I looked at my statement yesterday and realised that I was being charged for Extra Care Insurance. As far as I was aware, I thought this was an insurance that applied to white goods or something I have purchased in the past... I barely use the account now though. I have had it for around 18 years and have no idea when this was applied to my account. My online statements only go back a year and I burned all my previous statements during a bout of decluttering last year...
I decided to search Extra Care Insurance to find out what it was... I did not realise that it is classed under the PPIs (I have had no other PPI claim). I am completely clueless now what to do!!
I've read a few really interesting threads on the forums, but I am completely confused
Is there anybody willing to hold my hand throughout this reclaim process at all please? Maybe give me a step by step approach? I have read elsewhere that with older accounts like mine, it is best to perhaps go straight to the underwriters (?)... and that around that time it is likely to have been Aviva.
Any advice welcome, although because I am so confused, I would really appreciate direct information and not being redirected to previous threads (some of which are a long time ago now anyway)!
Many Thanks in Advance!!!!
I looked at my statement yesterday and realised that I was being charged for Extra Care Insurance. As far as I was aware, I thought this was an insurance that applied to white goods or something I have purchased in the past... I barely use the account now though. I have had it for around 18 years and have no idea when this was applied to my account. My online statements only go back a year and I burned all my previous statements during a bout of decluttering last year...
I decided to search Extra Care Insurance to find out what it was... I did not realise that it is classed under the PPIs (I have had no other PPI claim). I am completely clueless now what to do!!
I've read a few really interesting threads on the forums, but I am completely confused

Any advice welcome, although because I am so confused, I would really appreciate direct information and not being redirected to previous threads (some of which are a long time ago now anyway)!
Many Thanks in Advance!!!!