current bankrupts[/URL] [*][URL=""]Bankruptcy: alternative options for people in debt[/URL] [*][URL=""]Debt relief order flyer[/URL] [*][URL=""]Insolvency: fast-track voluntary arrangements[/URL] [*][URL=""]Bankruptcy: apply to have a bankruptcy order cancelled[/URL] [*][URL=""]What happens when you are interviewed by the official receiver?[/URL] [*][URL=""]Bankruptcy: how it affects your home[/URL] [*][URL=""]Bankruptcy: how it affects your bank account[/URL] [*][URL=""]Bankruptcy: how it affects your pension[/URL] [*][URL=""]Insolvency: what will happen to my motor vehicle?[/URL] [*][URL=""]Income payments orders and agreements[/URL] [*][URL=""]Bankruptcy: restrictions orders[/URL] [*][URL=""]Debt relief orders: a low-cost alternative to bankruptcy[/URL] [*][URL=""]Bankruptcy: when and how it ends[/URL] [*][URL=""]Bankruptcy: guidance for transgender people[/URL] [*][URL=""]Debt relief orders: restrictions order[/URL] [*] [URL=""]Liquidation: how to wind up a partnership[/URL] [*] [URL=""]Insolvency: guidance for creditors[/URL] [/LIST]

    [FONT=Verdana][U][B]Court fee remission and forms.[/B][/U][/FONT]

    From 7 October 2013 there is a new fee remission system for courts and tribunals. Customers wishing to apply for a remission must use the following forms and leaflets

    -- > [URL][/URL]

    [URL=""]Court and Tribunal Fees - do I have to pay them?[/URL] (PDF)

    [URL=""]Undertaking to apply for remission of a court fee or tribunal fee, or to pay a court fee or tribunal fee for emergency applications only[/URL] (PDF)

    [URL=""]Fee remissions contribution calculator[/URL] (Excel)

    [LIST][*][FONT=Verdana][URL=""]Example application for a fee remission based on gross annual income - EX160[/URL] (Thanks to NE Derbyshire CAB)[/FONT] [*][FONT=Verdana][URL=""]Example application for a fee remission based on permitted benefits - EX160[/URL] (Thanks to NE Derbyshire CAB)[/FONT] [/LIST]
    Charities who may help with BR fees[/U][/B]

    [LIST][*][B][URL=""]Severn Trent Trust Fund[/URL][/B] and other water trusts [*][B][URL=""]Charis Grants[/URL][/B] Energy Companies [*][B][URL=""]Royal British Legion[/URL][/B] [*]Some Trade Unions[LIST][*][B][URL=""]Trades Union Congress[/URL][/B] [*][B][URL=""]Union Finder from Worksmart[/URL][/B] [*][B][URL=""]Unison[/URL][URL=""]
    [/URL][/B] [/LIST]
    [*][B][URL=""]Turn2Us[/URL] [/B]enables you to search for charities [*][B][URL=""]Christians Against Poverty[/URL][/B] [*] [B][URL=""]ssafa (ex forces)[/URL][/B] [*][B][URL=""]BEN (Automotive industry)[/URL][/B] [*][B][URL=""]The Shipwrecked Mariners Society[/URL][/B] [*][B][URL=""]Rowland Hill Fund[/URL][/B] [*][B][URL=""]The Charity for Civil Servants[/URL][/B] [/LIST]
    Completing the bankruptcy petition and Statement of Affairs.[/B][/U]

    [/FONT][FONT=Verdana][U]Forms to print and fill in:-[/U][/FONT]

    [LIST][*]Debtor’s Petition ([URL=""]Debtor’s Bankruptcy Petition (DOC, 47 Kb)[/URL]) and [*]Statement of Affairs ([URL=""]Statement of Affairs (Debtor’s Petition) (DOC, 314 Kb)[/URL]. [/LIST]
    [FONT=Verdana][U]Example completed forms and guidance notes:-[/U][/FONT]
    [LIST][*][FONT=Verdana][URL=""]Debtor's Bankruptcy Petition 6.27 Example[/URL] (Thanks to NE Derbyshire CAB)[/FONT] [*]You may find it helpful to look at the [URL=""]example of a completed Form 6.27 (DOC, 56 Kb) [/URL]and the [URL=""]Guidance Notes for completing Form 6.28 (DOC, 73 Kb) [/URL]. [*][FONT=Verdana][URL=""]Statement of Affairs (Debtor’s Petition) 6.28 Example[/URL] (Thanks to NE Derbyshire CAB)[/FONT] [/LIST]

    [FONT=Verdana][U][B]Bank Accounts.[/B][/U][/FONT]
    [LIST][*]BR friendly Bank Accounts - [URL=""]Click here[/URL] [*][FONT=Verdana][URL=""]What will happen to my bank account?[/URL] (IS) (pdf)[/FONT] [*][URL=""][FONT=Verdana]Basic bank account booklet and table of accounts (pdf)[/FONT][/URL] [/LIST]

    [FONT=Verdana][U][B]Income Payment Agreements/Orders.[/B][/U][/FONT]

    [LIST][*][B]Changes for new IPAs from 1st Dec 2010 - [/B] [URL=""][COLOR=DarkOrange]Click here[/COLOR][/URL] [*][URL=""][B]Income Payment Agreements & Orders[/B][/URL] [*][URL=""]Urgent news on IPA's - Changes for BRs after 01/12/2010[/URL] [*] [B][URL=""]IPA/IPO Expenditure Guideline Tables (April 2012) by NEDCAB[/URL][/B] [*] [B][URL=""]NEDCAB's Bankruptcy Payment Order Calculator[/URL][/B] [*][URL=""]Tech Man - IPO / IPA (Income Payment Orders and Income Payment Agreements) (IS)[/URL] [*][URL=""]Annex A [COLOR=#000000]– Assessment of real disposable income where the bankrupt's income is derived in part from state benefits[/COLOR]
    [/URL] [URL=""]Annex B[/URL] - Guidance on the assessment of real disposable income where the official receiver seeks to claim a lump sum payment
    [URL=""]Annex C[/URL] - Illustrative examples to support Annex B guidance where the official receiver seeks to claim a lump sum pension payment under an IPA/IPO
    [URL=""]Annex D[/URL] (April 2012) – IPA/IPO Expenditure Guidelines [*]Household Expenditure

    [URL][/URL] [/LIST]
    Insolvency Records On-line.[/B][/U][/FONT]
    [LIST][*][URL=""][FONT=Verdana]Individual Insolvency Register - Main page.[/FONT][/URL] [*][URL=""][FONT=Verdana]Individual Insolvency Register - Search form.[/FONT][/URL] [*][FONT=Verdana][URL=""]The London Gazette - Main Page[/URL][/FONT] [*][FONT=Verdana][URL=""]The London Gazette - Advanced Search.[/URL][/FONT] [*][FONT=Verdana][URL=""]Bankruptcy Restrictions Search[/URL][/FONT] [/LIST]

    [FONT=Verdana][U][B]Bankruptcy Restriction Undertakings / Orders.[/B][/U][/FONT]
    [LIST][*][URL=""][FONT=Verdana]Bankruptcy Restrictions Orders/Undertakings (IS)[/FONT][/URL] [/LIST]

    [FONT=Verdana][U][B]Your home/property.

    [/B][/U][/FONT][LIST][*][URL=""]What will happen to my home? (IS)[/URL] [*][URL=""]If my house is sold sometime after the bankruptcy order is any shortfall on the mortgage still a debt in my bankruptcy?[/URL] [*][URL=""]Charging orders in the county court - National Debtline factsheet [/URL] (useful if a creditor is trying for a CO before your bankruptcy) [/LIST]
    [LIST][*][B]Deed of Acknowledgement: reposession after bankruptcy[/B] - [URL=""][COLOR=#ff8c00]Click Here[/COLOR][/URL] [/LIST]

    [FONT=Verdana][U][B]Cars and bankruptcy.[/B][/U][/FONT]
    [LIST][*][URL=""][FONT=Verdana]OR's Case Help manual - Motor Vehicles (March 2007)[/FONT][/URL] [*][URL=""][FONT=Verdana]What will happen to my motor vehicle (IS factsheet)[/FONT][/URL] [/LIST]

    [B][U]What will happen to my assets?[/U][/B] [LIST][*][B]Quick guide to bankruptcy[/B] - Assets [URL=""][COLOR=#ff8c00]Click Here[/COLOR][/URL] [*][B]Dealing with Baliffs & Harassment[/B] - [URL=""][COLOR=#ff8c00]Click Here[/COLOR][/URL] [/LIST]

    [FONT=Verdana][U][B]Pensions and bankruptcy.[/B][/U][/FONT]
    [LIST][*][FONT=Verdana][URL=""]What will happen to my pension?[/URL]
    [/FONT] [/LIST]

    [FONT=Verdana][U][B]After acquired property.[/B][/U]
    After Acquired Property (June 2009)[/URL] (Includes "Can the trustee claim property due under a will?")

    [U][B]Bankruptcy and the overpayment of state benefits.[/B][/U][/FONT]
    [LIST][*][URL=""][FONT=Verdana]OR's Technical Manual - Recovery of overpayments of state benefits (Read from paragraph 40.102)[/FONT][/URL] [/LIST]

    [FONT=Verdana][U][B]Discharge from bankruptcy.[/B][/U][/FONT]
    [LIST][*][URL=""][FONT=Verdana]FAQ - The Discharge Process (IS)[/FONT][/URL] [*][FONT=Verdana]OR's Case Help Manual - [/FONT][URL=""]Discharge From Bankruptcy (January 2008)[/URL] [*][B]Quick guide about BR Discharge[/B] - [URL=""][COLOR=#ff8c00]Click Here[/COLOR][/URL] [/LIST]

    [FONT=Verdana][U][B]Foreign Issues.[/B][/U][COLOR=#ff8c00]
    [URL=""]FAQ - Foreign Issues (IS)[/URL] - Includes:

    [I]How can I make myself bankrupt if I live abroad?
    Do the bankruptcy restrictions apply when I go abroad?
    Does a bankruptcy order affect my assets abroad?[/I]

    [U][B]Credit Reference Files.[/B][/U][/FONT]
    [LIST][*] [URL=""]Credit Reference File Clean Up Post Bankruptcy (AAD)[/URL] [*][FONT=Verdana] Credit Reference Agencies: [URL=""]Experian[/URL], [URL=""]Equifax[/URL] and [URL=""]Callcredit[/URL][/FONT] [*][FONT=Verdana][URL=""]Information Commissioner's Office - Credit Reference Files[/URL][/FONT] [*][URL=""][FONT=Verdana]Information Commissioner's Office - Bankruptcy - frequently asked questions
    [/FONT][/URL] [*][FONT=Verdana][URL=""]Information Commissioner's Office - Data Protection Public Register[/URL] (search)[/FONT] [/LIST]


    [/B][/U][/FONT][LIST][*][URL=""]Insolvency Service Complaints Procedure (PDF, 132 Kb)[/URL] [*][URL=""]Social fund loans in bankruptcy from March 19th 2012 - allaboutFORUMS[/URL] [/LIST]

    [B][URL=""]Bankruptcy Abbreviations - allaboutFORUMS[/URL]
    [URL=""]Social fund loans in bankruptcy from March 19th 2012 - allaboutFORUMS[/URL]
    [URL=""]Credit Reference file clean up Post Bankruptcy - allaboutFORUMS[/URL][/B]
    Last edited by IF; 13 October 2014, 07:04. Reason: Link Maintainance!!

  • #2
    Re: ~ Look here first - Bankruptcy Help ~

    [SIZE=5][COLOR=#0000ff][U][CENTER]Information for those in Scotland[/CENTER]
    [B][U]Advice on bankruptcy[/U][/B]

    [LIST][*][B]National Debtline[/B] (Scotland) Website - [URL=""][COLOR=#ff8c00]Click Here[/COLOR][/URL] Telephone: 0808 808 4000[*][B]Citizens Advice Scotland[/B] Website - [URL=""][COLOR=#ff8c00]Click Here[/COLOR][/URL][*][B]StepChange Debt Charity (formerly CCCS)[/B] (Scotland) - Website: [URL=""][COLOR=DarkOrange]Click Here[/COLOR][/URL][/LIST]
    [B][U]Others[/U][/B][LIST][*][B]Business Debtline[/B] Scotland Website - [URL=""][COLOR=#ff8c00]Click Here[/COLOR][/URL] Telephone: 0800 197 6026[*][B]Christians Against Poverty[/B] - [URL=""]Click Here[/URL][*][B]PayPlan[/B] - [URL=""][COLOR=#ff8c00]Click Here[/COLOR][/URL][*][B]TaxAid[/B] - Help with tax debts -[URL=""][COLOR=#ff8c00]Click Here[/COLOR][/URL][/LIST]

    [B][U]Accountant in Bankruptcy (equivalent of the English Insolvency Service)[/U][/B]

    [FONT=Verdana]Main website: [URL=""][/URL]

    For general queries about insolvency (but not debt advice) you can contact: General helpline - Tel: 0845 762 6171 - Email: [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]


    [URL=""]Low Income Low Assets.[/URL]
    Debt Arrangement Scheme[/URL]

    [URL=""]Trust Deeds[/URL]

    [URL=""]Bankruptcy after 1 April 2008[/URL][/FONT][LIST][*] [FONT=Verdana][URL=""]DAIP - Debt Advice and Information Pack[/URL][/FONT][*] [FONT=Verdana][URL=""]Debtor's Guide[/URL][/FONT][*] [FONT=Verdana][URL=""]Creditor's Guide[/URL][/FONT][*] [FONT=Verdana][URL=""]Bankruptcy Restriction Guide[/URL][/FONT][*] [FONT=Verdana][URL=""]Trust Deeds Guide[/URL][/FONT][/LIST]
    [FONT=Verdana][URL=""]Bankruptcy before 1 April 2008 (follow for links)[/URL][/FONT]

    [SIZE=5][COLOR=#008000][U][CENTER]Information for those in Northern Ireland[/CENTER]

    [B]Advice 4 Debt NI - [URL=""]Debt Action NI[/URL][/B]

    [B]StepChange Debt Charity (Was CCCS) - [URL=""] StepChange Debt Charity[/URL][/B][URL=""]
    [B]CAB - [URL=""]Citizens Advice - Adviceguide - Northern Ireland[/URL][/B]

    For information in Northern Ireland you should contact The Insolvency Service of Northern Ireland at:

    The Insolvency Service
    Fermanagh House
    Ormeau Avenue
    BT2 8NJ

    Tel: 02890 251441

    [B]Website[/B] - [URL=""][COLOR=#ff8c00]Click Here[/COLOR][/URL]

    [B]Online forms[/B] - [URL=""][COLOR=#ff8c00]Click Here[/COLOR][/URL]

    [B]NI fact sheet pdf[/B] - [URL=""][COLOR=#ff8c00]Click Here[/COLOR][/URL]
    Last edited by IF; 13 October 2014, 07:05.


    • #3
      Re: ~ Look here first - Bankruptcy Help ~

      These are guidelines for the OR of what is acceptable on our SOA's and not really for us. Please don't put exactly the same figures as the OR will smell and rat and go through your SOA, with a fine tooth comb. If your expenses are higher than the figures below and as long as you have all receipts these may then be accepted.

      [LIST][*] [B][URL=""]IPA/IPO Expenditure Guideline Tables (April 2012) by NEDCAB[/URL][/B][*] [B][URL=""]NEDCAB's Bankruptcy Payment Order Calculator[/URL][/B][/LIST]

      Attached Files
      Last edited by IF; 10 January 2013, 12:14.
      "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"


      • #4
        Re: ~ Look here first - Bankruptcy Help ~

        [QUOTE=If...;98894]Please don’t put exactly the same figures as the OR will smell and rat and go through your SOA, with a fine tooth comb. [/QUOTE]

        [I][COLOR=DarkGreen][B]If[/B][/COLOR][/I] is [U]really[/U] not kidding on that.

        People have done that in the past on other forums, and the OR staff gone to town on the people who tried inflate their figures up to those levels when they were not justified by actual expenditure.

        Not only going through their SOA with a fine tooth comb and demanding proof for everything, but doing the same for all/most of the info in their BR case. Very unpleasant for the people it happened to.
        I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

        If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


        • #5
          Re: ~ Look here first - Bankruptcy Help ~

          [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]The Insolvency Service website has now moved to the BIS site, all links now updated :dance[/SIZE][/COLOR]

          Click below for The new IS site:-

          [B][url=""]The Insolvency Service | BIS[/url][/B]

          Click on link for Publications:-
          [url=""]Insolvency Service publications | BIS[/url][/B]
          Last edited by IF; 5 August 2011, 17:45.
          "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"


          • #6
            Re: ~ Look here first - Bankruptcy Help ~

            Amended post 3 with the updated HES figures, terrible spelling on there......I thought I was bad :doh :lol
            "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"


            • #7
              Re: ~ Look here first - Bankruptcy Help ~

              thanks IF, looks great and full of Help and Info for those looking or considering or down the Line of BR.........
              I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

              If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.

