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Halifax accused of fuelling debt crisis with £11k credit card loans

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  • Halifax accused of fuelling debt crisis with £11k credit card loans

    The Halifax was accused of irresponsibility last night for encouraging hard-up families to go on a credit binge.

    The bank, which is 41 per cent owned by the taxpayer, has sent letters to its customers this week urging them to take out cash on their cards.

    It promises that it will take only one quick phone call to secure the transfer of thousands of pounds into the customer’s bank account.

    One was offered £11,640 at a rate of 7.92 per cent for 18 months after a five-minute phone call.

    Read more:
    "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

    The consumer is that sleeping giant.!!

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