i have one ccj with lewis group and that along with drysdenfairfax are the only 2 creditors being paid from my payplanplus account, the ccj is £3.89 a month and the outstanding balance is £680 ,we are thinking of offering these a full and final and then dumping payplan and just paying drysdenfairfax through their website .
If we do this and dump payplan will this awaken the crditors who i am dealing with on here ?
as in will payplan write and tell the creditors that we no longer deal with them , i know the debts are looking UE and some have admitted so , but we are still getting letters from them all .
please and thank you
If we do this and dump payplan will this awaken the crditors who i am dealing with on here ?
as in will payplan write and tell the creditors that we no longer deal with them , i know the debts are looking UE and some have admitted so , but we are still getting letters from them all .
please and thank you