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mehim's UE Diary

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  • Re: mehim's UE Diary

    Originally posted by Mehim View Post
    No 4 Barclaycard Credit Card
    start : Sept 2004 bal : £2,400 Now £2484
    last full : 2012
    present : Not paying
    status : Unenforceable
    DCA : None, Mercers, Resolve Call, Calder, NCO, RMA, MKPD, MKRR, MKPD, MKRR, Raven Recoveries

    March 29th:
    BCard increased my interest rate. I closed the card and asked for a copy of the original agreement. Was told it would be sent.
    March 29th:
    Letter acknowledging that they had closed the accounts.
    Called them asking where the Agreement was that they were sending me.
    May 6th:
    Letter received with Barclaycard T&Cs
    May 6th:
    Same day as above. Letter with a recon Barclaycard agreement.
    May 13th:
    Letter sent account in dispute.
    May 19th:
    Letter received explaining why I was wrong regarding s78?
    Dec 14th:
    Letter sent telling them why they were wrong re timescales. Also sent a SAR
    Dec 15th:
    Letter from them stating they sent me a final response in May, acknowledged the SAR and pointed out the parts of s78 that had been repealed. Tried to intimidate me with "Carey"


    Jan 11th:

    Uncomplete SAR received.
    Jan 16th:
    Letter sent asking for the missing information, original signed agreement, statements etc. Threw Ezsias v Welsh Ministers and said I would be making a complaint if I didn`t get the information.
    Jan 20th:
    Letter from them "Further to your recent request for information under the Data Protection Act of 1998, please find enclosed a copy of your original application" This copy actually has a stamp top right and included in that is a different card number from the one I had.
    Jan 25th:
    Letter sent asking for the missing information again, informed them it is my final request for them to comply fully with my SAR or I`m complaining to everyone I can.
    Feb 8th:
    Account in dispute letter sent.


    Feb 10th:
    CCA Request sent, bit late but what the hell. They will be even more confused than me
    Feb 24th:
    No response to my CCA request. Ignoring till they respond.
    Niddy says

    Feb 26th:

    Letter from B/card with a recon copy agreement.

    Niddy says STILL
    March 1st:
    Another set of t&cs from Barclaycard, cant be the original t&c as the default charge is £12.00
    March 16th:
    Letter letting me know I didn`t pay this one. I knew that. Also threatening ROSO, they will have a hard time unless they use one of the other Barclay cards to pay it.
    March 21st:
    Sent Telephone harassment letter.
    March 29th:
    Letter informing me they are dealing with my complaint.
    April 27th:
    Letter saying they are still looking into my complaint. They will get in touch by 27th May.
    April 27th:
    Letter about my complaint, apologising for all the calls and they have removed all present and previous numbers from their records.
    May 25th:
    Letter from Mercers, asking for payment. Niddy deemed this also a default notice.
    June 12th:
    Letter from Resolvecall, threatening a doorstep visit. They did visit when I was away. Fuckwit also called today, I told him this was in dispute with Barclaycard and if he or anyone else came to my door again, I was just calling the police.
    June 12th:
    Letter to Mercers, account in dispute.
    June 15th:
    Letter from Mercers re doorstep visit.
    July 5th:
    Sent Harassment & Intimidation Templates | Harassment Follow-Up & Threat of Injunctive Relief.
    July 24th:
    Letter thanking me for contacting them complaining. Think it is in reply to my last one sent on the 5th.
    9th August:
    Letter from Calder Financial, As I have failed to contact Mercers,
    (lol eejits I have the letter and proof of postage) They want paid within 7 days.
    11th August: Doorstep letter to Calder along with a copy of the letter to Mercer`s 12th June. Told them to read it and not be telling porkies about me not contacting Mercer.
    4th Oct:
    Letter from Barclay. Formal demand for payment and notifying me that they intend to file a default at the credit reference agencies.
    26th Oct:
    Letter from Risk Management Alternatives (RMA), This account has been passed to them, usual crap, want to arrange a payment plan to avoid further action. May also instruct Scotcall to visit me.
    31st Oct:
    Letter from Barclay informing me this has been passed to RMA.
    31st Oct:
    Reply to RMA, account in dispute and Scottish doorstep letter.
    17th November:
    Letter from NCO? Looks like they are replying for RMA. "We are in receipt of your recent correspondence relating to the above reference. This matter is being investigated and a detailed response will be provided to you once the investigation is complete."
    6th Dec:
    Letter from NCO (RMA) Final response, going to resume collection activities. lol, if any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me using the details below.
    10th Dec:
    CCA Query - Creditor Refusal to Accept UE Status posted off to NCO.
    17th Dec: Letter to NCO (RMA) re numerous calls to my mobile despite them saying in their letter received on the 6th that they would only contact me in writing as requested.


    5th March:
    Letter informing me that this account was assigned and transferred by Barclaycard to MKPD LLP late February.
    16th March:
    Letter from MKRR Further to out recent communication regarding transfer of ownership, well that`s a lie to start with lol.
    18th March:
    Letter to MKRR, Account in Dispute, Telephone Harassment and doorstep threat.
    29th march:
    Another letter from MKRR. "Regardless of our attempts to contact you by telephone and letter we still have not received your offer of payment"
    29th March:
    Letter to them informing them I did write enclosing proof of postage and their signature for receiving it.
    4th April:
    Letter from MKRR re my letter of 18th I think? Thanking me for taking the time to write, nice, They are unable to resolve the query at this time and will liaise with the OC and get back to me no later than 8 weeks.
    5th May:
    Another letter from MKDP apologising for the delay in getting information to me. Very similar to the last one.
    11th June:
    Another letter from MKDP apologising for the delay.
    18th July:
    Another letter from MKPD again apologising for the delay.
    22nd Aug:
    Another letter from MKPD again apologising for the delay.
    26th Sept:
    Another letter from MKPD again apologising for the delay.
    1st Nov:
    Letter from MKDP enclosing a recon from Barclaycard. Dated 10th June 2013, (Which I never received)​ Was also a final response from MKDP
    15th Nov:
    Final Notice from MKRR, As you have not taken up their offer of help, no option but to refer to Keynes Collections for litigation consideration to resolve this on our behalf.
    They may commence litigation blah blah.
    20th Nov:
    Threat to commence litigation letter sent.
    7th Dec:
    Letter from MKPD, Unable to resolve my query. going to conduct a full review and get back to me.


    8th Jan:
    Letter from MKDP "I write further to our letter of acknowledgement we sent regarding the above account. At this time we must apologise, as we are still unable to resolve your query.
    22nd Jan:
    Letter from MKDP, They refer me to their final response letter sent Oct 2013 and as their complaints procedure are exhausted, they are unable to enter into any further correspondence regarding this matter.
    7th Feb:
    Letter from Keynes Collections "Notice of Intended Legal Action" As you have failed to respond to previous correspondence or agree to a payment plan we have been instructed by MKDP LLP to collect the oustanding balance in accordance with your agreement. Lot more on it as well.
    10th Feb:
    Sent Letter before action letter to Keynes.
    12th Feb:
    Telephone harassment and in writing only letter sent to Keynes
    22nd Feb
    Latest from MKDP in reply to my letter to Keynes.
    "I understand you have requested further documentation in regards to the Practise-Pre-Action Conduct. You have stated in your correspondence that MKDP LLP have failed to comply with your request under s77; therefore, the account is unenforceable.
    I can confirm we have previously supplied you with Statements of Account and a Reconstituted Copy of your Credit Agreement. Your request for a copy of your credit agreement made under s77 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Please find below an extract from para 2.17 of Guidance issued by the OFT on s77/78/79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
    (Usual Bumph then re Carey). Accordingly, the creditor`s duty under s77 has been satisfied and you remain Liable for the above balances in full.
    In regards to the further documentation you have required, I can confirm we have requested this from the original creditor and this will be forwarded to you upon receipt. Further to this, you have requested communications between ourselves and the creditor, I must advise we are not obliged to provide you with this documentation" Number to call if I require anything further.
    26th Feb:
    Letter from MKDP, Further to my request for further documents, they are unable to fulfil my request. Will get back to me once they receive them
    27th Feb:
    Letter from MKDP re mine regarding telephone harassment.They don`t consider all the call harassment but have removed my number and all communications will be in writing from now on.
    4th Mar:
    Letter from MKDP enclosing the notice of assignment from B/card dated 28th Feb 2013. Informing me further to my recent communication.
    As verified in the enclosed Notice of Assignment, your account has been assigned to MKDP LLP to manage your account. MKDP LLP are now the legal owners of the account and therefore there is no liability towards Barclaycard. Once the account has been settled your credit file will be updated accordingly.
    31st Mar:
    Reminder off to Keynes Collections regarding the info asked for in reply to their LBA
    3rd Apr:
    Letter from MKDP, apologising but they are still trying to get info from B/card
    18th April:
    Letter from MKPD with a so called copy of the default notice received.
    18th April:
    Letter from MKPD enclosing a copy of their letter dated 20th March. Citing Carey, reconstituted agreement etc.
    8th May:

    ​Letter from raven recoveries, wanting the full amount paid.
    Hi again, letter from Raven recoveries wanting all my dosh.

    SWID will be winging it`s way over to the next desk.

    Many thanks for all the help i get from this brilliant site.

    ************************************************** ***********************
    OH`s MBNA

    MBNA : MBNA/Virgin : CITI : Barclaycard/ Goldfish: Barclaycard: Barclaycard/Monument: Barclaycard: Nationwide: £57,000 now Statute Barred.
    TESCO with a dodgy DN


    • Re: mehim's UE Diary

      Originally posted by Mehim View Post
      Tesco Credit Card

      Start: 2006 corrected to 2003
      Balance: £7,500 Now £7965.55
      Last Full: 2012
      Status: Enforceable but a f*cked up default notice.
      DCA: Allied International Credit, now Fredrickson International Limited, now Wescot


      Feb 10th:
      CCA request letter sent.

      Feb 24th: No response to my CCA request. Ignoring till they respond.

      March 17th:
      Letter with CCA received. I`m not too sure what pages I should be emailing Niddy.


      March 21st:

      2 letters from Tesco,
      lucky me.
      First is telling me they haven`t received a payment. Please contact them.
      Second is a default sum notice for £12. That wont be paid either.

      Niddy is checking the CCA I got from them regarding this card.

      Niddy says

      March 27th:
      Sent missing pt template letter
      March 27th:
      Letter from them, Contact us urgently to discuss this account. They also called, I told them to bugger off and put it in writing
      April 7th:
      Letter telling me I haven`t paid.
      April 11th:
      Letter wanting me to contact them urgently.
      April 19th:
      Letter , Notice sent because I am behind with payments.
      April 19th:
      Letter, Default Sum Notice.
      April 20th:
      Letter re them complying with s78.
      "I must therefore inform you that we see no reason to enter into further correspondence with you about alleged CCA breaches. If you are not satisfied with this response, you may seek whatever legal redress you consider open to you"
      They do not consider the account to be in dispute.
      April 23rd:
      Sent the following to them. Our Templates | Unenforceability Templates | CCA Query - Creditor Refusal to Accept UE Status
      April 24th:
      Letter from them. Contact their office urgently to discuss this account. RIGHTTTTTTT
      May 10th:
      Sending them the telephone harassment template letter.
      May 25th:
      Another Default Sum Notice.
      May 25th:
      Covering letter with a default notice. opps, think they did a royal f#ck up. Covering letter tells me a set number of days to remedy the default. Default notice also gives me a set number of days, no actual date.
      June 14th:
      Letter terminating the alleged CCA
      July 6th:
      Letter from Tesco "You must Pay" You have been issued with a Termination Notice and account has been passed to our recoveries team. To avoid further action pay now.
      July 20th:
      Letter telling me I still haven`t paid (I knew that) but it still not too late. They may have to take further action but prefer not to. If they don`t hear from me they will have no alternative. Contact us immediately.
      31st July:
      Letter saying "We are considering legal action to recover your debt" What this could mean, a CCJ or a Court Decree in Scotland. If you still don`t pay they may ask the court to enforce, take it from my wages, ( they will be lucky), or if a home owner etc. (house is now in OH`s name). We prefer to come to an arrangement with you to settle this debt.
      7th August 2012:
      Sent Our Templates | Unenforceability Templates | Threat by Creditor - To Commence Litigation letter.
      17th August:
      Another letter from them.

      Further action to recover your debt

      Due to the absence of an acceptable repayment arrangement and despite several attempts to contact you todiscuss this matter. we will shortly commence further action against you with the assistance of Debt Collection Agencies or Solicitors.

      If you don`t make a payment or agree to a repayment plan within seven days, we will commence further action against you.
      6th Sept:
      Another letter from Tesco threatening further action and another 7 days to contact them
      20th Sept:
      Letter from AIC.
      "The above account has been assigned to us from our client, Tesco Bank with regards to the non payment of the outstanding balance.
      We are unaware of any reason for the non payment and we encourage you to contact our office immediately to resolve the outstanding matter in a timely manner."
      24th Sept:
      Account sold in dispute template sent to AIC
      29th Sept:
      Reply from AIC. Assholes didn`t read the letter I sent. They say as I`m requesting a copy of the CCA, Tesco Bank require a £1.00 fee and if I want statements another £10.00 fee both payments made payable to AIC.

      Same envelope another letter from AIC with a copy of my letter attached. This one says I have to contact Tesco Bank for the statements and pay them as they are the legal owners of the debt.


      27th March:
      Letter from Fredrickson International, they have been instructed by Tesco Bank to collect
      29th March:
      Account in Dispute and In Writing Only, off to Freds
      13th April:
      Letter from Freds,informing me that I need to write to Tesco if I want info under s77-79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and send them £1. Account on hold for 14 days till I get the info.
      30th April:
      Letter to Freds in reply to their one dated 12th April
      10th May:
      Latest from Fred`s, thanking me for communicating with them. Matter referred to their client, will get back to me once they receive their instructions, Account on hold till then.
      13th May:
      Letter from Fred`s, thanking me for my letter dated 30th April. They have been advised that my request was cpmplied with in August 2012. All further queries regarding these documents must be sent directly to them and a fee may apply. Signed by Fredrickson International.
      13th May:
      Letter from Fred`s, thanking me for my letter dated 30th April. They have been advised that my request was cpmplied with in August 2012. All further queries regarding these documents must be sent directly to them and a fee may apply. Unsigned.
      23rd May:
      Another letter from Fred`s, ffs they don`t allow much time to respond.

      Say they wrote recently and I have failed to send an adequate response. Clear the arrears immediately to prevent continued action to recover this (alleged) debt.
      5th June:
      Latest from Fred`s, Despite attempts to negotiate a settlement of the above account, we still do not have a current arrangement in place,
      no chit sherlock
      27th June:
      Latest from Fred`s, despite previous correspondence I have failed
      (miserably I might say) to discharge this debt with their client.
      4th July:
      Letter sent to Fred`s pointing out that I did not receive any information regarding a CCA request from Tesco in August 2012 for the alleged debt
      9th Aug:
      Letter from Fred`s Thanking me for mine of the 4th July, apologising for the delay in replying to me and that they have referred it to their client.
      21st Sept:
      Letter from Fred`s referring to my recent communication, Account on hold till they take instructions from their client and I`ll hear from them or the client in due course.
      26th Sept:
      Letter from Tesco informing me that Wescot are now dealing with this .
      28th Sept:
      Letter from Wescot, to avoid Wescot taking further action, gees yer dosh.
      4th Oct:
      Sent SWID and telephone harassment letter for good measure
      10th Oct:
      Letter from Wescot, FINAL NOTICE oh dear, Please do not ignore this letter as this could result in further action being taken to recover the debt (alleged)
      18th Oct:
      Letter from Wescot, Reduced Settlement Offer. to take advantage of this offer phone us. If unable to take up this offer we will consider a realistic repayment plan.
      23rd Oct:
      We acknowledge that you have raised a dispute on this account. On hold while they investigate.
      28th Oct:
      We refer to your recent communication. Having contacted our client thay have advised their legal department have confirmed they have not received a request for documentation under the 1974 Consumer Credit Act blah, blah. Account on hold for 21 days to allow me to make a request.
      4th Nov:
      Couple of lines to Wescot informing them that Tesco informed the last company of blood sucking leeches that they had replied to my CCA request in August 2012. Informed them this was a lie and they disappeared and you, Wescot now appeared. Also informed them I had proof of postage of the request I sent in Feb 2012
      21st Nov:
      Letter from Wescot acknowledging my letter of the 4th Nov. Contacting their client, may take several weeks and will contact me to advise the outcome.
      25th Nov:
      Letter from Wescot, ​Having contacted our client, they have advised that their legal department have not received your section 78 request.
      3rd Dec:
      Letter to Wescot informing them their client`s legal department seem to be having trouble with their records as I had made a s78 request and had a letter from Tesco acknowledging this.
      21st Dec:
      Letter from Wescot. "We understand that there may be many reasons why you have not responded to us in relation to this account".
      30th Dec:
      ​Letter to them re no contact and telephone harassment included for good measure.


      30th Dec 2013:
      Letter from Wescot threatening a doorstep visit, again saying I have not been in contact with them.
      7th Jan:
      Letter to Wescot Re more lies they sent me and included the Scottish doorstep letter just in case they try and steal it.
      10th Jan:
      Letter from Wescot, reply to mine of 30th dec. confirming all data processed by them is done so in a secure manner. We have removed your phone number as requested and please accept our apologies for any upset this may have caused.
      10th Jan:
      Second letter from them, again in reply to mine of the 30th Dec. Details have been passed to their Customer Relations team for a full investigation, where applicable all other activity surrounding the relevant file will be suspended until the matter is concluded.
      11th Jan:
      Another letter from them, re mine of the 7th Jan, "In order for this matter to be investigate we require a copy of your proof of posting, your request for information, along with a copy of the acknowlegement (their spelling) letter you received from Tesco Bank." They gave me 14 days.
      30th Jan:
      Letter from them, wow almost three pages.They are acting in good faith on the info supplied by Tesco.
      6th Feb:
      Letter to them with copy of CCA my request dated 10th Feb 2012
      17th Feb:
      Letter from Wescot acknowledging mine of the 6th I think, and that I have raised a dispute with the OC. They aren`t going to speak to me till this is investigated.
      19th Feb:
      Letter from Tesco Bank, they want a correct signature to allow them to continue with my request for information.
      22nd Feb:
      ​Letter from Wescot, account on hold till they contact their client, will be in touch.
      22nd Mar:
      ​Letter from Wescot thanking me for my patience and confirming that they are waiting further information from their client.
      7th may :
      Letter from Wescot thanking me for my recent contact regarding the account. We acknowledge that you have raised a dispute etc. Will contact me to advise of any outcome.
      12th May:
      Letter from Wescot refering to my recent communication where I raised a dispute?? Account on hold till they get more info.
      Evening Everyone,

      Another letter from Wescot, don`t think they know what they are actually doing.

      Another for the ignore file I think.

      Many thanks for all the aid freely given to everyone who finds this brilliant site.

      ************************************************** ***********************
      OH`s MBNA

      MBNA : MBNA/Virgin : CITI : Barclaycard/ Goldfish: Barclaycard: Barclaycard/Monument: Barclaycard: Nationwide: £57,000 now Statute Barred.
      TESCO with a dodgy DN


      • Re: mehim's UE Diary

        Arggggggg, I have registered for the templates but now it wont let me access them

        I went to re-register incase I`d done it wrong and it tells me my user name is taken lol

        Can anyone help me please?

        ************************************************** ***********************
        OH`s MBNA

        MBNA : MBNA/Virgin : CITI : Barclaycard/ Goldfish: Barclaycard: Barclaycard/Monument: Barclaycard: Nationwide: £57,000 now Statute Barred.
        TESCO with a dodgy DN


        • Re: mehim's UE Diary

          Originally posted by Mehim View Post
          Arggggggg, I have registered for the templates but now it wont let me access them

          I went to re-register incase I`d done it wrong and it tells me my user name is taken lol

          Can anyone help me please?


          Hiya Ty, Nid manually approves members to the template section, so no panicking and you'll be accepted soon.

          Have a look here -- >

          "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"


          • Re: mehim's UE Diary

            Hi IF,

            I think I was already approved a couple of weeks ago. I was getting into the templates but not now.

            Not to worry, i`m sure it will be fixed.

            Many thanks
            ************************************************** ***********************
            OH`s MBNA

            MBNA : MBNA/Virgin : CITI : Barclaycard/ Goldfish: Barclaycard: Barclaycard/Monument: Barclaycard: Nationwide: £57,000 now Statute Barred.
            TESCO with a dodgy DN


            • Re: mehim's UE Diary

              See my latest post, they talk crap!


              • Re: mehim's UE Diary

                Originally posted by Mehim View Post
                Hi IF,

                I think I was already approved a couple of weeks ago. I was getting into the templates but not now.

                Not to worry, i`m sure it will be fixed.

                Many thanks

                I've just seen you've been a member for over a month, the only thing I can think of is you're putting in the wrong password, have you tried requesting a new one?
                Last edited by IF; 12 May 2014, 21:28.
                "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"


                • Re: mehim's UE Diary

                  Thanks, IF, I must have typed it in wrong, I`m getting access now
                  ************************************************** ***********************
                  OH`s MBNA

                  MBNA : MBNA/Virgin : CITI : Barclaycard/ Goldfish: Barclaycard: Barclaycard/Monument: Barclaycard: Nationwide: £57,000 now Statute Barred.
                  TESCO with a dodgy DN


                  • Re: mehim's UE Diary

                    Originally posted by Mehim View Post
                    Thanks, IF, I must have typed it in wrong, I`m getting access now
                    "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"


                    • Re: mehim's UE Diary

                      Originally posted by Mehim View Post
                      No 4 Barclaycard Credit Card
                      start : Sept 2004 bal : £2,400 Now £2484
                      last full : 2012
                      present : Not paying
                      status : Unenforceable
                      DCA : None, Mercers, Resolve Call, Calder, NCO, RMA, MKPD, MKRR, MKPD, MKRR, Raven Recoveries

                      March 29th:
                      BCard increased my interest rate. I closed the card and asked for a copy of the original agreement. Was told it would be sent.
                      March 29th:
                      Letter acknowledging that they had closed the accounts.
                      Called them asking where the Agreement was that they were sending me.
                      May 6th:
                      Letter received with Barclaycard T&Cs
                      May 6th:
                      Same day as above. Letter with a recon Barclaycard agreement.
                      May 13th:
                      Letter sent account in dispute.
                      May 19th:
                      Letter received explaining why I was wrong regarding s78?
                      Dec 14th:
                      Letter sent telling them why they were wrong re timescales. Also sent a SAR
                      Dec 15th:
                      Letter from them stating they sent me a final response in May, acknowledged the SAR and pointed out the parts of s78 that had been repealed. Tried to intimidate me with "Carey"


                      Jan 11th:

                      Uncomplete SAR received.
                      Jan 16th:
                      Letter sent asking for the missing information, original signed agreement, statements etc. Threw Ezsias v Welsh Ministers and said I would be making a complaint if I didn`t get the information.
                      Jan 20th:
                      Letter from them "Further to your recent request for information under the Data Protection Act of 1998, please find enclosed a copy of your original application" This copy actually has a stamp top right and included in that is a different card number from the one I had.
                      Jan 25th:
                      Letter sent asking for the missing information again, informed them it is my final request for them to comply fully with my SAR or I`m complaining to everyone I can.
                      Feb 8th:
                      Account in dispute letter sent.

                      EMAILING NIDDY

                      Feb 10th:
                      CCA Request sent, bit late but what the hell. They will be even more confused than me
                      Feb 24th:
                      No response to my CCA request. Ignoring till they respond.
                      Niddy says

                      Feb 26th:

                      Letter from B/card with a recon copy agreement.

                      EMAILING NIDDY
                      Niddy says STILL
                      March 1st:
                      Another set of t&cs from Barclaycard, cant be the original t&c as the default charge is £12.00
                      March 16th:
                      Letter letting me know I didn`t pay this one. I knew that. Also threatening ROSO, they will have a hard time unless they use one of the other Barclay cards to pay it.
                      March 21st:
                      Sent Telephone harassment letter.
                      March 29th:
                      Letter informing me they are dealing with my complaint.
                      April 27th:
                      Letter saying they are still looking into my complaint. They will get in touch by 27th May.
                      April 27th:
                      Letter about my complaint, apologising for all the calls and they have removed all present and previous numbers from their records.
                      May 25th:
                      Letter from Mercers, asking for payment. Niddy deemed this also a default notice.
                      June 12th:
                      Letter from Resolvecall, threatening a doorstep visit. They did visit when I was away. Fuckwit also called today, I told him this was in dispute with Barclaycard and if he or anyone else came to my door again, I was just calling the police.
                      June 12th:
                      Letter to Mercers, account in dispute.
                      June 15th:
                      Letter from Mercers re doorstep visit.
                      July 5th:
                      Sent Harassment & Intimidation Templates | Harassment Follow-Up & Threat of Injunctive Relief.
                      July 24th:
                      Letter thanking me for contacting them complaining. Think it is in reply to my last one sent on the 5th.
                      9th August:
                      Letter from Calder Financial, As I have failed to contact Mercers,
                      (lol eejits I have the letter and proof of postage) They want paid within 7 days.
                      11th August: Doorstep letter to Calder along with a copy of the letter to Mercer`s 12th June. Told them to read it and not be telling porkies about me not contacting Mercer.
                      4th Oct:
                      Letter from Barclay. Formal demand for payment and notifying me that they intend to file a default at the credit reference agencies.
                      26th Oct:
                      Letter from Risk Management Alternatives (RMA), This account has been passed to them, usual crap, want to arrange a payment plan to avoid further action. May also instruct Scotcall to visit me.
                      31st Oct:
                      Letter from Barclay informing me this has been passed to RMA.
                      31st Oct:
                      Reply to RMA, account in dispute and Scottish doorstep letter.
                      17th November:
                      Letter from NCO? Looks like they are replying for RMA. "We are in receipt of your recent correspondence relating to the above reference. This matter is being investigated and a detailed response will be provided to you once the investigation is complete."
                      6th Dec:
                      Letter from NCO (RMA) Final response, going to resume collection activities. lol, if any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me using the details below.
                      10th Dec:
                      CCA Query - Creditor Refusal to Accept UE Status posted off to NCO.
                      17th Dec: Letter to NCO (RMA) re numerous calls to my mobile despite them saying in their letter received on the 6th that they would only contact me in writing as requested.


                      5th March:
                      Letter informing me that this account was assigned and transferred by Barclaycard to MKPD LLP late February.
                      16th March:
                      Letter from MKRR Further to out recent communication regarding transfer of ownership, well that`s a lie to start with lol.
                      18th March:
                      Letter to MKRR, Account in Dispute, Telephone Harassment and doorstep threat.
                      29th march:
                      Another letter from MKRR. "Regardless of our attempts to contact you by telephone and letter we still have not received your offer of payment"
                      29th March:
                      Letter to them informing them I did write enclosing proof of postage and their signature for receiving it.
                      4th April:
                      Letter from MKRR re my letter of 18th I think? Thanking me for taking the time to write, nice, They are unable to resolve the query at this time and will liaise with the OC and get back to me no later than 8 weeks.
                      5th May:
                      Another letter from MKDP apologising for the delay in getting information to me. Very similar to the last one.
                      11th June:
                      Another letter from MKDP apologising for the delay.
                      18th July:
                      Another letter from MKPD again apologising for the delay.
                      22nd Aug:
                      Another letter from MKPD again apologising for the delay.
                      26th Sept:
                      Another letter from MKPD again apologising for the delay.
                      1st Nov:
                      Letter from MKDP enclosing a recon from Barclaycard. Dated 10th June 2013, (Which I never received)​ Was also a final response from MKDP
                      15th Nov:
                      Final Notice from MKRR, As you have not taken up their offer of help, no option but to refer to Keynes Collections for litigation consideration to resolve this on our behalf.
                      They may commence litigation blah blah.
                      20th Nov:
                      Threat to commence litigation letter sent.
                      7th Dec:
                      Letter from MKPD, Unable to resolve my query. going to conduct a full review and get back to me.


                      8th Jan:
                      Letter from MKDP "I write further to our letter of acknowledgement we sent regarding the above account. At this time we must apologise, as we are still unable to resolve your query.
                      22nd Jan:
                      Letter from MKDP, They refer me to their final response letter sent Oct 2013 and as their complaints procedure are exhausted, they are unable to enter into any further correspondence regarding this matter.
                      7th Feb:
                      Letter from Keynes Collections "Notice of Intended Legal Action" As you have failed to respond to previous correspondence or agree to a payment plan we have been instructed by MKDP LLP to collect the oustanding balance in accordance with your agreement. Lot more on it as well.
                      10th Feb:
                      Sent Letter before action letter to Keynes.
                      12th Feb:
                      Telephone harassment and in writing only letter sent to Keynes
                      22nd Feb
                      Latest from MKDP in reply to my letter to Keynes.
                      "I understand you have requested further documentation in regards to the Practise-Pre-Action Conduct. You have stated in your correspondence that MKDP LLP have failed to comply with your request under s77; therefore, the account is unenforceable.
                      I can confirm we have previously supplied you with Statements of Account and a Reconstituted Copy of your Credit Agreement. Your request for a copy of your credit agreement made under s77 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Please find below an extract from para 2.17 of Guidance issued by the OFT on s77/78/79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
                      (Usual Bumph then re Carey). Accordingly, the creditor`s duty under s77 has been satisfied and you remain Liable for the above balances in full.
                      In regards to the further documentation you have required, I can confirm we have requested this from the original creditor and this will be forwarded to you upon receipt. Further to this, you have requested communications between ourselves and the creditor, I must advise we are not obliged to provide you with this documentation" Number to call if I require anything further.
                      26th Feb:
                      Letter from MKDP, Further to my request for further documents, they are unable to fulfil my request. Will get back to me once they receive them
                      27th Feb:
                      Letter from MKDP re mine regarding telephone harassment.They don`t consider all the call harassment but have removed my number and all communications will be in writing from now on.
                      4th Mar:
                      Letter from MKDP enclosing the notice of assignment from B/card dated 28th Feb 2013. Informing me further to my recent communication.
                      As verified in the enclosed Notice of Assignment, your account has been assigned to MKDP LLP to manage your account. MKDP LLP are now the legal owners of the account and therefore there is no liability towards Barclaycard. Once the account has been settled your credit file will be updated accordingly.
                      24th March:
                      Letter from raven recoveries wanting my money.
                      31st Mar:
                      Reminder off to Keynes Collections regarding the info asked for in reply to their LBA
                      31st march:
                      Letter to Raven SWID
                      3rd Apr:
                      Letter from MKDP, apologising but they are still trying to get info from B/card
                      18th April:
                      Letter from MKPD with a so called copy of the default notice received.
                      18th April:
                      Letter from MKPD enclosing a copy of their letter dated 20th March. Citing Carey, reconstituted agreement etc.
                      8th May:

                      ​Letter from raven recoveries, wanting the full amount paid.
                      14th may:
                      ​Letter to raven, SWID again
                      Afternoon All,

                      sent a SWID off to Raven Recoveries for the second time. I had mixed upB/card No`s 2 and 4 but have corrected the diary now.

                      I hope everyone else is keeping up the good fight.

                      Many thanks.
                      ************************************************** ***********************
                      OH`s MBNA

                      MBNA : MBNA/Virgin : CITI : Barclaycard/ Goldfish: Barclaycard: Barclaycard/Monument: Barclaycard: Nationwide: £57,000 now Statute Barred.
                      TESCO with a dodgy DN


                      • Re: mehim's UE Diary

                        Originally posted by Mehim View Post
                        MBNA/Virgin Credit Card

                        start : Aug 2004
                        bal : £5700
                        last full : Sept 2009
                        present : not paying
                        status : default. Copy of original Application. Unenforceable

                        dca : Experto Credite, Claim Management Consultants Now Aktiv Kapital


                        Feb 25th
                        I contacted a Claims Management Company.
                        Mar 15th
                        I agreed to sign up for 3 cards.
                        Letter from CMC advising me claim was going ahead and not to sign anything from MBNA, to pass all correspondence from MBNA to them ASAP
                        May 26th
                        Letter from CMC saying nothing had been received from MBNA. They wrote telling them it was unenforceable as MBNA had not complied within the time limit. Told me I could stop paying but would get loads of hassle. I kept paying meantime.
                        Loads of calls from MBNA which I stonewalled referring them to the CMC
                        Aug 26th
                        Letter from solicitors acting on behalf of the CMC informing me that they would be writing to MBNA asking for the account to be cancelled, if not they would be raising a court action.
                        Oct 1st
                        Letter from CMC saying they had the paperwork from MBNA and the agreement was unenforceable. Again said I could stop paying it but I would get loads of hassle and they would default me. I stopped paying.


                        Loads of call which I was happy dealing with.
                        Jan 11th
                        Threatened Default Notification.
                        Feb 2nd
                        Threatogram from MBNA CCJ, Sheriff Court etc.
                        Feb 4th
                        Nice letter offering help.
                        March 8th
                        Threatened default if I didn`t pay.
                        April 3rd
                        Notice of sum in arrears.
                        April 8th
                        Letter informing me that this would soon be written off as a bad debt and a default registered against me.
                        April 15th
                        Another letter (it is not too late to stop this happening). Threatened default and recovery action. Also calls offering discount.
                        June 4th
                        Default notice sent on the 4th, remedy date 22nd. On or after this date account will be terminated (Account actually sold to Experto 16th June). Got this from uncompleted SAR response from MBNA at a later date.
                        June 30th
                        Experto Credite appeared 30th June with a letter saying Varde Investments (Ireland) Ltd were now the legal owners. Asked me to call them.
                        July 15th
                        Experto offered to negotiate a favourable discounted settlement figure.
                        Aug 18th
                        Letter from Experto. We want your money.


                        Jan 21st
                        HL Legal for experto 7 days to pay or else.
                        March 29th
                        Panic Stations Letter from accountancy firm informing me that the CMC dealing with this for me had gone down the tubes.
                        March 30th
                        letter to Accountants asking for my money back was ignored. Solicitor had already advised me there was no money.
                        April 13th
                        Bigger panic Letter from solicitors acting for the CMC, basically saying as there was no longer an indemnity , they could not advise me to go to court.
                        April 15th
                        HL Legal telling me they had instructions to issue proceeding at County Court.
                        April 20th
                        letter from me to CMC acting for me, returned, no longer there.
                        April 25th:
                        Experto threatogram re doorstep visit.
                        I wrote to them advising what the CMC solicitor had said regarding winning in court.
                        May 5th
                        Experto wrote saying they would check with MBNA regarding my dispute.
                        May 10th
                        Took stock, decided after reading all the bumph from MBNA and friends that if they were so sure of their facts, they would have taken action 2 years ago. Decided to fight on.
                        July 5th
                        Experto wrote saying MBNA confirms that there is no dispute.
                        Aug 18th:
                        Sent SAR to MBNA asking for original agreement, statements and a lot more.
                        Aug 23rd
                        Letter from MBNA saying they were unable to locate the account, asked me for DOB etc.
                        Aug 30th
                        I replied giving some information to MBNA, also asked why they didn`t know who I was as all their mail came to the same address.
                        Aug 25th
                        Experto wrote regarding the SAR I sent MBNA informing me that they, Experto did not have the original agreement.
                        Aug 26th
                        Another threatened doorstep visit.
                        Aug 31st:
                        Letter to Experto re unavailable data.
                        Sep 8th
                        I must have mentioned a notice of assignment (never received).
                        Got one from Experto on MBNA headed paper a letter on Experto headed paper undated saying they now owned the account.
                        Sept 27th
                        Letter from Experto saying Varde Investments (Ireland) Ltd own the account.
                        Sept 27th
                        Uncompleted SAR sent from Experto.
                        Oct 14th
                        Credit Management Consultants wrote saying the account had been escalated to them. Threatened doorstep visit.
                        Oct 23rd
                        I wrote to Credit Management telling them the account was in dispute.
                        Oct 25th
                        Uncompleted SAR received from MBNA.
                        I wrote informing them there was no signed copy of an agreement only a signed application form. Threw Ezsias v Welsh Ministers (2007) at them.

                        Nov 2nd
                        Disk with all calls to and from Experto.
                        Nov 2nd
                        Letter to CMC Account in dispute.
                        Nov 2nd
                        Letter to MBNA re missing items from SAR
                        Nov 9th
                        Experto replied to the above letter, Asking for my proposals re payment.
                        Nov 16th
                        Replied to Experto informing them still no original CCA.
                        Nov 18th
                        another letter from Experto apologising for their numpties telling me the agreement
                        (which they don`t have) was enforceable when only a court could decide this.
                        Nov 30th
                        More threats from my new friend Credit Management Consultants. re Bailiff`s warrant, Attachment of earnings, Charging Order.


                        Experto called once and said in the convo that they didn`t know who Credit Management Consultants were. They mentioned a letter sent in December which I never got. They said they would now send it recorded delivery, I am still waiting.
                        Jan 31st
                        Further letter to MBNA re SAR
                        Still no further response from MBNA, I warned them I will be making a complaint to all the relevant authorities.

                        That is it to date.

                        EMAILING NIDDY

                        Feb 10th
                        CCA Request sent, bit late but what the hell. They will be even more confused than me
                        Feb 24th
                        No response to my CCA request. Ignoring till they respond.

                        Niddy says

                        March 12th:
                        Letter from Akitiv Kapital. They have bought the account from Experto. I can clear the balance by paying with a card etc. lol
                        March 13th:
                        Letter sent to Aktiv, Account sold while in dispute.
                        March 20th:
                        Letter from Aktiv, account on hold till they get the information from the OC
                        April 5th:
                        Letter from Aktiv enclosing a copy of an application form and other pages.

                        Same copy that was received from MBNA and Experto, both included in partial SAR information. MBNA are still ignoring my CCA request sent February 10th this year.
                        April 6th:
                        Letter from Aktiv.
                        "Aktiv Kapital Portfolio AS, Zug Branch Limited purchased the account from Varde Investments (Ireland) Ltd.
                        We are Aktiv Kapital (UK) Limited and on behalf of the above we have requested Experto Credite to continue contacting you."

                        They also say I can clear the balance by several methods, one being by card payment.
                        I assume I just ignore this crap as well.
                        April 20th:
                        Letter received from MBNA re cca and account statements. Telling me to contact Experto for the CCA and statements are £4.00 per copy, they enclosed a list of all transaction. Please call if you require copies of the statements.
                        April 26th:
                        Letter from Aktiv. They contacted Experto for copy statements!! I SAR`ed MBNA last August and never got the statements. Aktiv have sent statements fromJune 2009 to June 2010,
                        I think this may be the period of time that Experto have had this account. They go on to say,
                        They look forward to receiving my proposals for payment within 14 days. Should they receive no response, the account will be passed to their collections division for further action.
                        3rd August:
                        Sent another request for all the statements missing from my SAR
                        9th August:
                        Another reply re the incomplete SAR. Say they responded to it but they did not send the statements which I asked for in the SAR. tell me to contact Experto who purchased the account for information regarding their response (MBNA) to my section 78 requests. They still want me to pay £4 per copy statement. Want me to call if i still want the statements.


                        17th July:
                        Letter from Aktiv with a £3700 gift voucher. llf
                        16th Sept:
                        Letter from Aktiv with another £3700+ gift voucher
                        11th Oct:
                        Letter from Aktiv with another gift voucher for £3750+


                        17th May:
                        ​Latest from Aktiv, Statement of your account with a £3752 gift voucher attached. I can use it if I pay the rest by 31st May.
                        Evening Folks,

                        Latest from Aktiv with another gift voucher. Will I use it hmmmmm, doubt it. End of this year, beginning of next this should be SB.

                        I`ll sit it out, filing this in the ignore file, unless otherwise guided.

                        Many many thanks for all the help received.

                        ************************************************** ***********************
                        OH`s MBNA

                        MBNA : MBNA/Virgin : CITI : Barclaycard/ Goldfish: Barclaycard: Barclaycard/Monument: Barclaycard: Nationwide: £57,000 now Statute Barred.
                        TESCO with a dodgy DN


                        • Re: mehim's UE Diary

                          Originally posted by Mehim View Post
                          No 2 Barclaycard/MDSW Credit Card

                          start : Before 2005, Unsure when
                          bal : £4,000 Now £4700
                          last full : 2012
                          present : Not paying
                          status : Unenforceable
                          dca : Mercers, Calders, Credit Solutions, MKRR, MKPD, MKRR


                          March 29th
                          March BCard increased my interest rate. I closed the card and asked for a copy of the original agreement. Was told it would be sent.
                          March 29th
                          Letter received confirming account closure.
                          Called them asking where the Agreement was that they were sending me.
                          May 11th
                          Letter received rabbiting on about s78 request, that they will respond ASAP
                          Dec 14th
                          I sent account in dispute as they never got back to me.
                          Dec 20th
                          Letter from them apologising and thanking me for allowing them to respond.


                          Jan 11th
                          Letter from them rabbiting on about s78 and T&C for MDSW card.
                          Jan 11th
                          Same date another letter with T&C for a Barclay Credit Card.
                          Jan 16th
                          Sent a reply asking them where I had asked anything under s78, also sent in a SAR
                          Feb 2nd
                          Received an incomplete SAR, no original agreement, (Recon one included)
                          No statements.

                          Feb 10th
                          CCA Request sent, bit late but what the hell. They will be even more confused than me
                          Feb 24th
                          Reply regarding CCA request. Wrong original application form sent to me, name etc belongs to someone in Sheffield.

                          Feb 24th
                          Wrong response to my CCA request. Ignoring till they respond.
                          March 8th:
                          Letter with a recon agreement. Blank sheet with the previous person`s name and address top left. Box with right to cancel further down and a set of MDSW T&Cs. Late fee is £15.00, I am not sure if this was the late fee when I started the card, think it was probably £25.00
                          March 8th:
                          Letter same day with a copy of Barclaycard T&Cs
                          March 17th
                          Late payment note with statement.

                          March 21st
                          Sent Telephone harassment letter
                          March 29th
                          Letter informing me they are dealing with my complaint.
                          April 27th:
                          Letter saying they are still looking into my complaint. They will get in touch by 27th May.
                          April 27th:
                          Letter about my complaint, apologising for all the calls and they have removed all present and previous numbers from their records.
                          May 25th:
                          Letter from Mercers, wanting paid. This is also a default notice.
                          June 12th:
                          Letter to Mercers, No CCA received.
                          June 15th:
                          Letter from Mercers re doorstep visit
                          July 5th:
                          Sent Harassment & Intimidation Templates | Harassment Follow-Up & Threat of Injunctive Relief.
                          July 24th:
                          Letter thanking me for contacting them complaining. Think it is in reply to my last one sent on the 5th.
                          13th August:
                          Letter from Calder blah, blah, blah
                          13th August
                          Doorstep letter to Calder along with a copy of the letter to Mercer`s June. Told them to read it and not be telling porkies about me not contacting Mercer. Also said to ask the guy along the corridor why he was telling lies about me
                          12th Sept:
                          Another letter from Calder saying I`ve not been in touch with Mercers.
                          13th Oct:
                          Letter from Barclay informing me that the account has now been passed to Credit Solutions Ltd to manage the collection of the balance.
                          16th Oct:
                          Account in dispute template letter sent to Credit Solutions
                          17/18 Oct:
                          Letter from Credit Solutions, Formal Demand
                          8th Nov:
                          Response to the Account in Dispute Template letter.

                          "In your letter you state the account is currently in dispute as they have failed to comply with your request under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. I can confirm that according to the notes on our system prior to receiving your above mentioned letter we have not received any request from you under the Consumer Credit Act 1972, however you may have sent this to our client.
                          In order for us to raise your dispute with our client we require more information regarding your request.
                          We need to clarify the following:-
                          Whether you have or have NOT received any documentation from the client since your request was made
                          Whether you have paid the statutory fee of £1.00 (your request would not have been processed if this fee was not paid)"
                          12th Nov:
                          Letter to Credit Solutions.

                          "I write in reference to your recent letter dated 6th November 2012 and note the content.
                          I can confirm that this account is formally in dispute with Barclaycard and has been since they failed to acknowledge my Consumer Credit Agreement (CCA) Request, in line with s.77-s.79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (CCA1974)."


                          5th March:
                          Letter informing me that this account was assigned and transferred by Barclaycard to MKPD LLP late February.
                          16th March:
                          Letter from MKRR Further to out recent communication regarding transfer of ownership,
                          well that`s a lie to start with lol.
                          18th March:
                          Letter to MKRR, Account in Dispute, Telephone Harassment and doorstep threat.
                          29th march:
                          Another letter from MKRR. "Regardless of our attempts to contact you by telephone and letter we still have not received your offer of payment"
                          29th March:
                          Letter to them informing them I did write enclosing proof of postage and their signature for receiving it
                          15th April:
                          Letter from MKDP (that`s different always been MKRR in the past.)informing me that they are unable to fulfil my request!! What request I ask myself.
                          5th May:
                          Another letter from MKDP apologising for the delay in getting information to me. Very similar to the last one
                          11th June:
                          Another letter from MKPD again apologising for the delay.
                          18th July:
                          Another letter from MKPD again apologising for the delay.
                          22nd Aug:
                          Another letter from MKPD again apologising for the delay.
                          7th Sept:
                          Letter from MKPD. Further to your recent communication (that would be in March), please find enclosed documents you have requested.
                          Reconstituted credit agreement enclosed.
                          We request you contact us,
                          gees yer dosh.
                          26th Sept
                          Another letter from MKPD again apologising for the delay ??!!!
                          26th Oct:
                          Another letter with 3 random Barclaycard statements from July, Aug, Sept 2012
                          15th Nov:
                          Final Notice from MKRR, As you have not taken up their offer of help, no option but to refer to Keynes Collections for litigation consideration to resolve this on our behalf.
                          They may commence litigation blah blah
                          20th Nov:
                          Threat to commence litigation letter send
                          7th Dec:
                          Letter from MKPD, Unable to resolve my query. going to conduct a full review and get back to me.


                          8th Jan:
                          Letter from MKDP "I write further to our letter of acknowledgement we sent regarding the above account. At this time we must apologise, as we are still unable to resolve your query"
                          22nd Jan:
                          Letter from MKDP, Final response, I have six months to go to FOS if I`m not happy.
                          7th Feb:
                          Letter from Keynes Collections "Notice of Intended Legal Action" As you have failed to respond to previous correspondence or agree to a payment plan we have been instructed by MKDP LLP to collect the outstanding balance in accordance with your agreement. Lot more on it as well.
                          10th Feb:
                          Sent Letter before action letter to Keynes.
                          12th Feb:
                          Telephone harassment and in writing only letter sent to Keynes
                          22nd Feb
                          Latest from MKDP in reply to my letter to Keynes.
                          "I understand you have requested further documentation in regards to the Practise-Pre-Action Conduct. You have stated in your correspondence that MKDP LLP have failed to comply with your request ubder s77; therefore, the account is unenforceable.
                          I can confirm we have previously supplied you with Statements of Account and a Reconstituted Copy of your Credit Agreement. Your request for a copy of your credit agreement made under s77 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Please find below an extract from para 2.17 of Guidence issued by the OFT on s77/78/79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
                          (Usual Bumph then re Carey). Accordingly
                          , the creditor`s duty under s77 has been satisfied and you remain Liable for the above balances in full.
                          In regards to the further documentation you have required, I can confirm we have requested this from the original creditor and this will be forwarded to you upon receipt. Further to this, you have requested communications between ourselves and the creditor, I must advise we are not obliged to provide you with this documentation" Number to call if I require anything further.
                          26th feb:
                          from MKDP apologising for the delay.
                          27th Feb:
                          Letter from MKDP re mine regarding telephone harassment.They don`t consider all the call harassment but have removed my number and all communications will be in writing from now on.
                          4th Mar:
                          Letter from MKDP enclosing the notice of assignment from B/card dated 28th Feb 2013. Informing me further to my recent communication.
                          As verified in the enclosed Notice of Assignment, your account has been assigned to MKDP LLP to manage your account. MKDP LLP are now the legal owners of the account and therefore there is no liability towards Barclaycard. Once the account has been settled your credit file will be updated accordingly.
                          31st Mar:
                          Reminder off to Keynes Collections regarding the info asked for in reply to their LBA
                          18th April:
                          Letter from MKPD re mine of the 31st March
                          3rd April:
                          Letter from MKDP apologising for the delay.
                          18th April:
                          Letter from MKDP copy of default notice.
                          20th May:
                          Letter from Raven Recoveries wanting my money.
                          26th May:
                          ​SWID off to Raven.

                          Afternoon Everyone,

                          Latest from Raven, I`ll pop of a SWID to them.

                          Many thanks for all the help given on the site.

                          ************************************************** ***********************
                          OH`s MBNA

                          MBNA : MBNA/Virgin : CITI : Barclaycard/ Goldfish: Barclaycard: Barclaycard/Monument: Barclaycard: Nationwide: £57,000 now Statute Barred.
                          TESCO with a dodgy DN


                          • Re: mehim's UE Diary

                            Keep it all crossed mate. Not long to go
                            I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                            If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                            • Re: mehim's UE Diary

                              Hi Niddy,

                              many thanks for all the help you and you fellow helpers have given me over the last couple of years.
                              ************************************************** ***********************
                              OH`s MBNA

                              MBNA : MBNA/Virgin : CITI : Barclaycard/ Goldfish: Barclaycard: Barclaycard/Monument: Barclaycard: Nationwide: £57,000 now Statute Barred.
                              TESCO with a dodgy DN


                              • Re: mehim's UE Diary

                                Originally posted by Mehim View Post
                                No 4 Barclaycard Credit Card
                                start : Sept 2004 bal : £2,400 Now £2484
                                last full : 2012
                                present : Not paying
                                status : Unenforceable
                                DCA : None, Mercers, Resolve Call, Calder, NCO, RMA, MKPD, MKRR, MKPD, MKRR, Raven Recoveries

                                March 29th:
                                BCard increased my interest rate. I closed the card and asked for a copy of the original agreement. Was told it would be sent.
                                March 29th:
                                Letter acknowledging that they had closed the accounts.
                                Called them asking where the Agreement was that they were sending me.
                                May 6th:
                                Letter received with Barclaycard T&Cs
                                May 6th:
                                Same day as above. Letter with a recon Barclaycard agreement.
                                May 13th:
                                Letter sent account in dispute.
                                May 19th:
                                Letter received explaining why I was wrong regarding s78?
                                Dec 14th:
                                Letter sent telling them why they were wrong re timescales. Also sent a SAR
                                Dec 15th:
                                Letter from them stating they sent me a final response in May, acknowledged the SAR and pointed out the parts of s78 that had been repealed. Tried to intimidate me with "Carey"


                                Jan 11th:

                                Uncomplete SAR received.
                                Jan 16th:
                                Letter sent asking for the missing information, original signed agreement, statements etc. Threw Ezsias v Welsh Ministers and said I would be making a complaint if I didn`t get the information.
                                Jan 20th:
                                Letter from them "Further to your recent request for information under the Data Protection Act of 1998, please find enclosed a copy of your original application" This copy actually has a stamp top right and included in that is a different card number from the one I had.
                                Jan 25th:
                                Letter sent asking for the missing information again, informed them it is my final request for them to comply fully with my SAR or I`m complaining to everyone I can.
                                Feb 8th:
                                Account in dispute letter sent.

                                EMAILING NIDDY

                                Feb 10th:
                                CCA Request sent, bit late but what the hell. They will be even more confused than me
                                Feb 24th:
                                No response to my CCA request. Ignoring till they respond.
                                Niddy says

                                Feb 26th:

                                Letter from B/card with a recon copy agreement.

                                EMAILING NIDDY
                                Niddy says STILL
                                March 1st:
                                Another set of t&cs from Barclaycard, cant be the original t&c as the default charge is £12.00
                                March 16th:
                                Letter letting me know I didn`t pay this one. I knew that. Also threatening ROSO, they will have a hard time unless they use one of the other Barclay cards to pay it.
                                March 21st:
                                Sent Telephone harassment letter.
                                March 29th:
                                Letter informing me they are dealing with my complaint.
                                April 27th:
                                Letter saying they are still looking into my complaint. They will get in touch by 27th May.
                                April 27th:
                                Letter about my complaint, apologising for all the calls and they have removed all present and previous numbers from their records.
                                May 25th:
                                Letter from Mercers, asking for payment. Niddy deemed this also a default notice.
                                June 12th:
                                Letter from Resolvecall, threatening a doorstep visit. They did visit when I was away. Fuckwit also called today, I told him this was in dispute with Barclaycard and if he or anyone else came to my door again, I was just calling the police.
                                June 12th:
                                Letter to Mercers, account in dispute.
                                June 15th:
                                Letter from Mercers re doorstep visit.
                                July 5th:
                                Sent Harassment & Intimidation Templates | Harassment Follow-Up & Threat of Injunctive Relief.
                                July 24th:
                                Letter thanking me for contacting them complaining. Think it is in reply to my last one sent on the 5th.
                                9th August:
                                Letter from Calder Financial, As I have failed to contact Mercers,
                                (lol eejits I have the letter and proof of postage) They want paid within 7 days.
                                11th August: Doorstep letter to Calder along with a copy of the letter to Mercer`s 12th June. Told them to read it and not be telling porkies about me not contacting Mercer.
                                4th Oct:
                                Letter from Barclay. Formal demand for payment and notifying me that they intend to file a default at the credit reference agencies.
                                26th Oct:
                                Letter from Risk Management Alternatives (RMA), This account has been passed to them, usual crap, want to arrange a payment plan to avoid further action. May also instruct Scotcall to visit me.
                                31st Oct:
                                Letter from Barclay informing me this has been passed to RMA.
                                31st Oct:
                                Reply to RMA, account in dispute and Scottish doorstep letter.
                                17th November:
                                Letter from NCO? Looks like they are replying for RMA. "We are in receipt of your recent correspondence relating to the above reference. This matter is being investigated and a detailed response will be provided to you once the investigation is complete."
                                6th Dec:
                                Letter from NCO (RMA) Final response, going to resume collection activities. lol, if any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me using the details below.
                                10th Dec:
                                CCA Query - Creditor Refusal to Accept UE Status posted off to NCO.
                                17th Dec: Letter to NCO (RMA) re numerous calls to my mobile despite them saying in their letter received on the 6th that they would only contact me in writing as requested.


                                5th March:
                                Letter informing me that this account was assigned and transferred by Barclaycard to MKPD LLP late February.
                                16th March:
                                Letter from MKRR Further to out recent communication regarding transfer of ownership, well that`s a lie to start with lol.
                                18th March:
                                Letter to MKRR, Account in Dispute, Telephone Harassment and doorstep threat.
                                29th march:
                                Another letter from MKRR. "Regardless of our attempts to contact you by telephone and letter we still have not received your offer of payment"
                                29th March:
                                Letter to them informing them I did write enclosing proof of postage and their signature for receiving it.
                                4th April:
                                Letter from MKRR re my letter of 18th I think? Thanking me for taking the time to write, nice, They are unable to resolve the query at this time and will liaise with the OC and get back to me no later than 8 weeks.
                                5th May:
                                Another letter from MKDP apologising for the delay in getting information to me. Very similar to the last one.
                                11th June:
                                Another letter from MKDP apologising for the delay.
                                18th July:
                                Another letter from MKPD again apologising for the delay.
                                22nd Aug:
                                Another letter from MKPD again apologising for the delay.
                                26th Sept:
                                Another letter from MKPD again apologising for the delay.
                                1st Nov:
                                Letter from MKDP enclosing a recon from Barclaycard. Dated 10th June 2013, (Which I never received)​ Was also a final response from MKDP
                                15th Nov:
                                Final Notice from MKRR, As you have not taken up their offer of help, no option but to refer to Keynes Collections for litigation consideration to resolve this on our behalf.
                                They may commence litigation blah blah.
                                20th Nov:
                                Threat to commence litigation letter sent.
                                7th Dec:
                                Letter from MKPD, Unable to resolve my query. going to conduct a full review and get back to me.


                                8th Jan:
                                Letter from MKDP "I write further to our letter of acknowledgement we sent regarding the above account. At this time we must apologise, as we are still unable to resolve your query.
                                22nd Jan:
                                Letter from MKDP, They refer me to their final response letter sent Oct 2013 and as their complaints procedure are exhausted, they are unable to enter into any further correspondence regarding this matter.
                                7th Feb:
                                Letter from Keynes Collections "Notice of Intended Legal Action" As you have failed to respond to previous correspondence or agree to a payment plan we have been instructed by MKDP LLP to collect the oustanding balance in accordance with your agreement. Lot more on it as well.
                                10th Feb:
                                Sent Letter before action letter to Keynes.
                                12th Feb:
                                Telephone harassment and in writing only letter sent to Keynes
                                22nd Feb
                                Latest from MKDP in reply to my letter to Keynes.
                                "I understand you have requested further documentation in regards to the Practise-Pre-Action Conduct. You have stated in your correspondence that MKDP LLP have failed to comply with your request under s77; therefore, the account is unenforceable.
                                I can confirm we have previously supplied you with Statements of Account and a Reconstituted Copy of your Credit Agreement. Your request for a copy of your credit agreement made under s77 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Please find below an extract from para 2.17 of Guidance issued by the OFT on s77/78/79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
                                (Usual Bumph then re Carey). Accordingly, the creditor`s duty under s77 has been satisfied and you remain Liable for the above balances in full.
                                In regards to the further documentation you have required, I can confirm we have requested this from the original creditor and this will be forwarded to you upon receipt. Further to this, you have requested communications between ourselves and the creditor, I must advise we are not obliged to provide you with this documentation" Number to call if I require anything further.
                                26th Feb:
                                Letter from MKDP, Further to my request for further documents, they are unable to fulfil my request. Will get back to me once they receive them
                                27th Feb:
                                Letter from MKDP re mine regarding telephone harassment.They don`t consider all the call harassment but have removed my number and all communications will be in writing from now on.
                                5th Mar:
                                Letter from MKDP enclosing the notice of assignment from B/card dated 28th Feb 2013. Informing me further to my recent communication.
                                As verified in the enclosed Notice of Assignment, your account has been assigned to MKDP LLP to manage your account. MKDP LLP are now the legal owners of the account and therefore there is no liability towards Barclaycard. Once the account has been settled your credit file will be updated accordingly.
                                24th March:
                                Letter from raven recoveries wanting my money.
                                31st Mar:
                                Reminder off to Keynes Collections regarding the info asked for in reply to their LBA
                                31st march:
                                Letter to Raven SWID
                                3rd Apr:
                                Letter from MKDP, apologising but they are still trying to get info from B/card
                                18th April:
                                Letter from MKPD with a so called copy of the default notice received.
                                18th April:
                                Letter from MKPD enclosing a copy of their letter dated 20th March. Citing Carey, reconstituted agreement etc.
                                8th May:

                                ​Letter from raven recoveries, wanting the full amount paid.
                                14th May:
                                ​Letter to raven, SWID again.
                                31st May:
                                Letter from MKDP in response to my SWID to Raven. hey refer to my letter dated 14th May and say a final response was issued on 19th january 2014 which informed me of the final response given in October 2013
                                Afternoon All,

                                Got a reply in response to my SWID to Raven, MKDP kindly wrote it for them.

                                Not too sure if it even needs a reply.

                                ************************************************** ***********************
                                OH`s MBNA

                                MBNA : MBNA/Virgin : CITI : Barclaycard/ Goldfish: Barclaycard: Barclaycard/Monument: Barclaycard: Nationwide: £57,000 now Statute Barred.
                                TESCO with a dodgy DN

