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Patch's Diary

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  • Re: Patch's Diary

    HBOS loan missing PT's were signed for this morning.

    Also, got a letter from Lowells dated 11th Feb saying they regret I haven't paid and I need to call them to prevent action being taken.

    Nah... I'll sit tight thanks.. lol


    • Re: Patch's Diary

      • Type of account MBNA CC (hubbys)

      • Date commenced pre 2007

      • Approx balance £2455.73

      • Date last paid £20 December 2013

      • Are you on arrangement or not paying being a goon again! *sigh* have learnt lesson though now

      • Status Default so goodness knows where the money is going?

      • Account owner Link Financial Outsourcing
      • Current state of play

      Nothing going on...
      Am sending CCA request today as am scared they are doing something behind the scenes and I can't cope with any sudden drama. Feel crap enough about all these debts so may as well start the UE ball rolling on this one as it is def pre 2007.


      • Re: Patch's Diary

        Originally posted by patchouli View Post
        I can't cope with any sudden drama. Feel crap enough about all these debts.

        No needs to feel crap about having debts. I've got 23 debts totalling £153k and I don't feel crap They've had their money back ten times over with all the interest I've paid them over the years.

        I don't think of them as debts, I think of them as lines of credit which have come to a halt. You take out a credit card not a debt card so why the name change when we suddenly can't pay them It was a credit agreement that I signed FFS not a debt agreement.

        Chin up Patch, you're just having a bad day


        • Re: Patch's Diary

          Patch planB's post above is very true, don't feel crap about having debts, Sometimes as we go through life things just don't go as we planned, but we have to shake ourselves down and first and foremost look after ourselves, sorting anything else out comes second. I am in a similar position to planB with over £130K of debts, Before I found the forum I was in despair and the future looked bleak to say the least !

          But almost four years on yes I still have the debts hanging over me for another couple of years, but hey I'm in control and can see light at the end of the tunnel.
          Whatever the reasons you find yourself in debt are totally unimportant here, what is important is you have found AAD and you will always have support to help you along your UE journey.

          Good luck


          • Re: Patch's Diary

            Goodness PlanB.. that was some snog! *re-applies lipstick*

            I know what you are all saying.. it will take me a while to get over the stigma and embarrassment I was raised with.. in our family your simply didnt get what you can't afford and if you owe... you pay up. It's going to take me a LONG while to get my head round the fact that I am not going to pay up a lot of the £27 that I owe...

            I guess once I have rocked all the boats I can then sit and watch and reply as needs... having a couple still unaware that I am going for default and UE makes nervous... So.. now MBNA know I (or rather hubby) is not paying anymore.. CCA request sent today. I know most of them will be UE.. just the 'big' one isn't

            One day at a time and all that.. plus I have had glandular fever since December 23rd and in all honesty I feel like crap.. emotionally, physically and it's not 'me'.. I'm a live wire. Not an "oh god can I just sleep a bit longer" wimp.

            Now.. I think it's just the Barclays old bank account and my Barclay card that are unaware...I need to figure out what's best to do with them. Not today though, just been to see Mr. Peabody and Sherman with 3 of the children and my Mother and am now knackered...

            I am VERY grateful for this website though.. you have no idea how much... Take todays cinema, it would NOT have happened had I not stopped paying all the stupid debts.. we simply wouldn't have had the money! So thank you... ALL of you!


            • Re: Patch's Diary

              Originally posted by patchouli View Post
              not going to pay up a lot of the £27 that I owe...

              HA!! If only!!

              £27K of course...


              • Re: Patch's Diary

                Originally posted by planB View Post
                No needs to feel crap about having debts. I've got 23 debts totalling £153k and I don't feel crap They've had their money back ten times over with all the interest I've paid them over the years.

                I don't think of them as debts, I think of them as lines of credit which have come to a halt. You take out a credit card not a debt card so why the name change when we suddenly can't pay them It was a credit agreement that I signed FFS not a debt agreement.

                Chin up Patch, you're just having a bad day
                Hi Plan B,
                You make me feel like the poor relative, I only have £100000 of debt


                • Re: Patch's Diary

                  Originally posted by helmsman View Post
                  Hi Plan B,
                  You make me feel like the poor relative, I only have £100000 of debt
                  Have I told you about my seven mortgages on top of my £153k unsecured debt

                  I recently had a meltdown of my own with debt stuff. Niddy said to me "it's only money". And that was it. I suddenly felt better. Because it's true. It's only money


                  • Re: Patch's Diary

                    Patch chin up, I had £52k debt when I found this place. Only this weekend we were out for dinner with friends when debt came up, I opened up (which I don't usually do) to share with another friend whose in a mess too, another husband really lambasted me, called me all the terrible cheats and a thief. I was a little taken aback but stood my ground, over the past 25 years I have paid more than enough in interest and they threw credit at me. I didn't pay for holidays and jewellery I paid my mortgage and put food on my children's table when my ex husband walked away from them. In the past I would have crumbled and cried and after a couple of minutes my Husband jumped in and totally supported me. The others also fought my corner in varying levels. The next morning I reflected he was a knob and I had nothing to be ashamed of, I am using a legal route to sort out my problem. You are doing amazingly, hold your head up high you are just taking back control.

                    Jane x


                    • Re: Patch's Diary

                      Patch we do not have crap on here , mustn't feel it, see it touch it , no no no chin up petal we are all here for you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                      if you do it today and you like it you can always do it again tomorrow

                      I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                      If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                      • Re: Patch's Diary

                        OK.. envelopes on my desk.

                        First opened is from Hubby's Barclaycard whom I sent a missing PT to. The letter basically says they have done all they need to do and they quote Carey v HSBC.

                        Do I need to photo and send to Niddy?

                        Next was a statement from them, they are still adding interest at £54 a month *gulp* Haven't paid since December, when will they default him and stop interest?

                        The last one is from CPP saying I bought Card Protection from them and can claim... yet it doesn't say (unless I am blind to it) what card or account they are referring to? So will ignore as I'm worried that if I start digging I may admit liability to something lol.


                        • Re: Patch's Diary

                          Originally posted by patchouli View Post

                          OK.. envelopes on my desk.

                          First opened is from Hubby's Barclaycard whom I sent a missing PT to. The letter basically says they have done all they need to do and they quote Carey v HSBC.

                          Do I need to photo and send to Niddy?

                          Next was a statement from them, they are still adding interest at £54 a month *gulp* Haven't paid since December, when will they default him and stop interest?

                          The last one is from CPP saying I bought Card Protection from them and can claim... yet it doesn't say (unless I am blind to it) what card or account they are referring to? So will ignore as I'm worried that if I start digging I may admit liability to something lol.
                          Normal response from Barclaycard.....I'd just ignore that if it were me....... and wait until you hear from Mercers.....

                          At that point they should stop interest..........
                          I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                          If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                          • Re: Patch's Diary

                            Originally posted by Deepie View Post
                            Normal response from Barclaycard.....I'd just ignore that if it were me....... and wait until you hear from Mercers.....

                            At that point they should stop interest..........
                            Awesome.. thanks!


                            • Re: Patch's Diary

                              Originally posted by patchouli View Post

                              OK.. envelopes on my desk.

                              The last one is from CPP saying I bought Card Protection from them and can claim... yet it doesn't say (unless I am blind to it) what card or account they are referring to? So will ignore as I'm worried that if I start digging I may admit liability to something lol.
                              Ok Patch, I don't think you need to worry about this letter from CPP, it is legitimate, CCP have been ordered to pay compensation back to many thousands of people who had card protection with them, you don't need to seek out which of your cards it relates to, in fact it could be mulitple cards or loans, It isn't a trick, the original card issuer is not involved in the CPP compensation issue.

                              This is totally a separate issue than the regular PPI claims currently on the go with individual card issuers.

                              With the letter you received there should be a claim form you need to sign and return by August when all claims will be considered,
                              it asks you why you think you are entitled to claim compensation, If I was you I would simply write in the box provided that you believe you was miss-sold the payment protection as the terms of the cover were not explained to you and your rights of how to cancel the policy were also not expalned to you.... leave it at that and return the form, you just might be lucky and receive some compensation back later in the year.


                              • Re: Patch's Diary

                                Originally posted by alland View Post
                                Ok Patch, I don't think you need to worry about this letter from CPP, it is legitimate, CCP have been ordered to pay compensation back to many thousands of people who had card protection with them, you don't need to seek out which of your cards it relates to, in fact it could be mulitple cards or loans, It isn't a trick, the original card issuer is not involved in the CPP compensation issue.

                                This is totally a separate issue than the regular PPI claims currently on the go with individual card issuers.

                                With the letter you received there should be a claim form you need to sign and return by August when all claims will be considered,
                                it asks you why you think you are entitled to claim compensation, If I was you I would simply write in the box provided that you believe you was miss-sold the payment protection as the terms of the cover were not explained to you and your rights of how to cancel the policy were also not expalned to you.... leave it at that and return the form, you just might be lucky and receive some compensation back later in the year.
                                Oohh.. ok... thanks!

                                I am so un-trusting, been burned too many times by false grins.

                                Will sign and send off, I thought it was odd they didn't say where they were from but if you say it's kosher then yup.. will go ahead and hopefully have a windfall by Xmyth!

                                Thank you :-)

