Unenforceability Template Letters
The template letters for Unenforceability, Dealing with Bailiffs, Negotiating Payments and Legal Responses are protected within the forum for established users. This means that guests and newly registered users cannot see the main template letters until such time they become a regular forum member.
In order to view the template letters, the user needs to make a few starter posts, which we suggest should be the start of your UE Diary. You'll then see that as you post more, your main index changes to include the hidden forum categories such as our MarketPlace and the full range of Template Letters.
This is not evasive, nor is it designed to capture unwilling audiences, the reason we protect such information is to stop people coming here and copying templates / gleaming knowledge without ever posting a hello or thanks to us. It's not a lot to ask, to simply register and post a few times; let others try and offer some guidance and support, to then get what you really want - access to the full range of templates that we use to stave off unwanted attention from your creditors.
There are a select few templates detailed below - you are free to use these as a guest but to be allowed full access you must join and contribute to the forums. Please feel free to email me, see my signature, if you're unhappy with the current set-up. However for the foreseeable future the restriction will remain in place to protect the integrity of our users and my hard work.
For the full range of Templates - Register Now!