Re: Where is Cameron
Did you see Cameron on News at 10.
"some parts of Britain and Broken and other parts are Sick"
I wonder if he has looked in the mirror recently? doesn't he remember his student years.
The Story of the Bullingdon Club reminds me of the difference between the Ordinary Ranks in the Army, Navy or Airforce and their respective Officers.
If you get drunk in the NAFFI and cause trouble there is a wide raft of charges and punishments that get thrown at you.
If you are an Officer and take the Grand Piano out of the Bar and get towed down the Runway at speed while playing that Piano naked (as done by a Group Captain I knew) as long as you include the damage on your mess bill, it's just classed as High Spirits.
Not that this story really has anything to do with the Chavs rampaging on the streets. I only use it as an example of the gulf between the so called top people and the masses.
They are in such a protective bubble they are too removed from the rest of us to give rational leadership.
Who says we live in a classless society.

Regards all, Handy
Did you see Cameron on News at 10.
"some parts of Britain and Broken and other parts are Sick"
I wonder if he has looked in the mirror recently? doesn't he remember his student years.
The Story of the Bullingdon Club reminds me of the difference between the Ordinary Ranks in the Army, Navy or Airforce and their respective Officers.
If you get drunk in the NAFFI and cause trouble there is a wide raft of charges and punishments that get thrown at you.
If you are an Officer and take the Grand Piano out of the Bar and get towed down the Runway at speed while playing that Piano naked (as done by a Group Captain I knew) as long as you include the damage on your mess bill, it's just classed as High Spirits.
Not that this story really has anything to do with the Chavs rampaging on the streets. I only use it as an example of the gulf between the so called top people and the masses.
They are in such a protective bubble they are too removed from the rest of us to give rational leadership.
Who says we live in a classless society.

Regards all, Handy
