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  • Re: JASSASBLUE - UE Diary

    If they're just acting as agents (as opposed to buying the account) then you won't get formal notification as such.

    I'd just ignore the Hello from Moorcroft if it was me and see what they send next


    • Re: JASSASBLUE - UE Diary

      Originally posted by jassasblue View Post
      Moorcroft now acting for Argos it would seem, I haven't had notification of this, do I send the SWID?
      Originally posted by Undercover Elsa View Post
      If they're just acting as agents (as opposed to buying the account) then you won't get formal notification as such.

      I'd just ignore the Hello from Moorcroft if it was me and see what they send next

      Letter from Argos responding to my SWID 29/3/14 - They confirm that they are unable to locate my credit agreement as they have previously notified me. However they do not accept that the agreement is unenforceable and they have sent me a statement, they are to continue with Debt Collection activities. Good luck with that then Argos!


      • Re: JASSASBLUE - UE Diary

        Originally posted by jassasblue View Post
        Account Owner Apex Credit Management, previously Egg

        • Type of account Loan
        • Date commenced 01/06/2005
        • Approx balance £1821.38
        • Date last paid DMP 25/12/2013
        • Are you on arrangement or not paying DMP
        • Status Default 17/07/2008

        Letter Sent
        Letter Received

        03/01/14 CCA Letter sent
        11/01/14 Letter from Apex, agreement requested from Egg
        09/05/14 Agreement received from Apex, emailed to Niddy
        11/05/14 Niddy says UE Terms and Conditions missing
        24/05/14 Missing PTs letter sent to Apex
        Letter from Apex in response to Missing PTs, Re your Apex purchased portfolio, please be advised that the prescribed terms relates to the making of the agreement not the enforcement of the agreement. As you signed within the box that states "this is a credit agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Sign it only if you want to be bound by its terms" you are liable for the outstanding balance and we will continue to pursue payment.

        Do I just ignore this??


        • Re: JASSASBLUE - UE Diary

          Originally posted by jassasblue View Post
          Letter from Apex in response to Missing PTs, Re your Apex purchased portfolio, please be advised that the prescribed terms relates to the making of the agreement not the enforcement of the agreement. As you signed within the box that states "this is a credit agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Sign it only if you want to be bound by its terms" you are liable for the outstanding balance and we will continue to pursue payment.

          Do I just ignore this??
          I would if it were me .....that's their way of saying .....where stuffed
          I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

          If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


          • Re: JASSASBLUE - UE Diary

            Thanks Deepie, I'll see what they send next


            • Re: JASSASBLUE - UE Diary

              Ok, I've been away with work for 2 weeks and returned home to several letters, some look more menacing than others, so I'll make a start, I think there are about 3 that I need advice on: Moorcroft (post 142), Studio Akinkina (post 144) and Mercers (post 143). I'll update the posts separately on here and add the entries just so they don't get missed, thanks guys
              Last edited by jassasblue; 11 July 2014, 12:50.


              • Re: JASSASBLUE - UE Diary

                [QUOTE=jassasblue;364744]Account Owner Argos

                Type of account
                Store Card
                Date commenced

                Approx balance

                Date last paid DMP 25/12/2013
                Are you on arrangement or not paying DMP
                Status Arrangement on Credit File

                Letter Sent
                Letter Received

                03/01/14 CCA Letter Sent
                No response yet
                29/01/14 Agreement received (21 pages of small print) emailed to Niddy

                Niddy says ignore

                03/02/14 Missing PT's template sent
                14/02/14 Letter received from Argos - Unfortunately we are unable to locate the signed copy of your agreement. We make no admissions whether or not the agreement was actually signed by yourself and reserve the right to undertake a more thorough search should it become necessary for us to enforce the agreement in court. We accept that unless we are able to locate the signed agreement or otherwise prove that it was signed by you it is unenforceable against you.

                Finally after 6 years it looks like I'll get a default, this letter is very safe

                25/02/14 Default notice received from Argos and notification saying DCA to be assigned. Argos never stopped the interest during my DMP, in fact I owe more now after 5 years of DMP than when I started!!!!

                26/03/14 Letter from FRS Financial Recovery Services Letter, Pre Litigation Warning,
                29/03/14 SWID sent
                03/04/14 Letter from FRS - Notice of Intended Recovery, threatening they may refer for a home visit or legal action to obtain a CCJ - I think this has crossed with the SWID letter so ignored
                01/05/14 Letter from FRS - they are delighted to offer me a settlement opportunity of minus 20% - ignored!
                12/05/14 Letter from FRS - asking me to call to make payment - ignored!
                24/05/14 Letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery they are now collecting the balance, request I ring to make arrangement to pay.
                03/06/14 Letter from Argos responding to my SWID 29/3/14 - They confirm that they are unable to locate my credit agreement as they have previously notified me. However they do not accept that the agreement is unenforceable and they have sent me a statement, they are to continue with Debt Collection activities. Good luck with that then Argos!
                12/06/14 Letter from Moorcroft, chasing payment and notifying me that they intend to arrange a doorstep recovery visit, consider legal action and adverse entry on my credit file - ignored[/Q

                2 letters from Moorcroft, first dated 23/06/14 offering me monthly instalments and the second came today, if I don't contact them by the 14th July they are to commence legal action by external Solicitors, is there a template I could send them?


                • Re: JASSASBLUE - UE Diary

                  Originally posted by jassasblue View Post
                  Account Owner Barclaycard

                  • Type of account Credit Card
                  • Date commenced 15/08/2004
                  • Approx balance £1679.19
                  • Date last paid DMP 25/12/2013
                  • Are you on arrangement or not paying DMP
                  • Status Arrangement on Credit File

                  Letter Sent
                  Letter Received

                  03/01/14 CCA Letter Sent
                  11/01/14 Letter from Barclaycard, dealing with CCA request
                  15/01/14 - Barclaycard letter received, they are unable to provide a copy of the terms of my credit agreement. Account suspended immediately and they accept account unenforceable.
                  15/01/14 Email to Niddy to confirm.

                  Niddy's reply:

                  that's also

                  send this back ->

                  16/01/14 Above letter PT sent
                  28/01/14 Reply to Missing PT's. We are unable to provide all the documentation and information required by section 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. You can however request a SAR for £10. We accept that we are prevented from enforcing our agreement while this state of affairs continues yada yada yada We would however like you to pay in accordance with your statements. We may issue a default notice and instruct a third party to demand payment.

                  This letter is very safe in my clutches, payment? Hahaha bye bye Barclaycard - letter filed and ignored!

                  26/03/14 Letter from Barclaycard payment reminder - ignored
                  26/04/14 Letter from Barclaycard, account to be defaulted and transferred to Mercer group (part of Barclays) - ignored
                  Letter from Mercers, as I've not contacted them they are instructing an agent to visit my home address, again is there a template I could send?


                  • Re: JASSASBLUE - UE Diary

                    Originally posted by jassasblue View Post
                    Account Owner Studio Catalogue

                    Type of account Catalogue
                    Date commenced 21/09/2004
                    Approx balance £1299.59
                    Date last paid DMP 25/12/2013
                    Are you on arrangement or not paying DMP
                    Status Arrangement on credit file

                    Letter Sent
                    Letter Received

                    CCA Letter Sent
                    15/01/14 Reconstituted agreement and statement of account received,
                    15/01/14 Email to Niddy for advice (signature electronic and definitely not mine!)

                    Niddy's reply:
                    It's unenforceable. Stop paying and send them the Missing PT's letter.

                    Template to send back ->

                    Now even though we know it's a fraudulent copy, at this stage we don't tell them. So obviously that's why we're sending the missing PT's template so as not to give away your ace card ie they sent a fake recon and faked your signature (fraud).

                    They won't win if they took you to court, put it that way

                    16/01/14 PT Letter sent
                    25/01/14 Reply from Studio, clever nonsense and asking for payment, emailed to Niddy to be sure UE, ignore was the reply - cheers pal!

                    Letter received - thanking me for my £1 payment 9th January (this was for my CCA request and they've applied it to my account!). Letter states they are to reapply interest and charges to my account as I haven't paid. For every letter they will make a charge

                    10/02/14 Copy of CCA letter issued and one liner asking to remove £1 as a payment off my account

                    19/02/14 2 Letters from Studio - 1 stating £12 default charge added for non payment and the other contains this: 'As confirmed in a recent court case (Carey v HSBC 2009) Section 78 of the CCA 1974 requires creditors to provide a reconstituted copy of the credit agreement. It further states that of a copy of the original agreement is not required to be provided'. Then later 'We would remind you that the original credit agreement was sent with your order when the account was opened in September 2004. Our customers are asked to sign both copies, returning one copy and to keep their copy in a safe place should they decide to choose repayment by credit terms instead of full payment. By taking advantage of paying the minimum payment every 28 days you are as such subject to the terms and conditions as stated within the credit agreement' and so it goes on....

                    07/03/14 Letter sent Creditor Refusal to accept UE status

                    13/03/14 Letter from Studio refusing to accept UE, chasing for payment
                    20/03/14 3 letters received today, 1 x default notice from DCS (Debt Collection & Security), 1 x notice of arrears with lots of extra charges, 1 x statement -
                    all ignored
                    17/04/14 Letter from DCS, transfer to Moorcroft Debt Collection, more charges added - ignored until they contact
                    10/05/14 Letter from Akinika Debt Recovery, threatening, CCJ, Home Visit etc
                    21/05/14 Letter from Akinika Debt Recovery offering a substantial discount on my balance, must call now - ignored as sent the below letter
                    24/05/14 Letter sent to Akinika (Niddy special) as below
                    I write with reference to your letter dated 7 May 2014 and note the content within.

                    Last I heard Studio sold this to Moorcroft Debt Collection on 17th April; yet here you are trying to act all high and mighty less than only two weeks later? Tell you what, being Studio have instructed you to collect on this account you can be the ones who try again, by first sending a copy of the assignment notice from Studio giving you authority to deal with this matter because I was told only a couple of weeks ago that Moorcroft would be managing this account.

                    On a separate matter, your threats are totally unlawful and quite misleading as is the use of bold highlighted font, with the intention to scare. As a result of your quite unlawful tactics to scare a debtor, I feel I am left with no alternative but to report you to the Financial Conduct Authority because under the new FCA Consumer Credit Sourcebook regulations it is clear your behaviour and use of language in this one letter breaches no less than 11 separate elements of CONC. That in my view is pretty severe and I hope the FCA punish you accordingly.I write with reference to your letter dated 7 May 2014 and note the content within.

                    Last I heard Studio sold this to Moorcroft Debt Collection on 17th April; yet here you are trying to act all high and mighty less than only two weeks later? Tell you what, being Studio have instructed you to collect on this account you can be the ones who try again, by first sending a copy of the assignment notice from Studio giving you authority to deal with this matter because I was told only a couple of weeks ago that Moorcroft would be managing this account.

                    On a separate matter, your threats are totally unlawful and quite misleading as is the use of bold highlighted font, with the intention to scare. As a result of your quite unlawful tactics to scare a debtor, I feel I am left with no alternative but to report you to the Financial Conduct Authority because under the new FCA Consumer Credit Sourcebook regulations it is clear your behaviour and use of language in this one letter breaches no less than 11 separate elements of CONC. That in my view is pretty severe and I hope the FCA punish you accordingly.

                    05/06/14 Letter from Akinika acknowledging my complaint, account on hold while they investigate!
                    Letter from Akinika, they reject my letter of complaint, they can't comment about Moorcroft but confirm Studio instruct them to deal with this undisputed debt. 'Undisputed' ?? They can't produce my credit agreement, do I need to reply, they've sent an income / expenditure form before further action!


                    • Re: JASSASBLUE - UE Diary

                      Ok, I've been away with work for 2 weeks and returned home to several letters, some look more menacing than others, so I'll make a start, I think there are about 3 that I need advice on: Moorcroft (post 142), Studio Akinkina (post 144) and Mercers (post 143).

                      I've updated three posts as above, I appreciate any help, sorry for going on a bit, I didn't know how to post all 3 entries on the same one! Thanks in advance


                      • Re: JASSASBLUE - UE Diary

                        Originally posted by jassasblue View Post
                        Letter from Mercers, as I've not contacted them they are instructing an agent to visit my home address, again is there a template I could send?

                        Originally posted by jassasblue View Post
                        Letter from Akinika, they reject my letter of complaint, they can't comment about Moorcroft but confirm Studio instruct them to deal with this undisputed debt. 'Undisputed' ?? They can't produce my credit agreement, do I need to reply, they've sent an income / expenditure form before further action!

                        I'd see what they do next if it were me.......
                        I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                        If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                        • Re: JASSASBLUE - UE Diary

                          Originally posted by jassasblue View Post
                          Account Owner Argos

                          Type of account
                          Store Card
                          Date commenced

                          Approx balance

                          Date last paid DMP 25/12/2013
                          Are you on arrangement or not paying DMP
                          Status Arrangement on Credit File

                          Letter Sent
                          Letter Received

                          03/01/14 CCA Letter Sent
                          No response yet
                          29/01/14 Agreement received (21 pages of small print) emailed to Niddy

                          Niddy says ignore

                          03/02/14 Missing PT's template sent
                          14/02/14 Letter received from Argos - Unfortunately we are unable to locate the signed copy of your agreement. We make no admissions whether or not the agreement was actually signed by yourself and reserve the right to undertake a more thorough search should it become necessary for us to enforce the agreement in court. We accept that unless we are able to locate the signed agreement or otherwise prove that it was signed by you it is unenforceable against you.

                          Finally after 6 years it looks like I'll get a default, this letter is very safe

                          25/02/14 Default notice received from Argos and notification saying DCA to be assigned. Argos never stopped the interest during my DMP, in fact I owe more now after 5 years of DMP than when I started!!!!

                          26/03/14 Letter from FRS Financial Recovery Services Letter, Pre Litigation Warning,
                          29/03/14 SWID sent
                          03/04/14 Letter from FRS - Notice of Intended Recovery, threatening they may refer for a home visit or legal action to obtain a CCJ - I think this has crossed with the SWID letter so ignored
                          01/05/14 Letter from FRS - they are delighted to offer me a settlement opportunity of minus 20% - ignored!
                          12/05/14 Letter from FRS - asking me to call to make payment - ignored!
                          24/05/14 Letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery they are now collecting the balance, request I ring to make arrangement to pay.
                          03/06/14 Letter from Argos responding to my SWID 29/3/14 - They confirm that they are unable to locate my credit agreement as they have previously notified me. However they do not accept that the agreement is unenforceable and they have sent me a statement, they are to continue with Debt Collection activities. Good luck with that then Argos!
                          12/06/14 Letter from Moorcroft, chasing payment and notifying me that they intend to arrange a doorstep recovery visit, consider legal action and adverse entry on my credit file - ignored[/Q

                          2 letters from Moorcroft, first dated 23/06/14 offering me monthly instalments and the second came today, if I don't contact them by the 14th July they are to commence legal action by external Solicitors, is there a template I could send them?
                          Originally posted by jassasblue View Post
                          Ok, I've been away with work for 2 weeks and returned home to several letters, some look more menacing than others, so I'll make a start, I think there are about 3 that I need advice on: Moorcroft (post 142), Studio Akinkina (post 144) and Mercers (post 143).

                          I've updated three posts as above, I appreciate any help, sorry for going on a bit, I didn't know how to post all 3 entries on the same one! Thanks in advance
                          I missed that one ...... replied to the others....

                          I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                          If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                          • Re: JASSASBLUE - UE Diary

                            Deepie you are a little gem, thank you


                            • Re: JASSASBLUE - UE Diary

                              Originally posted by jassasblue View Post
                              Account Owner Apex Credit Management, previously Egg

                              • Type of account Loan
                              • Date commenced 01/06/2005
                              • Approx balance £1821.38
                              • Date last paid DMP 25/12/2013
                              • Are you on arrangement or not paying DMP
                              • Status Default 17/07/2008

                              Letter Sent
                              Letter Received

                              03/01/14 CCA Letter sent
                              11/01/14 Letter from Apex, agreement requested from Egg
                              09/05/14 Agreement received from Apex, emailed to Niddy
                              11/05/14 Niddy says UE Terms and Conditions missing
                              24/05/14 Missing PTs letter sent to Apex
                              12/06/14 Letter from Apex in response to missing PTs - ignored!
                              Re your Apex purchased portfolio, please be advised that the prescribed terms relates to the making of the agreement not the enforcement of the agreement. As you signed within the box that states "this is a credit agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Sign it only if you want to be bound by its terms" you are liable for the outstanding balance and we will continue to pursue payment.
                              04/07/14 Letter from Apex asking me to ring and pay - ignored
                              16/07/14 Letter from Apex, disappointed I'm not responding to letters, asking me to call to make arrangement - ignored
                              23/07/14 Letter from Apex, profiling my account for litigation. If confirmed I am a homeowner or employed account to be passed to Legal Recovery Team - what should I do?


                              • Re: JASSASBLUE - UE Diary

                                Send Letter before action template.

