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Slickfm UE Diary

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  • Re: Slickfm UE Diary

    Originally posted by SXGuy View Post
    Nice to see Pauls advice worked.

    Sadly i had already sent gpb the LBA before this was all posted, so hopefully, it has the same affect and makes the back off.

    They did ignore my first response, and i did receive a second legal action threat on the 2nd Nov.

    I have spoken to others who have received both letters and been told by gpb that the matter has been closed and refered back to iQor after sending LBA's, so it may well be they were just letter heads for rent and not an actual real notice of claim.

    I guess time will tell with mine!
    Hi SXGuy, fingers crossed for the same outcome for you too
    Fight the good fight and we will prevail
    Proud to be a member of the AAD community


    • Re: Slickfm UE Diary

      Brilliant stuff, very very useful as I have similar to deal with this week..

      Just one query for Iqor have the legal right to instruct GPB to issue a letter of claim, as they are only apparently acting as Lloyd's representatives? (Assuming no NOA has been received by Slick?)
      If not could this be construed as deliberately misleading the consumer?

      Elsa x


      • Re: Slickfm UE Diary

        Originally posted by Undercover Elsa View Post
        Brilliant stuff, very very useful as I have similar to deal with this week..

        Just one query for Iqor have the legal right to instruct GPB to issue a letter of claim, as they are only apparently acting as Lloyd's representatives? (Assuming no NOA has been received by Slick?)
        If not could this be construed as deliberately misleading the consumer?

        Elsa x
        well its a bone of contention, but they could instruct a firm of solicitors yes.

        If legal action were taken then it may be more complicated for them


        • Re: Slickfm UE Diary

          Thanks Paul, just wondered if it was an issue worth mentioning in my own letter to GPB, but I've got plenty more points to dispute


          • Re: Slickfm UE Diary

            Originally posted by Undercover Elsa View Post
            Brilliant stuff, very very useful as I have similar to deal with this week..

            Just one query for Iqor have the legal right to instruct GPB to issue a letter of claim, as they are only apparently acting as Lloyd's representatives? (Assuming no NOA has been received by Slick?)
            If not could this be construed as deliberately misleading the consumer?

            Elsa x
            Hi Elsa,

            I have never had a NOA from LloydsTSB..
            Fight the good fight and we will prevail
            Proud to be a member of the AAD community


            • Re: Slickfm UE Diary

              im not sure if ive ever had one for iqor either actually.

              Had one for moorcoft but they gave up and then iqor jumped on it.
              I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

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              • Re: Slickfm UE Diary

                Every little point of contention helps...


                • Re: Slickfm UE Diary

                  Originally posted by Slickfm View Post
                  Hiya all

                  TSB Loan Update:

                  Well it looks like Pauls letter did the trick, as today i have received a letter from GPB Solicitors. 'Thank your for your letter, contents noted, as we are no longer instructed in this matter all paper work has been returned to iQor'

                  Fended off for the time being, will wait and see what comes next

                  Hiya all

                  IQor have sent a letter finally acknowledging the fact that I have now contacted them twice in response to not receiving a CCA from TSB for over 2 years now. They are getting in touch with TSB to find out what's going on

                  See what happens next......
                  Fight the good fight and we will prevail
                  Proud to be a member of the AAD community


                  • Re: Slickfm UE Diary

                    Originally posted by Slickfm View Post
                    Hiya all

                    IQor have sent a letter finally acknowledging the fact that I have now contacted them twice in response to not receiving a CCA from TSB for over 2 years now. They are getting in touch with TSB to find out what's going on

                    See what happens next......
                    Getting the pseudo-licitors to back down was progress, now this represents further progress.

                    Well done, keep it up!



                    • Re: Slickfm UE Diary

                      Originally posted by ScabHunter View Post
                      Getting the pseudo-licitors to back down was progress, now this represents further progress.

                      Well done, keep it up!

                      Cheers SH, yeah progress indeed
                      Fight the good fight and we will prevail
                      Proud to be a member of the AAD community


                      • Re: Slickfm UE Diary

                        Originally posted by Slickfm View Post
                        Hiya all

                        IQor have sent a letter finally acknowledging the fact that I have now contacted them twice in response to not receiving a CCA from TSB for over 2 years now. They are getting in touch with TSB to find out what's going on

                        See what happens next......
                        Hiya all,

                        Well after more than two and half years TSB have finally sent me a CCA

                        Emailed to Niddy

                        Fight the good fight and we will prevail
                        Proud to be a member of the AAD community


                        • Re: Slickfm UE Diary

                          Originally posted by Slickfm View Post
                          Hiya all,

                          Well after more than two and half years TSB have finally sent me a CCA

                          Emailed to Niddy


                          After all this time and no payments since July 2010 this TSB loan is sadly Niddy can't find owt wrong with it at all
                          Probably blag it for a while till legal threats arrive, then maybe a payment plan
                          Fight the good fight and we will prevail
                          Proud to be a member of the AAD community


                          • Re: Slickfm UE Diary

                            Sorry mate, it's just too darned good
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                            • Re: Slickfm UE Diary

                              Originally posted by Slickfm View Post
                              Well a big hello all

                              Found my diary sitting quietly on page 5, suppose thats good means im not getting mithered to much these days

                              Just one update to post on my MBNA card which was sold to Arrow Global. Arrow have obviously been in touch with MBNA and have now sent me a copy of my signed application form and customer declaration conditions. They say this is the agreement and now welcome my proposals for repayment. MBNA sent these to me back in Oct 2010 and Niddy deemed them Unenforcable!! I did send Arrow a copy of MBNA's letter stating that they cannot locate a complete copy of the agreement, and this is how they reply

                              Should i send them a final response 'bugger off' template or see what they send next?

                              MBNA card ( now Arrow) update:

                              Hi everyone,

                              Letter received from Rossendales today acting on behalf of Arrow Global, asking me to get in touch or face further action.

                              Will send them a letter saying Arrow bought debt off MBNA and enclose a copy of MBNA letter stating that they cannot locate my agreement, might also let them know that they are DCA number 5 on this account

                              Fight the good fight and we will prevail
                              Proud to be a member of the AAD community


                              • Re: Slickfm UE Diary

                                Originally posted by Slickfm View Post
                                MBNA card ( now Arrow) update:

                                Hi everyone,

                                Letter received from Rossendales today acting on behalf of Arrow Global, asking me to get in touch or face further action.

                                Will send them a letter saying Arrow bought debt off MBNA and enclose a copy of MBNA letter stating that they cannot locate my agreement, might also let them know that they are DCA number 5 on this account

                                I would be inclined to send that copy letter from MBNA with this one Slick:


