Have an elderly Aunt who has admitted she can no longer cope & has gone into a care home. She apparently has some money but this is unlikely to last very long. She has been admitted as 'self funding' at present. As her only relative I am now trying to sort out her home (housing assos) & her money. Tried to get in touch with Alzheimer's Soc but think I will be dead before I could get through! Same with CAB. Only helpful advice from Lady at post office who has similar situation. At present it appears that I need either a 'power of Attorney' or to be a 'deputy'. POA has to be done by a Sol & she has to understand what she is signing. At present some days she will & some she won't so not sure how this will pan out. The 'deputy' has to go to a 'Court of Protection' and this takes about six months. It appears that until either of these are done I cannot access her Bank Accounts or have authority to do any thing. I have now received a Bank Statement re-directed to me but her address on it is wrong & there are some VERY large amounts of cash been taken out recently. The Care home have sent me forms to sign regarding her medical care together with a bill for £2500. I can neither pay this nor access her accounts. I am her only relative & she lives a long way away - I have able to go & see her & am planning to go again to try & sort out her house & take what items she needs to the home. The housing assos have been in touch & obviously want the house back asap.
If anyone has ANY helpful ideas I would be very grateful.
Many thanks
Riberac Lass
If anyone has ANY helpful ideas I would be very grateful.
Many thanks
Riberac Lass