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Natwest PPI

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  • Natwest PPI


    I received my SAR for credit card I have with Natwest but they only sent me 6 year, and mine is 6 years and 6 months, so there is 6 months missing.

    Also the ppi, I know it was misold over the phone, when I called to activate the card, the guy forced me to take it, and I kept saying no, he then suggested to take it and call to cancel, so I said yes but then I forgot for couple of years, I remember the conversation so well because he was so persistent.

    Now I expect to get some paper I signed for PPI?? they sent me my application but no ppi papers she just said " with regards to your payment protection insurance, the premiums appear on the enclosed statements"

    Do I write back asking for the rest of my statements ?? is there 6 yr limit on ppi?

  • #2
    Re: Natwest PPI

    Firstly there is no limit on PPi reclaims. That said the banks are starting to agitate for one.

    Next have a look on the application. Was PPI ticked as wanted? Its always best to think about what happened and how to shoot down what they will try to use to stop the claim. Take time on this,

    Up to you if you want the first 6 months. They may be able to duck behind not keeping stuff beyond 6 years. I would go to the CEO straight away dont bother with the munchkins if you do decide to chase them.

    Your doing fine you have the proof you had PPI so next its onto how we prove they miss sold it to you.


    • #3
      Re: Natwest PPI

      Hi Sara

      Sounds like you do have a good case here in regards of being mis sold the PPI, now it's just trying to prove it, so they will have to take your word for it and consider their actions on this.

      I think with what Ken said about writing/contacting, or even emailing the CEO is a good idea.
      No harm in mentioning about being 6 down on the statements, see if they do come back with anything else.


      • #4
        Re: Natwest PPI add you were basically being pressurised to take out the PPI, and you were directly told to then take it out, then to cancel later on by the adviser over the telephone call.
        Even though this is a good reason to make a reclaim, is there any other possible reasons that may have also applied at the time you taken it out?

        For example, were you unemployed?
        If working were you working for less than 16 hours a week?
        Any Pre existing med conditions at the time it was sold to you?
        Did you already have cover elsewhere, for eg, employer for sickness, or any stand alone protection?

        The list is endless, but if anything else applies, do also enclose all on the complaint letter.


        • #5
          Re: Natwest PPI

          Thank you for the replies

          Ken, no tick in the box, the thing though I remember getting this credit card online but they sent me my signed form, I guess they sent me paper work to sign after but I am sure it was online application, and ppi over the phone.


          Apart from been forced to take this, they can listen to the conversation if they like. I also get sick pay at work.


          • #6
            Re: Natwest PPI

            My take on this and take Di's guidance.

            You need as much proof it was a waste of time and money to you.

            A I said this and they said that complaint doesnt have much proof.

            Those 6 early statements could be crucial. If you had balance on the card but the PPI didnt start for a few months then your recollection of the phonecall sale is strengthened.

            See where Di and I are going. You have a good reason to complain but Natpest have good reason still to reject and jerk you about.

            Medical conditions staff perks employment status etc etc etc all come in to play.

            At present its your word against theirs.

            For me you have PPI existed. You have an application form showing no box ticked on inception therefore some other event has initiated the PPI.

            Your recollection of the phonecall will probably be correct.

            They have mislaid or lost or dont want you to see 6 statements. Why?

            All looking good so far.

            But would strongly advise follow Di's extra reasons.


            • #7
              Re: Natwest PPI

              You guys are amazing, every section I visit I get great support that makes me want to cry. I have been a forum geek all my life, and I thought I have seen it all, never been to a place like this.


              • #8
                Re: Natwest PPI

                be prepared for a knock back as natwest are not the best at admitting defeat you will get a reply stateing you was sold this on a none advise basis blah blah and there final response then they will just keep ignoring you. PPI exposé: how the banks drove staff to mis-sell the insurance | Money | you can also try incorperating this into your letters hope this helps
                at the start of this journey i owed
                £52000.00 UNSECURED £5000.00 SECURED
                £0000.00 secured debt as of 17/12/2010 fingers crossed
                on 14/07/2012 i now have £32.000 unsecured and £15.000 unenforceable [thanks to niddy and aad ]
                as of 17/03/13 its now £26K AND £15K UE


                • #9
                  Re: Natwest PPI


                  Any updates on this please? Cheers

