If this should be in the health section then please move it , but i thought as this is women only i would post it here.
Right then, since August last year i have been getting this strange head sensation , its when i turn from side to side i feel all buzzy on the top of my head, not dizzy but buzzy .
Been to the docs and had blood pressure taken standing sitting and both perfect , my heart is good , nothing wrong with my ears, she even tested for brain tumor as this was my first worry and my doc said it is usually the case when something is not right with your head lol .
All tests are fine, i have had a thryroid test done and come back clear , so im healthy .
BUT this head thing , it just has to be a post menopause symptom or anxiety and stress related which i think goes with menopause.
I was prescribed medication for anxiety but haven't taken any yet i am too scared of side effects.
Men if your reading this , thank your lucky stars you are not a woman because believe me you would not cope with menopause .
Right then, since August last year i have been getting this strange head sensation , its when i turn from side to side i feel all buzzy on the top of my head, not dizzy but buzzy .
Been to the docs and had blood pressure taken standing sitting and both perfect , my heart is good , nothing wrong with my ears, she even tested for brain tumor as this was my first worry and my doc said it is usually the case when something is not right with your head lol .
All tests are fine, i have had a thryroid test done and come back clear , so im healthy .
BUT this head thing , it just has to be a post menopause symptom or anxiety and stress related which i think goes with menopause.
I was prescribed medication for anxiety but haven't taken any yet i am too scared of side effects.
Men if your reading this , thank your lucky stars you are not a woman because believe me you would not cope with menopause .