Good Evening, I am posting on behalf of my daughter who is now in the middle of her financial settlement, and needing my support. Without going into the details, during her marriage she built up debt with three credit cards, all part of the marital problems at the time. However its reached a point now whereby action is needed , money is very tight , solicitors are extortionate and we have decided to go the last part of the distance without them .
She considered consolidation loans, those debt managers, even bankruptcy but I suggested seeing what the position is with the agreements first on here.We have sent for two agreements using the templates on here, and are going to go for the third. At the moment she is paying regularly , but only the minimum payment or just a few quid more each month, the situation is getting too much though, and she did wonder if she could request lower payments. Actually we are just going round in circles and so , I am on here as I know it will be the best honest advice for her to decide, I hope its ok for me to do this on her behalf, as I have some clue as to how the site works, and at the moment her heads in the shed.
So here goes, I will do three different posts as everyone else seems to , First of all I am going to upload the Co op agreement for Niddy to look at if he would. It was a devil to scan as the print was so tiny .
She considered consolidation loans, those debt managers, even bankruptcy but I suggested seeing what the position is with the agreements first on here.We have sent for two agreements using the templates on here, and are going to go for the third. At the moment she is paying regularly , but only the minimum payment or just a few quid more each month, the situation is getting too much though, and she did wonder if she could request lower payments. Actually we are just going round in circles and so , I am on here as I know it will be the best honest advice for her to decide, I hope its ok for me to do this on her behalf, as I have some clue as to how the site works, and at the moment her heads in the shed.
So here goes, I will do three different posts as everyone else seems to , First of all I am going to upload the Co op agreement for Niddy to look at if he would. It was a devil to scan as the print was so tiny .