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sick x

  • AAD News Feed
    started a topic Price of stamps to rise next month

    Price of stamps to rise next month

    Price of stamps to rise next month

    This is a duplicate of the Blog Entry made on: 25th February 2017 08:10
    The prices of first and second class stamps are to rise by 1p from 27 March, Royal Mail has announced.

    It will take the price of a first class stamp to 65p, and
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  • Civil service classic pension early release of pension due to ill health

    Are there any pension experts? I'm just starting stage two of appeal for my pension on ill health. Stage one was refused even though I have medical evidence to prove my problems permanent, they are still using their opinion that it's not.
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  • sebaab
    started a topic sebaab's diary

    sebaab's diary

    Short history. Mid 2005 to 2008 overspent on credit cards trying to support family on lowish wages. Wife not working due to disabled son. 2008 wife suffers sudden illness so I have to take 10 months off work on half pay to look after 3 kids. Can't afford credit card repayments so slip into overdraft...
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    Last edited by sebaab; 29 April 2017, 15:55.

  • Advice on having small debts written off while on sick


    this is my first post here

    currently i have 12 creditors and the balance on 8 of them are all under £150, with me being off work currently due to health reasons i was wondering if its worth writing to these creditors and asking if they will write the debts off due to...
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  • Natty
    started a topic How could I let this happen again....

    How could I let this happen again....

    Dear All,

    I am finding it so difficult writing this post, but I really do not have anyone else to turn to. I know I have been extremely foolish, and I know my friends will not judge me on here.

    Due to a difficult few months I have got involved in PDL yet again, I am beyond...
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  • qwerty123
    started a topic Letter from DWP

    Letter from DWP

    Hi Everyone sorry if i go on bit but I'm feeling sick and low ...

    My wife gets Contribution ESA in support group, Going back a bit she was getting income related ESA as we had a split where i moved out for three years, we sorted and i moved back and pledged to help by getting a job etc,...
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  • Tropical fish question if anyone can help please

    Got some guppies neons and some others can't remember the name.

    One of the neons have got like black on its body looks like inside his body the orange at his tail is almost gone now and the blue is fading too he seems happy enough , swimming around eating but just wonder if this could...
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    Last edited by Spent2much; 3 March 2016, 18:23.

  • EU referendum: Cameron announces date of vote

    The prime minister made his historic statement in Downing Street after briefing the cabinet on his EU reform deal.

    He said he had told ministers he will recommend remaining in a reformed EU.

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  • Spent2much
    started a topic Received my PIP form today

    Received my PIP form today

    I just received my PIP form today and im not going through with it , just had a massive panic attack reading all about the assessment i can't cope with this anxiety over this and waiting for the assessment will cause me more illness im in tears here and there is no way im going to put a claim in i just...
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  • Tibby
    started a topic Worried sick about overpayment

    Worried sick about overpayment

    So glad i have found this forum three weeks ago a letter arrived from the DWP telling me i had a interview with a compliance officer i had to google what this was and found out it was some sort of fraud investigator.So i rang the number on the letter and was told that i was over the limit of £6000...
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  • Paris attacks: Hollande blames Islamic State for 'act of war'

    The near-simultaneous attacks in Paris that killed at least 127 people and wounded more than 180 were an "act of war" organised by Islamic State, says France's President Francois Hollande.

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  • AAD News Feed
    started a topic time to sell up your home OAPs told

    time to sell up your home OAPs told

    time to sell up your home OAPs told

    This is a duplicate of the Blog Entry made on 19th September 2015 09:46.

    Anger as financial watchdog tells elderly to downsize to tackle housing shortage * *Financial watchdog tells the elderly to downsize to tackle...

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  • Iain Duncan Smith plans changes to benefit assessments

    Iain Duncan Smith plans changes to benefit assessments

    This is a duplicate of the Blog Entry made on 24th August 2015 18:41.

    *Iain Duncan Smith is planning a shake-up of the rules on sickness benefit to encourage more people into work. * The work and pensions secretary......
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  • Debbs
    started a topic Dispute with Financial Advisor Network

    Dispute with Financial Advisor Network

    Can you help me please. I joined a Mortgage network in 2005 as a Mortgage Advisor and left in 2008/9 after the credit crunch hit. One of my clients in 2014 put a PPI claim in against the company who I arranged their sickness cover with. My network handled the claim but could not come to an agreement...
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  • Tunisia and cancelling holiday just booked

    My son booked a holiday in the resort that has just been terrorised on Thursday , paid a deposit for next May .

    Can he get his deposit back he paid it on his credit card ?

    I'm worried sick now i don't want them to go .
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